Have you ever mixed up something that you thought you knew? Maybe it was a song
lyric that you've been belting out in the car for years come to find out what
the actual lyrics are. See some of you nudging others that you have a particular
song in mind, but. You know, sometimes we think we know things. But it's
actually something deeper. Now, there's a cute story of uh a little group of six
year olds, uh, singing at the Christmas concert. Not about you, but if I'm in
attendance of a children's Christmas pageant or concert. If it's my child, I
want, you want, I, I want them to do well, right? If it's not my child. I'm
really hoping for something to go down, you know, you know what I'm saying? Like
if you've been practicing and it's your kid, you want them to belt it out
correctly, uh, if it's not your kid, you're hoping you get one of these, right,
or the kid lays down on the ground or turned around or belts the wrong word, uh,
because it's memorable, right? We're all about making memories. Well, there's
this cute group of six year olds singing Hark the Herald Angels sing. And
there's a little boy who was on stage and he was getting more confident, getting
ready for his line. Now the line, the actual line, Is God and sinners
reconciled. Now, what six year old's really gonna know what reconciliation is
all about? Let's be real. What adults are gonna know what reconciliation is all
about, OK? So his line was coming up. He was growing in confidence and it came
for his time to step up, and he belted God and sinners dressed in style. I mean,
if you're gonna sin, might as well have some nice drip, you know what I'm
saying? And while it's cute when kiddos say the wrong words, the reality is
adults were not that much better. I mean, I know growing up, uh, even the song
itself, Hark the Herald Angels sing for the longest time, I thought Hark the
Herald was like the lead angel, you know, he was like the Justin Timberlake in
the group of angels. It was a Hark the Herald and angels sing, you know what I
mean? I thought he was the front man, but in reality, Hark the Herald means
listen to the messenger. And some of you were today years old when you learned
that and I want to you know that's OK. Listen to the messenger. And here's the
thing, if we're being honest with ourselves that sometimes we even know what the
right words are, but we don't really understand what they mean. Right, we're
gonna end tonight singing Silent Night. And the beautiful line of sleep and
heavenly peace. Meanwhile, y'all were crazy up to about 30 minutes ago, right?
In the scramble to get ready for Christmas or the stress or the work or the
fighting or the sickness or whatever it is that you just kinda, oh, I'm doing
great, Merry Christmas. God bless, bless your heart, you know. Oh, am I being
too real? Is that, am I not allowed to be real at the 4:30 service? Some of
y'all, let's be real here, you were coming for the 3 and weren't gonna make it.
So now we're going 4:30. What does that actually mean? For the next few minutes,
I wanna share with you a message entitled More Than you expected. Because my
prayer and hope for you is that you would experience Christmas in a new way.
That more than just the Christmas decorations and the ornaments on the tree and
the gifts under it or or the meal with friends and family and don't get me
wrong, I love me, all of that, especially that food. But what if Christmas was
more than we expected? What would it take for this to truly be the best
Christmas ever? What does, what does heavenly peace even look like? So simply
put, Christmas is about love. More specifically, Christmas is about God's love.
And we see this in the Christmas story. Because what we find when we read the
Christmas story and go a little bit deeper than the service. What we find is
that the love of Christ leads to victory in life. That the love of Christ leads
to victory in life, that there is a deeper meaning and purpose, that this truly
could be the most important and best Christmas of your life if you would simply
receive the love of God this Christmas. Now all month long as a church, we've
been studying the name of Jesus at Christmas, Emmanuel, which means God with us.
Originally stems from the prophet Isaiah. With this prediction, this prophecy
given 700 years before Jesus would enter the scene. Now Jesus always was and
always will be. But from heaven to earth comes down. But 700 years before this
happens in Isaiah chapter 7, verse 14, we read, Therefore, the Lord Himself will
give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call
his name, Emmanuel. You see, the arrival of Christmas is the arrival of love.
Tis the season for Amazon Prime packages coming at your doorstep. But this
particular package came all the way from heaven to earth. And with the arrival
of Jesus is the arrival of love. But don't just take my word for it. You see
John 3:16, the most famous verse in the Bible tells us that for God so loved the
world. That he gave his only son, that whosoever believes in him shall not
perish but have eternal life. Paul is writing, the apostle is writing the church
in Rome, and he writes these words in Romans chapter 6 verse 23. He says, for
the wages of sin is death. You realize that's what we bring to the table? We
bring the sin, we bring the wages there like some of you are going to like a
family meal after this and someone's bringing the fruit cake or the dish that
nobody wants like, look, we're bringing as humanity, we're bringing the wages of
the sin of death to the party. Now that that's what we bring to the table, OK?
But. The free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. The love of
Christ leads to victory in life. There's this apostle, his name is John. His
previous nickname was the son of Thunder. That towards the end of his life, he
gets described as the apostle of love. And in one of his final letters, he
writes this in 1 John chapter 4 verse 10. He says, Anyone who does not love does
not know God. Why? Because God is love. And see what you'll find in the
Christmas story is that Christmas actually shows us the depth, the reach, and
the strength of Christ's love. Those three characteristics from the Christmas
story can transform our hearts and change our lives if we would receive it and
believe it to be true. So let's take a few minutes and walk through these 3
truths together. The depth, the reach, and the strength of God's love. First,
let's take a look at the depth of God's love. There in the Christmas story found
in the Gospel of Luke chapter 2, we're starting here in verse 4. And Joseph also
went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth to Judea, to the city of David,
which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David to
be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. And while they were
there, the time came for her to give birth, and she gave birth to her first born
son and wrapped him in swallowing cloths and laid him in a manger because there
was no place for them in the inn. You see, the Christmas story shows the depth
of God's love because you can't go further down than from heaven to earth. And
when he came down, he didn't come, like, you've heard the phrase like it's so
and so's world, we're just living in it. It's literally God's world and we're
just living in it. And he could enter the scene in any way, shape, or form, and
yet he does so in the most meek, mild, and humble way possible. Mary Joseph.
Bethlehem, the rural town, not even in the end, but in a stable. If you've heard
the phrase, the devil's in the details. I think actually the reverse is true.
That God's in the details, because see, every single detail of the Christmas
story points to God's divinity. That this was by design. Let me share one little
minor detail that you might have never thought of before. And that was the fact
that when Jesus came, was born, who was wrapped. And swaddling cloths and laid
it in a manger. Did you know that the fact that he was wrapped in swaddling
cloth actually points to the Easter story and connects Christmas with Easter. I
was talking to my friend Stan Meyer, uh, who was a part of Mission Grove, but he
was also working and serving in a ministry called Jews for Jesus. And, and he
shared with me and he was leading, uh, teaching us through the Passover Seder,
and he said, oh. You won't believe how many symbols are in the Passover that
point to Jesus. I said, really? He said, yeah, let me tell you, have you heard
of the Offi Coleman? I said, God bless you. What were you saying? He said, no,
have you heard of the Offi Coma? No, God bless you, but what do you need to tell
me? He's like, no, no, that's the name of this bread. So there's 3 pieces of
matzo bread, unleavened bread. And check this out, that the 2nd was stan, he
doesn't use the word check this out. I say that, but um you get the point here,
he says, you know, the 2nd piece. Is wrapped in cloth is broken, it's hidden
away and then at the end of the meal someone goes and finds it it's kind of part
of this ritual and they bring it back also wrapped for the purpose and reminder
of God's redemption. Now originally Passover was celebrated and still is within
Jewish culture to remember God's deliverance of the people of Israel out of the
hands of the Egyptians. But think about this for just a moment and think about
Jesus, how he came into the Christmas story and connecting it with the Passover
meal. Jesus, the 2nd person of the Trinity, came wrapped in clothing. was broken
in the sense that he was nailed to the cross. died as payment for your sins and
for mine, was hidden away, was buried. What happened when he was buried? What
happened? He was wrapped. And then when he rose again, defeating death itself,
conquering sin as we know it, when he Rose from the grave and Mary and others
went to the grave. What did they find? Folded cloth. Swaddle as a baby. Death on
a cross, wrapped again, but the linens left behind. See, the Christmas story
points to the Easter story, because the baby in the manger is the savior on the
cross, was also the king reigning for every amen. That's how deep the love of
God goes. But second, let's take a look at the reach of God's love in the
Christmas story. Let's continue reading verse 8. In the same region, there were
shepherds out of the field, keeping watch over their flock by night, and an
angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them,
and they were filled with great fear. And the angel said to them, Fear not, for
behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For
unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
And this will be a sign for you. You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling
cloths and lying in a manger. Hm. The depth of God's love shows because he comes
from heaven down to earth, in the most meek, mild, and humble way possible. The
reach of God's love is this. What was the message of the angels to the
shepherds? Fear not, for I bring you good news of great joy for whom? All
people. And here's the thing. That message could have gone to anybody. If you're
trying to get the word out, you would think you would go to royalty or the
priests or the wealthy. But the angels delivered this message to the shepherds,
the lowly. The smelly The workers in the middle of the night, in the middle of
the field, and then said, this good news of great joy is for all people. Why?
Because they're all people. And guess what? We're all people. Did you realize
that you're in the nativity story? That phrase that for all people, that means
that you and I are in the Christmas story. Was anyone in a nativity growing up?
If you were, go ahead and to your neighbor, go ahead and say what character you
were. I can tell what characters they were, you know why? Because the people who
are like Marry or the wise men, like they immediately like, yeah, I was Mary.
The people who were like sheep put their heads down. They're like, I was a
sheep. Here's the thing, you're in the nativity. Good news, great joy for all
people. But the nativity is not a nativity without Jesus. Few years ago we put
out a nativity scene. I've shared this with some of you, uh, because you laughed
with me when it happened, but, uh, and after a few days, it felt like my
nativity was missing something. And upon closer review, uh, I noticed that
there's no Jesus. Turns out my golden retriever dog, Sophie ate baby Jesus. Or
one of my children. I don't quite know if it was a child or the dog. I'm pretty
sure it was a dog. As crazy as that sounds, how many of us Have a nativity at
home without Jesus. We're trying to go through this Christmas season without the
whole reason for the season, Jesus Christ himself. See, the reach of God's love
is that is, is good news of great joy for all people, meaning it included the
shepherds and it includes you and me today. But here's the deal. You have to
respond to that message. See, the shepherds heard that message. And they didn't
just stay in the field. When they heard the message of Jesus, what did they do?
They went to Jesus. You have to respond to the message. Sadly, this last week,
um. The baseball great Ricky Henderson. Uh, passed away. He played for about 23
seasons in the major leagues, all-time leader in steals, I believe like 1400 and
like 6 steals. There was a season in the 80s there where he had 130 stolen bases
in one year, and he was a character, man. Have you ever seen any old interviews
of Ricky Henderson, he would like refer to himself as in third person, and he
would speak and just a bigger, larger than life kind of guy. Well, there's this
crazy story that came out that uh that was confirmed by him. On several places
is that early in the 80s when he was starting to get big, they got to the end of
the year and the Oakland A's accounting department realized that they were off
by a million dollars. I'm not like super familiar with accounting as a job, but
if you're off by a million, that's not good, right? If you're off by 2. You work
for the government. Just kidding, it's too low. Um. But here's the thing, they
were off by a million because they had it still in their account, like it should
have gone out. And so one of the workers, they tracked it down, they realized it
was connected to Ricky Henderson, and they, they said, hey, this is a weird
question, uh, but Did you ever deposit the million dollar check we gave you? He
thought about it. He said, uh, no. I was so excited, made it to the major
leagues. This is a symbol that I made it. My dreams came true. I was so excited
that I framed the check and put in put it in my kitchen. He had a framed million
dollar check on his wall. Now he would go on to deposit it, right, it's a
million dollars. But as crazy as that sounds. OK, how many of us? Have the story
of Christmas and what it represents an eternal, priceless value of our souls.
And we've heard the story, we've read the stories and what have we done? We went
home and we stuck it on our wall. We hung it on our tree. And we never deposited
the message of Christmas in our heart and in our soul and let it transform our
lives. When it comes to faith, at some point you got cash the check. You gotta
cash the check. You may have been coming to church for years or maybe just like
once a year for years, and look, I'm just so glad you're here. But I wanna tell
you that until you take the Christmas off the wall and deposit it in your heart.
You really haven't experienced the true meaning of Christmas. The depth of God's
love is seen that God came from heaven to earth. The reach of God's love is seen
that in the angel's message to the shepherds was that it's good news of great
joy for all people that now this message is for us to respond to. But lastly,
what we're gonna see here is the strength of God's love in the Christmas story.
I'm gonna share with you a verse that's not typically used with Christmas. But I
think it's connected because see, as you, as a pastor, you're trying to prep a
Christmas message. The reality is, you feel like you're given the same book
report every year, you know what I mean? And so as we're studying the love of
Christ, I started looking through scripture and and seeing that theme throughout
Scripture, and I came across this passage in Romans 8 and I was like, wow. And,
and sorry if I nerd out, Bible nerd out for a second, but this is so good, so
good. The apostle Paul is writing to the church in Rome, and they're
experiencing major persecution. People being in prison and killed and beaten up
and struggling and anything possible bad happening you they're having it happen.
And he writes this letter to encourage them and he gets to the end of chapter 8,
and I wanna read these verses starting in verse 35 of Romans chapter 8. Who
shall separate us from the love of Christ? It's gonna list 7 things here. Child
tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or
sword. As it is written, for your sake we are being killed all the day long, and
we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered. Merry Christmas. That seems kind of
dark, right? I was like, I'm gonna leave it there. Um, I get there's kids in the
room, so we're not gonna go deep dive into that one. Here's the premise though,
OK? Every possible hardship that was happening this church was experiencing. And
Paul encourages them by quoting Psalm 44, and saying, look, the followers of God
have experienced hardship from the very beginning. But let me tell you
something. Verse 37. No, in all things, we are more than conquerors. Whoa, more
than conquerors is one word. Hang on, that's where we're gonna land. But we are
more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death
nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor
powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything in all creation will be able to
separate us from the love of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. Because of
Christmas, because of the arrival of love. And what Jesus would do then on the
cross on your behalf and mine. The savior That comes We can have victory. That
word more than conqueror, OK? It's this really cool Greek word. It's the only
place that's used in the New Testament. It it's pronounced Hoer night cow or
something similar. I can't pronounce words. But it's one word that literally
means hyper conqueror. Or super victorious. Isn't that cool? Anyone want to be
super victorious? I don't want to just be victorious. I wanna be super
victorious, you know. And there's two meetings and they're both awesome. You
ready for it? I'm a coach right now in basketball. It's basketball season,
right? If you win the game, that's fun, right? But if you win by a lot, it, it's
like more than a victory, right? I was curious, so I looked it up. Uh, one of
the most lopsided scores recently was in women's basketball. There was a high
school, a girls basketball team in Montana named Freud Medicine Lake High,
little unique name by the way. They were playing the uh Brockton High. Uh, and
you want, you wanna know what the final score of the basketball game was? 102 to
0. Mm That's more than a victory. And our empathetic people in the room go, oh,
that poor team. Right, you feel sad for them. Why? Cause that is a beat that
like that is bad, right? Here's the thing. We sometimes approach the Christian
life like it's this back and forth between Satan and Jesus, right? It's a back
and forth battle and we get to the 4th quarter and then Jesus like little
crossover step back, whoo, we won. Look, it's not even close. The best thing
Satan can try to do is kill Jesus, and 3 days later, he rises again. So he
defeats death itself. There is nothing. This thing can touch you with. He can
tempt you, he can distract you, but he cannot touch your identity in Christ
because of his love for you. Yeah. What can separate you from God's love? Paul
says, no one and nothing. In this life or the next, because you are super
victorious. When you get to the end of Scripture, there's all this struggle and
strife and issues. You get to the very end, I mean like the very end, not like
revelation, there's craziness in there, but you get the very end. Armageddon,
right? Oh, it's a big battle, right? Oh, Jesus goes and done. You think 102 to 0
is bad. How about all of eternity? There is no match for the love of God, for
those that receive Him. That you can be more than conquerors, you can be super
victorious, but that's one meaning. Can I share the second meeting with you? And
it's also awesome. See, if you are a conqueror, If you're a conqueror. There's a
battle, there's a fight, and then there's a victor. See, in the middle of that
word whooper Nikau. It's actually get your word Nike, familiar with anybody? OK.
Nike, the brand named after the Greek goddess of victory. That's why they named,
that's where the name comes from. Here's what's awesome, OK. If you're a
conqueror, the victory comes after the battle. If you are more than a conqueror,
that means that you can experience the victory even while you're still in
battle. Did you catch it? If you're more than a conqueror, even surrounded by
darkness and brokenness and persecution and sin and betrayal and issues, even in
the middle of all of that, you can still experience victory. Why? Because
nothing will separate you from the love of God. Amen. As Christians, we
struggle, we battle, and I don't know what battle you brought in today, but what
I know is that we have a victory someday, right? For those that trust in Jesus,
there will be a day where there's no more mourning, no more cancer, no more
sickness, no more betrayal, no more brokenness, no more addiction. So we are, we
are excited and hopeful for that someday. But the fact and the truth remains
that in the middle of everything, in the middle of anything that can possibly go
wrong, you are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ who loves you because
nothing and no one can separate you from his love, that even in the middle of
your battle right now in this moment, you can experience victory. Amen. Yeah, we
can cut out for that. There's a lady by the name of Corey Tenboom. Who uh was
born in Harlem, Netherlands, and her family owned a watch shop. And when they
were occupied by Nazi Germany, uh, their family who were believers started
hiding and saving people in their attic. Incredible story until one day they
were taken. Now I get that there's kiddos in the room, so I'm not gonna go down
this path, but just know right they were taken. By the bad guys there, put in a
concentration camp, I think, I think theirs was like Ravenbrook or something
like that. Experienced the worst things imaginable. And the loss of friends and
family and everything possible. You want to talk about that list in Romans 8,
they, they had it. OK. She gets released, kind of a miracle. So what does he
spend the rest of her life doing? Telling people about the love and forgiveness
found in God. How is that possible? She writes this book called The Hidden Place
in 1971 that becomes an international bestseller and a movie gets made from her
story. How is that possible? It's possible because even in the worst of
circumstances, she had victory because she was more than a conqueror in the name
of Jesus Christ. I'm going to end today with these two quotes. Corey Tinboone
says this, she says. Look at the world and you'll be distressed. Look within and
you'll be depressed. Look at God and you'll be at rest. In a different setting,
she would say these words about Christmas. She would say, who can add to
Christmas? The perfect motive is that God so loved the world. The perfect gift
is that He gave His only Son. The only requirement is to believe in Him. The
reward of faith is that you shall have everlasting life. The love of Christ.
Leads to victory in life. My prayer for you this Christmas is that it would be
more than you expected. This could be the best Christmas ever that you would
experience the transforming love of Jesus, but putting your faith in him. In a
moment I'm gonna pray. And would you hand me one of those cards for? And look,
there's no magic in the words of the prayer. What it what it does is it
represents your belief and the confession in your heart. OK. And after you pray,
or even before that, if, if, if you want to receive Jesus as your Lord and
Savior, look, again, this, it's not about checking a box. There's just a
practical thing here of there's a lot of people. And there's not sure if we're
gonna have to connect with the time and stuff. I get it, busy schedules. But if
you're serious about this, see, I wanna put my faith and trust in Jesus Christ.
I want you to let me know that. But the person you came with know that. So the
marking of the box is not about marking a box, it's about so that we can follow
up, check in with you, you can begin this spiritual journey. We wanna walk with
you. And look, if you've already called yourself a Christian, but you know what,
I, I need that super victorious kind of love. I need the more than conqueror
kind of love. I need to recommit my life, realign my life with what matters. Let
us know, let us know that you're recommitting your life to Jesus. I feel like,
man, This guy's excited. I didn't know what I was walking into. I want some hot
chocolate. Look, if you got questions, look, wherever you are on that journey,
we wanna chat with you. Let us know that too, OK? Look, the top part of the
Choose your charity, regardless of what happens, I understand this, that we're
gonna fulfill that, right? It's to be a blessing in the community. The top part
of that card is for the community, whatever is marked or not marked. The bottom
part of this card is for you. With the idea being that it's time to deposit the
check. It's time to believe it in your heart, and confess with your mouth the
mouth that Jesus is Lord. So how can you respond? Well, first you got to receive
God's love, and I'm gonna pray with you in just a moment. Encourage you to do
that with me to let me know on that card. And second, if you have received it,
look, this is too good not to share. It's too good not to share. The depth, the
reach, the strength of God's love. Would you share that with somebody this
Christmas? Will you pray with me? Dear God, I know that I'm a sinner. And I want
to turn from my sin and repent before you go. I can't make it to heaven on my
own. But God, you came down, heaven to earth, here at Christmas. Jesus, you are
God and you are savior. That when you died on the cross and rose again. You
defeated death and you made salvation possible. God forgive my sins, come into
my life. Change me. Give me a love That can make me super victorious. In the
future and right now in this moment, even in the middle of my battles. Thank you
for saving me. God, I commit my life to you. I'm putting my faith and trust in
you as Lord and Savior day. Help me to share this message and this love with
others. Thank you, God, it's in your son's name we pray. Amen.