A few weeks ago in our first service, uh the power went out in this building. Uh
Something was happening in the neighborhood nearby and the power went out and
some of you were actually here for that. Uh Dan was preaching, so not my fault.
Um And uh no, so Dan was preaching and, and really grateful for our team for Dan
staying calm and the, and the music team coming out having a little acoustic set
there for the last little bit of the service for everyone staying calm here, the
emergency lights work. So that's a good thing. And then also super grateful the
power came back on for before the second service. But it got me thinking though
that because power outages happen uh that I was just curious of what are some of
the largest power, power outages that we've seen in our country's history. And
so I, I went and started searching and came across actually uh one of the
largest in our country's history happened about 21 years ago on Thursday, August
14th at about four or 410 pm when a power plant in the Midwest uh really had a
systems failure. And really that system failure created a series of cascading
other failures because they couldn't transmit it and, and create and then pass
along the proper power to the grid, not just locally but really regionally. And
so what started out as a software pro problem, an issue and that really then
mixed in with some mechanical failures and then you throw in a storm and some
tree branches inter interacting with some of the wiring. It actually created a
power outage that covered the northeast and where 30 million people uh went
without power for hours on end. Now, while the power was eventually restored,
that got me thinking and I started thinking about this question. Is there a
spiritual power outage in our country right now? And the spiritual power outage
is different because I'm not talking about really whether the power left the
church. But I'm curious, has the church left the power? In other words, not has
power left the church building but rather we as the church, are we trying to
gather, are we trying to leave these services? And then are we trying to live
our daily lives apart from the Holy Spirit in our lives? Because as Christians,
all of us are called to live in the power of the spirit to be the presence of
Christ, to the people around us. Believers in Jesus are called to live by the
power of the Holy Spirit to be the presence of Christ to the people around us.
We're jumping into a book here that really the launching of the movement known
as the church. And this book is a, so it's Matthew Mark Luke John A and I'm
excited to jump into it. There's 28 chapters. We're not gonna get to all of that
in this series. We're just gonna focus on the 1st 12 this fall. But I'm excited
to, to really jump in and this morning's message is, is entitled Just getting
started because it's really how the church movement began. Now, before we jump
into specific verses, let's just give a little bit of context to the book of
acts. So what is the background to it? Well, it was written by a guy named Luke
who was both a missionary and a medical doctor. It's most likely written around
60 to 6280 or early sixties give or take. And the reason they put that date
there is because he doesn't, he, he makes reference to a lot of persecution
happening in the early church. But it doesn't make reference to when the temple
was destroyed. And we know that was in 70 ad and it doesn't make mention of
ultimately Paul being killed. And so we know it was while he was still alive.
And so that's why it kind of dates it in like the early sixties ad. And what's
fascinating too about both the gospel of Luke and Acts. It was written by the
same guy is that it wasn't just written to a group of people, but it was
actually written to a specific person. His name was Theophilus. Now, Theophilus
actually means lovers of God. And so some people had argued, well, maybe he was
writing to early Christians as lovers of God. But really, there's more uh
indicated and evidence to point to a specific person. And so it actually refers
to him as the most excellent theophilus, which typically that phrase most
excellent was reserved for a ranking official. And so we see this in other parts
of the letter. So acts 2326 refers to the most excellent Felix, uh someone in
high ranking official and then in Acts 26 verse 25 there's a gentleman named
Festus, um not Festivus for the rest of us. OK, for Seinfeld fans, but Festus
and so most excellent. So an official there. Um So there's a question, OK, who
is this gentleman most likely a gentile? Either he wasn't saved yet and he was
writing to um him to kind of give an account of the gospel or maybe he was
recently saved to in which he was writing an account to that. And then there's
actually some really kind of intriguing theories uh between Luke's connection to
theophilus. And so I'll just share some of them, I don't know the answer at the
end of this. Um But some say that he was potentially uh Luke's master. So Luke
was a doctor but might have been working specifically for this guy. And so he
given an account for that. There's another theory out there that this guy
theophilus because he was well off was actually funding the early missionary
work. And so he was given a donor report back to Theophilus. And there's one
more theory that theophilus actually uh was potentially gonna be the lawyer
helping Paul in his trial in Rome, which that's kind of a fun theory because
then if you're trying to prep for trial, he's actually walking through the
details before that. And so we don't necessarily know the act for this
gentleman. But what we do know is that he is a high ranking official and Luke
who was a medical doctor gives an orderly account for this. Now, Luke was the
travel companion, the missionary friend of the Apostle Paul and we know this for
a couple of reasons. Uh Paul directly mentions him in Colossians 414, 2nd
Timothy 411 and then Philemon verse 24. Uh and then what's another fascinating
part in this letter is that uh in acts 16 verse 10. Uh Luke goes from the
pronouns referring to Paul as he to then from act 1610 on, he goes to we meaning
that he most likely joined Paul at that point in his journey and they moved
forward. So Luke is writing medical doctor. He highlights a lot of um miracles
that happen. And he's very detailed in this case, which I think is fascinating
because if you are a doctor and then you see a physical miracle, you're gonna be
intrigued with the details of that. And also the way that he writes, there's
other letters and other books in the New Testament that's written in like common
everyday Greek or language of that time. This is a little bit higher level um
writing style. And so it's academic, it's detailed, it's a smart guy. He's
writing to Theophilus who either has money or power or both. But in all cases
here, we, we see something kind of intriguing and I wanna actually share this
with you that comes directly from scripture. So I wanna read the intro to Luke
which is part one and then a which is part two. So it's like the sequel and the
series. OK? And, and just, I want you to see if you catch something between the
two openings of these letters. The first one is Luke chapter one, verse three
and four. It says it seemed good to me also having followed all things closely
for some time past to write an orderly account for you most excellent theophilus
uh that you may have with have certainty concerning the things that you have
been taught. So he's writing to Theophilus, this ranking official uh that you
may have confidence, right, or certainty of what really happened. Now, I want
you to notice the opening of acts. It's right to the same guy. Acts one verse
one and two. In the first book, o Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus
began to do and teach until the day he was taken up after he had given commands
through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen. The reason I find
that phrase interesting is because the gospel of Luke actually covers what Jesus
did and then the acts of the apostles covers what Jesus is still doing. So it's
what Jesus did and what Jesus and Jesus is still doing. And the reason I can say
that with pretty strong confidence is because he actually ends the letter in a
unique way. It won't be up on the screen, but I wanna read the very last verse
to you because it doesn't really make sense in the way that it's originally
written. So it's 28 chapters. It's a long book, there's lots of stories, he's
highlighting all the persecution that's happening in the church and all these
miracles and, and judgments and trials and all that. I mean, it, this is a
movie, right? This is a movie and so think of the series, the chosen and then
just continuing that but in real life through and so he's got all these details.
So you would think it's gonna end in a climatic scene, right? It's Paul verse
Rome in the Pay per view showdown. And yet this is the very last verse here in
acts 28 verse 3031. And Paul lived there two whole years at his own expense. He
welcome them all who came to him proclaiming the kingdom of God, teaching about
the Lord Jesus Christ and be with boldness and without hindrance, it doesn't
tell you what happens. It doesn't tell you what happens to the church. It
doesn't tell you what happens to Paul. It just kinda ends, imagine sitting
through a whole movie and you get right to the point of the final battle and
then the movie just ends and just says to be continued, right? Why does he do
that? I think he does that because we are still in the book of Acts. He doesn't
end the letter because the letter didn't end. Luke covered what Jesus did a
covers what Jesus is doing and here we are 2000 years later and Jesus is still
alive and active and working through his church today. Amen. And so we have this
incredible picture of the launching of the movement that we are a part of. We're
in the story. It continues today. Now, the key verse for the entire book has
actually come from chapter one that we're studying this morning and it reads
here in acts 18, but you will receive power. That word, the green word Dumas. We
kinda now in present day we get our word. That's where they pull the root from
where we get our word dynamite. OK. So you think of this, they didn't have
dynamite in biblical times, but it's where we pulled that word from. And so you
will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my
witnesses in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria to the ends of the earth. Now,
this is the final words of Jesus, but it's also the structure of the book. So
acts chapters one through seven, the gospels taken to Jerusalem. Then in acts
89, the gospels taken to Judea and Samaria. And then in acts 10 through 28 the
gospel is taken to the Roman Empire, which at that time for those people, they
considered kind of the ends of the earth. But we can say that Acts is still
beaten, being written today because now we are in a country that didn't exist at
the time of writing where the gospel is still expanding and still reaching and
still transforming today. And that's why as Christians, all of us are called to
live in the power of the spirit, to be the presence of Christ to the people
around us. Now, another way to break down the book is that acts chapters one
through 12 is the Ministry of Peter and then acts chapters 13 to 28 is really
the ministry of Paul. And so Paul gets a little bit more of the show. We're
gonna focus at least through chapters, one through 12. Just so we can go through
it a little bit more systematically. But, uh I encourage you also to read too.
So don't just take it just what we get on Sunday, just use it as an appetizer to
dive into it throughout the week. And you're gonna see that it's gonna have more
meaning and more impact in your life. And it makes sense too that Luke would
spend more time writing about Paul uh because that was his, that was his travel
buddy, that was his missionary friend. OK? And, and he Paul writes all these
letters and so he'll actually give you the context uh for a lot of where the
letters were written from for the rest. So if you understand acts, you'll
actually get the framework to understand how a lot of the other letters in the
New Testament are laid out. So pretty cool. All right. So that's the, that's the
context. That's the background. Let's go ahead and jump into the letter
together. So acts chapter one verses 3 to 5 here it says, and Jesus, he
presented himself alive to them after his sufferings by many proofs appearing to
them during 40 days. And speaking about the Kingdom of God and while staying
with them, he ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the
promise of the father, which which he said you had heard from me for John
baptized with water. But you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days
from now. Now, what does this mean? This really lays out the gospel right out of
the gate is that we don't have good news, meaning like we're just sharing good
advice with people. We have good news and we are witnesses to the resurrection
of Jesus Christ himself that without the resurrection of Jesus, the church makes
absolutely no sense. It makes absolutely no sense because here were, the
followers were, a lot of them were uneducated. Peter denied them right before
the cross. When he dies on the cross, they go and hide in a locked up room. They
have no money, they have no political power, they have no buildings and yet a
short time later, they start the largest movement in world history. None of that
makes sense unless Jesus Christ in fact raised from the dead. And so Luke is
writing and talks about how Jesus appeared to them and appeared to them over the
course of 40 days, Paul in first Corinthians 15 actually shares that over 500
people interacted with the resurrected Jesus. And so it was not a one time
hallucination, but over 40 days at different times during the day, sometimes
eating, interacting with, with different people, different places. 500 people
had an experience with the resurrected Jesus Christ. And it's the fact that he
rose again from the grave is that really provides the basis for our faith and
the church as a movement and a whole because if Jesus conquered death, then
there is nothing that our God cannot do. And that's where their boldness came
from. And it's belief in Jesus as Lord and as savior, that actually someone gets
saved. In fact, Paul writes this in Romans 10, 9 and 10. And then in verse 13,
he says, because if you confess with your mouth, that Jesus is Lord, and you
believe in your heart, that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved for
with the heart, one believes and is justified and with the mouth, one confesses
and is saved. And then in verse 13, it says, for everyone who calls on the name
of the Lord will be saved. This is what it means to receive Jesus into your
life. You admit that you sinner, ok? You turn from that sin. It's a theological
term repentance there, right? And then you're believing in what you're believing
that Jesus is Lord and you're believing that he is savior that when he died on
the cross, he took on payments of our sins. And when he rose again, it's through
Jesus and Jesus Christ alone, we can be saved and have access to eternal life,
but also abundant life right now. And forgiveness of sins and meaning and
purpose and joy and all the things that comes from the power of the Holy Spirit
coming into your life. That's why when you get saved. The idea there is being
baptized with the spirit as the spirit comes into the life of the believer. And
then when we practice water baptism, that is a symbol of what Christ did on the
cross, bury with Christ and baptism raised to walk in newness of life. That's
Romans 64. And so that is the story. And so what does this, these first couple
of verses tell us, it tells us that Christ's resurrection should shape our
resolution as Christians, we should be resolved to share and spread this gospel.
What is the gospel? It's Jesus Christ resurrected. It's Jesus Christ alive. And
it's this teaching this truth that launched the movement of the church. Ok. We
continue reading acts one verse six through 11. So when they had come together,
they asked him, Lord will you will you at this time restore the kingdom of
Israel? And he said to them, it is not for you to know times or seasons that the
father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy
Spirit has come upon you. And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem in Judea and
Samaria and to the ends of the earth. He says, when he said these things as they
were looking on, he was lifted up and a cloud took him out of their sight. I
mean, talk about a mic drop moment, not even a mic drop like he dropped the mic
and then he started going up, right? It is a savior up moment. Ok? Like he just
says these things and starts floating in the sky. Now, that would be crazy,
right? It says, and while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two
men, so the angels here stood by them in white robes and said, oh, men of
Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? I'll tell you why because that's
wild, right? Can you imagine having a conversation with Jesus? Jesus says, you
will live OK by the power of the spirit to be the presence of Jesus right up to
the people around you to the ends of the earth and he just starts floating.
Yeah, I think all of us in this room would just be sitting here like this,
right? Like we're just staring up. But the angels say, hey, what are you doing?
You got a job to do. This isn't the finish line. This is the starting line. It's
go time, right? If you're on the track, right? The the the starting gun fires.
Here we go. OK. The race has begun. It says, why are you looking into heaven?
This Jesus who was taken up from you into heaven will come in the same way as
you saw him go into heaven. This Jesus not only left but he's coming back. He's
coming back. This means for us today that Christ's future return should shape
our current reality. I noticed something in, in, in this study that I didn't,
it's not that I didn't know it before. I just didn't give it much attention, but
because we're in an election season in a divided season in our country, I
thought this was fascinating. Did you notice that when I read that passage right
before verse eight, do you notice that the disciples asked a political question,
Jesus is resurrected and he says, oh, is now the time Israel is gonna be in
power? Are you gonna restore the kingdom of Israel? They ask a political
question. Is, is Jesus coming? Are the, are the Jews now gonna be in power like
the Kingdoms? And the Old Testament is now the time Jesus and Jesus responds,
not with a physical kingdom but a spiritual one that's so important for us to
remember why? Because I think two things can be true at the same time. I want
you to hear me on this. OK. Number one, it is good for us to be involved in
politics. I I really want our church. I want everybody in here registered to
vote, uh be engaged with if you feel called to be in that arena, to be a
political community or national leader to do so to be driven by biblical values
in teaching and to engage with that. And so have conviction, have the
conversation, you know, have the dialogue with people, stand for what we
believe. May your choices be driven by the principles of scripture. I say all
these things. So that is 100% true to go for it. And OK, this is the second
thing and know that we live for a higher purpose, engage in the political. But
remember that we are part of a spiritual kingdom. As pastor Tony Evans once said
Jesus didn't come to take sides. He came to take over. Can I tell you something?
Just as a friend? And pastor here as Christians, we have to remember a few
things. OK. Again, engage, talk, vote, lead, share rally, do all the things. OK?
And no, if your political candidate does not win, the world is not over. And if
your political candidate does not, or if your political candidate does win, the
world is not saved, our country didn't exist when this was written. A Yeah, they
were in a country that was oppressed and was not being ruled by biblical
principles. OK? And so the disciples went to Jesus and said, OK, so you're gonna
take over like this is it? Now we're gonna be in charge, right? He says, no, I'm
going to give you an even bigger kingdom to remember and to keep in mind, see a
candidate's gonna rule or lead and set policies for a couple of years. OK? And
then it moves on. Our country only existed for a short while eternity lasts
forever. And God's kingdom is greater than all of that. So engage, share belief.
Yes. OK. And understand that God is in control, that so much of our world
communicate and sells based on what based on fear. But as Christians, we are not
called to live by fear, by the spirit of power, love and self control, that we
have a greater, a bigger kingdom. And the fact is, is that God is returning and
so that should give us boldness, that should also give us peace. And the third
thing here, can I just say this, that should also give us love for our neighbor,
f our divided nation needs a united church. And so when you have those
conversations, OK, when you have those stances, understand this, that we have
been called by God to also love our neighbors and to love the people that we're
dialoguing with. And that we serve not just a political candidate, we serve an
eternal king who has called us to show and to share the love of Jesus with
everybody around us. Ok? Christ's return should impact our current reality. It
allows us in this political season. It's about to get crazy like I get it. We
got a debate coming Tuesday if you want to have conversations and everything.
Yeah, let's have the conversations about this policy and this right, let's do
that also know that God is very much in control, right? And so we approach
things differently than the world does. Let's take that in remembrance as his
church, his body. Ok. Let's continue reading. Acts one verse 1214 says, and they
returned to Jerusalem from the mount and called, called all of that. So the
Mount of Olives there, which is near Jerusalem about a Sabbath day's journey
away verse 13. And when they had entered, they went up to the upper room and
where they were staying and they start listing the disciples. So uh Peter and
John and James and Andrew and Philip and Thomas and Bartholomew and Matthew
James, the son of Alpheus Simon, the zealot and Judas, the son of James man.
Talk about bad luck of names. This is not the Judas that betrayed Jesus. This is
a different Judas. This was you Judas Iscariot and then you had Judas the son of
James. Can you imagine being one of the 12 disciples? Two of them are named
Judas and one of them is forever known as the ultimate betrayer in world
history. And so for the rest of your life, you have to, you have to explain, I'm
Judas not the guy that betrayed like the the good one, right? Like, can you
imagine in the forties if you were leading a church, a congregation like in the
thirties and forties and your name happened to be uh Hitler, right? That's the
most evil person in the world. No, no, I'm not that uh like OK, like this is
Judas, but here he is in the disciples also, I want you to notice in this list
they have different political backgrounds, different stages of life, different
levels of education. You got fishermen, you got tax collectors, you got
religious zealots, you got people that are, there they go and replace the Judas
that betrayed with a guy named Matthias. But then he even continues on. Not just
the disciples in the room here in verse 14, it says all these with one accord
were devoting themselves to prayer together with the women and Mary, the mother
of Jesus and his brothers. And it goes on to say, there's about 100 and 20
people together. And so what does this mean? This means that Christ's command
should shape our community. Christ's command to go and to preach the good news
of Jesus with everyone around us should really shape and unify the church that
the very first church was divided on cultural issues, but was united on the
understanding of who God is and beyond. And they came together in prayer. Now
this is cheesy what I'm about to say. But it helps me remember. So maybe it'll
help somebody else remember that you cannot have community without unity, you
cannot have community without unity that we have to come together. What do we
come together over we come together over the fact that Jesus Christ is Lord and
Savior that he rose again, defeated death, that the Kingdom of God is at hand
and is here and the Kingdom of God is eternal and spiritual, that will
ultimately become a physical reality for eternity. When Jesus Christ returns and
until he returns, we are living out the book of acts, the power of the Holy
Spirit, changing life after life after life unified in the fact that we're
called to love God, to love people and to make disciples. And here was this
band, this ragtag group of people who just days before were locked in a room.
Afraid to that then launched the largest movement in history. And there are more
Christians today in our world today than at any point in world history. God is
very much still alive, very much still active. And we are living in the power of
the spirit to change this world with the good news of Jesus. Amen. I was kind of
a weak gay man, but I'll let I'll let that slide. Amen. We are called to live in
the power of the spirit to be the presence of Christ, to the people around us.
Let me ask you two questions. OK? Then we're gonna be done. Number one. Will you
receive Christ today? Will you receive Christ? That's what it means to be a
Christian. It says right there out of the gate, Jesus rose from the again or
rose from the grave. He rose again. You admit that you're a sinner that you
can't make it to heaven on your own that in this world we, we're not gonna make
it. We believe. What do we believe? We believe that Jesus is Lord. We believe
that Jesus Savior, that when he died on the cross, he died as payment for our
sins. And when he rose again, he conquered sin, conquered death. And he says,
receive me, believe in me to put the full weight of your life in me. She is the
only way, truth in life. So you put your faith in Him, you receive that gift of
eternal life, you receive forgiveness in your life and then you commit your life
to Him. And then you live as a response too, as a renewed a change, new
creation, child of God. Will you receive Christ today? And then the second
question is if you have received Christ, will you share Christ today? We share
Christ today where you look for an opportunity to share Jesus in your Jerusalem.
You Judea Samaria to the ends of the earth. Is there somebody that you can share
the good news of Jesus Christ with this week, if you haven't received Christ
yet, I want to give you that opportunity right now. If everyone could just close
their eyes and bow their heads for just a moment. If someone's sitting here
thinking, you know what, I really have been living without power of God in my
life, I've been trying to live on my own, but I'd like to have God in my life. I
wanna put my faith and trust in Jesus with no one looking around heads bound. If
that's you in the room today, will you just let me know by kind of raising your
hand? Just raise your hand. If you're ready to receive the power of Jesus in
your life, raise your hand. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. I invite you to pray this
along with me. We pray this prayer. There's no magic in the words, other than
just committing that in your heart, what you truly believe? I invite you to pray
with me for God. I know that I'm a sinner. I know that I can't make it on my
own. God. I believe that Jesus is Lord and savior. That when he died on the
cross prayed for my sin. When he rose again, God, he conquered it. And so God
come into my life. I confess with my mouth. I believe in my heart. I receive
your gift today. Thank you for forgiving us. Thank you for saving me. Thank you
for loving me. I'm your child and I commit my life to you. Thank God. I pray for
our church right now that not that the power has left the church. But God, I
just wonder if the church has left the power when we embrace that. When we
embrace your spirit, that together collectively, all Christians, we can come
together in this space at this time, continuing the book of acts when we live in
the power of the spirit to be the presence of your son Jesus, to the people
around us and beyond. Will we be a united church around your gospel? We give our
lives to you and your son and we pray amen.