What is guiding you through life in what direction are you walking? You know,
are you moving through life or sometimes does it feel like life is so much? It's
just simply moving you, you know, almost like those moving walkways at the
airport, you know, you just kind of stand on it and it just kind of takes you
somewhere. Uh I've always want, I'm, I'm weird but I've always wanted to take a
grocery store, uh, store scanner to the airport and stand at the edge of those
walkways and as people get on, go beep. And so they have a brief moment to feel
like groceries, you know, it's gonna be ok. Anyway. Um, and, uh, what were we
talking about now? So, uh, when you are walking through life and you're moving
through life, you know, it's easy to get off course and it's natural to get off
course because it's a struggle to go in the right direction. And this is
actually a scientific thing too. In fact, there was a reporter for N Pr Robert
Cool Rich, uh, actually did a report that over the last 100 years starting back
in the 19 twenties. People have done a series of uh research studies and, and
came to found that people cannot walk in a straight direction. So here's how
they did this. They, they found a wide open flat field, blindfolded somebody and
had different test subjects here and told them to walk for an hour. Uh One that
seems like a cruel joke just to blindfold, someone say go. Um But that's what
they did and what they found was that inherently every single time and every
different person that tried that research study, they could not walk in a
straight line that when left to their own devices, when they were blindfolded,
they just started to circle off and trail off and they started to walk in
spirals and circles. They took that same experiment, went to a lake, a wide open
lake there and blindfolded someone, I mean, they had people to watch them the
whole time and just told them to swim. Same thing. They thought they were
swimming in a straight line and they actually just started curving and started
swimming in a circle. And then, and then also they took that actually in a car
before the self a drive, driving assist again, wide open, not on the roads here.
Um Although I did pass uh a driverless car the other day freaked me out anyway.
Um And so they were in a wide open field and told somebody to drive blindfolded
infield to see if they could go in a straight line and they couldn't, they
started driving and, and going off in the wrong direction. And what they found
was that if somebody didn't have a focal point that it was natural to drift, and
the Reporter Robert Accord said this, he said without external cues, there's
apparently something in us that make us turn from a straight path. Now, that's
true physically. But I also think it's true spiritually that if we don't have a
focal point in our lives, that is natural for us to drift to turn from the way
that we're supposed to go. But thankfully, we have the focal point of Jesus and
we have the blueprint of scripture to follow so that we can stay on the path
that God has designed us to walk in. Eugene Peterson pastor wrote this. He said,
spiritual maturity is long obedience in the same direction, long obedience in
the same direction. So what we wanna do today is we wanna discuss the things
that guide our lives both on a personal level. But then I wanna give you a
little bit of a look under the hood to see what drives us here as a church
because we are in a new season, right? Football is back, amen. Anybody with me
and for those who are not, football fans apologize in advance because we will
get obnoxious. But uh but it's great. I love a new season, new start and, and
with that we wanna come back to what is it that makes us who we are? It's kind
of like Vince Lombardi, like this is a football kind of speech like this is
like, what is it for us that makes us who we are and, and drives us toward what
we're called to do and ultimately who we're called to be now to help us
understand really what guides us in life. We're gonna talk about a few, um,
items today. And so what I want you to do to picture is that vision in your
life. Vision is like a compass and then mission and values are like the map. Ok?
Vision is like the compass mission and values are like the map and both are
important. You see vision gives you your true North. It tells you what direction
you are facing currently. And for us Christians, our true North is Jesus right
now in the movie, uh, about Abraham Lincoln. It's not necessarily that Lincoln
himself said this, but it was quoted in the movie. So I'm gonna quote it. He has
this great quote that you do need more than a compass in life because a compass.
He said in the movie, he was in an argument, he said a compass will point you
true North, but you won't know the swamps between you and there. And if you
don't avoid the swamps, what's the use of knowing True North? See this is why
mission and values matter because vision will point you in the right direction.
It'll tell you where are we going as an organization, as well as vision for your
life will give you a direction to go. But mission and values help tell you, OK,
turn left, turn right and give you a map to follow. So it's like when you get in
your car and you're driving and sometimes you might know the direction that
you're going uh real quick. I'm just curious by show of hands how many of you
are like, follow the map. Exactly. People, how many of you are like um landmark
directions people like turn right at this store, you know, go a couple blocks,
turn left at like this large tree, like it's like a midwestern thing, right? You
go through and you would give directions based on, you're gonna see a three
spotted cow and a red barn and you're gonna, ok. Anyway, that's where we gave
directions back in the Midwest. And so, you know, when you think about that
vision uh tells you the direction you're going, but mission values provides the
map. It, it's the daily decision making where you go and to pause here for a
second is that we have to understand that as Christians, we're all gonna mess
up. But the encouraging thing is that faith is a journey. It's not a guilt trip.
Faith is a journey. It's not a guilt trip. Every single person in here myself.
Included has some level of hypocrisy within them, right? It's if, if you've ever
walked into a church and thought, man, I can't go here because there's a bunch
of hypocrites. Well, if you walked into the church, then that statement is also
true because you are a hypocrite. I'm a hypocrite. There are things that we say
we believe, but then we act differently and even if we are well meaning well
intentioned, a lot of times we fall short. But the beauty of Christianity is
that we're not trying to earn God's love, but we've received God's love and we
live in response to that. And so the beauty of this faith journey is that it's
filled with grace along the way. And so while we make mistakes, while it's
natural for us to turn and, and to veer off the path that God has designed for
us, we can come back in line with God. And so that's what we wanna have today is
this discussion about how can we follow the proper guidelines for our lives. And
so to give a little breakdown of these three words, vision, mission values. So
vision is really, where are you going? It's a living picture of a preferred
future. OK. And so it's, it's this catalytic statement. It's, it's directional,
it, it's filled with purpose. It's, it's this idea of man. We're after this,
it's aiming for something. OK? But then you have mission, which is what are you
doing then to accomplish that vision. OK. What are you doing to accomplish that
vision? They often times get connected. And so if you hear a company say this is
our mission or this is our vision, uh It's OK. Don't get caught up in those
words, just knowing vision is where are you going? Mission is how, what are you
doing to get there? OK. And then you have your values, which are, why are you
doing it? Why are you doing it? Why do you do what you do? Why do you make the
decisions that you make? Now? I want you to think about what is your personal
vision? What is your personal mission and what are your personal values? But
while you're processing thinking through that, I wanna take this morning and
walk you through, what are those things that drive us as an organization? OK. So
our vision is that we exist to help every man, woman and child experience, Jesus
that at the end of the day, if, if you hear nothing else from me, I want you to
experience a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This is why we do what we
do. This is where we're going. We say every man, woman and child because we are
after everybody. We uh how much is enough? Well, we could always have one more.
Why? Because we want to storm the gates of hell and po and populate heaven,
right? We wanna change lives and legacies and generations with the good news of
the gospel because Jesus promised in Matthew that the gates of Hell will not
prevail against his church. Amen. So this is why this is this, this is why our
vision is big. It's every person, every man, every woman, every child. And it's
not about a program. It's not about even getting in this building. It's about
experiencing Jesus because one moment with Jesus can change the direction of
your life and the destination for eternity. Ok. That's a big goal. That's our
true North Jesus, our true North. But how do we get there? Well, our mission,
what we do on a weekly and even daily basis is that we will accomplish our
vision through planning the gospel growing in community and multiplying through
service plant, grow multiply. We're called Mission Grove because no single tree
makes a grove but a grove can start from just one tree. And so this image of
life and of growth is that you wanna plant the gospel in your life. What are the
seeds that you're planting? Right? If you plant a particular seed, you can't
expect something in exchange, you can't plant an apple seed and be wishing for
oranges, right? And vice versa. So it starts from the very beginning. What seeds
are you planting in your life? And then as those seeds start to take root, it
starts to grow together. It's, and we're gonna talk about that of how we need
each other. And then ultimately, we multiply. So it goes beyond ourselves and we
have fruit for others as well as multiplying into other trees and so on. And so
this picture of a grove is this idea of planting and multiplying disciples and
churches to reach the world with the good news of Jesus. So that's what we're
doing on a daily basis. So we, we are playing the gospel. It impacts why we're
preaching the word. We're heavy exposition, uh mostly exposition. Next week, I
invite you back. We're starting through our false series through the Book of
Acts, which I'm super excited for that, the early church, how God used ordinary
people and with his extraordinary power to change the world and launch the
largest movement in world history. And so I'm excited to study that together as
a church. But even when we do topics and, and and needs to meet our community,
we do so centralized in His word. And then when we plant the gospel, then we're
growing in community, connecting together and then multiplying to really meet
the needs of this community and beyond. Now, that's our vision and our mission.
But we're gonna spend the rest of the day talking about our values because your
values matter, in fact, what you value determines what you do. Therefore what
you do demonstrates what you value. If you're not sure of your values, then just
look at the evidence, right? What would your bank account? Say you value what
does your calendar say that you value, what are your relationships and the
people you surround yourself with say that you value because you can't say you
value one thing and then it there's no evidence over here, right? And so
everything you do is a reflection of what you value. Therefore, what you value
should determine what you do. And so I want you through this whole thing. Think
about what is it that I personally value what is important to me and then do my
actions align with my values. This is great for business and in organizations,
it, it drives us here as a church, but also should drive your personal life
because values describe the culture that's within it and and it's a healthy
culture of, of what is it that drives you and what is it that drives us? So this
is what we're gonna do today for the next few minutes. I wanna take a deeper
dive into the five core values here at Mission Grove Church, five core values.
These really determine what we do and why we do it on a regular basis. And so
for those that are new to the church and those have been coming for a while.
Now, I wanna take a little peek under the hood so you can see why we're doing
what we do and where it comes from. So for us, all of these values come directly
out of Acts chapter two. Again, we're jumping into the study of Acts uh here for
this fall. But for today, we're gonna jump into Acts chapter two and let's read
these verses here together. Acts two, verse 42 to 47. And they devoted
themselves to the apostles teaching. So they were devoted to the teaching of
God's word and they devoted themselves to fellowship. So to each other, to the
breaking of bread and the prayers and all came upon every soul and many wonders
were being done through the apostles. It says in all who believed were together
and had all things in common. So they, they, they were together, they were
connected, they shared verse 45 and they were selling their possessions together
and breaking bread in their homes and received um selling possessions and
distributing all the proceeds to each other and day by day attending the temple
together, breaking bread in their homes. They received their food with glad and
generous hearts in verse 47 here praising God and having favor with all people.
So then just stay inward. Ok? They were connected together, but they faced
outward, making a difference there. And the Lord added to their number day by
day, those who were being saved. So they were studying God's word, they were
fellowship and connecting together. They were serving, they were giving, they
were meeting in the temple courts, they were meeting in homes, they were making
the difference in the lives of the people around them and people were being
added and, and, and what started as a gathering of people turned into the
largest movement in world history, known as the church, which is wild to me
because they had no power. They weren't like the political power. They, they
didn't have like all the money, they didn't have buildings to start, they didn't
have any of those things, but they were committed to the movement of God and God
continued on. Now, sometimes you hear people say, well, I wanna go back to the
Acts two church and there are aspects of that that are true, but I would prefer
not to be like, you know, thrown into a pit with a lion and, you know, and, and
I don't really want to go back to the Roman rule of government right now. OK. Oh
me, OK. Just kidding. Um There is craziness at that time. So we're not saying
we're going back exactly to the historical context of the early church. So I, I
am very grateful for Amazon Prime, right? And technology and that, that we can
stream online right now. And so the church is gonna look different. It's not
gonna have exactly the same feel, but it is for this context in this community
at this time, in this place, we can study the principle, the principles, the
values of the early church that here we are 2000 years later and they still stay
just as true today. OK. So we have five values of the church comes from this
passage. First value is this value of biblical truth, biblical truth. Ok. When I
say b, don't worry about writing all this, that's a lot of words to write down,
you can download the whole sermon guide church center. Ok. You can download it,
let me know I can also email it to you or you can screenshot it with your phone.
So, but let me just walk through these five biblical truth. What do I mean? When
I say biblical truth, what I mean is that we are boldly proclaiming God's word
because we believe scripture is our authority and is sufficient for knowing the
gospel, understanding God's will and maintaining a healthy spiritual life. I've
heard it said before that people take the word of God and it's like I'm standing
on the word and I like that. But my personal approach is a little different
because when you say you stand on the word, what happens is that you actually
place yourself on top of God's word. In other words, you become the authority.
And that's, that's really a result of what's known as the postmodern movement
where they took the authority from the author and put it on the reader or the
receiver. And so now truth and culturally speaking is subjective. That's why you
hear things like, well, my truth, right? Or what's true for me or walking in my
truth. The problem is when you do that with scripture, people are picking and
choosing what they believe. Thomas Jefferson, it was said that he would actually
cut out the pages of the verses. He didn't like, I mean, I, that would be nice
to be able to do, but it doesn't exactly show scriptures. Authority. Does it
like I'd love to be able to go in the word. Mm. Don't like that. Cut it out.
Here's the truth though. And truth is correlated with reality. OK? Is that if
there's a disagreement between you and God who is most likely wrong? You got
someone who's got all of eternity and creation on their side and you probably
didn't follow everything correctly this morning. Right. I walked out of the
house. I was off a button. Right? Like I can't even get my shirt correct. And
yet I think I am in charge of my life like it doesn't work like that. Ok. There
was two boats in the middle of a storm where they couldn't see each other and
all they could see was the main light from the boat and boat one said the boat
to move out of the way. I'm a carrier ship. And this and boat two said no, you
move out of the way. I'm a lighthouse and God's word is the lighthouse. Ok. So
what I would propose to you is that we don't just stand on God's word. But
rather we actually collectively myself included, sit under the umbrella and
under the authority of God's word. There is a disagreement. I have to go with
God and I have to examine my own heart on this Charles Spurgeon. And I'm gonna
paraphrase this. It's not his exact quote, but he once described defending
scripture this way. He said you defending scripture is a lot like defending a
lion. You don't defend it, you unleash. It is scripture going unused in your
life or is scripture unleashed in your life. Because I've seen example, after
example, after example of someone who starts reading the word of God, taking it
in their mind, place it in their hearts and living that out and it's
transformative. Their life has changed. The people around them, life has changed
in generations and legacies are changed because the power of the everlasting
word of God. Second Timothy 316 and 17 says that all scripture is breathed out
by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training
and righteousness that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good
work. The word of God is like the breath of God being breathed out into our
lungs, into our lives so that we can live that out there is power. That's why
when you're facing struggles and doubts, God's word tells you don't doubt God,
doubt your doubts because your feelings are gonna go every which way. But God's
word stands forever. That's why when we're struggling, we can remind ourselves
of the promises of God promises like that. If God is for you, who can be against
you, promises that God is with you to be strong and courageous, that the Holy
Spirit is to be promised to dwell inside of you. That the same power that
conquered the grave now lives inside of you, that God works through you, that
you're his workmanship created on purpose with the purpose that God loves beyond
you. That when you confess your sins, he is just and faithful to forgive, there
is power in the promises of God. And so we're gonna preach it, we're gonna share
it. Every message is gonna be centered in God's word. Every song gonna be
centered in His word that we're gonna challenge you to read it throughout the
week, right? If it's audio, if it's digital, if it's paper, whatever it is like
you have to fill your life with this. Why? Because it's the only thing that's
gonna change you. So not only are we devoted to biblical truth, we are also
devoted to authentic community. Authentic. Community means this that we are
committing to regularly gathering together because we believe we best grow
spiritually when we connect relationally and emotionally in real meaningful
relationships. I love the word authentic because you don't have to be perfect.
No one's perfect. OK? No one's perfect. And this is coming from the pastor who
I'm just telling you. I'm just a large child really. And, and, and it's just, I
still laugh at silly juvenile jokes. Like I still say sarcastic things at the
wrong time. Like II, I get selfish, I get prideful at the same time. Like, look,
all of us have our issues and our struggles and our battles and that's OK.
Understanding that you've got something for me and I've got something for you
and that you might not be able to know everybody but you should know somebody,
right? And so there is value and power in being known and knowing somebody right
to come around side to rally to have a home field advantage, right? If you're a
sports fan, right? There's a difference playing a home game and playing an away
game, right? Some of you are struggling because all you're doing is playing away
games. You've never given yourself a team to surround yourself by or a, a home
crowd to cheer you on because that's what we're called to do. In fact, Hebrews
1024 and 25 says let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good
works not neglecting to meet together as is the habit of some but encouraging
one another and all the more as you see the day drawing near. So whether it's on
a serve team or in a growth group or in a Bible study or in equipping class,
like plug in connect because you got something for us. We've got something for
you and you don't have to be perfect and you don't have to have it all together
because guess what, when you share whatever you're struggling with, most likely
someone's gonna come back and be like, ah, you know what? I struggle with that
too. Right. Or if you have a need, someone can meet it. If, if, if you have a
gift, someone can use it. And so there's this connection that comes from just
knowing each other and when you don't have to fake it to be connected, that's
why we're highly relational. That's why when you walk in this morning, you were
probably greeted by like seven different people, right? And for introverts, I'm
sorry, but that's just because we care. So like greet at your own level. OK? If
you're an introvert and you give a little head nod, way to go, I'll take it,
right? Um But we want you to feel welcome. We want you to hang in the lobby
after service. We want you to connect and grab some coffee and hang out and and
get to know each other, right? And to serve together. And we have all these
different Bible studies launching throughout the week. Why? Because we value
community. Third thing here is empowered service over and over again. The early
church in Acts two was giving their things away, was meeting the needs of
others, was helping others and it's empowered by the Holy Spirit. So we are
dependent on the power and provisions of the Holy Spirit to humbly serve our
church, our community and our world. Because God has called us to make Jesus
known to all people. You have been wired in a way that God can use your giftings
to meet the needs of others here in the church, right? If you're an introvert
man, we need you on the tech team, right? Or facilities. If you, if you're an
extrovert man, join on that, um join in on the greeting team hospitality. If
you're a navy seal, we need you in kids ministry. And uh but you would be amazed
at, at um uh the change you can make in the generations to come by allowing
parents to connect over the word of God while their child is being discipled and
connected so that they can send out a more united family wherever your gifting
is man, you can use it here, but also not just here but in the community. So use
your skill sets, use your heart to meet the needs to buy a meal to serve. That's
why we do school supply drives. That's why we buy meals for, for teacher staffs
or help with fall festivals or we try to fix things or in my case, maybe break
things. So I won't use that gifting. But like when you go through like whatever
God is giving you is giving you for someone else. Like I think like Trevor
shared his testimony uh last week, it was such an awesome testimony. Trevor,
thank you for sharing that. And right before he got baptized last week, got up
and said, you know, I realize that when God gives you a gift, it's not for you.
It's for others. That's why we serve. It says, in acts 18, it says, but you will
receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses
in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria to the ends of the earth God's kingdom. OK.
It's one that is expanding, that we are going outside of these walls. You know
that 39 out of the 40 recorded miracles in, in acts is outside the walls of a
particular church. He says, we're called to go beyond biblical truth. Authentic
community, empowered service. Number four is joyful, generosity, joyful
generosity. We are sharing our time, talent and treasure with others because God
gave resources for us to for the building of His kingdom and for His glory. It
is a joy to give and listen. Uh We don't pass the plates here because I'm not
trying to pressure anyone into anything. We don't want anything from you. We
want something for you, but we do talk about giving, we do talk about money, we
do talk about those things. Why? Because it's a reality of life and it says
here, what, what drives us to talk about giving here. The church is verses like
this in second Corinthians 96 and seven says the point is this that whoever sows
sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows bountifully will also reap
bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly
or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver. When you give, you are
acting as God would for God to love the world that he gave, right? And people
and I get it, I look, I, I acknowledge the reality. Um You know, that's why when
I bought my third jet, I said, you know what I'm gonna offer, right? Ok. I'm
kidding. I don't for those that don't know me, I'm very sarcastic. I don't own a
jet. I drive a civic. So um the reality here though is that I get that money can
be stressful and that there's bad examples but don't let bad examples keep you
from healthy living, right? Think about it this way when you give a gift to your
child and we're talking young like pre teenage years when they were still
excited to get things, you know what I'm talking about before. Like I, I give
you that look like when you give a little child a gift and they open it like who
has more joy in that moment? The kid or the parent, right? The parent, right?
Like it's like, oh man, it's so fun to give and to see people's lives change.
That's why we say it's joy to give. And that's why we say join the generosity.
We're not gonna make you give anything but we want you to join it because we
don't want something from you. We want it for you and that when you give, it
takes the idol out of your heart and it blesses somebody else. And when you
bless others, you get to be the hands and feet of Jesus and it changes
everything, joyful generosity. We wanna be a place that gives an organization
that blesses the community and beyond. And we want that for you too. The last
thing here is, is transformation, specifically life transformation that we're
seeking to see the loss get saved and the save get sanctified because it's God's
desire that we become more and more like Jesus in character and in morality, we
wanna walk in Him, we wanna see change. We wanna see growth. Colossians 26 and
seven says therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord. So walk in Him,
rooted and built up in him, established in faith just as you were taught,
abounding in Thanksgiving, the church was out sharing the gospel, sharing the
good news, but then was walking with people and life change, right? When for
parents in the room, when the little baby learns to walk, it's super cute,
right? And what happens? They fall down and when they fall down, do you know
what happens. Parents we go, why did that happen? That's it. I'm done. Like no,
you're like come on, get up. You took a step. Oh This time you took two, this
time you took four like like like we're why we're cheering people on now. Here's
the deal. If that was all the parenting we did, we would be in trouble, right?
Like if you parent your young adult the same, you parent a three year old,
that's not good. Here comes the plane, here comes the plane like like I was
like, no, you wanna grow up what? In maturity and strength in decision making?
We want the same for you that wherever you are in your faith journey, we wanna
help you become more like Jesus because it's not about behaving, it's about
becoming who God's called you to be. Amen. John Mark Kumar said this. He said
transformation is possible if we are willing to arrange our lives around the
practices, rhythms and truths that Jesus himself did, which will open up our
lives to God's power to change. Said another way we can be transformed. If we
are willing to apprentice ourselves to Jesus, listen what you value determines
what you do. Therefore what you do demonstrates what you value. OK? And so
that's why I, I shared this today because I want you to see our vision or
mission, our values, our culture. And it's also the heartbeat behind launching
some next step. Classes. We're not saying this is the end all. OK? But we just
want to help you where you are in that journey as a starting point, right? So
some potential next steps again, you don't have to attend all four of these.
We're gonna be running these like every other month now. Uh But if you, if
you're curious about one of them, I just invite you to check it out. OK? There's
not pressure in it, just come learn, ask questions. It's a dialogue situation.
It's a back and forth thing. It's casual and you can get connected. So four
options we have for you here is that we have on uh gospel and baptism. So this
is kind of on the ends here of if you're curious about Christianity, you're
like, man, what is, what, what does it actually say? What is being a Christian
mean? Uh If you're interested in baptism and we're doing another baptism in
October, if you're thinking about it, maybe I'll invite you to check this out if
you wanna share. How do I share the gospel even? Right? This is a great spot to
go to in a starting point. So gospel and baptism, then we got September 15th
that's growing in groups, learn about all the different ways that you can get
connected here from a home growth group to Bible study to a quipping class like
art of parenting and so on. Just why their value in that. And then the third one
here is spiritual gifts and serving. I love this one too because it gives you a
practical spiritual gift assessment. So you can actually know what am I gifted
in? Who is God called me to be? How can I make a difference in this? And so
learn how you're wired and then learn how to make a difference in others. So
it's pretty cool and practical there. And then the last one here is join Mission
Grove Church. Now, I wanna share this with you because I'm excited for you. But
I also wanna acknowledge what's coming into the room and and what people bring
to the table is that when people hear the word membership, they're bringing with
that all kinds of stories from their past of what membership means, right? And
so let me just share with you what I mean here for us is that when I say
membership or join the church, it the heartbeat for the behind that really is
fourfold. It's one, it's relationship. We don't want to just be a person in a
seat or someone that walks or somebody just watches online. It, I'm so glad
you're here and no one's stopping you to keep doing that. But when you're ready
to engage with us, we want to engage with you. So we wanna hear your story, we
want you to hear our story. We wanna get you connected with pastors and elders
and, and to get connected so that there's relationship, right? Any good team,
family workplace is connected. So it's relationship number two, it's
responsibility. It's a responsibility. You, it's, it's you opting in saying, you
know what I'm, I'm, I'm getting in the game, man, I'm getting in the game. I
wanna make a difference. Let's do this together. Ok? It's relationship
responsibility then after that and it's really commitment. You're committing to
the church, the church is committing to you, right? We're not perfect. OK? It's
not crazy here. But what we're saying there at the end of the day and the whole,
the main reason why we're doing something like this call and join the church.
It's, it's discipleship. Listen, if you don't want to be a member here, like
keep coming, right? Just keep jump in here with us. You can kick the tires as
long as you want. But if you get to the place where like, you know what, I, I
wanna align with you, I wanna jump in. Uh This is me too. Like I wanna help out
with this, right? Go in with this. Look. Membership is not a starting line. It's
also not the ending line like it's not like, oh check this box. OK. I'm good to
go. It's actually a discipleship thing to, you know what we believe, why we
believe it, right? Committing to each other, loving God, loving people. And when
you do that, right, it makes a difference. We don't wanna make it harder to join
the church than it is to go to heaven. Ok? And so we're not trying to make this
whole list of things. But what we're trying to do is align our lives with God's
Word and let's walk this together. Ok. So in closing here and if you're curious,
just check it out. Ok, check it out and we'll go from there. But in closing,
here's what we're gonna do is that ask yourself on the personal level, like what
direction is your life heading? Ok. And are your actions aligning with your
values? Are you living in a way that reflects what you say and you believe? And
I get, there's gonna be some dissonance there and some disconnect and we're not
always going to do that. But when your values align with your actions and those
align with the word of God, it can change not only your life, but the world will
you pray with me? Their only father, just help us to align our actions and our
choices with the values of your word and wherever we are in this journey of
faith, God, it's not a guilt trip. It's a journey. Help us to take that next
step towards you. We give our lives to you today and your senses and we pray