well, good morning, everybody here in person as we gather as a church family and good morning to everybody who's watching the online stream as well. I am excited to share with you, a good friend of mine, Pastor to han King. So can we just give it up for Pastor King this morning? Hello, how are you now before he jumps in and shares a powerful word with us this morning. I joked with some, some of you guys talking this morning that you guys get an upgrade on the message and so Pastor King's gonna bring it and so, so you know, you're gonna show the respect and enthusiasm that you haven't shown me. No, I'm just kidding. Just kidding. Just kidding about that. I'm just kidding. But let me just share a little bit too that, um, Pastor King and I kept bumping into each other at different church planting lunches and events and so, uh, those that might not know this, that we did not start this church just by ourselves, but rather through a network that's entitled Vision Arizona and then a larger network is called Converge. Well, in this local network. Um, at one of the lunches, I met Pastor King and you guys had started in a hotel ballroom. Right? Yes. We started the Doubletree Hotel before I ever found out about Vision Arizona. And so they started and realized to like, man, let's let's find some other people who were in this with us and so they jumped in with Vision Arizona Actually just recently was even out of church planning to 01 training with, with pastor king and his team. And so we've just really created a great friendship and they like us, haven't been able to meet for the last six months. You guys, the first crowd of people I've seen since March tired of talking to a camera. Yeah. And so their church christ culture church. Let me just ask you why, why did you guys name the church christ culture Church. Well, one of the revelations that God gave to me was if we could focus on the culture of christ, we can appreciate every other culture. So christ culture is a dominant culture. Therefore we could appreciate black culture asian culture, white culture. And once we focus on his culture, we can blend it together because our, the church is a multicultural intergenerational church. That's the focus point. So as long as we keep christ's view and his culture above every other culture will be okay. I love that, I love that. And now you guys have not been meeting, but next sunday you get to meet again, but in a new location, just like we switched. So can you share with them where you guys are gonna be meeting? Well, we were in Tempe for our first year and a half and now God is like, hey, you've been living in the East Valley, you're living. So we're going to Gilbert and we're going into Camp Liberty High School, we'll go back, we'll go back november 1st, first service. I'm still trying to, I want to see who's gonna show up but we're excited about it november 1st Camp Liberty High School in Gilbert Arizona. So not only are we going back but we're actually changing the whole city so it's a little you know, trust God trust God. So here's what I'd like for us to do. Yeah we can clap for that. That's good. We're excited for them. I'm gonna turn it over to Pastor King but before we do that, can I pray for christ culture church and you guys? Re gathering next week. So let's pray together dear God just thank you for Pastor King God I'm just so grateful that Jon could be here with his family and and that as brothers in christ and fellow church planners, God that we can be in different cities, different locations, different ways of doing church but God we are praying to you the same god and that we are one church and that we are one culture and that christ culture God And so I love their heartbeat. I love their vision, I love their mission and so God as they? Re gather in a new community in a new location next sunday we just pray. Just an outpouring of your blessing and spirit in their church and in their community God that you will bring new people out that will hear the gospel and respond today. I also pray for our mission girl family that we are ready and willing to hear the word that Pastor King has for us. And may we just respond to your word as we learn to continue to hear your voice. God. So we lift up christ culture church, we lift up Pastor King and we lift up this valley to know you as Lord and Savior until your son's name. We pray amen one more time. Let's give it up for Pastor King. Amen. Amen. Thank you. Thank you. Mr Grove thank you Pastor john and the family and my wife and daughters who can come to help support me. My son has the work so go to work but I'm just happy that he's asked me to come and to speak you know um I tell people all the time I've been blessed with the gift and the curse off. I grew up in churches where it was never, it was always church plants. That's the gift. The curse is it was a church plant. You don't have the full staff, you don't have to pay. We worked like we got paid but we didn't get paid you know and that's the beauty of it. But I expect also I've come from, I grew up in an urban background and now I'm in a suburban and I like the blend I'm able to blend so I think that's the way God provided the vision of christ culture church understanding how cultures work and understanding of what we could take the gospel, the real gospel, not the gospel that we manufacture, if we take the gospel from the word of God, it unites. It doesn't divide amen a man. So if you would go with me here, let me get this thing together. It's been a while before I had been before people here. Usually I'm just in front of a camera and I can say, let's start over, but we can't do that now. Well, you know, I figured I'd tell some jokes to me on the stage here. Uh, but if you would open your bibles to luke five luke five, starting at verse one luke five and pastor john he, when he asked me to speak, he was like, you can speak on whatever you want. And I was like, no, my, my pedigree is what are you speaking to your people about? And if you're speaking to your people about something, that's what I'm gonna speak to him about. And so, um, I'm a walker, I move around a lot. I don't sit still. I'm a little energetic. I used to play football a lot of ways to go. But so, and then the quarantine, I think I'm gonna start a quarantine 15 gotta lose £15 from the quarantine man. It wasn't like I was small already. Now I gained more weight with the quarantine. But uh, luke, chapter five. So when he told me uh whisper, hearing the voice of God and I was sitting back, I was like, it's like a frequency. You have to tune into the frequency that God is speaking. And when God is speaking, if you're not tuned in and you're distracted by other things, you won't hear God speak as believers. We make it very difficult to hear God's voice when God's made it plain that he's made it simple. His word, the word of God is how he speaks. Does he speak to prayer? Yes. Does he speak to revelation? Yes. Does he speak to conversation? Yes. But it all comes back to the word of God. The way we know we have a revelation is because it comes back to us through the word of God in the conversation, it comes back to us through the word of God in prayer comes back to us through the word of God. So that's how God speaks, that's how you can hear it. But a lot of times we don't tune in because we're distracted. So if you would go with me to Luke five are read, it says one day as jesus was standing by the lake of gonna separate which is galilee. The people were crowding around him and listening to the word of God. He saw at the water's Edge two boats left there by the fishermen who were washing their nets. He got into, he got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and talked to people from the boat. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch, Simon answered master, We worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets. That's a big point because you say so. I will let down the nets when they had when they had done so they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners and the other boat to come and help them and they came and filled both boats so full that it began to sink. When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at jesus knees and said, go away from me, Lord! I'm a simple man, for he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken. And so where, James and john, the sons of Deputy Simon's partners. Then jesus said to Simon, Don't be afraid From now on, you will fish for people. Some translations have become pictures of men. Right? So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him when I was growing up. You know, I'm not old, but I'm not super young. I'm on that Other end. I'm on the other end of 40 now. Right, but when I was growing up, the tv actually used to go off, remember that at night, you know the ego would come and fly the american flag and then indeed it would go off. And so uh when me and my brother would go to sleep, we didn't we didn't watch tv to go to sleep, we would listen to the radio and if the radio it had to be in a certain frequency to make sure you got the station that you wanted. Right. And so we would go to sleep to the sounds, you know back then they will blend hip hop and rock and everything on one station it wasn't separated and we were here all the songs and I was thinking about this how we had to make sure that it was at the right dow to get what we needed. It's the same thing in this gospel God needs you have to write down to turn into him. That means he needs you submitted to actually hear his voice. He needs you submitted to actually turn in to see what he's trying to get out of. You see the thing about jesus is this, he wants you to receive him as his savior and now you're saved. But it doesn't end there. That's just the beginning. That's the most important part. We're saving. We're going to heaven. But it's just the beginning part. Now how do we impact others to come to him and how do we impact others in this life that we live as we look at this passage. They're fishermen, they're professional fishermen. And here Jesus is a carpenter telling me to go back out like what are you talking about, jesus? You know, first of all we look at the history, they look for a rabbi and a time to come by and say follow me. So when you read the passage, you look at it and you say why they just follow jesus. Well they've done that because it was an honor for them to be asked to follow a rabbi. Now Jesus wasn't a rabbi, but they heard him teaching at the short, so they knew he knew what he was talking about. So when he came and said follow me, they were willing to follow him. But when he said remember they're washing their nets, He encounters them, they're washing their nets, they're done, they've already packing it in. And Jesus comes and he encounters them, he says, hey pushed back out whole another summer. But he picked Simon's boat. He could have picked anybody else's boat. But he picked Simon's boat. He could have picked anyone else's life, but he picked her life. He could have picked anyone else, but he picked you to receive him as a savior. He could have picked anyone else, but he saved you from some things that you couldn't save yourself from, he could have picked anyone else. So you got to understand that this thing is an honor, This thing is an honor to walk before to say that this thing is an honor to to be saved and to be pulled out of the darkness. This is an honor and you must walk with that honor. Now we know we're not perfect. We know we have struggles because Simon had struggles as we know if we go through the scripture, you know that he wasn't perfect but God kept working that in his life because he had to tune into his frequency. Let me look at my notes here look so many of us are looking for direction life. But clear direction comes from how well we listen. Clear directions come from how well we listen. I'll give you a word. Picture husband on a sunday, watching the football game, watching the packers, the greatest team ever, right? Watching the packers right? And he's watching the football game and the wife comes and she says take out the trash and or she comes and she's talking about something that he's really not interested in hearing right now. Why? Because he's watching the football game But he hears her but he doesn't hear her. He hears everybody does it? She says did you hear what I said? Uh huh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh huh. So then she goes away and she comes back and the trash is still there or whatever she was talking about is still there. It hasn't happened and she said I thought you said you heard me I heard you. But but but I'll do it. So what I'm saying is how well you listen is how you get the directions, You have to be tuned into the same frequency right now. His frequency has touched down. His frequency is Aaron Rodgers don't throw an interception. Like last week. His frequencies, his frequency is this and her frequency is on something else. She's talking there in the same presence with one another. They're in the same living with one another, but they're on two different frequencies. You can sit in the house of God and be on a whole another frequency than what God is asking and be on a whole. Another thing what God is saying he sends for you to forgive. But you're still harboring anger in your heart. He said, for you to love, but you're still trying to convince yourself why you don't want to love this person. You want a whole another. So they hear the voice of God means you have to be submitted to his scripture. You have to be submitted to his holy spirit. And now you will hear me say, I hear you clearly now, Lord, I've been fighting you, but I don't know why because you always win. But somehow we still fight. Right? So here it is when you trust the one giving the directions, your father, Even when it's when you don't understand it. When you trust the one giving directions, you'll follow when you don't even understand it. Years ago, my son auditioned for The Voice and he uh, we drove to colorado. Just a spur them on. I'm like, let's just do it. I've never driven to colorado. Let's just do it. You know, I got this google maps, right? And we're driving and it's starting to get real dark out there and I'm listening to I I gave her a name. I was like agatha, where are we going? Right. And so she would say. And then when you get off direction, she would say rerouting, rerouting, rerouting. Why? Because I had to be on the same frequency, asked the directions. And so we finally get to the point, but I trusted everything that she was saying because I didn't know what I was doing. You must come to the realization. You don't know what you're doing. If God does not guide you, you must come to realization. You don't have it all together. If God doesn't give it together, you may have your men playing together. You may have your your life plan together. You may have all these things together. But if God is not in it, it doesn't matter, it's just like paul says it's all gone. It doesn't matter. We could do it all a perfect way. But it's a reason. We're all here on this Earth and God has a reason for us. God has a reason for you don't have to be up here preaching like me. But you could be the best neighbor on that block. You could be the best teacher in your school. You could be the best policemen in your community. You can be the best person working in government. You could be the best person working in the church, volunteering and giving why? Because now what's happening? You're switching your frequency to God's frequency and it's not about what you want is what God wants out of you. The same way the men were fishing. They listen to God. Even though you didn't naturally, I don't know if you know what you're talking about man. I'm a professional fisherman. I'm already washing my next I've already packed it in. We've been out here all night now. He tells me to go back out in the day. They're planning to go back out later that night, but nevertheless, see see how it tunes in. It's like the radio. Nevertheless, what you say. Nevertheless, your will God. Nevertheless, I'm tuning into what you're asking me nevertheless, and I can hear that. How do I hear that? Why? Because I've taken time to go into the scriptures. I've taken time to listen to my pastor. I've taken time to have a conversation with believers. That's more seasoned than me. I've taken time to go and prayer. I've taken time to look at it through God's eye view and not my own eye view. Amen. Oh my. So here it is. Destiny is linked to decisions, decisions are linked to the Voice you listen to. We serve a God that's come to correct us. We kind of we serve a God that comes to course correct us. Just like those directions. It would give me a course correction if I was going in the wrong direction. So destiny is linked to decisions. Decisions is linked to the voice. You listen to. Their destiny changed because they listen to the Savior's voice. Your destiny has changed and is changing in different situations because you're listening to the Savior's voice peter by him being willing to listen to, Jesus changed the lives of other people. Buy him willing to listen to the voice of jesus changed the lives of others as something so simple as going fishing. Here it is. He says Cast your nets, drop your nets though. The king, the king James version says net. Right? So you hear the preachers, what happens is Jesus says cast out your nets. The king James version says net and they'll say, well he listened. But if you'd have put more nets out, he might have been able to handle it. I've heard that many times, right? But the key point is he listened and he dropped his net and it started to break. This is not in, not in my message, but if you pay attention to go and read after Jesus has risen from the dead and after he's walking on the shore and they're out fishing again. They don't know what to do. And he says cast the net. The net doesn't break. Why? Because he's been made whole by following jesus at this time. It shows me that he doesn't have the capacity to pull the things yet. But once he changes his direction and once he gets in the frequency of jesus, even when he's trying to go in the wrong direction, God to come and address you and tell you to cast your net. And when you pull it it won't break. You'll be able to hold what you think you can hold. Why? Because you got into his frequency and you heard his voice and now you can walk in the direction that he's asking you to go in. Even when you don't think you can hold it, you can hold it even when you don't think you can do it, you can do it. Even when you don't think you have enough capacity to love, even when you don't think you have enough like I'm done with this. I can't handle this. I've had family members that struggle with drug addiction that you you take the time with them. You think they got it and then it's like I can't do it anymore. And God says no, you have more capacity than you think that is the key. That is the key. One of the things we look at in verse five, he calls jesus master, he called jesus master in verse five, he says master. We've been out all night, but nevertheless I do it at your will. By the time we get to verse nine, he's now Lord, he's master in verse five. But in verse nine, he's now Lord. How did that happen? Why buy him listening? God shows him a revelation of what can happen. So I received as what you're saying initially. But now you revealed yourself to me now that you revealed yourself to me, my whole view of you changes. I grew up in church, my always said I was a drug baby, I was drugged to church, right, grandma didn't play grandma. It was one of those things that she goes to church, everybody goes to church, that's in her house. And so it wasn't no option like I don't feel like a day, that's that new age stuff. I don't understand it. You see, they're here and I'm just like, it's like, so it's like uh we would have to go to church and I knew who jesus was because I was introduced, but it's just like you trying to date somebody, your friend to try to hook you up, but you gotta take it from there, right? It's like, so she introduced me to jesus, but at some point in my life after I made bad decisions and after I went to a different direction, I learned to change my frequency and learn how to hear his voice and he pulled me in now think about God when he wants you? He wants you. So you could go through some hard things and you go some good things. I prefer to go to some good things to hear his voice. I don't wanna have to go through no more no more hard things to hear his voice. But I have to go through some hard things to hear his voice. Had to come to realization with that same grandmother sitting with me at the table after I had been arrested, she said who are you? I don't know who you are. And I said, what do you mean? She said you're not the grandson. I helped raise. You're making some decisions at this time I'm like 19 or 20 years old. She says you're making some decisions that you're not the one that I raised at that point. The revelation through her voice of the God that I had learned about started to become real. And I said no I gotta make some changes in my life. And from that direct I changed my direction and I start walking the direction with the Lord. Why? Because I had to switch my frequency and I heard his voice through her voice. Some of you are ignoring the voice of the people that's talking to you and God is the one who's speaking through them because they're giving you his word, let me make sure I don't run out of time here. I'll skip some stuff here, let's get to our main three points made, three points, how is God speaking? He's speaking through And according to his word through. And according to his word, everything that he says is going to be through. And according to his word, love your neighbor as you love yourself through. And according to his word, forgive those that spitefully use you through. And according to his word, you could go look through that. His word is the defining thing. His words are those that was tuned into his frequency. His word, our men and women that went through a battle and learn how to listen to God and they pinned it and they put it together. And and this is how we must hear his voice through. And according to his word, Everything I need is in this work. Every time I need to hear God's voice, I get into his word. Every time I need clarity, I get into his word. Every time I need clarity. I pray God's word. See God is commanded to respond to his word. I was taught, don't just speak good things, but learn how to speak God's things. What do I mean by that? Good things can say yes brother. I love you. But understanding that when I say, I love you, I'm speaking from what God has asked me in the scripture and with an attempt in my heart, when I speak that I've learned how to hear God's voice every time he speaks up. So when things don't feel well to me, when things don't feel good to me, who do I tune into? I tune into God, because who am I gonna lean on? Am I gonna lean on my own understanding? I'm gonna be on the Holy Spirit's understanding, That's what we got to understand. So, through and according to his word, So you want to hear God's voice, you're gonna hear it through his word. Peter heard it through his word. He wasn't actually reading the scriptures, but he was standing with the one that we read about in the scriptures and he heard it through his word. He went from Lord to master, he went from fissures for fishing to fishers of men, his destiny changed. He picked his boat, he could have picked anybody else's boat, jesus is slick man, He did everything intentional. We must know how to do intentional. He picked them intentionally. He went there and seeing him, he knew who he wanted and he picked his boat. The second thing since we know we get it through, and according to his word, we must have a daily discipline, in God's word, a daily discipline in God's word is vital. I know sometimes we fall off. I know sometimes we don't stick to it and it's not like it's legalistic that you better. You know, I'm just saying, when you get a daily discipline, it helps your day go better. Would you agree when you're sitting in God's word, it helps your day go better. It gives you clarity the things that you may face and it's like, you know what? You are a liar satan, I can see it already. I read it today, you know, I prayed about it today. God revealed it. So here it is a daily discipline in God's word, this is vital and requires a true effort to stay tuned into this frequency to stay tuned into its frequency. It takes a true effort to do that. So we got to get a daily devotion. It's easy now, you can get on your phone app back in the day, you start that daily bread and you have to go through the daily bread, right? I remember my grandmother would sit up early in the morning and she'll go through her devotion and I'll be looking and she said, you're gonna have to read it too. And then I got to read it right? And then so a daily discipline in God's word is how we are able to hear God's voice clearer and then what you have to do once you know that it comes to his word. Once you have got a daily discipline, you must listen to his voice and his voice only see it's a lot of voices going on in here, media, news, friends, family, own emotions, own thoughts. But once we understand that God is trying to get me to walk in the destiny that he has for me, One of the things is we receive jesus as our savior and that's what I always tell my church. He died for our salvation. But he lived to be our example. He died for our salvation, but he lived to be our example. How did he walk? How did he operate? What did he do? He live intentional? Let us live intentional. He encountered those unfavorable. Let us encounter those. That's unfavorable. He pointed out truth. Let us point out truth. When people were dividing people, he's spoken to that these are the things that he done. So he didn't only come to give us life, which was the main thing, but we could look at him as an example of how he lived. So we gotta learn how to quiet all the other voices. Sometimes God is trying to speak to us through his scripture. He's trying to speak to us and pray and we're arguing with the thing that we're asking for because we want to stand on our own will. Like I don't know if that's God, it's like, okay, let me see, let's go to the scripture. That sounds like God to me. No, no, no, because we want to stand on our own when what peter did here. He didn't try to stand on his own. He was a professional and jesus natural life. He was a carpenter. Like he could have been like jesus, you gonna make tables and let me keep doing this fishing, you do your thing, you're gonna make, I need some cabinets, I'll call you, but right now let me do my thing. No, he listened and he turned his frequency to hear God, I want to encourage us today, Turn our frequency to hear God's word tune in to what he's asking us to tune into the thing that he's trying to pull out of you. Now, your salvation is the key when you know you saved me, you know, you're going to heaven, you don't just walk around knowing other people are going to hell, you want to help somebody else get to heaven. What does that look like? It looks different for everyone else. Someone may be the best greeter in the world and the way that you greet when people come, helps them get pulled in to the ministry to want to get saved. You think you got to be a preacher, you think you've got, you don't have to do that. God will show you in that frequency what it is for you on your campuses in school, you could be the person that doesn't have to do everything else. I was one of those guys that they all knew, I went to church, but I don't live, like I went to church, don't be that person, it'll be like, you go to church then I'd be like, oh I kinda could see that, I kind of could see it right, I kind of can see it because I would be the guy that would go to the party but I wouldn't drink, but I'm at the party right? And and but you want to learn how to not just blend in, you want to learn how to stand out for God and I'm not talking about being a bible thumper and walk around and you know, tune into its frequency and understand, I don't do this and they say why I don't do this because I'm saying I don't know because God has asked me to do something greater. So I just wanted to come to encourage you today, tune in through his word is how you will hear him daily discipline in his word and quiet all the other voices, man, we on our social media, we get fed everything, we want to get fed, take time to watch the documentary to teach you how they feed you everything, you want to get fed, we're getting fed all these things and those voices start sounding louder than God's voice. But when you're that daily discipline, God's voice starts sounding really loud and you can see everything for what it is, what it really is and you can stand in his word and now you can stop being a regular fishermen and start being fishers of man, I just want to thank you guys for taking his time to listen to the word of God. But I want to pray for us because we could go months and be tuned in and then we go months and not be tuned in. We could go days and be tuned in. Then we go days and not be tuned in. This is life, life, this walk is like a roller coaster. It's like who are you going to hide and then you're going to Lowe's, then you're going to terms. But as long as you got jesus in there with you you're gonna be okay. Let us pray Lord. We just thank you right now father, but thank you for your word. Well thank you for the direction that you're providing us lower. As we look to the examples in the scripture, peter who you use to lead your disciples by him making a decision hmm guided others to follow him and to make a decision to follow the savior. Let us make a decision. As we in here have made made that decision. Some may have not made that decision but this is their time to make that decision. If they asked him, asked you to come into their life Actually recognize that they're sinner and for you to come into their life Lord, that they are saved. That's the scripture tells us in Romans 10 9 Lord, we come right before you today and say order our steps lower for the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord. We can look at those steps as decisions for the decisions of a righteous Man, ordered by the Lord. For decisions are guided by your word. For the decisions are guided by your voice in the still small voice is where we can hear you. Sometimes we got acquired the earthquake. Sometimes we got acquired the storm. Sometimes we got acquired all those things and we have to sit still to hear your word and hear what you're saying to us. God speak to our hearts, speak to our minds that we will let go and let God happen in us today, father, so we just thank you for this time. I pray that there is someone that is accepting you as a savior. Pull them in right now. Father pull them in right now in jesus name. Amen and Amen.