This past week I had the joy and privilege of uh getting away for a few days
with my wife and my kiddos up north, the Flagstaff and it was a lot of fun. We
got to play in the snow a little bit. Although we had to go up to snowball, uh
where they manufacture snow, which is an interesting concept, but it was great.
And so we were playing in the snow and just hanging out and, you know, drinking
hot chocolate, playing with the kiddos doing things that families with young
kiddos do. Well, one of the favorite things that my daughter loved to do on that
trip and she just turned, she's four, almost five is that she has now entered
the Barbie stage of little girlhood and this is new for me as a dad. I, I have a
boy who's 12, 8. I'm used to like tackling, throwing a football, you know,
wrestling. And now with a little girl, I'm, I'm not used to Barbies, but we got
up there and my, my daughter Chloe was like, daddy, let's play Barbies. And I'm
like, ok, I'm not sure what to do and, but I figured it out though. We ended up
having a really intense dance competition between Tabitha and Sophie. Those are
the names that we gave them. And, and so, and just, you know, I won, I won the
competition um because I'm competitive like that. No. And so I just play, was
playing Barbies with my, with my daughter. I love being a girl dad and just, you
know, combing her hair and drinking pretend tea and haven't gone as far as
decorating the nails yet. Any da uh dads of girls already had their nails
painted or remember those? OK. We have for those watching online. We have the,
even since reliving some childhood memories right now right in front of us. So,
uh I haven't gotten that far yet, but we were enjoying just playing together. It
was great. It was a great time with the family. And so after we were playing
Chloe just jumped in my lap and, and leaned in real close and she goes, dad,
what's that? And she started poking me and I was like, OK, I get it. Chloe.
Daddy's put on a few pounds. OK? You don't have to. She was no daddy. What's
that? And she started tapping my chest like this and then she put her head in
real close and she goes daddy, I hear it and I was like, is she hearing voices?
Like, should I be worried? Like, maybe we shouldn't play so realistically with
the Barbies like what's going on and she says no daddy, I hear it and she goes,
I hear your heartbeat, hear mine. And she stands up like this and for the next
couple of minutes she just sat there in my lap. And what I love about that
moment is that here. I had my four year old daughter. She's not concerned about
COVID. She's not concerned about financial stress or whatever. All of us adults
are worried about. The only thing she cared about in that moment was that she
was sitting on the lap of her father and she was close enough to hear his
heartbeat. And if you think about it, if you've ever heard a heartbeat, there's
something soothing about it, isn't it? BB? Think about even going to a medical
office, a doctor's office, which can we agree? Like the, I think we can make
doctor's offices a little bit cozier than they are. Like, why is it that, like,
it's always like a cold room, fluorescent lighting, a random landscape picture
on one wall, on the other wall. Like a picture of anatomy with all the diseases
that could go wrong. And now you just, you get more stressed when you go into
the doctor's office, like, oh, what is that? Do I have that? What is that? And
you look on the wall? But even in that moment, a doctor walks in or, or an
assistant or a nurse walks in and comes in with a stethoscope and says, OK,
breathe in and you breathe out and you go in, even in that setting, even in an
uncomfortable setting, you find yourself having to relax to take a deep breath
and you realize that you can actually do that at any given time. In fact, let's
just do that right now. If you're watching, um, online or here in the room,
everybody, let's collectively just take everybody here, just take a deep breath
together. Ok. Ready. I know 2020 is stressful. You know, COVID, numbers are on
the rise and there's financial stress. Some of you who are employees wonder if
you're gonna keep your job. Some of you are employers wondering how you're gonna
keep the jobs of your employees. Are you thinking? Well, should we connect with
family? I don't know if we need to keep a distance. Maybe there's a health
issue. Maybe there's something that's completely unrelated to COVID, but just as
stressful for the next 2025 minutes. I just want you to collectively take a deep
breath and picture yourself there with your Heavenly Father close enough to hear
his heartbeat because if you're in the arms of your Heavenly Father and you hear
his heartbeat, it changes everything, doesn't, it? It really does because I know
this to be true. You can impress from afar, but you impact from up close. You
can impress someone from a distance with the clothes, you wear the car you drive
the money you spend whatever you post on social media or you can impress from,
from a distance, but you really impact up close those personal relationships,
the ins and outs of the working relationships at your business, the deep
conversations late at night with a good friend, an encouraging word from a
coach, some inspiring feedback from a teacher, some shared experiences with a
family member. This Christmas season. I don't want you to think about what it is
that you need to impress. But instead, how close can you get for impact? Because
the Christmas story of Jesus coming to earth, it's not about man reaching up to
God, but instead, it's about God reaching down to man. And if God can make a
manger and a messy, dirty stable holy with his presence, then I know that we can
be made holy with his presence. And that when God reached down to man, the
coming of Jesus as a baby, it's really the coming of love. And that if you are
so close to your heavenly father, that you can hear his heartbeat, you're gonna
feel safe, secure, valued and you'll be able to take a deep breath for just a
moment. So that's what I wanna do. If you're taking notes, I want you to write
this down, the closer you are to the heartbeat of God, the greater your love for
others becomes the closer you are to the heartbeat of God. The greater your love
for others becomes because when you hear God's heartbeat, it changes your
heartbeat and you start to view people and circumstances and relationships
differently because you are secured and loved by God. If you have your Bibles,
open up to a letter called First John, towards the end of your Bible, if you
don't have a Bible, we actually have one that we'd love to give to you today.
And if you don't have a Bible and you're watching this online, uh again, if you
visit Mission, you'll see the passage. But if you actually don't own
a Bible, I'd love to send you one. So just fill out that form or comment and,
and we'll send you one in the mail. I can't guarantee it'll be here by Christmas
because it seems like everyone's sending stuff or ordering from Amazon Prime.
But, but we'll try to get you one here and that's just our gift to you. So
there's this guy named John who was known as the Son of Thunder. You don't get
that for being too meek, I don't think. Ok, so he's clearly loud, rambunctious.
And this guy who was known as the Son of Thunder ultimately becomes the apostle
of love. And in the later days of his life, he's writing this letter and we pick
it up here in first John chapter four verse 16. So we have come to know and to
believe the love that God has for us know and believe that's an all encompassing
idea that you fully embrace the truth. That God is love. One of the common
things we say here at Mission Grove is that we love to be for the community that
comes from verses just like this one, first John 416 because we believe that God
is for you and if God is for you, we are for you and together we can be for this
community. We believe that for far too long, churches have been defined and
described by what they are against. Instead, we want to be known by whom we're
for and we can be for people because God is for us. God is not up there with a
giant stick ready to play, whack a mole whenever you mess up. He's like uh he's
not that Dennis, the menace kid with the magnifying glass trying to burn ants on
the ground. OK. I'll be honest, I did that. Did anyone do that anyone else do
that with a magnifying glass as a kid? OK. OK. Don't be afraid of us. OK. We're
not evil people. Uh We just experimented with science in glass and light, but I,
I noticed that I, when I shared with you just now that I used to try to burn
ants with a magnifying glass. Some of you judged me. OK? We're gonna talk about
that in just a moment. OK. So, so I'll prepare your hearts for having judgment
in yours. Ok. It was really fun. I might be honest, it cool. We were like, oh
fire, ok. Anyway, see this is why I was not used to playing Barbie with, with my
daughter yet. I was like, ready to burn stuff and throw a ball and hit stuff or
play video games. And so Barbie was new for me. So here we have back to our
verse. So we have come to know and believe the love that God has for you and
he's not pulling something from you. He has something for you. God is love. It
doesn't say love is love. I mean that sounds cozy and you're gonna hear it on
commercials. Love is love is love. That doesn't mean anything. Do you understand
that? A tree is a tree is a tree. You know, food is food is food, air is air is
air like it. You can't just repeat a word and then be like, oh that's cool. Like
it doesn't work that way. Here's the thing. You have to have a basis for love.
Something that defines or describes something that is a foundation that starts.
What's the point of language? If you don't have a dictionary to define what
words mean, it's important to know what dictionary people use to define words.
Sometimes they have the same vocabulary but a different dictionary in other
words, they say the phrase but they mean something completely different. Well,
those who believe in Jesus who call themselves Christians or Christ followers
use God as the basis for love. And this is great because He gives us an eternal
platform, a solid rock to base our understanding of what love really looks like
and what love truly is. And so he says that we know and we believe the love that
God has for us and that God himself is love. It's not just something He does,
but it's who He is. And so God cannot do anything but love. That doesn't
diminish his justice or his holiness or his perfection. It just means that He is
in his perfection, in his justice, in his righteousness, love. And it says,
whoever abides in love abides in God and God abides in Him, that word abide is
the same word that he wrote in his gospel. The same author wrote the Gospel of
John and in John chapter 15, he described it this way that Jesus is the vine and
we are the branches. Last thing um The last last I've heard is that in order for
a branch, you know, to produce fruit actually has to be attached. You know, I
love Wi Fi in our homes and you don't, you don't realize how much you love
internet and Wi Fi connection until you go to a place with doesn't have Wi Fi
connection. Have you ever been in that spot? Isn't it amazing how quickly
humanity has come to expect fast internet? Do you remember the days not too long
ago where you just heard that, like, trying to get on the internet or, you know,
maybe build the time before electricity. Right. I'm just kidding. Kind of. Oh,
maybe not. I don't know. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. Bill. So, it's
amazing how quickly our standards change. But here's the thing we think that,
like, abiding is like wi fi like, oh, I'll just connect so, anywhere from
wherever I am, but you have to actually make a conscious decision to abide or
stay connected to the vine of Jesus in the same way my daughter couldn't hear my
heartbeat unless she was right up next to me. Question is how close are you to
God? Do you acknowledge him from a distance? Do you just sing Christmas carols?
And that's the extent that you know, of who God is? Or are you close enough that
when you pray or when you read or when you talk to someone that you could hear
his heart? That's what it's saying that when you know God and you abide in love,
you abide in Him and God abides in you. Let's continue reading verse 17. So by
this love is perfected with us. Now, pause in there for a second. That word
perfected actually has even a deeper meaning than what you first think. Because
if the first time I read that, that God's love is perfected, it's like, well,
wait a second, you mean, God's love isn't already perfect or am I perfect?
Because one, I know God's love is already perfect. And then on the other side, I
know that I am not perfect. And so the combination of those two doesn't really
make sense to me. But as I did deeper study on this scripture came to realize
that that word for perfect, the Bible of those that might not know was, was
written in the, in the language of the day. And so the New Testament that was
Greek. And so the everyday Greek was used and that word, that same word in other
places was translated as accomplished. For example, uh John 434 Jesus said, my
food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work, that word
accomplished is the same word there in John 17 verse four, Jesus was praying and
he says, I glorified you God on earth, having accomplished the work that you
gave me to do same word there. And so the idea of being perfected is the idea of
activating, maturing, accomplishing its intended purpose. So take that concept
and place it into this verse. So by this love is activated within you, isn't
that awesome by this love is matured and growing within you. By this, you are
actually accomplishing what God has created you to do. And so you see that love
is part of your purpose. So by this love is perfected or growing within us so
that we may have confidence for the day of judgment. Oh All those who judged me
earlier, ha got you. No. Um OK. Now this phrase doesn't seem to make sense.
We're talking about love. He is the apostle of love. God's love is being
perfected in us. God is love. It's cozy, warm fuzzy feelings by a fireplace. But
what does this word? Judgment have to do with anything? Well, in the final days
when God will judge the world as he sees sees fit, remember he is just He is
perfect. He is holy. He's going to judge the world. But it says that we can have
confidence why? Because God is not judging us for our sin but judging us based
on Christ's sacrifice, you see, our sin was already paid for God already took
the check. Have you ever been at a meal with a big group of people? And then you
were, you were stressed about who was gonna pay or what was it gonna be the
split? Ok. And then come to find out someone already paid and then come to find
out actually no one paid and you just walked out with a free meal. No, no one's
done that. Ok. So just kidding. No. But if you've been in a group and someone
already like paid, isn't that a cool feeling? Well, Jesus already took the
check. He already paid the penalty or the payment for your sin. And so this
actually says, because of the love of God that has come to us through Jesus,
that we can actually have confidence for the day of judgment because as He is so
we are in the world, so God has loved us and now we can go and love the world
and our sins have actually been paid for. And he continues on actually in the
verse 18 here and it says for there is no fear and love, so confidence on one
side and no fear on the other side. And so it's two ways of actually saying the
same thing he's saying, you can have confidence before God and then you can have
no fear. And so the idea of what you don't have, you don't have fear, but
instead you have confidence and so you have this boldness to go before the
throne. Why? Because perfect love casts out fear. Now, John was like many of the
other disciples, a fisherman. And so notice that word cast, that's the same word
that was used in Matthew 418 when Jesus first called the disciples, they were in
their boats casting the nets by the sea. Now to be fair, there's a lot of
different definitions for cast. So there's some other uses throughout scripture,
not just casting nets, but you can get the imagery from a guy who was a
fisherman now writing. And so it says actually in the definition to cast is to
throw and not care where it lands. It's also how I approach laundry in a hamper.
They wanna do that. Maybe your kids or your spouse. Ok. Yeah. You know, I, I
feel like if you make it within, it's kind of like, um, you know, it, it's kinda
like playing with horseshoes, you know, and like, if you, you, you should get a
point if it's touching the hamper, you know, and, and three points. If it, if it
goes in the hamper, I feel like, and so you have like, you just throw stuff to
the ground. Are you throwing out? Well, same idea here is like a fisherman
casting a net into the water. You are casting fear out, you are casting it away.
It's being replaced with love. It says for fear has to do with punishment and
whoever fears has not been perfected in love. That same idea of perfection is
described and Paul writes a letter to the Colossians in Colossians chapter 128.
He says, Christ, we proclaim warning everyone and teaching everyone with all
wisdom that we may present everyone mature in Christ, same word as perfected
there. So this idea of love, the specifically the love of God and the love of
Christ. When it enters our lives. When you hear the heartbeat of God, it grows,
it accomplishes his purpose in your life, it changes everything. And so that
when you are close with your heavenly Father, you recognize that there is
nothing you could do to make God love you more and there's nothing you can do to
make God love you any less. And so therefore you move beyond fear. When you
discipline young Children, there, there's a healthy fear of God. But as the
relationship grows, it turns from fear of punishment to love and relationship.
And so is your relationship with God based on fear or is it based on loving God
and loving others the way that He has loved us? And so we have this incredible
picture that with the love of God, the transforming, perfecting love of God. And
we can have confidence before the day of judgment, no fear because love casts
out fear. And then we have this incredible verse. And if you wanna underline a
verse, I want you to underline first John chapter four verse 19, it says this,
we love because He first loved us. Oh How we try to change this verse, don't we?
We love because we wanna earn reward, we love because we have to, we love
because it's needed for us to reach up to God. And the Christmas story is not
man, reaching up to God, but God reaching down to man. And so he is the basis
for everything that we do. Paul writes in Romans five chapter eight that says
that while we were still sinners, Christ at the right time died for us. This
idea is, is that God did not wait for us to get our act together. God did not
wait for you to get your life together. God did not wait for you to be perfect
instead. He says, I wanna give you love that will be perfected in your life over
time because every one of us makes mistakes. Every one of us has issues. Every
one of us has worries and doubts. Some struggle with pride, others with lust,
others with lying, others with greed, whatever it is that you work through a
combination of all of those we walk in. And it's interesting that when we walk
into church, how often do our guards go up and we try to act perfect when this
verse tells us that God's love perfects us and it's not even being perfect. It's
that it makes us mature, it grows, it accomplishes its purpose because God loved
us first. Imagine for a moment being able to walk into church, not pretending to
be someone you're not. But just being, imagine walking into your workplace on
Monday, not having to live up to some fictitious standard or fakeness. Imagine
having an open honest dialogue when someone says, how are you doing? Really?
Imagine not having to pretend, not having to get everything together, but just
to be able to go into the lap of the Heavenly Father close enough to hear his
heartbeat and to hear your heavenly Father say daddy's here. Imagine how freeing
that would be to know that there's nothing you could do to make God love you
more and there's nothing you could do to make God love you any less. And that
God loves you as you are right now. And that God wants to have his love grow in
your life so that you can love others like he did. In the nineties, there was a
craze of bracelets that actually you still see out a little bit today called the
WWJD bracelets. Remember that it stood for? What would Jesus do? Uh My oldest
son, Jackson, when he saw one of those bracelets because time had since moved on
from that kind of craze. And so so cool. WWJD. What would Jackson do? I'm like,
you don't get it. Ok. Um And so people would wear these braces and what would
Jesus do? And I always used to think that was really unfair because Jesus was
God, right? Because I'm sure his brother James heard that growing up. Come on,
James, what would Jesus do? Right? You hate to be James going at another wedding
right after Jesus turned water into wine. Hey, Jesus isn't here, but we got his
brother James. Come on, we got this whole thing of water. Come on, Jesus did it.
What would Jesus do? Right? You read these stories of Jesus and he would calm ST
storms with a word. He fed 5000 men with a boy's lunchable of fish and bread
that really ultimately fed close to 20,000 people. He walked on water. He, he
did all these crazy things like what would Jesus do? I, I don't know. But then
you realize that when he took on the limitations of a human being that he
experienced everything we experienced temptation, frustration, persecution,
isolation, hunger, thirst, being tired, and yet he remained faithful and
obedient to God's will for his life. And so we have this incredible example. And
so I believe now there's a newer movement um spreading out also on bracelets and
t shirts and stuff. Um That's meant to be an answer to that question. So the
question is, what would Jesus do? And the answer is actually found in this verse
first, John 419 is that he would love first. So Hwlf, he would love first. And
when you categorize that question, what would Jesus do? And you frame it with
this verse, he would love first that now gives you the ability and me the
ability to respond and act and to love like Jesus. So the other thing I want you
to write down this morning is that when it comes to love, go first, when it
comes to love, go first. And I'm not talking about being in the front of the
line. In fact, most relationships like dating or marriage is, is really a race
to the back of the life. What I mean is go first in showing love. I'm not gonna,
I'm not gonna have anybody raise their hands because I don't, I don't wanna get
too up in your business today, but I'll let, I'll let God get up in your
business right now. And so just in your head right now, is there a relationship
friend, family member, parent, child, sibling coworker? Who are you? You are
intentionally and purposefully holding back. If he only if he says this, then I
will forgive If she says that, ok, then I will serve that once I have this, then
then I won't no. See that's not love. When it comes to love, love always goes
first. Jesus did not wait for you to get your act together. Instead he went, he
came to us. This is the whole Christmas story. He came to us to show us what
love really is and he died on the cross before we ever prayed to receive him.
And so love went first. What if, what if this Christmas season you decided to
forgive? What if this Christmas season you decided to serve? What if this
Christmas season, that person that you struggle with? You decided to give them a
gift, you decided to share because love doesn't wait till the conditions are
right. Love always goes first. Why? Because when you have everything you need in
Christ, you approach relationships, not by what you can get, but instead with
what you can give. When you realize that Jesus is all that you need and you can
freely give to every relationship because forgiveness isn't just about the other
person. It's actually about you. Do you understand that forgiveness is not the
same thing as trust, trust takes time. But forgiveness is the idea of saying
Christ died for that too. And if God's forgiven me, if God went first with me,
if God loved me as I was as I am with all my mistakes, all my issues, all my
worries and as I hear his heartbeat, then I can in turn love people the way that
Jesus loved me, I can forgive people because Jesus forgave me. I can bless
people because God has blessed me. And we become the church that is known
throughout the community and the world as the church that loves. And if you
discover that kind of love this Christmas, there's nothing that God can do in
your life. And I don't know what the remainder of this year looks like. I don't
know what 2021 looks like, but I know that 2000 years ago love came down in the
form of a baby into a manger. I know that that first Christmas was crazy too
with government unrest, political unrest, social unrest, financial stress.
They're in a manger in a stable, the little town of Bethlehem with unlikely
people and unlikely circumstances. Love came down and if love can come in a
manger, then love can come in your life. And if you experience the heartbeat of
God. Then you know, the God can move in your life. You'll free you to love
people the way that Jesus has loved us and that my friends is wonderful love.
Let's pray dear heavenly Father. I pray right now for those in this room and
those watching online that God, you can just move in our spirit, in the middle
of our worries, stressful circumstances. God, I pray that you can draw close to
us so that we can draw close to you. May we hear your heartbeat? May we
understand that you love us and that we have everything we need this Christmas.
Yeah, I mean, we in turn go first and love the difficult people in our lives. We
would be the first to forgive the first to serve the first to give of our
resources and our time. God, I mean, we understand that it's not about waiting
until circumstances are right, but instead just receiving your gift of your
presence in our life. I pray for anyone who might be hearing this for the first
time that they will put their faith and trust in you. They can know and believe
and your son Jesus and that through believing, we can experience love,
experience forgiveness and may this love accomplish its purpose in our lives,
maturing and growing and being perfected so that the world will know what love
looks like. Christmas is more than just a season that ultimately it is the
coming of love and it's a personal relationship with you. Thank you for coming.
Thank you for going first. God. May we answer that question of what would you
do, Jesus with the truth that you would love first? And if you would love 1st
may we love first in our home with our parents, with our kids, with our
siblings, in our workplace, with our friends in the neighborhood, God, everybody
that we encounter where we enter and define our relationships, not by what we
can get, but instead what we can give. Thank you for loving us. May we
experience that? Love this Christmas? I mean we sing to you now and your son
that we pray.