The microphone was invented in 1876 by a gentleman named Emile Berliner as well
as help from Thomas Edison. And so Emile Berliner developed the first, uh,
microphone used as a telephone voice transmitter. Well then Edison refined it
and added this carbon button kind of microphone and then even Alexander Graham
Bell also used it. And so the microphone has existed for about 150 years. It's
what allows us to do things and, and speak in our phones and it allows me to
speak right now from the stage and we've seen incredible improvements in
technology over the last 150 years to where now we see wireless communication
where sound can enter in through the microphone pick up is then transmitted,
then received, and then amplified so that others can hear. Now, up on the stage
here, I'm, I'm holding a second microphone that looks very similar to this one.
Now, it's got a blue ring on it. This one's got a black ring on it, so it's not
exactly the same, but you know, it's, it's made by the same maker, sure
microphones. Its design is the same. The, the potential is the same. The purpose
is the same. So on the outside, if you just look at these two microphones, you
would not be able to distinguish the difference. And so what is the difference?
The difference is that when I speak into this microphone. Really do think. I'm
speaking to you and and and you're not hearing it through the sound system. In
other words, The difference is that this microphone has no power. That is a very
different experience. And what I'm saying to you now. To win. In the room, you
can hear my voice a little bit. The online audience is super confused right. So
it looks the same on the outside. But with no power. You can't hear my voice. I
wonder If there are Christians. There are people in this room right now. You
look the same You were created by the same maker. You're created with the same
purpose. You were created with the same design. But some of you are trying to
live the Christian life apart. The Christian life cannot and will not work apart
from the power of the Holy Spirit. But what I love about the Holy Spirit. Is
that when you embrace the very presence and the power of God in your life, that
it's no longer about the strength of your own voice, but the power of God
working through your voice. Here's what I mean. You're sitting in this room and
if you're online and you can't tell because you don't see the audience, but
there are thousands and thousands of people. In the room, right? OK, maybe not,
but But there are a lot of people in the room, OK, and you can clearly hear my
voice. And you're watching this at home or on your phone or on the TV screen,
and you can also hear my voice, which is great. But the reason you can hear my
voice is not because of the strength of my voice, but because of the strength of
the amplification of my voice. And what I love about that. Is that even if I
whisper. You can hear me. Some of you don't feel like you've got much to give to
God this Christmas season. Some of you have come in to the room or or tuned in
online and you feel like you're at the end you don't have a lot to give and I
wanna encourage you that even the faintest whisper empowered by God is enough to
share. The good news with the world around you. Because it's not about the
strength of your voice. It's about the strength of his presence. You see, the
presence of God amplifies your purpose in life. The presence of God amplifies
your purpose in life. That when God works in, in you, when God works through
you, that anything is possible. We're in week 4 of our series, God with us.
Stems from that verse, Isaiah 7:14. Right. The prophecy of the virgin birth
through the prophet Isaiah, Emmanuel, God with us. We talked about in week one
how God is with us in obscurity. That the beauty of the nativity points actually
to God's creativity. That he didn't come through the influencers of the day. He
didn't come through the religious leaders or the political leaders or the
wealthiest people in the day. He came through the most unknown, unlikely people.
In the most unlikely, unexpected places that when no one saw them, God saw them.
It was God who made the stable holy. It was God who made Mary. Who we honor
today. This young teenage girl, an unknown carpenter there in this tiny rural
village, that's not even in the place where you stay, but in the stable in the
back. That it was there, God Emmanuel comes into the scene. And not only is God
with us in obscurity, but he's also with us in our battles. That all throughout
Scripture, through Joshua's battles, entering the promised land, we see over and
over and over again, that we can be strong and courageous. Why? Not because of
our feelings, but because of our focus. And then last week, Pastor Dan shared
about how God is also with us in our valleys. That though we walk through the
valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil. Why? Because God is with
us. The fact is, is that God dealt with the substance of death, so all that
remains is its shadows. And that whatever you're walking through, whatever dark
night of the soul, God is still there. And so today, we move not just from
difficulties, but also to our purpose, to our mission of why did God make us
this way. And why do we need God's presence and God's power for us to fulfill
our purpose? You see, the manger is not just a decoration for the tree. It is a
declaration for our freedom. The Christmas story is an announcement to the world
that I am here for you. And you are here for me. That he gives us purpose in our
life, that he came, yes, he came in a cradle. But some of us are still singing
praises to little baby Jesus, right? And, and if you had a movie quote pop into
your head right now, two things. One, you need to pray for God's forgiveness and
we can be friends. Little Will Ferrell action here. We pray to little baby
Jesus, OK? And we think of him in here, and we think that it's just cute and
it's there, but he did, he, yes, he came in the cradle, but he came for the
cross. He came in a moment, but he came to launch a movement. I think it's
important that whatever you're in right now, whatever you're walking through, to
understand that God sees you. God sees you. Little kids spend half their days.
Trying to get the attention of their parents, don't they? Hey, Mom, Dad, look at
this. Wait, wait, wait, wait, what's this one. And some of you were nervous that
I was going to injure myself with that jump. And I appreciate the support. And I
think I just pulled my hip a little bit. But we'll move forward. The reality is
we're always that way, right? Even as adults, we are act we act, we live, we
spend. We speak in a way that we're trying to get people to notice us, don't we?
But wherever you are right now, the fact that God is a manuel should encourage
you. That he sees you, but not only does he see you in the battles, in the
obscurity in the valleys, but he sees you because he's got a purpose for you.
He's got a meaning for your life. He's got a job to do. He doesn't just set you
free. To stand on the sideline. He didn't create you with all of this technology
and intricacy so that you can sit here with the power off and walk through life
like this no sound for the world to hear. You have to walk in the power and
presence of God, but if you do that, even the smallest voice can be heard around
the world. You know, Christmas, you look at the first story of Jesus' life, but
let's go to the end of his earthly ministry today. Matthew 28, starting in verse
16 to set this up, Jesus rose from the dead, conquered death itself. He had now
been around his disciples for 40 days. He appeared to over 500 people, different
times of day, different places, different conversations, ate with them, drank
with them, walked with them. Right, we get to these final moments with his
disciples. Judas had betrayed him, so now they're down to 11. And so we have
this story here in verse 16 and 17. Now, the 11 disciples went to Galilee, to
the mountain to which Jesus had directed them, and when they saw him, they
worshiped and some doubted. How cynical do you have to be to doubt in that
moment? Do you ever think about that? They are on the mountain with Jesus, who
just days ago rose from the dead. Who for 3, 3.5 years was walking on water, was
raising people from the dead, was healing the sick, was feeding the thousands,
was preaching the kingdom of God, the forgiveness of sins, and then showed that
he has the power to feed sin itself by defeating death itself. So now the Roman
Empire and the religious leaders To try to extinguish this movement known as the
way, but your leader is now back from death. You saw him die on the cross. You
saw him buried in the tomb. You saw him in the empty tomb. You are now with him
for over a month, and you're on the mountain. I pictured the clouds parting.
There's birds flying in the sky, and you're chilling on the side like, yeah,
whatever. That that seems crazy, right? Except. For some people, it's never
enough. Look, if there, if there are people that are gonna doubt Jesus days
after he defeated death on the mountain with him directly. Then I guarantee you
there are people in this room are watching online who are like, man. You know, a
religion is nice for them. If people doubted Jesus, I know people are gonna
doubt me and here's the thing, I know people are gonna doubt you. And that's OK.
You can't control that, but don't be those people. Instead of doubting Jesus,
what if you doubted your doubts? Right? And embrace the meaning of this season
of, of the power that's available to you, of the intention behind this. If you
found this microphone in the desert. You would not look at this microphone and
go, wow, over millions of views. This cactus formed together, these form like,
do you know what I'm saying, like the intention, you are way more complex than a
microphone. And you were made on purpose for a purpose. And what is that
purpose? Jesus, who defeated death is coming to his disciples saying, hey, I'm
gonna leave in a moment. But before I leave, let me tell you why I did what I
did, and let me show you what you are going to do next. So he says this here, it
says when they saw him and in verse 18, and Jesus came and said to them, all
authority in heaven on earth has been given to me. How do we know that we just
defeated death. That's a pretty good resume. Right, like when you think about
like turning in your resume and LinkedIn. Like Jesus' resume doesn't even have
to put a description, he just goes, I am. I am. That's it. That's all you need.
3 letters, 2 words. I am. Right Like So all authority has been given. To me.
Verse 19, go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe
all that I commanded you. So this is known as the great commission, make
disciples. Baptizing the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. That's what we
did just last Sunday. That's what we do throughout the year. It's awesome, love
it. It's my favorite Sundays when people are going public with their faith. And
we're teaching people to obey. What God's word is teaching us. But how is that
possible though? I mean, they're not, they don't even. Not they're not even 11
for 11 on the mountain. Cause some doubt it. Right? It's possible why, he says,
because behold, I'm with you always. To the end of the age. It's possible
because I'm the power. The same power that created the world. The same power
That allowed me to rise from the dead is what I'm giving you. That's how I know
you can go into the all in the world, make disciples. All other places
scripture. He shares the same idea. John 14. He just told the disciples that he
was leaving. He says, Take heart, believe in God, believe also in me. He shows
that I am the way, the truth in life. No one comes to the Father except through
me. A few verses later, verse 12, he has these words. Jesus says, truly, truly,
I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do. Greater
works than these will he do. Because I'm going to the Father. Ask whatever in my
name, and this I will do that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask
me anything in my name, I will do it. Says if you love me, you will keep my
commandments. How is that possible? How could we do greater things than Jesus? I
mean, he's Jesus. But yet here we are 2000 years later, in Cave Creek, Arizona,
as a church worshiping a God with more Christians than ever at any point in the
history of the world. Why are we doing that? Because God was just getting
started. How is it possible for you to obey the commands of God? How is it
possible for you to love and to serve your neighbors and to forgive and, and to
help and and to to to overcome addiction and to overcome these things? How is it
possible? It's possible. Why? Because he's gonna give you the same power that
defeated death. He says, I will ask the Father, and he will give you another
helper to be with you forever. Even the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot
receive because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him. For he dwells
with you and will be in you. He says, I'm going to give you the power. And he
says, I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you. Do me a favor, just
kind of underline or mark that word. Orphan for a moment we're gonna come back
to that when we end this morning but can you just mark that says I'm not gonna
leave you as orphans. Just just save that little word for in your file that away
for a moment, OK? Let's keep going, we'll come back to that at the end. The next
chapter, John 15, Jesus speaking. He tells his disciples in verse 5, he says, I
am the vine. You are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is
that bears much fruit, for apart from me, you can do nothing. You know my
daughter Chloe has, you know, the Barbies at home and the little plastic food
kitchen sets, you know, those kind of fun things and you play, um, and I, let me
just tell you like I, she's got me wrapped. I'm in trouble. OK, girl, girl dads
understand, right? Like I can simultaneously in the morning just like. Good
morning, sweetie, princess. Daddy loves you. It's gonna be a great day. Boys,
it's time to get up. Right. And so I can be playing with my daughter, you know,
we'll be having tea or or making little meals. Uh, but you know what I never
have once done, I've never looked at the tiny little Vegetables or fruit. I'm
like, I wonder if that tastes good. They have never once confused actual fruit
for this little plastic thing. But some of us act that way with our faith, don't
we? We come in and we're like, look at my fruit bearing fruit for Jesus. But you
can't produce anything on your own. You put a stick in the ground. You water it
Right, fertilize it. You know what you get a month from now? A stick in the
ground. Hm. Because our job is not simply to produce fruit, it is to be
connected to Jesus, who produces fruit through us. That is why it is called the
fruit of the what? Spirit. That through the power of the Holy Spirit as we
connect ourselves to Jesus, it changes everything. One of my favorite all-time
vacations was we took family to Hawaii and uh and and I fully acknowledge that
food just tastes better on vacation, right? But uh down there we're having some
acai balls, uh, and they had some pineapple on there and it was like fresh
Hawaiian pineapple from a little stand, you know. I was like, oh, so good. And
then I was like, I'm gonna, I'm gonna recreate this. So I went to the store. I'm
gonna get some, make it back in our little condo. I want to recreate what I got
from the stand. So I go in and I buy this pineapple and I start cutting up and I
take a bite. My God, this doesn't taste like what I had at the stands, you know,
it was grown like right there and like cut and like and then I look at it and
then this is pineapple from California. I'm like. Wait, hold on, that's not the
stand. Like I want like cut like right there and then hand it over like they
imported it from another state to try to recreate something that was fresh. OK,
how many of us and our faith are trying to import like our parents' faith, our
friends' faith, our boyfriend, or girlfriend's faith, like we're trying to
import. I'm just gonna do what they have, like, you need the fresh stuff. You
need the local. You need the fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit in your life
that only comes from a personal relationship with Jesus. But this theme of God
being with you on mission, of being connected to the vine of having true
sustenance and life through knowing Jesus, through knowing God and the power of
God being with you, runs all throughout scripture. Even in the Old Testament,
Deuteronomy chapter 31, Moses is encouraging Joshua, and he says these words, he
says, it is the Lord who goes before you. That he will be with you. I love that
phrase, by the way. Do you know that the Lord has already been to 2025? We have
no idea what's coming around the corner. Next year, do we? But God does. He's
been there. So not only is he before you, he says that he will be with you. It
will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. If you're
walking with a child through a busy crowded space, a mall, a theme park,
whatever, and they've never been there before, what do you say? Hold my hand.
Stay with me. It doesn't matter if they've never been there before because
you've been there before. It doesn't matter if they don't know where they're
going because you know where you're going. And you're together. So you don't
know what's coming around the corner in 25. But you do know that God Who's
already been there And that God says, then I'm gonna be with you every step of
the way. So you can be strong and courageous. Cuz I'm with you, I'm the power,
I'm the source, I'm the direction. I don't need you to have a strong voice. So
whatever you give me, I can work with that. Instead of going into 2025. And go
on our own. In our own path We sound like this. And we get frustrated because
we're not being heard. Stop being frustrated that you're not being heard and
start tapping into the power that defeated death. David said this to his son
Solomon when they were building the temple. 1st 1st Chronicles 28:20. And David
said to Solomon, his son, Be strong and courageous and do it. I love that. He
didn't just say feel strong and courageous. He says, Be strong and courageous
and do it. Because courage isn't a feeling it's a focus and a focus that leads
to action, right? Do not be afraid, do not be dismayed for the Lord God, even my
God is with you. He will not leave you or forsake you, until all the work for
the service of the house of the Lord is finished. It says it won't be on the
screen, but it says Philippians 16, right? What God began, what good work God
began, he will be sure to bring it to completion. God's not done with you yet.
Your story is not done. And when your story is done, It's time to go. And I
don't know what that is. Very rarely do we ever know that get the heads up.
God's not done with you yet. We got work to do. Paul writes in Ephesians 2:10,
he says, for we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works.
Right, this microphone was designed with a purpose. It was, it wasn't an
accident, you were not an accident. You were born into this moment in this
family, and that job in this community at this time for a specific purpose. So
what God has prepared for you before him, that we should walk in them. Church,
we got work to do. We got good news of great joy that we're called to share and
spread with the community around us. That whatever little voice you have with
amplified power of the Holy Spirit, we can change the world. Jesus on the sermon
of the Mount Matthew chapter 5 verse 13 to 16 says, You were the salt of the
earth. I love that, maybe because I love chips and salsa. What's the purpose of
salt real quick, right? Adds flavor. Not only does it add flavor, it actually
preserves the good before they had refrigerators and things, right, it would
preserve something for longevity. Right, it would protect. It would sustain. As
Christians, what are we called to do? We're called to add flavor to life. We're
called to preserve the good in this world that is decaying. Right? But what
happens? It says, but what if the salt has lost its taste? How shall the
saltiness be restored? Well, it's no longer good for anything. Except to be
thrown out and trampled upon people's feet. Gives another picture says you are
the light of the world. A city on a hill that cannot be hidden, nor do people
light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to
all in the house in the same way. Let your light shine before others so that
they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
Imagine walking into a dark room holding a lamp, and spending your day
complaining about how dark it is in the room. Like yeah, it is dark and you're
holding the lamp. Whatever darkness you're surrounded by or in. Understand this,
that you are the light, that God is the light of the world, but because the
power of the Holy Spirit is inside of you, that you also are the light of the
world, and that light will always overcome darkness. So our job is to shine,
baby. Where 1000 little crystal balls, disco balls, light of Christ. Yeah, we
might be broken, but guess what? Broken mirrors still reflect. You know what I'm
saying? Cracked mirrors still show a reflection. We don't have to be perfect.
You know how we don't have to be perfect? Because the very disciples who were
with Jesus on the mountain with him days after he resurrected still didn't
believe. And got you, yep, I'm gonna use those guys. The ones who messed up time
and time again. The uneducated. The political, the non-political, the Jews, the
gentile men, women, the rich, the poor. The sick, healthy. I'm gonna use them
Why? Because the presence of God amplifies your purpose in life. One of the
mission trips I took to Mexico. We're doing some work down in Guadalajara and
we're helping this gentleman named Hilario, who had a crazy testimony. A short
version is he was in prison, was supposed to die, uh, gets let out of prison.
It's saved so then because he was set free, he commits the rest of his life to
help the least last and lost. OK, he starts this orphanage. Starts to imprison
ministry. They're saving kids. They're going down. We've, we've been down there.
Jose and Katie actually who were singing up here earlier this morning. They
spent 3 years down in Mexico as missionaries. we can talk to them about this as
well. And so we were going down and we had this group of teenagers and we were
down there sharing the gospel, and I remember thinking like, man, God, are you
even here? Like, how do we know this is gonna work, you know? We got some snotty
nosed kids from Scottsdale. You know what I mean? Like, I'm just like, what I,
how do I know your, your work? So I'm praying, processing, like, is this even
effective? Like how do we know people are gonna respond? How do we know that God
sees us down here, you know? And there's this little girl who's just happy as
can be. You know, she's smiling, she's smiling, she's singing. I was like,
what's your name? The Esperanza. So cute. And she was smiling and she was going
with us everywhere. Even like prison ministry and like street ministry. I was
like, man, that's, I don't know if it's safe for this little girl to be with us,
but cool and she's happy and what's going on, you know, and I was like, oh,
she's so cute. I mean, she's got such this loving family now and this orphanage,
it's great. Hey, can you share with me her story? Say yeah, Hilario, one of the
other leaders was saying, yeah, Hilario was out doing ministry on the street one
day and heard a cry. And her and another guy like that's weird because we're not
near our house. And they're preaching and talking and here's another cry. And
they look around and they don't see anybody. And he walks over To a trash can
And there was this infant girl. They had been left to die. And that little girl
Was Esperanza. I said wow. What does Esperanza mean? Hope How do I know? and my
mind switched in that moment. How do I know that I was gonna be with us in that
moment? Because God saw Esperanza left to die alone in a trash can in
Guadalajara. That now was with us where we were lit track with me here, it hit
me in that moment that we were literally taking hope with us everywhere we go.
Wherever you are in this life, I want you to know that God sees you. And you
have a purpose greater than yourself. That God is with you in obscurity. God is
with you in the battles. God is with you in the valleys, and I want you to hear
me that God is with you on your mission, but you have to live with the power of
God. And I want you to remember this 3 things, OK, as the band's coming up.
Number one, I want you to remember who you are. I want you to remember whose you
are. God made you Just was God was there with Mary and Joseph in the stable. In
Bethlehem in Christmas with little Esperanza saved. From a trashy. God's with
you. I think one of the most underrated Christmas stories I know it's track with
me here, Toy Story. OK, track with me. Come on now. There's some great Christmas
movies out of those 90s, OK. Right, Christmas, Woody, Buzz, the whole nine, love
it. You know what brought them comfort in those times of trying to figure out
their purpose? What did he do? He looked at the bottom of his shoe. Right, so
Andy, oh, this is why I'm here. God's got his name written on your soul.
Remember whose you are. Number 2, remember who you are. God made you on purpose.
With a purpose. Your personality, your physical attributes, your gifting, your
hang ups, your issues, your doubts, everything like he, he made you for a
reason. And the third thing then is to remember what God has called you to do.
This Christmas, when you remember who you are, God sees you, God knows you, God
loves you. We remember who you are, that you are a son or daughter of God. And
you remember what God has called you to do, to go and make disciples to be salt,
to be light to the world, to go and share the good news of great joy for all the
people. When we go to that church, God can take even the softest voice and
change the world. God's with you. We got work to do. Let's serve Jesus this
week. We pray. Dearly Father, just thank you for who you are. Yeah, just as you
were with Mary and Joseph. Your name, Emmanuel literally means God with us, that
you are here with us now, that you see us. In our pain and our doubts in our
addictions and our struggles. Not only do you see us, but God, you give us your
power, your strength, the same strength that defeated death itself and says, I
want you to go. Shine Be sold, be light, make disciples to love and to serve the
way that you have loved and served us. Let us go make a difference this
Christmas. Let us remember that you are with us on our mission, that your
presence amplifies our purpose in this life. We love you God, and he says, and
we pray, amen.