We are in Psalm 62. As we continue our, our study, I've asked Brandon to hang on
up here for a moment and to lead us in a song that's gonna help us a little bit.
Um, in, in understanding what a, a Psalm is. But I thought I'd begin by just
asking a question and seeing a show of hands. How many are fans of a manicured
lawn? Yeah. Lots of hands. How many are fans of financial health? Lots of heads.
Um, how many are fans of Kurt? I thought you were gonna throw this out there.
You told me to how many are fans of completely trusting Christ in difficult
times? I, I will tell you this, I, I am a fan of a manicured yard. Um, I, I have
my wife and I have moved a few times and so we've had different houses and, and
I can tell you that I've never had a manicured lawn, but, but I grew up in a
home where we had a manicured lawn and, and my father had three boys and a girl
and none of us took care of the lawn. We might mess it up So he had three boys,
we could play catch in the backyard as long as our feet didn't stay in the same
place too long. And we certainly couldn't put bases out where you ran because
that would mess up the lawn. See, there, there's a commitment that it takes to
have a manicured lawn and, and in terms of financial health, I've always been a
fan of financial health, but you know what, I'm not a fan of a personal budget,
you know, II, I remember when I oversaw the finances of the last church, I was
in a and the staff would say, man, you are so strict and, and I was, but when it
came to personal budget, I, I mean, I came to the conclusion, maybe some of you
have came, came to the same conclusion was that if your, your food budget is out
and the refrigerator is packed with leftovers, but you're walking by the
Cheesecake factory that, you know, budgets mean nothing. And when it comes to
completely trusting in Christ, it isn't during the easy times that we trust in
Christ. It's in the tough times. And, and so Psalm 62 is a Psalm. Uh and John
began the series in Psalms by telling us that it's the greatest hits. It's, it's
a group of songs. Um And there is a song that I thought of as I was looking at
this passage and, and it was a, a song that was similar to this passage, but
it's a modern day song. It was uh I think five or 10 years old and, and it has
the chorus and a verse and a chorus and a verse and, and it helps us understand
what it might have been like to hear David sing this song. And so Brandon could
you uh lead us in that song? And what I would like us to do is instead of
standing up, it's really a prayer. So I'd like us to join him in singing but to
have an see, be seated and have an attitude of prayer. Thanks Brandon that the
all the earth would care to know my name. I would care to feel hm. That the
bright and morning would choose to lie. OK. Doing hard. Not because of who.
Yeah, but because of what you now because of what but because a flower quickly
fading here today. Oh, wave us in the ocean. You when I'm calling Lord, you
catch me when I'm falling, you show yeah, I am that the eyes that see must sin,
look on me with and watch me rise again. You got the voice that would calm the
storm, not because of who I am, but because of what you've done. Not because of
what I've done, but because of who you are and quick here today and got some
more awaits us in the ocean in of did me when I'm calling Lord, you catch me
when I and you show me who I I am. I am your not because of, but because of what
you've done. Not because of what I've done. But because, and on all those for
you, when Lord you catch me on, shown what? Yeah, I am your Oh Brandon. Thank
you. That's the idea of a song. And David is going through an experience, a
difficult experience, a hard time. And he, and he writes a song that describes
it has a chorus and he comes back to the chorus and then he concludes with the
chorus. But each time the chorus just expands. And so the, the point, the big
idea that we're going with this morning and that we're trying to communicate I
is that comfort comes from consistent confidence in God's concern for you. It,
it's having that consistent confidence. And so he begins with the chorus and the
chorus communicates my soul finds rest in God alone. Listen to verse one and
two. My soul finds rest in God alone. My salvation comes from him. He alone is
my rock and my salvation. He is my fortress. I will never be shaken. You know,
it's, it's interesting to me that um David's situation, commentaries,
commentators tell us that the situation that caused David to write this song was
that he had a rebellious child, he had a rebellious son. Um No, we don't need a
show of hands but have any of you ever had a rebellious child. Here, here's the
deal. Well, we did have a hand go up but, but to be truthful as I looked around,
II, I think that there's some of you who were rebellious child, you were the
child. And so the situation with, um, David is that absalom, his son had become
rebellious and David was now out in the wilderness and we'll talk about how that
happened. But he, he was out in the wilderness and he was, David was separated
from him, a son that he loved that he cared about. And I, I can imagine that for
you and I that in a group this size and when we talk about you multiply it times
two because we have another service that the number of people who come to
Mission Grove who have a hurt and a pain, then you're going through a tough time
right now. Um II, I think it would be tremendous. We talk about our country. It
is interesting to me that our former president uh tweeted out or Xed out or
however you do it. Something about God alone protected him. And when we get
protected, we go. But there was a man who died, the there, there were two who
were severely injured. There, there is a family of a 20 year old son that, that
is their guts are bleeding everywhere. Does God alone rescue even in the midst
of that? And so you may be sitting in a really difficult time. Right now. You
may have gone to the doctor this week and you went in with a little bit of a
pain. I had a friend who a couple of weeks ago did that. He went in with a
little bit of a pain. It, it had been irritating him for a while and he went in
and, and the diagnosis was that you have pancreatic cancer and you have eight
weeks to live. Is, is God still good? Is it God alone? And, and the some of you
may be going through a relationship problem. You may be going through a
difficulty with your spouse. And all of a sudden words are coming up in your
marriage that you hadn't heard before. That's, you know, maybe this isn't gonna
work out and you're, you're hurting. I need you to understand that when David
wrote this psalm this song, he was hurting. Likely he was in a cave lately. He
was pretty much alone and he said all I have is God alone. And so my question
for us today and David's gonna go through and tell the story of what happened.
And he's also gonna talk about what we turn to sometimes in, in trying to find
solutions. And David keeps coming back to God alone. And I, I just share with
your friends that it is in the midst of your hardest times. Your most difficult
times that when you can say God, it is in you alone that I trust that you will
see great things happen. That's why James. James said in James chapter one,
verse two, many of you have heard it. So consider it pure joy when you go
through various trials, some of you are going, how do you, how do you do that?
How do you, how do you consider it pure joy when you're going to trials? So in
order to see what James meant, you have to go further down in the book of I in
the first chapter, James chapter one verse 12. And we discovered that what James
is saying is that it's in the midst of the difficult times, the challenges, the
really hard times that I have an opportunity to show God that I trust him only,
it's in the tough times that I get to do that. It's not in the easy times, you
know, it, it's not in the easy times when you, you get called into the boss's
office and you go, oh, no, I know they're doing cutbacks. I wonder what's gonna
happen. And the boss says I just need to tell you, you've done such a great job.
We're gonna give you a promotion. You go. Yes. Yes. God is good. But is that the
only time he's good? Is that the only time you can count on him or when, or when
you, you go to get that doctor's report and you're going, that really has been
concerning me and the doctor does some tests and he says, I just need to tell
you that you're perfectly healthy. You probably worked in the yard and pulled a
little muscle, but you're, you're in great. Yes, God, it's so good. Is God good
all the time. David is going through the toughest time of his life. And he says,
he says, my soul finds rest in God alone. And so he begins with the chorus, but
then he goes to the first verse and the first verse is there is an opposition
committed to your ruin. And maybe that's where you are right now. Listen to what
he says in verse three and four. How long will you assault a man? Would all of
you throw him down this leaning wall, this tottering fence, they fully intend to
topple him from his lofty place. They take delight in lies with their mouths.
They bless, but in their hearts, they curse. Here is the picture of what's going
on. David had multiple wives and by the wives, he had multiple Children and one
of his Children was named Absalom and another one was named Abdon. And the
abnormal, um one day he, he, he called in his half sister, Absalom's full sister
called her into his room. And when she came into his room, he raped her. And the
Bible tells us that when David found out about it, he was furious and that's how
it ended. David got really mad, but Absalom didn't get mad. Absalom says, I'm
going to take care of this problem. And so he waited and he devised a plan. And
one day, a couple of years later, he had a party and invited all of David's sons
to the party and they all came in and with all of them there, he killed ABN and
he said, now we're even, but he ran away and he hid for a while. Eventually
David called Absalom back into town, but just kind of kept him at arm's length.
And Absalom began, it tells us in the book of Sam second Samuel that Absalom
would sit outside the city and as people would come in, he'd go, how are you
doing? How are things going with the king? Oh, he's not really that good to you.
Oh, man. If I were your king, I'd be better to you. And all of a sudden he began
to collect more and more people who were followers and then one day they
revolted and they said we're going to take over in caps. Absalom said, I'm gonna
be the king and I'm gonna kill my father. That's a rebellious child. And so he,
he's gonna, he's gonna kill David. Now all these verses make sense. How long
will you assault a man? He asks, would all of you throw him down this leaning
wall, this tottering fence, a leaning wall, the, the Hebrew version of it is an
army. When they would come on a city, the city had a wall around it and they
would push and push and push on the wall until they could find a section that
they could topple down and then just come in and conquer. And David describes
himself as just this, this tottering wall, this tottering fence that's just
about ready to collapse. And he says, how long are you gonna assault me? How
long are you gonna push on me? Um And he says, they make delight in lies with
their mouths. They bless. See, that's what Absalom was doing. He was saying, oh
yeah, my father, yeah. Good king, good king. Gosh, not the best but, but he's
good. And it says they bless but in their hearts, they curse. This is a song.
This is a song that David's singing that this is about his son. And then at this
point, he goes on to his chorus again and, and the chorus is my soul finds rest
in God alone alone. Nothing else in verses five through seven. Find rest the in,
in the first part he's saying with confidence, my soul finds rest. But here he
says, he's now talking to himself. He's talking to his soul. And he's saying,
find rest, oh my soul in God alone. My hope comes from Him. You know, when we,
when we talk about hope, what, what does hope mean for you or for a lot of us
in, in the English. Hope is sort of cross your fingers and go. Oh, I hope. It's,
it's kind of the prayer we say when, when the lottery gets up to a billion
dollars and we buy our ticket and we go, 0000 God. I, I, I'll give you 10%.
Yeah. Hope in the Bible is not crossing our fingers and hoping. Hope in the
Bible is our confidence that Paul writes to Titus. I, in his letter to this
young pastor, he says, our blessed hope, the coming of Christ. Blessed hope,
hope is not. I wonder if he's coming to picture literally is to lean forward in
great anticipation of what's coming. The only illustration I could come up with
one time was the idea of a cross country racer. I don't know if any of you have
been cross country racers or if you have kids who are cross country racers um
that you stand at the finish line and you don't go well, I hope my kid shows up
one day. No, that's not what you're doing. You have this confidence. I can't
wait to see my child come. Do you get that picture of the confidence? That's
what David's saying. He's saying God is his confidence. Then he has all of his
trust in him. He goes on to say He alone is my rock and my salvation. He is my
fortress. I will not be shaken my salvation. And my honor, depend on God. He is
my mighty rock and my refuge. You know, have we identified who our opposition
is? Because a lot of times in a relationship, we, we think it's the other person
and in reality, many times it's our pride or our ego or what we want. And we
can't hand that over to God until we can identify it. David identified his
opposition as his son, this guy who was gonna attack him, but David didn't hate
his opposition. David loved his son still. And so can we identify our
opposition? What is it that's wearing us down? What is it that's taking the
energy out of our life? And I know that there's some of you here who are going.
I have no idea what this message is about. My life is so good right now.
Everything is going so good. Praise the Lord. That's the time to write your
song. That's the time to say, man, I am going to trust in you Lord no matter
what, no matter when the difficult times come. Because I guarantee you that each
of us will face difficult times. Each of us will face those hard times where we,
the next verse tells us where we can go look for other solutions. Listen to what
it says here. It says that the next verse is about places that people look for
support, but they don't find it. Here is what verse 89 and 10 say trust in Him
at all times. Oh, people pour out your hearts to Him. For God is our refuge.
Lowborn men are. But a breath, the high born are but a lie. If weighed on a
balance, they are nothing together. They are only a breath. Do not trust in
extortion or take pride in stolen goods though your riches increase, do not set
your heart on them. Where do people turn if they don't turn to God alone, if
they don't say God is my solution, where do people turn? Sometimes they turn to
other people. Uh And what David says is, he says, lowborn people, people who
don't have, um, high positions, they don't have, have a lot of authority.
They're, they're low born or high born people in high positions. He says you
take those two groups and you put them together, you get them all bundled up and
you take them over and you hang them on a scale and they weigh exactly nothing.
Nothing. He, he describes them as a breath that they're in his hand and you go
and they blow away. But how many of us when we are going through? Tough times
think I just, I just, I need to find another doctor's opinion. I need to find a
financial counselor who will fix everything I need to find and you turn
elsewhere to people. Another opinion on a physical matter is probably a good
thing. But if that's where your hope is if you're going, if I just get, if I go
to enough doctors, somebody's gonna tell me I'm ok. Your hope is gonna be
dashed. If your, if your hope for financial success is just based on, I need one
more person to tell me the right thing. I just need to keep going and you're
always looking for someone else to solve your problem or you think, you know
what? I, I have enough money. I can pay somebody to do the tough stuff for me,
Charles Coulson in his book, Born Again, wrote that the hardest group of people
to reach for Jesus Christ are upper middle class Americans. The hardest people,
upper middle class Americans. Could you do me a favor? Turn to somebody that,
you know, don't turn to a stranger, turn to somebody, you know? You know, and
say you're an upper middle class person. Ok. Ok. Just, just, and, and some of
you are going, have you seen our finances? I don't think so. But the reality is
in the world, see in the world, if you own a car, you're probably in the top 10%
of wealth in the world. And some of you are going well. What if you own four?
Ok. And we, we, we turned to people, oh, by the way, for those of you who spoke
up now, the other person turned to them and said you're an upper middle class
person too. Oh, except we have one family over here who both spoke to the. So,
uh the whole point being is that if we are looking for others or we're looking,
sometimes we just feel like we can write a check. That's what David is saying.
He says, do not trust an extortion or take pride in stolen goods. Don't, don't
take pride in what you can collect though. Your riches increased. Do not set
your heart on them. Some of us have set our heart on the fact that I have
enough. I've acquired enough that no matter what problems I face in life, I can
write a check and solve my problem. I can make my problems go away just by just
by paying someone. The whole point of the song. My friends is that our trust has
to be in God alone. Are we, are we at that place? He concludes by even expanding
the chorus a little more. And he says this time, God has promised to be strong
and loving. Do you believe that? Do you believe that even in the middle of the
very difficult time that you're going through right now that God has promised
you that He is strong and loving? Here's what he says. One thing God has spoken
two things I have heard. That's, that's a Hebrew way of, of say, piling things
on top of each other. So we would say more and more. It's, it's, it's um boy,
you know what uh this person can. He gave me so much. In fact, he gave me more
and more than I ever. Um There, there is a proverb that says, there are six
things that God hate seven that he detests. That's just a Hebrew way of writing
that says we're piling it on. It's more and more so he says that one thing God
has spoken, two things I have heard that you owe God are strong and that you o
Lord are loving. Surely you will reward each person according to what he has
done. Now, do you believe that? Do you believe that by putting your confidence
in Him that he's gonna reward you for that? I, I've shared in our men's group on
Saturday mornings um a few times that Polycarp and ancient um church father, one
of the, the, the early, early leaders in the church during a time of persecution
and difficulty, they took him and they, they put him on at the, tied him to a
stake, put wood all around it and said, we're gonna set you on fire. All you
have to do is deny your faith. And Polly Karp's response was you do realize
you're threatening me with paradise. You're threatening me with p if you don't
deny Christ, we're gonna kill you and send you to heaven. OK. I'll go with that
option. Uh Do we get devastated by the challenges and difficulties we face or in
the midst of those challenges? And difficulties. When you get the call from the
school that your child's involved in drugs, when you have the doctor give you a
bad notice. When you get some financial challenge is your response to cry. Why
God, what is your response to say God? I am going to trust in you alone. You are
my rock, you are my salvation. I will trust in you alone. You know, Kurt is
always um after services up in front, willing to meet with people and pray with
them this morning. He's gonna be on this side. I'm gonna be over here and we're,
we're gonna end just a little different. We're, we're not gonna end with a song.
We're just gonna end in prayer and, and then the guys in the booth are gonna
play a song and we could just exit. But I, what I would like for you to know is
that we are up here and if right now you're facing one of those tough times and
you go, that's what I wanna do. I wanna say it's in Christ alone. It's in God
alone. He's my rock and I'm shaky right now. I just need to talk to somebody who
can reassure me. Uh, we are here. And so if you're going through that tough time
and you need to talk to somebody, we would like to talk to you. So I'm gonna ask
us to just stand and we're gonna close in prayer and, and and then as the music
is playing, just greet each other um and be dismissed. But if you're at the
place that says, you know what? I really need some prayer, just know that at
least the two of us are up here. There might be others who, who come forward. Um
But we want you to know that we can truly trust in God alone. Father. I thank
you for this group of people. I thank you for their, their uh wonderful
attentiveness. I thank you that Lord, you are a God that we know loves us.
You're strong enough to take care of us and whatever we face, we do not face it
alone, that we face it with you. I agree. Lord, that we need to pray right now
for our country. But it will not be a politician that saves us. It will not be
our money, our riches that save us. It will be you and you alone. And so Lord,
we have that confidence. Thank you Jesus. It's in your name. We pray. Amen.