There's a story about a traveler who comes to a fork in the road and he sees b
in front of him, a sign really two signs, one pointing left and one pointing
right and feeling a little confused. He stops and asks the local, which way
should he go? And the local replies. Well, that depends on where you want to get
to. And what I wanna do this morning is that in our divided culture, I wanna
pause and ask a similar question and reframe it just slightly. And that's this.
Where do we think God wants us to go? Where do we think God wants us to go
individually as a family, as a church, as a community and really as a nation,
you see today's message is entitled Christians and Culture. And we wanna address
the culture moment that we're in and we're gonna try to help process some topics
today and even just saying the word politics and church can fire some people up
or pull some people back. Well, wherever you fall on that spectrum, I understand
that there is tension in the room and really tension in our nation. And, and I
think we're feeling it. Anybody else feeling it right. And I already know that
there's gonna be some people who think that what I share today is not, doesn't
go far enough and others might think that I'm going too far and we shouldn't
talk about anything and just stick to the Bible. Well, I wanna encourage you,
we're gonna stick to the Bible. Um, but I wanna invite you, uh, to consider
really two things this morning. OK? Number one is that I wanna invite you to
approach this message in these topics with humility, with honesty and with
openness. I'm giving you permission here to completely disagree with me. OK?
That's OK. Um Because the church really is defined by a love for God and our
love for people. And I wanna let you know if you're disagreeing with me, I'm OK
with that. If you're mad at me after this morning, I'm OK with that. OK? I'm
gonna love you and I'm, and I'm open to have further discussions with you
really? So that's the second thing I wanna do then is encourage you to use
scripture as your lens. OK? I'm gonna share uh scripture backing to what I'm
talking about. And, and again, I'm not trying to stress anybody out here, but
rather just the opposite is that in a culture that is based on fear and anxiety
and like polarizing sides, what I want to do is to give you a starting point or
a lens through which we can view the world. OK? And so we're gonna try to use
scripture as our filter through which we develop our worldview. And I encourage
you to do the same. Now, I understand too that we bring our life experiences to
how we view the world. And so I'm not asking you to set aside your experience,
but rather take your personal experience and place it and filter it through what
God's word has to say for us and then make your decisions accordingly. So I'm
not gonna make anybody make any decisions. We're not gonna e endorse a specific
candidate, but what I wanna do is actually back up even a step further. OK? And
here's what I want. Ok? This is the goal for the morning. Just I'm being open
and, and just straightforward with you is that instead of left or right? Ok. We
as Christians were called to look up to lean in and live out biblical
principles. Hey, we're not going left or right this morning, what we're doing is
we're looking up to God as our starting point. We're leaning in to what God's
word has to say. And then we're gonna attempt to live out those principles which
will in turn then impact how we vote, how we speak, how we live. OK. And so
let's go through, we're gonna give two big examples this morning. We are gonna
be in acts chapter five and then mark chapter 12 and so we've been walking
through the series uh through the Book of Acts and we're gonna continue doing so
today. So to catch us up, Holy Spirit is promised in acts one, holy spirit comes
and the church launches in acts two, uh Peter and John heal a lame dude in acts
three, get arrested for healing the guy, but then they get let go because they
can't really do anything about that. And so then in four, there's, they're
praying for boldness and they're seeing this incredible movement of God. But in
uh and people start sharing things like barn sells all his land and gives it to
the church. But then Ananias and Syra in the beginning of Acts five say, oh we
like that. And so they pretend to be religious and they get struck dead, which
seems a little intense until you realize that they were being hypocrites and
testing the very spirit of God using religion for their own benefit. And so
really there's this integrity piece, there's this character piece to the church.
And so now the church is like, OK, what do we do? Well, people start getting
healed, the gospel is being preached. So many miracles are happening that they
even say in the beginning here of Acts five, that the shadow of Peter is like
enough for someone to heal somebody's sickness. And so there's some intense
things happening. Um The sadducees, some of the religious and political leaders
in the area are getting mad, they decide to put the disciples in jail again. So
the second time they've been placed in jail, but this time, uh God actually
opens the doors to the jail and lets them get out without really the the guards
even knowing. And so the next morning, all the political leaders get together
and say, all right, bring us the disciples so we can decide what to do. And so
they open the doors and like, and they're not there. And so they're like, wait,
where did they go? And so it turns out that after being let go, they turn right
back to the temple courts and they just keep preaching the gospel. So like that
could preach in and of itself that in the political moment, let's just keep
preaching the gospel every time. And so they go and say, well, let's bring them
in. So they bring the disciples in in front of this political culture. And this
is the setup for where we are. This is our first story here found in acts
chapter five, we're gonna start here in verse 27. And when they brought them,
they set them before the council and the high priest questioned them saying we
strictly charge you not to teach in this name, the name of Jesus. And yet here
you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and intend to bring this man's
blood upon us. I would love for that reputation. Not the whole blood thing. But,
uh, that the reputation being, you have filled the entire village with this
gospel you're preaching. Wouldn't that be great if that was our reputation? Like
they, they called him in and says everybody in Jerusalem knows about the gospel
because of you. They're meant it as a slight, but I actually love that. And so
it continues on and, and I, and they reference with the blood on us because uh
this actually Pontius Pilate when they were gonna re release Barabbas who was a
revolutionary type figure and they released him instead of Jesus Pontius Pilate
actually kind of washes his hands says, hey, it's not on me. It, the blood is
not on my hands, it's on your hands. And so they're saying, and now that they're
like, look, we don't, we don't want any more blood on our hands. Like what, what
are you doing? Stop preaching. OK. Verse 29. But Peter and the apostles
answered, we must obey God rather than man that right? There should be a hint
for us initially. OK? Then when it comes to engaging culture and you have to
choose between culture and God, you want to always choose God. It say like we're
not here to obey you, we're obeying what God told us to do. We'll continue on
the God of our fathers raised Jesus from the dead whom you killed by hanging him
on a tree man. Peter loves to bring that up right over and over again. You
killed Jesus. Ok. God exalted him at his right hand as leader and savior and to
give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. And we are witnesses to these
things. And so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him. And
when they heard this, they were enraged and wanted to kill them. But a pharisee
in the council named Camille, a teacher of the law held in honor by all the
people stood up and gave orders to put the men outside for a little bit. This
teacher goes, whoa whoa hang on a second guys. Now, interesting fact about this
guy, uh Camil liel or however you pronounce, I can't pronounce words but
whatever you wanna go with, um he actually is the same guy just so, you know,
full context is the same guy who actually trained Paul. And so this guy was
smart, he's respected. He's actually a pharisee speaking to the sadducees. So he
is like a high Jewish Phut leader who educated Paul and so who later said he'll
come back into the story a little bit later and act. But we continue on. He
says, hold on a second guys, let's talk about this. And then, and then he says
here in verse 35 he said to the men of Israel, take care about what you're about
to do with these men for before these days. Uh Theus rose up claiming to be
somebody and a number of men, about 400 joined him. He was killed and all who
followed him were dispersed and nothing came. And after him, Judas, the Galilean
hang on to that name because that's gonna lead into our second story today. Rose
up in the days of the census and drew away some of the people after him, he too
perished and all who followed him were scattered. So in this present case, they
tell you keep away from these men and let them alone for this plan or this
undertaking is of men, it will fail. But if it is of God, you will not be able
to overthrow them. This is another verse that we should be encouraged by, right?
If it is a plan of man, it will fail, but it is it of God, it, it will not be
stopped. And as believers, we should be encouraged by that. I've actually prayed
this verse as a prayer many times in the life of our church when we in one of
our eight different meeting spots that we've been in and it seems like we should
have failed. I'm just telling you it on paper, this church should not have made
it ok through the situations and, and just everything behind it. But with God
behind it, right? When God moves, there's nothing that can stop God from moving.
He says, he says, you might even be a found opposing God. So they took his
advice and they went and called in the apostles. Now you think, oh, they're
gonna be nice and let him go. No, just understand that they're still intense. So
they took his advice, ok? They beat them and charged them not to speak in the
name of Jesus and let them go. And then they left the presence of the council
reo rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name and
every day in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and
preaching that Christ is Jesus. So here's what we, we know from this story. OK.
That when it comes to preaching the name of God in a culture that is directly
opposed to the teachings of God, the disciples boldly suffered. They stood for
and they shared the name of Jesus. They suffered. It was not easy that if you
take a stand for the name of Jesus in your school, at your workplace, in your
family, in your community, we have to recognize that it is going to be difficult
that you might suffer for this. You might lose something for that. But we also
have to remember that what we lose is not comparable to what we gain through the
eternal forgiveness found in the power of Jesus Christ. That a temporary moment
of affliction is no comparison to the eternal glory that comes from knowing
Jesus Christ as Lord. And savior. So just as the disciples went against culture,
stood against the, the political and religious leaders of that day in that
community with no power, no budget, no buildings. And even honestly, if we're
being real here, no real Bible yet, either they had the Jewish scriptures,
right? But they didn't have, they didn't have the Book of Acts because they were
the Book of Acts. OK? And so they didn't have that. What they had was the
message of the resurrection of Jesus. They had the power of the Holy Spirit
living inside of them. And they had this love that could not be explained apart
from the Holy Spirit and the resurrection of Jesus. You had a divided diverse
group, you had zealots, you had tax collectors, then assume you would add
gentiles and different ethnicities and genders and economic backgrounds. And
this group that should be divided was united through the power of the Holy
Spirit, the message of Jesus Christ and the love that they had for each other
because of the love that Jesus first had for them. And so as Christians in this
cultural moment, when it comes to standing up for what we believe, we have to be
willing to suffer, we have to be willing to stand up for and we have to be
willing to speak the name of Jesus into every setting that we're in knowing that
anytime we preach the name of God, it'll never be in vain OK. There's the first
cultural picture that when it comes to obeying God or obeying man, we have to
choose God. Now, here's where it gets a little fun for me. I enjoy it. You might
get a little scream me, but let's go there. OK. Mark chapter 12, I mentioned in
that story, they gamil made reference to um Judas the Galilean. He's referencing
a guy that was around six ad so about 25 years before Jesus ministry and he had
this rebellion with this rebellion just to just set up the context here is that
there was a tax by the Roman government, there was a tax by the Roman government
that some called the head tax. But basically they tax the Jews just so they
could even breathe Roman air. And so it wasn't crazy. It was about a daenerys
about a day's wage. But people said no, no, no, you can't tax this and claim to
be God claim to be king. And so this, this guy led a revolt saying no, only God
is king. And so we will not pay the tax and actually led a full rev revolt. And
so people were then uh for the last 25 years. OK, man, do we pay this Roman tax
or do we not? Because it seems like as Jews, we used to stand up for God as
king. And so we shouldn't pay it. But then the last people who didn't pay it
died. So that doesn't look great either. Um And so what are we supposed to do?
Do we pay the tax or do we not pay the tax? And so there's a political question
that now they're gonna try to use to frame Jesus. And so there was four groups
in this time, in Jesus time, there was the Pharisees we mentioned they were seen
as like the conservative, right? They were, they not only obeyed the law so much
that they actually added a bunch of extra laws. And so they said, and they got
to judge people based on those laws and they got they, they controlled power
through religion. Then you have was seen as the political left of the time.
These were the sadducees, didn't believe in the resurrection, didn't believe in
miracles. They were, they were educated, they were the elite, they were
connected to political power. They were made up the San Hendra and with some of
the Pharisees. And so there was those groups there. Then you also had the Asians
who were like the flight category, they just ran away and said, we just need to
avoid culture altogether and just hide kind of in a circle and run away and live
in the hills. And then you had the fight category. You had the Herodian. These
were very political, these were zealots, these were people who said named after
Herod kind of the governor of the area if you will. And so you had these
different groups. Well, the Herodian and the Pharisees and the Sadducees and the
Seas, they all hated each other. The one thing they could all have in common is
that they hated Jesus more. Ok. Have you ever, um, this happens in sports all
the time. Have you ever not liked a sports team? But then they play a sports
team that you hate more. And so now you find yourself aligning with that team
to, to that together, we can hate this other team. Does that make sense? We do
it all the time, right? The enemy of my enemy. It becomes my friend, right? And
we cheer like man, I don't like them, but I hope this team loses. Ok. This is
what they're doing with Jesus. And so in this particular case, picking it up in
Mark chapter 12, verse 13, you have the Herodian, the political guys, the
Pharisees, the religious guys, they hate each other, but they hate Jesus more.
So they're coming together. Here we go. Verse 13, they sent him to some of the
Pharisees and some of the Herodian to trap him in his talk. Verse 14 and they
came and they said to him, teacher and that I love man. They just, but try to
butter him up. This is a classic kid to parent move by the way. Watch what they
do here. Teacher, we know that you are true and do not care about anyone's
opinion for you are not swayed by appearances, but you truly teach the way of
God. Does that sound nice? Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Should we
pay them or should we not? That's the trap. You see, because if Jesus says, pay
the tax, then the Pharisees can go ha he's losing the people. But if Jesus turns
and says, don't pay the tax, the Herodian can say, oh, he's just like the
Galilean who led the revolt and we can kill him. And so he's literally trapped
if he says, yes, he's trapped. If he says no. And it is a political question.
They're like, OK, Jesus, how will you answer this? Verse 15? But knowing their
hypocrisy, Jesus said to them, why put me to the test? Bring me a daenerys and
let me look at it. Jesus didn't even have a Daenerys. He didn't even have, he
didn't even have a quarter. Um So just, just bring me the coin. OK? Bring me the
coin, let me look at it and they brought one and he says, verse 16 and he said
to them whose likeness and inscription is this? And they said to him, Caesars.
Jesus said to them render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God, the
things that are God's and they marveled at him. Now, why would they marvel at
him? They marveled because he didn't answer the question. And at the same time
he did and it's actually genius what he did here. And I wanna, I wanna kinda
walk you through this. So, um first we have a picture of a Daenerys that we
wanna show you. OK? And so on this here, it actually was minted most likely from
the, the Caesar's personal wealth. And the inscription on a coin, whether it's
this or something similar from that age was Tiberius Caesar, son of God Augustus
Pipits Maximus high priest. So you had the image of Caesar who was reigning
ruling anywhere this coin or Daenerys was found the king reigned. Where was
where the image of the king exists? The king reigns and rules you tracking OK.
That word image is icon, right? I can't. Now why is it important to think about
where the image of the king exists? The king reigns and rules because Jesus is
saying, OK, give to Caesar, what is Caesar's? But in the same light in the same
token, then also give to God, what is God's. So if where the image of the king
reigns, the king reigns, where is the image of God? So he's saying to the Roans,
yeah, pay the tax, it appeases them but to the Pharisees, where do their minds
go? They have to go back to Genesis. One specifically 127. It says what it says
you were made in the image of God. So where the image of God is God reigns and
as Christians where you could take comfort in that. So then where you are God
reigns where you are God goes as believers today where you go, the temple of God
goes because you are the church. I've had people before. Tell me he's like John,
there are no Christians in my workplace. I said no Christians. Yeah, there are
no Christians where I work and I go, do you work there? Well, yeah. OK. Where
the image of God reigns where the image of God is. And so God is after so much
something greater than a political leader. It's so much bigger than that. It's
not less than, but he's after so much greater. What that means for us today of
where Jesus was able to navigate their political situation for us. What it means
is that a candidate will get your vote. But Jesus wants your life, a candidate
can get your vote, but Jesus wants your life. He wants your heart. You have been
made in the image of God. And that matters in a divisive culture. Understand
that God is after something greater after something eternal. This spiritual
kingdom is so much bigger than one election, one nation, one moment. But here's
what I love here is that by answering in this way, Jesus avoids both the
political traps of apathy and anger. This is what culture will try to teach you
to do either. You need to run away and ignore all of it and be apathetic. Well,
it doesn't matter, right? Those are the people that are gonna say, just preach
the Bible, just, you know, just stick to this. Ok. Well, it's also the moment
we're in. So let's not be apathetic, right? But also we don't have to be angry,
right? We don't have, we don't have Jesus in this moment, navigated this
difficult political situation. He was neither apathetic, he was neither angry.
And as Tim Keller put it this way, he says he refuses three things. He refuses
political simplicity, he refuses political complacency and then he refuses
political primacy. Here's what this means. It means that the spiritual kingdom
is so much bigger than one issue than one thing. OK? So don't, don't simplify
the Christian life. There, there is no one political party that represents all
of Christianity. If you believe that, then you're probably worshiping a
political party and not God himself. At the same time, we're not saying ignore
what's before us, engage and to make an informed decision, right? That's why
he's saying he avoids um complacency. He's not saying back away from it. And in
just a few moments, we'll share lots of examples where Christians engaged with
government all throughout scripture. So don't get complacent, don't back away
from it. Don't run away, don't be scared. But then the last thing of don't give
it primacy. It is not your identity. That's where we get in trouble on either
side. If you feel in an election cycle like I just don't feel like I fully fit.
That's OK. Why? Because we're trying to follow and honor God. So we wanna en we
wanna engage with it. OK? So here's what this means for us is that so vote with
conviction. We, we need to vote. Don't abstain from voting, don't run away from
it. Vote. There is not perfect candidates. There are lots of issues that like
we're gonna have issues with character. So let's call a spade, a spade as, as
judge according to the word of God and follow it. So, so vote with conviction,
but then engage with compassion. The other side from your of the aisle is not
the enemy. Here. We're trying to reach the people that we're calling enemies.
Does that make sense? We want to engage with compassion. That's why you're
walking with wisdom. He's like, oh, that's kind of difficult. It is, but Jesus
did it and we can do it. And the reason I say this is because a divided country
needs a united church, a divided country needs a united church and t wright put
it this way. He says the church's answer to the global crisis of our day is in
some the kingdom of God. The church's message and mission rests on the notion
that God is king, that God has appointed Jesus as the king of kings and the Lord
of Lords. And that the church's vocation is to build for the kingdom, our
working hypothesis is that the Kingdom of God is not from this world, but it is
emphatically for this world. The church's kingdom vocation as not only what it
says to the world, but it also what does the church does within and for the sake
of the world. And so I remind that for us as Christians instead of left or
right, we're called first to look up and pray to God. Our identity is secure in
who God is and through Jesus than to lean in to what he has to say to us and
then live out those biblical principles. So that is the starting point for us.
And so here's what I mean. So all throughout the Bible, you see examples of
believers in the Old and New Testament engaging with government, Joseph goes
from a slave boy to the second in command in Egypt, right? You don't do that
without some wisdom without engagement. You don't completely run away. But
actually he stayed true to his faith. Moses challenged Pharaoh directly to let
the people go. There was a revolt, Daniel 70 years in exile in Babylon before he
was actually thrown into the lion's den. Why was he thrown into the lion's den
for his faith, for his prayer life that didn't change over s 70 years while
living in a country that completely went against the values of his faith. So he
was second in command in a country that opposed his faith. And so he never let
go. And he, he, he made a difference. David himself challenged the king became
king. You have ruth had political influence, you had Esther had political
influence. The prophets spoke to the kings of their day. You had Jesus himself
interacting with Pilate, the disciples, interacting with the Sanhedrin and
things. So as believers, let's remember, OK, a few things, one God can work
through irreligious leaders. OK? That let's judge on character. If you're upset
by the way someone speaks or how someone lived, that's good that, that upsets
you. Let's hold the character. But then also understand that when we're voting,
most likely we're voting policy is what we're doing, right? And so we're
engaging where we think what aligns with biblical values. And as we go through
that also, keep in mind that Christianity works in every country and it has
since its launching, it doesn't exist for 2000 years in all of these different
countries throughout the world. OK? Without functioning at a higher level.
That's why I feel confident and at peace talking at this about this way right?
There isn't the same Babylonian government like we see today or the Roman
government, OK? Our country is 200 years old and so I love it. I love it. But
also we, we appeal to a higher calling, a bigger, a greater kingdom, one that's
gonna last forever. And we have to know that as our identity. And so the, the
last thing I'd mention here is that early Christianity, the movement itself did
not grow in the voting booth, but at the table. OK. Is that vote where I'm gonna
talk about some values in just a second? OK. And we're gonna talk through it.
And so understand that it grew primarily face to face, relational, loving
neighbors, standing for biblical values and living for those. So don't miss
that, right? That at, at the core, it's the world will know you on how you vote.
Now, Jesus said the world will know you're my disciples for your love. OK. So
how do we vote? Well, here's the thing is that do you pull your voting
principles from scripture? That's what my encouragement is to you today. And so
let me just walk through some and look some of you are gonna be like, hey, that
kind of sounds like one party, some of you like, hey, that kinda sounds like
another party again. I'm OK with that like look through scripture and you have
to understand for you, you have to make that choice of which of the values is
most important to you aligns with scripture and then vote accordingly. Let me
walk through a couple of examples. OK. First scripture talks about value in all
people. So in Genesis 127 in Galatians 328. So for us, we need to be a church
that is for radical. Um really racial justice and equal treatment of all people,
right? Racial justice is a biblical issue. Ok. In scripture, it's actually not
opposed to secure borders. In fact, acts 1726 talks about where God recognizes
or sets the boundaries or borders with the nations. Nehemiah goes back from
Babylon to rebuild what to rebuild the wall, right, for protection of the
Israelite people. At the same time, there is also a level of treatment of
immigrants and valuing people to where for example, in Zachariah 710 says that
to treat foreigners or people within the land, we have to consider too caring
about the poor and within immigrants too. So Galatians 210 Hebrews 13 2 showing
that when you show hospitality to strangers or the least last and lost, there's
a chance you are showing hospitality to God himself or an angel. There is care.
The scripture says in all stages of life, the widows, the orphans, it really
goes from womb to tomb. The reason you hear a lot of Christians saying pro-life
is not trying to be a restriction or or not trying to identify or connect with
other people's position. It's it's from places like Psalm 139 verses 13 and 14
that talks about the fact that God knits you in the mother's womb. So if you
believe that a soul is formed in the womb of someone that there is value in that
life, not only in Psalm 139 but in Luke 1141 it talks about even John, the
Baptist leaping for joy in the womb of Elizabeth. It talks about Jesus Christ
himself being in the womb there within Mary. That's Luke 221. And so when we
talk about value of life and being pro-life, it's done. So from at all stages of
life though, we're not doing so to bash to, to, to fight to, to ignore, to like,
oh go after it's it's to care, right? So will I vote that? Yes. But you wanna
know how I show most that I'm pro-life is that we adopted a child as church. We
need to be people of action and movement and care and love. We believe marriage
is between one woman and one man. It comes from Genesis 224. OK. 224. And, and
that sin doesn't enter the world until Genesis three. And so we talk about
marriage coming in in Genesis chapter two and we believe that Desi God designed
marriage that way. And it says within um Ephesians five talks about marriage as
well. And so we're gonna teach what we believe, scripture to say. At the same
time, we're not promoting hate either, right? Again, where disagreements happen?
Can you engage? I'm OK? Engaging in the mess, right? Because as soon as you
claim a principle, someone's name comes to mind, right? So can you have the
nuance to show love and humility and discussion and say here's why we value
this. Here is why we value marriage and life. But we also are called as
Christians to steward the environment Genesis. One right? Or how about Psalm 24
1 that all the earth belongs to the lords, the value of Children when we vote.
What is gonna be the best thing for our kids? The best treatment of her kids?
Why? Because Jesus valued Children, Matthew 1914, that Children are a gift from
the Lord Psalm 1 27 3. When it comes to work and policy and taxes, there's
different views on those things. But what we understand as believers is that
everything we do, we do for the name of the Lord. And so when you bring up
things like maybe racial justice or stewardship of the environment or treatment
of the poor, some will say, well, that's one agenda and then others will say
life and marriage and identity. That's another agenda. Like understand that all
of this that we're called to do as Christians. And so when you study scripture
at the end of the day, what we're called to do here is this that we're called to
honor God, we're called to help people. OK? We're called to honor God. We're
called the hell people at the end of the day. I'm not after anybody's vote for
anything. I'm after your heart. And I want you to know Jesus Christ as Lord and
Savior. And when you do that when you study scriptures, that in turn leads to
how you treat people and how you vote and how you lead. So we need Christians in
politics. We need Christians in every sphere of influence in, in teachers and
educators and lawyers and engineers and health care workers and coaches. But we
have, we have to understand is that we're called to be the hands and feet of
Jesus and that most likely is gonna be directly impacted in the conversations
you have every single day with the people around you. Let me just walk through
a, a series of other scriptures and we're gonna bring it to a close Romans 13 1
says, let every person be subject to the governing authorities for there's no
authority except from God and those who exist have been instituted by God,
right? Understand God's in control no matter who wins in November. Ok, God's in
control. Matthew 513 and 14 for you are the salt of the earth. But if salt has
lost its taste, how shall the salt, its saltiness be restored. It is no longer
good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet says
you are the light of the world, a city on a hill that cannot be hidden as a
salt. You are a preservative when we vote as Christians, you help preserve
Christian morality in our culture and beyond. And so it plays a part and then
also how we speak and live and serve also plays a part. So I want you to take
this holistically. Does that make sense? Don't go in the voting booth and say,
yeah, we gonna and then go be a jerk to your neighbor, right? And the other side
don't just be all sweet and then don't go engage with culture. So uh we're,
we're walking in this moment, we're, we're avoiding apathy, but we're also
avoiding anger because we don't have to be that way. Um Jeremiah 29 7 puts it
this way says seek the welfare of the city where I've sent you to live into
exile and to pray to the Lord on its behalf and for its welfare and you will
find your welfare. Are you looking to make a difference that are we praying for
both candidates? Are we praying for all of our leaders? Right? Are we because
then a couple of verses later verse, then 11 says for I know the plans I have
for you declares the Lord plans for welfare are not for evil to give you a
future and a hope that yes, let's seek the betterment of our community. That's
our vote, that's our decision making and on values, on life, on truth. And we're
trusting God for all of the results in loving the people that disagree with us.
OK? That's why in John 1335 it says by all this people will know you're my
disciples if you vote for the correct person, it doesn't say that does it. No,
because may we most be known for our love? Engage? Yeah. II I hope you see it. A
both and OK. That's why I'm OK. If you disagree with me, why? Cause I'm gonna
love you. I'd love to see from scripture where you're pulling your thoughts and
votes from. Let's talk about it, but I'm gonna love you and we should love each
other. We're not all putting on boxing gloves going out punching where our fight
is not against flesh and blood. It's a spiritual one. So engage with it. That's
why it says in Colossians 45 and six, it says walk in wisdom towards outsiders.
I love this verse right here. Make the best use of your time. Can I ask you what
is the best use of your time? Honestly? Is it to go down the rabbit hole of a
news station after story after story after story, they get all riled up to get
all anxious. Is that the best use of your time? I say that because I get there
too. I I'm with you like where I'm with you? I get the social anxiety and the
angst of what's coming up and we're like, are we gonna exist in November? Right?
But scripture doesn't tell us that. Like we don't have to worry about that. Why?
Verse six? So let your speech always be gracious season with Salt so that you
may know how you ought to answer each person. I love that. Be wise, make the
best use of your time. Speak graciously with everybody. The last thing here. Ok.
Colossians 315. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts in which indeed
you were called in one body and be thankful. You don't have to be anxious about
what's coming up next month. If you don't, we can pray for, we can discuss, we
can rally, do all, do all the things, ok? But know that we are driven by the
peace of God because at the end, we God wins this. Ok. That's why instead of
left or right, we're called first to look up to lean in and to live out biblical
principles. And that's why today what we're gonna end. It's not a voting policy
thing. Do the homework. You go through that. Ok? Again, if you want scriptures,
I can share those with you. Let's talk about it. But what we're gonna do today
for here at Mission Grove, at this church, we're gonna celebrate not just in the
candidate. We're gonna celebrate the king of kings, the savior of the world, the
one who changes lives, who is establishing a spiritual kingdom here forever.
We're gonna celebrate with Eli who's about to get baptized. He's going public
with his faith. He's gonna get baptized by his uncle here, another um church
member here. And so we are excited for that. And so when he comes out of the
water, I want us cheering. I want us clapping because that at its core is what
it's about that we were dead in our sins because of Jesus Christ. And what he
did on the cross, being buried and rose again, conquered death, covered sins to
make forgiveness and eternal life possible. And that my friends is where our joy
and peace comes from. What you pray with me, dear heavenly Father. We lift up
our culture right now in this divided moment where we would be united Church.
May we engage the culture not run away, not be complacent now, be apathetic, but
God engage it in boldness and in confidence, knowing that we do not have to walk
in anger, but in love and how we speak, how we live with wisdom, with grace.
Yeah, because you saved us. We just are so grateful and we come to you in that
grace and that gratitude today and you says we pray amen.