Hey, church family. Let me start off this morning's message with a question. Do
you believe you were made for this moment? Have you ever stopped to think? Why
did God choose to place me right here right now. We're excited to gather on
October 11th at our new location at CB live located in the heart of Desert
Ridge. But I think we can all agree that this year 2020 has been pretty crazy
for the church we haven't met in person for six months now. And now when we
gather together again, it's in a new spot for our community. We're facing a
global pandemic, financial stress, social unrest and a country who seems to be
anxious about this year's election. Hey, and don't even get me started on how
we're having to go through all of this for schooling our kiddos. But what if God
has placed you exactly where you need to be with the exact resources you need to
have in order to impact the people that God has specifically called you to reach
church? What if God has made you for such a time as this flash back with me?
2500 years to an area known as Sousa, which was in the ruling country of Persia,
located in modern day Iran, the king of Persia exerts was a little unhinged to
say the least you see, he got rid of his queen and he was looking for a new one.
So he decided to host a contest, a pageant. If you will to select his new queen,
everyone was afraid to challenge any of his ideas or decisions. Because if you
spoke up against the king of Persia, you could be put to death right there on
the spot. The Jewish people in that day and age were found to be in captivity
and in exile. What's interesting about the book of Esther is that in all of its
10 chapters, there's one character's name missing God. Where was God? While his
people were in suffering? The name of God. Uniquely in this book of Esther is
nowhere to be found throughout the book. Yet readers of the Old Testament gem
will notice that God's handiwork is all over this story. So even when you don't
see God, he is still at work, even when you don't feel his presence, he is still
moving and he's still listening to you right now. It's a good reminder for you
and I today that even if we don't see God or hear God, he's moving and he's here
and he's with you and he's with me anyway, let's go back to our story. The
Jewish people had one hope. A woman named Esther. Esther was selected by the
king exes to be his new queen. However, the king's right hand man, Haman had
just convinced the king to pass a decree that would ultimately eliminate the
Jewish people from the existence on this planet because they didn't decide to
worship King Xerxes as God Hayman hated the Jewish people in part because a man
named Mordecai, who happened to be Esther's relative and legal guardian refused
to bow down to him even though Mordecai had saved the day earlier from
protecting um a revolt against the country. So Hayman in revenge against
Mordecai decided that let's get rid of all the Jewish people. I know that's a
crazy time to live in, right. So Esther who had kept her Jewish heritage a
secret from the king up to this point was considering confronting the king and
asking him to change his decree. But in doing so, she would be risking her life.
Mordecai in helping her process. Her decision offers this thought that is found
in the book of Esther chapter four verse 14. He says, for if you keep silent at
this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but
you and your father's house will perish and who knows whether you have come not
to this kingdom for such a time as this. Mordecai tells Esther if you choose not
to go through with this plan God can find another way. However, what if God made
you for such a time as this after prayer and processing this decision a little
more Esther would eventually go through with the plan, throw a couple of
banquets and, and during that, convince the king to save the Jewish people. And
in doing so, they revealed Haman's evil plot exposed and, and foiled his plans.
And ultimately, Haman would be executed in the way that he had planned for
Mordecai to be killed. The Jewish people are saved and God used Esther at
positioning her right at the right place at the right time there in front of the
king to save all of the Jewish people such a time as this church. What if we
were made for such a time as this? What if God has positioned Mission Grove in
the heart of Desert Ridge and only our second year of existence in the middle of
the marketplace here in the middle of a global endemic to reach this community
with the good news of the gospel. What if God has placed you in your family or
you in your business or in your specific neighborhood for the specific purpose
of sharing the love of Jesus with the people around you. The early church had no
building, they had no budget, they had no political power, no formal presence in
the society and they didn't even have a formal book yet in the form of the new
Testament because the letters were being written during the early existence of
the movement called the Church together. And yet God chose to use these ordinary
people to launch the movement known as the church that would shape world history
as we know it. We stand here today proclaiming the gospel because of the
faithfulness of just a few. There. In the first century. In Matthew chapter 16
verse 18, Jesus promised to build his church and he said that the gates of hell
would not prevail against it with that promise in hand church. It is time for us
to go on offense. Let's get out there and share the hope of the gospel with the
world who is desperately seeking and who needs it now more than ever. Jesus also
says in the gospel of Matthew chapter nine verse 37 he says to his disciples,
the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. So let me ask you, will you
join me in the harvest? The early church had four things that we still have
access to today as Mission Grove, a local expression of God's church. They had
number one, the message of Jesus. Number two, the power of the Holy Spirit.
Number three, love for one another. And number four, the mission to make
disciples. Those four truths are so amazing. I want to repeat those to you that
here at Mission Grove, we have the message and hope of Jesus. We have the power
of the Holy Spirit living inside of us. We have love for one another that
produces unity and we have the mission to make disciples. So what are we waiting
for? Will you join me on mission to help every man woman and child here in this
north valley of Phoenix, Arizona to experience Jesus. You were made for such a
time as this. You were made for this moment right now in the fall of 2020. As we
prepare to regather on October 11th, several people have come up to me or
emailed me or messaged me on social media and asked John, what can I do to help?
Well, today, I wanna share with you four practical things that you can do right
now. First, you can pray. Prayer isn't the only thing we do, but it's definitely
the first thing we do. Prayer is a lot like taking the ball out of your hands
and placing them into the hands of someone who can do so much more as we live
here in Phoenix. And I'm a big sports fan. I want you to consider for just a
moment what you can do with the football compared to Kyler Murray, the current
quarterback for the Arizona Cardinals or consider what you can do with the
basketball versus what Devin Booker can do. The all star, uh starting guard for
the Phoenix Suns can do with the basketball. Now take that same idea, but apply
it in a spiritual and an internal sense. Without God, we can do nothing as a
church. But with God, nothing is impossible for our God who is able to do far
more abundantly than all that we can ask, think or imagine or dream. All
according to the power of the work within us. To God, be the glory in his church
and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen. Paul
prayed that prayer 2000 years ago in Ephesians chapter three. And that's still
ringing and echoing into our lives today. So church, I'm asking you to pray that
God would bring revival right here in our community and that he would move in
such a mighty way that only God can be explained of what happens through Mission
Grove. Second, I want to ask you specifically and intentionally to give, you
don't simply give to Mission Grove, rather you give through Mission Grove and
together we can be for the community along with local projects like paying for
the medical debt for 700 families in our community like we did this summer or
giving to missions and and other causes that we've done over here in 2020 we are
getting ready to launch a full scale digital ministry. And by moving into a new
location, there are new supplies and there are new um safety protocols and uh
pieces of equipment that we need to purchase. So if you already give, I want to
say thank you. It's because of gifts like yours that we can be generous to our
community and the people around us. But if you haven't given yet, I wanna
encourage you to join the generosity by giving securely on our website today.
Third, I'm asking you to serve with new ministries, launching a second Sunday
service and all these new cleaning and safety protocols that we are putting in
place to offer the best and safest experience for our community. We need more
people now than ever to help us reach our community. If you are interested in
serving, please fill out the connection card found on our website and I promise
you someone from our team will contact you this week and we'll get you plugged
in, in ways that you can make a difference in our church and in our community.
Finally, I'm asking everyone to invite two families to come with them to our re
gathering on October 11th. Now, hear me on this. If you are facing some medical
issues or you don't feel ready to rejoin a public worship gathering. I want to
encourage you to stay safe and to stay home. We're gonna be streaming our
services online as well as offering other ways to connect with us digitally
through the church. But if you're already going out in public on a regular
basis, if you're sending your kids to school, making trips to Costco and maybe
you've even returned back to work. I wanna encourage you to invite two people or
two families to worship with you. On October 11th, we're going to practice
social distancing and we're going to follow all CDC guidelines. But now is the
time to reach people. COVID is not the only pandemic sweeping our nation. Right
now. Many people are facing anxiety, depression, addictions or feelings of
isolation. Some people are questioning the very purpose of their life when idols
that they've grabbed hold to have come to the wayside because they haven't been
able to work or get out or find their worth in the things of the world. What our
world needs right now is not another program or I'd be as bold to say what a
world needs right now is not the right candidate, but they need the person and
the power of Jesus Christ. And you could be the one who brings someone to Jesus
and it could start with a simple invitation to join you for worship at church at
CB Live there on October 11th, invite a friend or family member or coworker come
to service right there at CB Live and then take them out to lunch or brunch
after service and connect with them on a deeper level. There. You have a church
family. We've been made for such a time as this. We have the message of Jesus.
We have the power of the Holy Spirit. We have love for one another that produces
unity. And we've been given the mission to go and make disciples. Those four
things haven't changed in 2000 years, we need your help to get ready for re
gathering. And so I'm asking everyone to pray. I'm asking everyone to give, I'm
asking everyone to serve and I'm asking everyone to invite. Will you join me in
making a difference for God's eternal kingdom and recognize the fact that even
in all the craziness of 2020 you've been made for a time such as this, God loves
you. God is for you. I am for you. And together, let's be for our community.
Will you join me on this mission? Will you join me in the harvest? Will you take
a bold step like Esther did that ultimately saved a nation? Who knows? Maybe God
is on the verge of revival right here in the valley and maybe just maybe it
starts with a few ordinary people like you and like me who believe in the power
of God. And we ask for Him to move. Let's pray dear heavenly Father. Thank you
for using people like Esther who you positioned her in the right place at the
right time to accomplish what you called her to do. And in that moment of doubt
in that moment of wavering in her faith, you placed Mordecai in her life to
encourage her to just ask the question, what if you were made for such a time as
this God we know 2020 has been crazy. We know that there are many challenges
ahead. But guy, we're just asking, we're just believing that. What if you made
us? What if you made the person watching this online or listening to this on a
podcast? What if you made that person to view this message in this exact moment
to stir in their spirit, to jump on the mission of Mission Grove, to help every
man woman and child experience. You Jesus. We have your message, we have your
power, we have your love and now we have your mission God. So I ask our church
family that as we rally together, that we will pray regularly specifically,
often that we will give, that we will give and join the generosity, not to just
give to mission growth, but to give through mission growth so that we can reach
more people for you. God, I ask that people would step up and serve within their
abilities and opportunities. And God lastly, for those who will be coming, I
pray that they would invite two people or two families to join them at either
the nine o'clock or the 1030 service as we launch a brand new series there on
October 11th. And we celebrate our two year anniversary as a church. God. We
wanna see you move like never before. So it's in your power. It's in your grace
that we humbly come before you. We love you God. And we ask that you have the
glory in your son's name. We pray. Amen.