"have you ever experienced deja vu? It's the feeling you get when you go to an unfamiliar place, but yet it feels strangely familiar. Author steve moore wrote about the opposite effect called Volusia Day, that's where you experience something that is very familiar, but you find something new and different and refreshing that you've never experienced before. The idea of seizing the Volusia Day is to look at the rhythms and routine and mundane things of life and experience new life and experience new ways of those activities like never before. I believe God is speaking into your life right now. I believe God can work in your heart and in your mind and ultimately in your hands and activities and your relationships, so that the rhythms and the routines and the mundane activities of life can breathe new life, a new spirit and a new heart. You see this comes from psalm 23 verse six that reads surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the House of the Lord forever. You see in this verse two sentences about two different periods of time. The first is about the present tense. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and then the second is about the eternal tense or the future tense that I shall dwell in the House of the Lord forever. So in this verse, we see that you can have abundant life now which leads to eternal life forever. You have goodness and mercy now and dwelling with the savior forever for your future. did you know that over a period of time, if a shepherd takes good care of sheep, that sheep will re fertilize and replenish and leave the land better off than well, how it was before they came see, that happens in several ways, while sheep don't have a lot of positive qualities to offer. What they do is offer is that they eat a variety of plants and that they move from one pasture to the next and so in a sense they glean and they then with their ways to actually re fertilize the land to create even greener pastures when they leave in the same way, if you are a follower of jesus, that you are called to make your place of work or your community or your home better as christians, we are called to bring light and love and hope into every situation, Every conversation in every relationship, Notice that in Psalm 23, 6 that goodness and mercy follow David, this leads us to our truth to declare today and that is this. When you follow jesus, goodness and mercy follow, you think about that for a second, when you follow jesus, when you follow the good shepherd goodness and mercy follow you in the gospels, you see all kinds of incredible miracles performed by the disciples, but you wanna know something interesting, the disciples didn't follow miracles, but instead the opposite was true, miracles followed the disciples and they did that because the disciples followed jesus in Matthew chapter four verse 19, jesus called his first disciples and we have a great definition of discipleship, Jesus said to them, he was speaking to Peter and some other fishermen and and so Jesus said to them come follow me and I will make you fishers of men you see in here three relationships that are key to following jesus and to being and making disciples first is your relationship with God. Jesus did not say to Peter in the early disciples come and follow a set of principles. Instead he said come and follow me. So to be a disciple is to follow jesus. The second relationship is that the relationship with nonbelievers, he says come follow me and I will make you fishers of men. It's key as christians to continue our relationships with those who do not yet call themselves christians. We should not place expectations or moral behavior, expectations on people that don't follow jesus, it's not our job to be the moral police, it's our job to share and show the love of jesus with every person around us. So when we fish for people that Peter and the early disciples were fishermen in a sense, what we're doing is that we are sharing the gospel or the good news with everybody around us, we have been blessed to be a blessing, which is why we commonly say here at Mission Grove that we are for the community because God is for you, we are for you, which means that we are for the community. The first relationship is with God. The second relationship is when you fish for people. And then the third relationship is with other believers, you are not called to follow God alone. Now you might have to take a stand from time to time, but you are called in the community and you are called into the body of the church family. When Jesus left the 99 to go after the one sheep, he did not say Okay sheep, it's you and me, let's take this land together. No, he went out and grabbed the one and brought him back into the flock. We are stronger together. We need you in our faith family and you need us. This is what it means to be a part of the church and this is what it means to be a disciple and a follower of jesus. So what is a disciple or disciple is one who follows jesus fishes for people and then it has fellowship with other believers and when you do that, when you follow jesus, guess what, goodness and mercy follow you. So if that is our truth to declare, then our action to apply is this, follow the shepherd daily, being a disciple does not happen in a day, but rather it happens daily by deciding with your heart, with your mind with your soul and your strength to love God with all that you are, and then to love people the way that Jesus has loved us. If we do that, the goodness and mercy will follow us, our conversations, our relationships will be better, our workplace will be better, our community, our schools, our nation will be better if we live out the love and the light that jesus has given to us, let us replenish and refurbish and really sees the Volusia day. Let us go through and look at something routine and find a new opportunity to show and share the light of jesus christ with others. If we do that, we will experience joy and we will experience peace beyond anything that this world can have and offer us And ultimately, at the end of the day, we will dwell in the House of the Lord Forever. We are concluding our series here in Psalm 23. I hope that in watching this, that it's not an ending of a series, but a beginning of a spiritual journey for you or maybe a renewed spirit or a refreshed vision In Calling in your life. In verse one, we saw that we are called to know the shepherd. The key to contentment is to know the shepherd. In verse two, we are called to trust the shepherd. The key to rest is trust in verse three. We are called to listen to the Shepherd, remember the key to the path is the person you don't need the map. When you stay close to the guide. In verse four, we learned that jesus dealt with the substance of death, so that all that remains is a shadow. And if there are shadows, that means that light is present and light is present because the shepherd is present and the Rod of God's word and the staff of God's spirit will bring you comfort. The key to comfort is the presence of the shepherd. And then in verse five, we talked about having a feast in the middle of your fight. The key to having a meal with the good shepherd is don't give satan a seat. Don't allow the negative talk. The shame, the guilt, the anxiety and the worry to come between you and your heavenly father and your savior and your good shepherd and God. And finally we shared today in this message that when you follow jesus, goodness and mercy follow you, this doesn't mean that you won't struggle. This doesn't mean that you won't stray. And this doesn't mean that you won't face difficult circumstances in the future. But what you should know is that goodness and mercy will follow you when you choose to daily follow the shepherd and ultimately we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. I hope that this series has encouraged you, I want to challenge you to don't sit on this message, but rather go out and share this encouragement with those around you. Maybe share this link. Maybe share this message or find a way to share the hope, the light and the love of jesus with someone in your life today, seize the day. Look at something familiar and ask God to give you something new. Let's pray Dear Heavenly Father. We thank you For Psalm 23. A song that was written by a shepherd who became a king, about a king who became a shepherd. When we find hope and when we find peace in the valley that we're in right now, we give this day, we give this week. God, I give my life to you. It's in your son's name. We pray Amen. If you prayed that prayer with me, will you do me a favor? Will you go to our website Mission Grove Church dot com, fill out a connection card and let us follow up with you so that you can begin your spiritual journey with the good shepherd. God bless"