Can we agree that most people want to enjoy their life? Right? Was that, is that
a fair assessment? Like, I don't think there's anybody that came in this morning
and said, you know what, John, I'm just too happy. That's it. It's a problem.
I'm just too joyful, you know. No, the reverse is actually true that we live in
a culture where we are searching and, and we are searching for meaning and we're
searching for joy. And so as we search for that, I think we live in a culture
that teaches us to pursue joy in all the wrong places. We're in a series
entitled Uncommon Sense because the world's way isn't working. And today's
message is entitled Uncommon Joy. Because what if the key to experiencing joy
was not the accumulation of stuff, but rather when we give generously to God and
to one another, I think generosity is the key to unlock joy in your life. Now,
let me just preface something for you. I I'm I get it as soon as, as soon as a
preacher says, giving her generosity, sometimes you're like, 00 I came on that
Sunday. OK. Um Here's the truth though. OK, I, I'm not asking anything from you
today. I really, truly humbly and honestly just want something for you and I
wanna have a conversation from scripture of what does God say? And then, and
it's, it's one of those kind of eyes on your own paper, kind of Sunday. Um Where
here's the thing is that we're gonna ask some reflective questions at the end,
but you're the one grading your own paper here. So, uh so I want you, I want you
just to have a conversation and to evaluate our thoughts and, and what are we
thinking a around the terms of generosity? Because I truly believe it can unlock
joy in your life. Now, when we come here in into this conversation, I want to
start things off by asking this question to give yourself kind of three buckets
to kind of put yourself in. Again, you are putting yourself in one of these
buckets. But do you view giving as a habit as a holiday or a hurdle is giving a
habit, a holiday or a hurdle for you? Here's what I mean, habit is really a
consistent behavior. Something that you do on a regular basis. Generosity isn't
so much an amount as it is a mindset. It's not a moment as much as it is really
a muscle, right? And so when you are a generous person, you give on a regular
basis, uh it's, it's, it sounds so obvious, but yet we miss it. Right. How do
you become a generous person by giving? Right. It's, it's similar like, like
John, like I really just wanna grow in my Bible knowledge. OK? Have you read the
Bible? No, let's start there. Right. Right. Like if you want to grow, you gotta,
you gotta read, right. Same thing if yeah, I wanna, I wanna become a person that
has an incredible prayer life. Where do you start by praying? Right? The habits
that we want go from a mindset then ultimately to a muscle, something that we
practice and then ultimately leads to a ministry. And so is giving a habit for
you a consistent behavior or the second bucket is, is giving and being a
generous person, is it more like a holiday for you? And what I mean by that is
that it is something that you like, it feels good. But in reality, it's probably
once or twice a year, right? It's something that you occasionally do and
ironically enough, it actually tends to be around holidays, right? Like, oh,
yeah, it's nice. I like that. But is it a consistent behavior in life? Maybe
not? Ok. I know that's a reality for many. So then that third bucket here is, is
giving and generosity is a hurdle for you. Now, if the fact that I just said the
word generosity or giving and you had kind of a reaction internally, I want you
to ask yourself this question, if generosity is a hurdle, where do you think
that comes from? Where does it come from? Just have a reflective moment and
think what happened in your life that caused you to kind of react to that
because it's very real. It, I, I don't think it was a coincidence. One, I'm a
horrible speller but two, when I was writing out this message, I actually
misspelled HLE originally instead of HLE with AD, which is the noun which means
barrier. Uh You think of like track, you jump over hurdles. OK. That's hurl with
ad. I actually spelled it with att le uh which that actually is a verb which
means to move quickly through or to hurl something over. So, um but what was
interesting when I wrote it, I think subconsciously, I was thinking about a
hurdle meaning hurt hu rt that I think what happens is that in our lives, we
react when someone has hurt us in the past. So when it comes to giving and
generosity is there somebody that betrayed your trust, right? That scammed you
so to speak. That said one thing did something else because church hurt is very
real. And so I wanna acknowledge that because sadly, I've seen too often uh not
just in church world, in the world, in general, someone promise something and
then do something else, right? They say, you know, if you want blessing, give to
this and we'll give you this hanky or something. Meanwhile, I'm buying my 2nd
and 3rd jet. You know what I mean? Like if you've seen that, like, that's very
real what happens in the world today. And so if you've been hurt by someone or
by something or maybe someone didn't come through for you, I want you to examine
that acknowledge where that comes from. But then I also want you to do this
because we could probably think of a bad example of generosity or lack thereof.
But what I want you to do is I want you to also pause and think on somebody who
has a positive influence in your life, who is somebody who is a role model, who
is somebody who has helped you, who is somebody that's invested in you and think
who is somebody that has influenced your life in a positive way? My guess is
that person that you're thinking about is a generous person. They took their
time, their resources, their gifts and invested in you and maybe gave to you
when you had nothing necessarily to give back to them. And so while it is true
that we have negative examples of generosity in our world today, don't let the
hurt of something bad stop you from the impact and joy that you actually have
access to. Because when you think about it here's and you can take a note, you
can write this down that giving at its core, giving leads to growing, giving
leads to growing again. We're not talking about a specific amount here. We're
talking about a mindset that then leads into a muscle that we can develop, that
then leads to an impact and influence of ministry. We've been walking through
the same passage the last couple of weeks together of the early church that hey,
if the, if the world's way isn't working, what did the early church do that we
could still live out today? Because the early church was marked by joy.
Happiness in itself tends to be circumstantial. So it can come and go. But joy
like deep seated, meaningful, long lasting joy comes from God. And we see that
in the early church. And so let's read through some scriptures and see their
practices of generosity and see how ultimately it leads to joy and where does it
actually come from? So acts chapter two, verse 42 to 47 it says, and they
devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and the fellowship to the breaking
of bread and the prayers and all came upon every soul and many wonders and signs
were being done through the apostles and all who believed were together and had
all things in common and they were selling their possessions and belongings and
distributing the proceeds to all as any had a need and day by day attending the
temple together breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with
glad and generous hearts praising God and having favor with all the people and
the Lord added to their number day by day, those who were being saved, you see
this picture of giving and a culture of generosity that impacts it. It's
interesting that just from a psychological standpoint, uh am minimalist author
and researcher, a guy named Joshua Becker a few years ago, actually, just
through the studies in psychology, actually noted from a humanistic perspective
that generosity actually, science and and surveys show that generosity does five
things that number one generosity makes people happier. Number two, generosity
actually makes people healthier. Number three, the generosity actually increases
someone's life satisfaction. Number four, that generosity actually increases
generosity. In other words, when you're generous with someone, they tend to be
more generous with others. And then number five, generosity actually has been
scientifically proven to improve someone's relationships. So if we know that
being a generous person makes you happier, healthier, improves your satisfaction
of life, increases generosity within a community and improves your
relationships, why are people not doing it well? Because the world preaches
something different, the world tells you to get what you can while you can. That
the person on the top of the mountain with the most toys and the most clicks and
the most likes and the most money in the account wins at the end of the day. But
that's just not true. Money is not bad, right? So much of ministry, early
Ministry started because the generosity of people. But money is a tool that you
can use to build God's kingdom or your own kingdom, right? It to, to be bitter
or or to be a blessing and see the idea of giving is actually not originated
with us. It actually comes from God. You see God gave and we were created in his
image, God is the one who gave. And when we give, we are acting in the image of
God most famous verse in the Bible, John 316 for God so loved the world that he
gave his only son. Whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal
life. That pattern of love expressed through giving runs through in our
relationships as well. You see what I've come to find to be true is that you can
give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. No, I know I know you
can give without loving because we just wrapped up tax season, right? No one's
like here you go. Government like if you are, we might need to have some other
conversation. Just do do your part just OK. Anyway, you can give without loving
but you cannot love without giving. I'm so glad I am so glad that that verse
does not say for God so loved the world that he felt something. Mm A world
doesn't, our world doesn't change when you feel something, it changes. When we
do something, the other side of generosity. Gratitude, right? Same thing there.
We don't want people to feel grateful. We want people to express gratitude,
right? If you're a parent in the room, we've all done this, someone gives
something to your child. What do you look down at your child and say, say thank
you. Yeah, we don't do that with God. But yet we're the same, we're just larger
Children is what we are, right? Because gratitude is not something to be felt.
It's something to be expressed. And the same thing goes with love that we don't
just simply express our love with how we feel. We express our love with what we
give. And God modeled that in giving everything to us. He gave a son. And we
shared last week when we talked through the value of relationships that God, the
Trinity, God, the father Jesus son and the Holy Spirit already had perfect
relationship. So he didn't create us simply to get something from us. He created
us to show and to give something to us. And he routinely sets the example of
generosity in giving and serving and loving others. And then he tells us to go
and do likewise. James 117 says every good gift and every perfect gift is from
above coming down from the Father of lights, a parent who loves their child like
loves giving gifts. It's fun to give a good gift and to see that reaction, that
smile right on a birthday or Christmas or, or in a gift. Like, it's fun to see
those surprises. Right. Like, don't get me wrong. Like, I love pulling pranks on
my kids. I, if I can write a little jokes, like, I love to joke around but I'm
not gonna be like, happy birthday, son. Here's a ball of spikes. Ha. Got em,
like, be, like, that'd be weird. Right? Ok. Well, if earthly parents and earth
and, like, not even Christian related relationships, if we enjoy gift giving to
one another, how much more so does the God of the universe love giving gifts to
you. And I, I mean, when you look around, I mean, you see the beauty of sunsets
here in Arizona, right? That's a gift, right? Every day is a gift. And I didn't
understand that gift until I moved here because I grew up in the Midwest and
from November through March, you didn't have a sunset, you just had gray and
slightly less gray, right? No, I get, we have the flip side of that. We got
summer coming. I mean, yesterday I walked outside and I heard a collective
Arizonian comment of, oh, man, here we go. You know what I'm saying? I'm, but
every gift, every good gift at its core comes from God. We have a God who gives
gifts, we will have a God who loves giving and then tells us to do likewise.
First Timothy 617 says as for the rich in this present age, charge them not to
be haughty nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches. But on God who
notices who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. God wants you to enjoy
life. God wants you to have eternal life, but also He wants you to have abundant
life. There is this Greek word Zoe like in, in John 1010, this Zoe life, this
life of vitality and fullness that He wants you to experience that. And so if we
want to have that life of joy, we cannot, you cannot have a life of joy and live
a life of selfishness. Also, shellfish, I tend to list, have a list and so you
can't be selfish and you can't have shellfish apparently just the joys of public
speaking. Um You cannot be a s a selfish person and experience the joy that God
created you for. You cannot completely live for yourself and experience all that
God has created you for because that's not how God designed life to be. It says
there in Jeremiah 2911 or as I call the graduation verse, right? We're coming up
to graduation season. And so we're gonna, and students that are graduating high
school or college are gonna get a card and you're hoping it's got a gift card or
money in it. And if it's got a religious card, it's probably got this verse in
it. Ok? And it says in here for, I know the plans I have for you, declares the
Lord plans for welfare and not for evil to give you what to give you a future
and a hope. We worship a God who gives Matthew 19 to 20 chapter six, verse 19 to
21 Jesus is speaking and he says, do not lay up for yourself. Treasures on earth
where moth and rust destroy and where the thieves break in and steal, but lay up
for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither Moth nor rust destroys and
where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure is there, your
heart will be. Also, I think why people are afraid to talk about money and
generosity and extends beyond resources into our time and, and talents as well.
But I think we're afraid to talk about money because our bank accounts don't
lie, right? Like it's just true. It doesn't lie like, you know, where your heart
is of where you spend your time and where you spend your money. It is true. It,
it, it's, it's just a reality. We can't really fake that. And so that's why I
think he puts it in this way. He doesn't say where your heart is there, your
treasure will be. He says where your treasure is, that's where your heart is.
Where's my heart? Well, where are you spending your time? How are you spending
your money? What's going on in your life? That's telling me where your
priorities are. Ok. We go back to that first Timothy chapter six passage verse
18 and 19. It says they are to do good to be rich in good works, to be generous
and ready to share. Thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation
for the future, so that they may take hold of that, which is truly life. This is
why I think being generous is so key to being joyful that if you want to take
hold of that, which is really life, take a step in the direction of generosity.
Again, it's not a specific amount. It's a mindset. It's not a one time thing,
it's a muscle, it's, it's uh look, I'm not, I'm not someone that's gonna try to
stand up here and guilt somebody into anything. I'm not making a big ask at the
end of the service. OK? I generally want something for you, but we live, we live
in a world that says someone's trying to get something from you. And God comes
in and says, I'm gonna give you everything. And if you want to take hold of
that, which is life, you become a generous person as I have been generous with
you and you're gonna receive that joy that you've been searching for. Second
Corinthians chapter nine verses 6 to 8 says the point is this whoever sows
sparingly will also reap sparingly, whoever sows bountifully will also reap
bountifully each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly
or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver says God is able to make all
grace abound to you. So that having all si in all sufficiency in all things at
all times, you may abound in every good work you reap what you sow, right? You
will never become tomorrow. What you're not becoming today. Yeah. How many have
heard that phrase? It's more blessed to give than it is to receive. Anyone heard
that phrase in our culture? Maybe not, apparently. And everyone's just staring
at me. I'm guessing that some of you have heard that phrase. OK. I'm guessing
that even if you're not Christian, you've probably heard that phrase and while
scientifically and psychologically, it's proven true, right? Generosity tends to
lead to a happier, healthier, more satisfying life. It actually comes from the
words of Jesus. And what's interesting about these words? It's actually Paul
quotes Jesus directly, but he's not quoting what we read in the gospels. See,
the gospels were all written, Matthew, Mark Luke and John, the first four books
in the New Testament. Each gospel account was written for a specific angle or
purpose of to tell the life of Jesus. But by no means, is it the entirety of
what he said and did? And this is one of these examples. So it's a direct quote
of Jesus, but actually not found in the gospels. It's one of the few occasions
in scripture that's found that, but it's actually found in acts chapter 20 verse
35 Paul's uh speaking here. He says in all things, I've shown you that by
working hard in this way, we must help the weak. Remember the words of the Lord
Jesus, how he himself said it is more blessed to give than to receive. No, I
don't know about you. But if you're talking about people that interacted with
Jesus Paul had a special experience on the road to Damascus found in acts nine.
But if the disciples are regularly giving this message to the point where in
acts chapter two, we already saw people were giving everything to each other and
sharing and meeting needs and helping, you know that Jesus didn't just say this
one time that it was a regular rhythm in his ministry and in his life and then
he lived it out and gave everything he had for those in need so much. So that
then the early church starts in acts two. The first passage we read today and
the natural response of receiving the grace of God is to turn around and give it
to those in need, which is everyone I heard this quote recently and it stuck out
to me and I, I'm just gonna say it's unknown because I heard it from a guy named
Howard Dayton. But then he said, somebody once said, so I don't know the origin
of the quote. But here it is giving is not God's way of raising money. It's
God's way of raising people into the likeness of a sun. I find that to be so
true. God created the world as we know it. He's not after the money in your
wallet. He's after the idol in your heart. One of the best ways to keep
something from an idol is to go from this right to this. Are you clinging to
possessions? Are you clinging to money? Are you cleaning the power to fame? To
pleasures? We talked about the source idols from week one. Are you saying, God,
I give you my life. I gave everything to you because you gave everything to me.
He's not trying to raise money here. He's trying to raise his people and he
lived the example of being a generous person. Well, the best way to become a
generous person is simply to take a step. See, it's not so much destination as
it is direction because one step on the path of generosity could change the
direction of your life. The world is gonna try to teach you to go one way. Get
all you can while you can. The person with the most stuff wins. You gotta look
cool, sound cool, dress cool, be cool. And God says, no, you want the key to
life. The key to joy is to receive the grace of God that all that I've given you
and then to give to others the way I've given to you and you don't have. Here's
the thing that's awesome about this. You don't have to compare your start your
chapter one to somebody else's chapter 10 because we do that all the time,
right? Like maybe some of you are feeling motivated, ok? I gotta get healthy and
you go to the gym and right next to you at the gym is the person who hasn't
missed the gym in about 10,000 days, right? You're like, oh, I'm not that
person, I'm out but your health is not dependent on somebody else's workout,
right? I didn't share this first hour but just coming to me right now. So I'll
share, we'll see if this translate with anybody. Um Growing up played some video
games like old school video games, the originals, you know what I'm talking
about? Like you got, you got Pong, you got Atari, you got Nintendo, you got
Super Nintendo like we progressed like I get it. Video games have gotten way
better than what we had. But what's a weird trend I think is that it used to be,
right? People previ games like we went outside. That's a novel concept. And uh
we went from playing outside to playing inside to playing games. So then the
next generation then started watching people play games, right? And then now
you'll see videos of people reacting to people watching, playing games. So pe
like this is like, how far down the rabbit hole are we going? People, like,
someone is watching, like, you're watching a video of somebody watching a video
of somebody playing a game that's not even real. Right. That just seems odd. Ok.
I wonder though how many of us are doing that spiritually we're watching or an
organization or somebody else watching someone else judging from afar, whether
how good someone is or isn't, but you're not, your joy does not be dependent on
the person next to you. Your journey is not the same as somebody else. You don't
have to compare your chapter one to somebody else's chapter 10, right? And God
doesn't say OK, do this and all of a sudden you're gonna be material, materially
blessed and have all of those riches. No, that's not how life works. Like if you
read the early founders of the church, they, they definitely suffered and
struggled. But you know what they had, even in their worst moments, they had
joy, they had purpose. Yeah. Do you have stuff or does stuff have you the key to
unlock that joyful life comes in the ability to give away because giving
ultimately leads to growing, giving leads to growing. And let's just be real
practical here. OK? I wanna ask you four reflective questions, your eyes on your
own paper here, right? Like you are asking yourself these questions, OK? And if
you're mad at the grader, you're the one grading. Ok. So, but just, just be
honest here. Ok. When it comes to generosity is giving a habit, a holiday or a
hurdle? Is it a consistent practice? Is it something you've maybe done in a once
in a little while or is there some pain involved? Right. If it's a barrier, if
it's a hurdle, can you identify where it came from? Can you grieve that loss,
grieve that? But then also flip it. Can you picture someone who's had a positive
impact on your life? My guess is that person was a generous person. What if you
were that person for somebody else? What if you became the generous person in
your family in your life, in your friend group at your workplace? Because when
somebody goes above and beyond, we not, we notice it, don't you? Second question
is to go with it then is OK. Who is a generous person in your life? How do you
feel about that person? OK. Who is somebody who's invested in you? And can you
identify what aspects about that relationship has impacted you? Because what if
you were that person for somebody else? Third question is, are you generous with
your time, your talent and your treasure? It's not just about resources. It is
include resources for sure. Right. But maybe it's a, it's going the extra mile
to impact. I don't know, teachers, we have teachers and stuff in the room,
right. Doing all the unseen work so that those kids have the opportunity to
learn. Maybe it's a coach to do all that unseen work to make sure your team has
the best chance to win or the attention to detail in that presentation so that
your business goes really well, or the, or the, the mile, the extra step taken
for that gift to show that you care for that loved one. A lot of your life, it's
gonna be unseen by the world around you. But I want you to know who sees that
and it's God and what you do when no one is around shapes who you are publicly
as well. Are you willing to give up your time to meet the needs of the people
around you? Are you willing to give of your talents, your gift, your abilities,
right? Can you encourage that person? Can you send that text, make that phone
call, make the meal, you can use what you're passionate about and give to the
world around you in food, in art, in business and health, right? And music,
whatever God has given you is actually not for you. It's for the world around
you and for Him. And then lastly, are you giving of your treasure? The final
reflection question then is wherever you are in your faith journey. If it's a
hurdle, if it's a holiday, if it's a habit, are you willing to take a step this
week? Are you willing to go from here? Instead of this way to simply take one
step. If generosity has been a hurdle for you, I invite you to give something to
try it, to give something this week, to give something to God to make a
difference in the lives of others. If generosity is, is more of a holiday, you
like it. It's nice, but you don't do it that much. I want to invite you to, to
give significantly to make a commitment. So, you know what, for the next month
I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna try this and put the needs of others ahead of my
own. And lastly, if Gibbs already a habit for you, first of all, praise God,
praise God in every step of his journey. I want a chance to, to give
sacrificially. I can say freely that this is not a guilt thing, this is a grace
thing because my own journey, I didn't really come to understand the generosity
of resources, just my own personal journey. And so I was actually already a
pastor on staff at a church. That's a little awkward. My wife and I were
married, we were working, we had this and got kind of convicted on our hearts
for that. And that's tougher as you get older, right? Like you have more
resources and as you go. But we, we prayed, we talked, we planned. I said, you
know what? We wanna make this mind shift. We want to try to build our generosity
muscle in our lives. And we made a commitment then and now I can say it's become
a habit and we're not perfect. Nobody is. But I can tell you it has shaped my
life and I think, and I know and believe that it will shape your life too. So if
you're ready to grow, if you're wanting the joy, consider the God who gave
everything to you and consider taking a step towards generosity today. Will you
pray with me, dear heavenly Father? Thank you God. I think about so many in this
room and beyond who have so generously given of their time and of their talent,
of their treasures. God, we would not be here as a church without the obedience
of those in this room and beyond God, we praise you for that people who have
quietly surrendered their lives to you and been an impact in this community.
God, wherever we are in this journey, I pray that we can take the next step of
obedience that you can work in our lives. Because our greatest joy comes from
you as you've already given us all that we need for Godliness. We receive that
in grace. God, I praise every single person that is here today. I gotta pray for
them and I pray for our church that we would be a generous church, that we would
be a community, a gathering of people called out for the specific purpose to be
a blessing in this community. And beyond that, we can be people that are known
by how we love, by how we give and how we serve that. We may reflect your glory
to the people and lives around us. Thank you for giving to us. We praise you for
all that you are and we surrender what we have to you and your son and we pray