All month long we are talking about the presence of God, not the presence that
you will give and receive at Christmas time, but the power of God's presence
being with us every single day. The name given to him at Christmas time, really
from the prophet Isaiah and Isaiah 7:14, a verse that reads, Therefore, the Lord
Himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son
and call his name Emmanuel. That very name of God, God with us. We're taking a
look at it all month long. And, and how it applies to us, not only during
Christmas season, but ultimately in every season. And in week one of our series,
we studied how God is with us in obscurity. That with God, even small moments
become significant. And that when you feel overlooked or overwhelmed or
overcome. You can take comfort in the fact that God is with you. Well, today,
We're gonna talk about how God is with us in our battles. Now, in preparation
for this series was looking for stories that go along with the messages. And I
came across this story that I'm gonna read the direct quote of the headline
because it's just great. It's better than what I could make up. The headline of
the new story is this. MMA trained fighter or MMA trained pastor restrained man
who broke into church with an ax on Thanksgiving morning. Uh Being also trained
as an MMA fighter, um. OK, it's not true, but you didn't have to laugh, so.
Instantly, as soon as I said that. But no, I, I'm definitely not trained in in
fighting, but I can just picture one that this pastor who's been training in
Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Just walking into his church early Thanksgiving morning,
just a few days after having given out about 130 different Thanksgiving meals
and and gifts to families in the community. He walks into this church to be
greeted by a man who broke in through a window with an ax. Now, I wonder in that
moment. Did he think to himself? In the name of Jesus, it's go time. Right?
Pastors are supposed to be gentle and lowly. And so I'm just wondering as a
pastor, how often you get to use your training as a fighter. But God had other
plans that day. And then I think about, imagine putting yourself in the mindset
of the robber. Right? It had to be almost a little bit like the Home Alone
situation, right? Like you had robbers, trained thieves, OK? They were going to
break into a house, easy snatch and grab, lo and behold, to be met with all
those booby traps and obstacles from a child, right? Like, here he is, OK, he
could pick any church. And the church he breaks into happens to be pastored by
an MMA fighter. And so the pastor in Jesus' name, uh, subdued the assailant and
just held him pinned down while calling 911 and waiting for the cops to arrive.
Now, That's a great story. Uh, but the reason I share is because well we might
not be fending off someone with an ax this Christmas season, uh, I, I bet every
single person in this room or watching along online. Is entering the season in
some type of battle. Right, something. They just Really weighs on your
shoulders. Right, it's racing through your mind, maybe gives you an uneasy gut.
Maybe there is a physical ailment or health scare that you need to fight. Maybe
there's a financial burden. That you're wrestling with. Maybe there's a
relational tension. Something that maybe you caused by actions, or maybe you're
facing the ripple effects of the choices of somebody else. What I know is that I
love to come in and worship God. But I also know. That just being human is
tough. And that we all have our battles that we face today. I'm reminded of a
quote by Theodore Roosevelt. Given on April 23, 1910 in Paris, France, very
well-known speech entitled Citizenship in a Republic. And in this speech, he
shared this quote that has been repeated and echoed over the last 100 years. And
he said these words, he says, it is not the critic who counts. Not the man who
points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have
done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,
whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who
errs, who comes short again and again because there is no effort without error
and shortcoming. But who does actually strive to do the deeds? Who knows the
great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause,
who at best knows in the end, the triumph of high achievement, or who at worst,
if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly. Today's message is for the man
or the woman in the arena. It's a lot easier to sit on the sidelines and to
criticize or to compare. We live in a day and age, especially in social media.
And posting and trolling and sharing and videos. Or it's very easy to judge from
the outside. It's much more difficult to stand on the inside. And so rather than
focusing on those who criticize, or those who compare today's message are for
those who fight. Who those who create. Who are in the tension, in the trial, in
the struggle right now, today's message is for you. is that God is with us in
our battles. If you're taking notes, I encourage you to write this down, that
courage is not a feeling. It's a focus. Courage is not a feeling, it's a focus.
You see, By default, we don't wake up. Courageous. I mean, there are days maybe
we wake up and we're excited for something. But if we're being honest with
ourselves, I think there's more days where the alarm goes off, you check your
phone and you go, nope, and set it back down, right? Or you wake up and you're
just like, whew. It's gonna be a tough one. And so, if you're in a struggle or
in a fight, I want you to take the name of God, Emmanuel, God with us. And we're
gonna look today through several stories and this theme throughout Scripture.
About how God is fighting for us, and God is fighting with us. And that the
promise of Christmas is the presence of Christ. And we can take that into our
daily lives and our daily battles. So it's not about feeling something, it's
about it's about focusing on the presence of God. And so we're gonna go back to
the book of Joshua. And and see where the same promise that was given at
Christmas was also given to one of God's warriors. Now, who was Joshua? Joshua
was his name in Hebrews, Yeshua, actually the same where we kind of the same
route where we get Jesus today, to be honest, he's a foreshadow of Jesus. The
name means the Lord saves. He was an assistant of Moses. So Moses, one of the
greatest leaders of all time, leads the people of Israel out of captivity. The
sea splits, the Egyptian army is destroyed, and so they're gonna enter the
promised land. Moses sends 12 spies into the promised land that's currently
occupied. By others. 12 spies come back, to give a positive report. One of those
two is Joshua. He says, we can do this, and nobody listens to him. And so as a
consequence, the people of Israel end up wandering the desert for 40 years. But
yet through that time in the desert, Moses continues to lead. Has a moment on
Mount Sinai where God gives him the 10 Commandments and Joshua is there. Has a
meeting with God, an attentive meeting and worships with God, and Joshua is
there. They pray for God to provide for the people, and manna from heaven, bread
from heaven comes down and feeds and sustains the people, and the people don't
even understand what is coming to them, and that's actually the meaning of the
word manna. It's it's translated as what is it? But here is this leader, Moses
leads the people out of captivity, leads them through the wilderness. God
provides the 10 Commandments, God provides sustenance and foods, gets to the end
of the wilderness, gets to the edge of the promised land, and he passes away.
And now Joshua is called to step up and the lead. Now he had been in war with
Moses, he'd been his assistant, he had worshiped with him. He was there on the
mountain. But the last time he gave a command, the last time he spoke up before
a nation, everyone ignored him. And now he's got to follow Moses and lead
roughly a million people. Into the promised land. When Joshua 11 through 5, says
Joshua, it's your turn to lead. And he's afraid. And in verse 6, we see this
first offering of the command to be strong and courageous. He's reminded to
remember the promise that I gave Moses the same promise. And then in verses 7
and 8, he gets told again to be strong and very courageous, to remember the
precepts of God. He says to obey the word, to meditate on it day and night, and
to do what it says and only then will you be truly successful. In life And then
we get to the 3rd iteration. See, in the Bible, when something is repeated 3
times, there's intentionality, there is purpose. And almost strengthens the
intensity of it. See, they didn't have like good, better, best. They didn't add
like ER and then EST to the end of words. They would repeat it. If if they
repeat it twice, right? It's like stronger, but if they repeat it three times,
it's strongest. That's why when you see angels singing in scripture, holy, holy
holy is the Lord. They're not just saying that he is holy, they're saying that
he is the holiest of holy things that ever was or where ever will be. And so
Joshua gets told, be strong and courageous. Remember the promises of God. Then
he says, be strong and courageous. Remember the precepts of God. And what we're
gonna see today is that in that last verse, one of my personal favorite verses
in all of Scripture, he gets that command again and he says to remember the
promises of God. Here Joshua 1:9 says, have I not commanded you? Be strong and
courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God
is wherever you go. Now notice this command comes in 4. Depositions if you will.
Be strong Be courageous. Do not be frightened, do not be dismayed. Now, I want
us to think about what are the scripture assumptions in this verse, meaning,
When God gives an answer to something, typically there is a question that
precedes the answer, right? If you tell your kids to go clean your room, what
are you also telling your kids? Your room is a mess. If you have to tell your
kids, stop talking, what are they currently doing? Talking right like over and
over again. Right? When your wife says, you never listen to me, and I respond
with, what was that? Not really. OK. I'm always listening, always listening to
me. I love you. When Scripture says something, don't just take it for what it
says. Understand the context in which it is written or spoken. So take those 4
commands and put yourself in the position of Joshua. Feeling unqualified,
overwhelmed, given the charge to lead a million people into the promised land to
fight the battles that were to come. And yet here we have this picture. Number
one, be strong. Well, if he's commanded to be strong, what does that mean? It
means that he's weak. Be courageous. If he's commanded to be courageous, what
does that mean? He said he was discouraged or cowardly. Yeah Do not be
frightened. What does that mean? I mean she was afraid Do not be dismayed or
depressed or downtrodden. What does that mean? He was depressed, he was down.
Now, in a weird way, this comforts me because Joshua is seen as one of the
greatest military leaders of all time in world history, with what he was able to
do. That's outside of a biblical context. That's just at a historical military
context to be able to enter and win battle after battle after battle with some
farmers, bakers and candlestick makers, OK? Like he's going in and he's winning
these wars, right? It's one of the greatest military moves of all time, but in
this verse we see that he is weak. That he's cowardly. That he's frightened and
that he's depressed. And that comforts me because I've actually felt those
emotions before. And what I love about courage is courage is not a feeling, it's
a focus. Why do I? Because God won't command you to do something that you can't
choose to do. He doesn't say feel courageous, don't feel scared. He doesn't say
feel better. He says in your weakness, In your cowardice, in your frightened
state, in your depressed state to choose strength and courage. Why? Because I'm
giving it to you. You are not the fuel to your own vehicle, that the power of
God comes to live and dwell inside of you, that I'm gonna give you the courage.
And instead of looking back and seeing all the things that Joshua didn't do. I
think God reminded Joshua of all the things that God has done. Because When you
take Joshua's story and you trace it back. To all the things that Moses did. And
you realize that Joshua was there for all of those. The reason Joshua was able
to flip the switch. To be strong and be courageous because he realized it wasn't
about Moses, it's about what God did through Moses, that same God. The same
promise, the same precepts, and the same presence was now with him. When you
look back on those 40 years of challenges in the wilderness, what we realize is
that a faith that is tested is a faith that can be trusted. And even more so
today, we have story after story after story of people in scripture. Who felt
weak Who felt cowardly, who felt afraid, who felt depressed, and God comes in
and says, focus on me. Joshua in the very next verse. Rallied the troops and
said, get ready. Get ready. Because we're gonna go and take the land that God
has promised to us. Now, the promised land itself, some would say there's a
connection to like eternity, right? Makes sense, you believe Jesus going to the
promised land. The only challenge with that is to realize that the battles. For
the believers were actually after they entered the promised land. And if you
believe in Jesus and you make it to heaven, and at the end, we're all said and
done, you're not, you're not still fighting in heaven. You're already, you're
already victory at that point. But where I think this applies to us today. I
that is a physical story. That also represents a spiritual reality. I say that
because here in 2 weeks, we're gonna talk about how God is with us on our
mission. Because he uses the same verbiage. In the great commission in Matthew
28, to go and make disciples of all nations. Baptizing them in the name of the
Father, Son, the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I've commanded
you. And do not be dismayed. Why? Because I am with you. So the promise of God,
the precepts of God, the presence of God all come together to give us the power,
the strength to fight the battles, and what happens is, is that when you become
a Christian, it's not that the battles go away, but rather you receive the power
to now have victory in those battles. Sometimes we get this wrong perception in
our lives that when we put our faith out there, when we take a step of faith
that life's gonna get easier, and many times it gets harder. For those that have
been in the faith for a while, you've probably had stories where you said, you
know what, I'm gonna commit to God, and then the next day something goes wrong.
Or it gets more difficult, or you, or you're generous, and then something
happens financially and you're like, wait, what God, what just happened there?
Or you forgive and then somebody hurts you. And it's not because the Christian
life is just meant to be played, uh, playing a harp on a fluffy cloud. But
rather, God has called you into a battle. But in that battle, he says, I will
fight for you. I will be with you. You will have my promise, you will have the
precepts, you will have story after story after story, and most importantly, I'm
gonna give you my presence and the power to overcome. So when we acknowledge the
battles that we're in, it gives us the courage because we could choose it. Why?
Because we're focused. On his presence, not our problems. We're focused on his
purpose and not our pain. You don't need the world to be right around you. When
you have eternal forgiveness inside of you. That you have all you need. But this
story isn't just in Joshua, we see it all throughout Scripture. Going back to
the Christmas story, put yourself in Mary's shoes for a second. Teen girl Say,
hey, You're gonna give birth to the savior. Like if I'm guessing there's some
moms in the room that have some mom pressure, right? The mom guilt going on.
Right? Where you see online and. You know, someone posts like, oh, we did this
craft together, and it's like, like, I'm just trying to get my kids' shoes on,
you know what I mean? And if you work, you want to be at home, and if you're at
home, you like, but I'm also called to work and there's this tension, right? And
you have all this pressure. Imagine the pressure Mary felt. Hey, Mary, I know
you've never been a mom before. You're gonna raise God. And so he was she was
afraid. But what changes in her focus? How, what, what switch gets flipped? To
make her strong and courageous. It's the presence of God. She's afraid. She
hears about family. Zachariah, Elizabeth are gonna give birth to a child as
well, and be John the Baptist leading the way for Jesus coming down, cousin
there. And so she's afraid, and the angel says these words here in Luke chapter
1 verse 3738, he says, for nothing will be impossible with God. And now notice
the response of Mary. Behold, I'm the servant of the Lord. Let it be to me
according to your word. And the angel departed. God, if you're with me.
Anything's possible. That's her focus. The Christmas story itself. Think about
the shepherd field. Luke chapter 2, verse 9 to 11. And the angel of the Lord
appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were
filled with what? Great courage. No, the first response was fear. OK, fear.
Angel said to them, fear not, you know, fear not is one of the most common.
Commands in scripture, at least 365 times in scripture or more. God says, fear
not. Why should they fear not? It says, for behold, I bring you good news of
great joy that will be for all the people. What is this good news? Why is there
great joy? For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is
Christ the Lord. Fear not. Why? Because Jesus is here. Jesus is here. Courage is
not a feeling, it's a focus. If, if God commanded it, we can choose it. And it's
not, it's not minimizing the problem, it's maximizing our God. That's the thing,
like you don't have to minimize your problem. You just have to understand how
big our God really is. Same prophet who Predicted the name Emmanuel also wrote
these words in Isaiah 41:10 says, fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed,
for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you
with my righteous right hand. You see the same themes coming over and over and
over. Why? Because it's one of the deepest, most core battles we face as
Christians. 2 Timothy 1:7, For God gave us a spirit, not of fear, but of power
and love and self-control. When you think about the power that comes from the
mindset of understanding that God defeated death itself. We said this last week,
but I say it again this week. If you believe that God created the world and that
Jesus died on the cross and rose again on the 3rd day, then anything is
possible. That from nothing can come everything. That death isn't the end. That
he has the power for life and meaning and he's saying that same power I'm giving
to you. And not only is he giving us power in our minds, but he's given love in
our hearts. Some of us have been working our whole lives for a certain person in
our life to say I love you. And Jesus comes right out of the gate with it. That
you are fully loved right now. Power in our minds, love in our hearts. And then
courage, wait, self-control. That doesn't seem like on the same wavelength, does
it? Right? Like picture like Braveheart speech, blue paint uh face paint, right?
God's gonna give us power and love. And moral boundaries. Like, wait, what?
Like, why, why is self-control put in with power and love? That seems kind of
odd, right? Unless you understand that your greatest battle in life is gonna be
with whom? Yourself. And so whatever you're struggling with, understand that you
can experience victory in the life. Yes, it might take therapy, yes, it might
take group, yes, it's gonna take some work in your life because you act your way
or get a habit into a way, but understand that God's grace is deeper than
anything you've battled and that God does not give us a spirit of fear but of
power, love and self-control with the power of God in our minds, the love of God
in our hearts, and the self-control that works through our hands that in our
lives we can experience victory. Amen. Paul and and Colossians is praying for
the church in Colossus. He prays this. He's praying in verse 1011 chapter 1. He
says, pray so that to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to
him, bearing fruit in every good work, increasing in the knowledge of God. Now
notice verse 11 here, being strengthened. Mean that God's the one strengthening
you with what power? With all power, according to his glorious might, the same
power that created the world, the same power that empowered Mary to give virgin
birth there to Jesus, God with the same power that conquered death itself is
available to you and to me. For all endurance and patience with joy. That we are
in a battle, but we are not in a battle alone. In fact, in another letter, the
apostle Paul writes in Ephesians chapter 6. He says, and finally, Finally,
church, be strong. Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might, to
put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the schemes
of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the
rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over the present
darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Therefore, take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in
the evil in the evil day and having done all to stand firm. The first step,
church is to acknowledge that we are in a battle. You cannot have a conversation
with somebody in your community or turn on the television, or streaming
platform, or social media and and and not see the fact that we are surrounded by
darkness. But that should not discourage us, rather, that should embolden us
because I've read the end and light winds. He who is in us is greater than he
who is in the world. And it's time for us to rise up, to stand up, that the
battles that you're facing, you might feel weak and cowardly and frightened and
depressed. Guess what? So did Joshua. So did Mary at one point. So did so many
biblical characters over and over and over again, and yet we see time and time
again, even in our brokenness in our shortcomings and our failings that when we
were faithless, God remained faithful, that when we were broken, God comes in
and blesses, that when we sin, God. Forgives, and he died on the cross, taking
the ultimate payment for your sins and for mine, and rising again on the 3rd
day, so that we can sit on the sidelines? No, so that we can engage our culture
with the good news of the gospel that the Christmas story is a story of victory
in battle. Hebrews 10:39 says, we are not those who shrink back and are
destroyed. But those who have faith and preserve their souls. Hm. Courage is not
a feeling, it's a focus. If God's given you the command. God's given you the
choice. That means we can choose it. This is personal for me in that. Uh I've
shared with some of you that I have like 5 verses or so that I say to myself
pretty much every day, like morning declarations of the promises of God. One of
those is Joshua 1:9, God is with me. And I've said that for the last 8 to 10
years, pretty much every day. And it's changed my thinking. I remember
distinctly It was, it was like maybe August, September time frame, 2018. Church
was launching in October, October 7th, 2018. It's about a month, month and a
half before. We had some major decisions to make. We needed major funding. We
need, we needed staff, we needed resources. We pretty much needed everything.
And I had this freak out moment. And I'm, I'm not, I. I'm not great at the whole
prayer closet thing. I'm too like scatterbrained and get distracted. Right?
Like, like, dear heavenly Father, oh, what's that? OK. So that's me. So, so I
actually pray like walking about nature, I'll go out, like, just get out,
instead of getting close I go big. Does that make sense? So I'm literally out in
the desert between Joemax and Pinnacle Peak, just out, and I was out walking and
it's monsoon season. So it wasn't the smartest decision. And there was clear
sky, and I'm praying and I'm like wrestling with God, right? Like I'm just like,
God. I thought you told me to do this thing. And now I don't know, but it's kind
of too late, right? And a storm rolls in And I'm thinking should have brought an
umbrella. Cause at this point, I'm a little too far out from the house. I
remember praying to God like, God, do you even hear me? And the storm clouds
above me, they were just like, just like. Deep Thunder lightning, you know what
I mean? And it was in that moment that they're in the desert, no one around. It
got almost like tapped me on the shoulder, like it was big and then it was small
at the same time. And it's almost like You see that power in that storm. You
don't think I'm gonna bring that power into my church? And right then in my
pocket, my phone buzzed and it was a huge answer to prayer. And I was like, OK,
got it. You're with me. Let's go. So you're, you're sitting in a church service.
I'm sitting in an answer to prayer. And reminder, that's why I can so
passionately say. God is with you. He's with us. So I want you to think and ask
3 questions this morning. Number 1, What battles are you facing? What's the
prayer request that keeps circling back into your mind, that's that's racing in
your head, that's weighing on your shoulders, that's that's pressing on your
heart or in your gut? What's the battle you're facing right now? Second question
is, then where is your focus right now? Don't minimize the pain and the problem
and the issues, but have you maximized the very acknowledge the power and the
presence and the promise of God? And the third thing then is then how can you
walk in strength and courage this week? Because when Joshua received it, Let the
people in the promised land. What battle do you need to head into this week?
That you need to focus on the courage that comes from the presence of God with
you, Emmanuel. Let's go time Church. God is with us. Who has God called you to
be? What does God called you to be to do? Be strong and courageous this week. Do
not be afraid. Do not be dismayed. God is with you at the end of the age. Let's
pray dear heaven Father, you truly are good. God, this power that we
passionately talk about today only comes when we place our faith in you. For
those in this room that have never received you, God, I pray that they would
admit that they have sinned. That they would believe that you are Lord and
Savior. That we commit our lives to you, that you are the only way to heaven. We
ask that you forgive our sins. And give us eternity, God. We ask your Holy
Spirit to dwell into our hearts. That your name here at Christmas, God with us,
would come into our lives. And that we would acknowledge that you are with us in
our battles. Help us to be strong and courageous today. And your sons that we
pray, amen.