Uh, let me begin by just telling you a little bit about myself. Um, I have
pastored in Scottsdale for about 40 years, um, for a big chunk of the first part
of that as a senior pastor in South Scottsdale. And then, um, I, uh, was for 22
years, the executive pastor at Northridge where I met John and uh, it was
excited to see him, uh grow as a youth pastor and then as speaking and, and then
going out and planting a church. It's really exciting to see. Um, I'm also the
father of four and, and uh, grandparent of eight, um, and last December just a
couple of months ago, my wife and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. So,
thank you. I appreciate that. Um, when people hear that they say, what does it
take to uh, be happily married for 50 years? And I always have the same answer.
I'm not, I'm not sure if any of you would like to hear what that answer is. Ok.
Um Then I'll tell you, um, actually two weeks before we were married. Um, and I
always carry this with me. Um, I, I have a little journal that I filled out with
the rules that, uh Lynn was gonna need to follow and I, I let her know we have a
section on money, how much she could spend and, and then we have a section on
housekeeping, uh, both prior to Children and then after we had Children, um,
there's a section on, um, and I'm not gonna read that one to you. But, uh, a
anyways, I brought it to Lynn, she read it and she signed it and, uh, you know,
only a couple of times in the 50 years, actually, probably four or five times.
I've had to pull it out when she was doing something and say, you know, the
rules and she'd go, oh, ok. And everything was better. Um, and, and for those of
you who think that's a really good idea. I should do that. Um, we, we have Curt
and Jill Webber who are here and they lead a marriage class on Tuesday nights.
Their first one was, uh, last Tuesday and they have five more sessions. And if
you think it's a good idea to present rules to your spouse, um, you really need
to be at that class. Ok. Could I encourage you to do that? Um, but interestingly
as we continue this study that John's begun in the book of Colossians, a similar
thing is going on in the church, the Paul has, has seen people come to Christ
and they are excited about their relationship with Christ and, and they're
going, I'm so in love with Christ and I feel so loved by Christ. And there's a
group of, um, uh, joy suckers who just suck the joy out of people by going to
them and saying now that you have this relationship with Christ, that is so
cool. Let me give you a list of rules for you to follow. And somehow they think,
and we're gonna see this as we go through this passage. They think that by
following the rules, you're gonna get deeper in to a relationship here. You are
in a relationship with somebody who loves you, who cares about you, who wants
the best for you, they support you and now you're gonna go back to rules and,
and I gotta tell you that for many Christians, many people who walk with Christ,
their walk with Christ is more about the rules. The, the, and, and there's some
of you sitting here and going, uh, uh, you know, wait a minute. There are rules.
Anybody here like rules. No. No. Yeah. Do you know what? Have you ever watched a
sporting event where they blew it on the rules? Yeah. You know, some of you have
broken TV. S at that point when you were watching them, we like rules but rules
don't help us in our relationships with someone that we love. They just don't
because most of us try to get to the edge of the rules. I, I have three boys.
That means they are all adults and doing fine. There, there was this period of
time that we call teenage and they always wanted to know the rules and
interesting, not so that they could hit the bull's eye. They wanted to know
where's the target and, and they wanted to know where's the edge. I, I remember
Lynn one day we were, we were on vacation in, in California. And she came, my
wife Lynn and she came, and she said to me, I just saw a bumper sticker. That's
so funny. I go, what was it? It says how much can I sin and still get to heaven
a and, and really when you have a list of rules and here's this group of people
and we're gonna see it as we go through Colossians that were coming in and they
were saying here are the rules and if you just follow the rules, you will have a
good personal relationship with Christ and these people and Paul is going nnn
No, you already have a good relationship with Jesus Christ. And so what we're
gonna, we're gonna talk about, I've kind of titled it self-awareness because um
lots of times as Christians, we're not aware of who we are. And so in this
section, Paul is gonna go, this is who you are and this is who you're not, this
is who you are and this is who you're not. This is who you are and this is who
you're not. And you're gonna say it sounds like the same thing over and over and
it is, it is, it's so similar each time with just a little bit of a twist on it.
So the first thing that he tells them is in Colossians two verses six through
seven. And he says you are living in Christ. Pastor John did this section last
week, but I just really wanna reemphasize it because it begins this section on
this is who you are. You are living in Christ. So then just as you received
Christ, Jesus as Lord continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him,
strengthened in the faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness.
Two words I wanna focus on just for a moment in that section. The first one is
Lord lots of times as Christians, we think Lord is Jesus first name, it's Lord
Jesus Christ. So we pray to Lord and it's, that's the name, that's not his name,
that's who he is. Um It it's other times in the New Testament, translated as
master. And and the people in Colo, Colosse had no confusion as to what this
word meant because many of them, if not, most of them were slaves, they had a
master every day when they woke up, they wanted to know what the master wanted
them to do. And so it says that we have lo the Lord, we, the lord lives in us.
It means we are living our life for the Lord because he's living in us. That's
who's living out of us. I tried to think of a picture that would help us
understand that because most of us want Jesus Christ to be Lord. Most of the
time periodically we go, you know, I, I think I'll take control here but it's a
little bit like me going to my wife and saying, honey, you're the number one
woman in my life when she gets a smile on her face and I go Betty Lewis number
two and Sarah Lynn is number three. But don't worry, you're number one is, is
she happy being? Number one? Some of you are going, I don't know, it seems like
a good deal to me back to the marriage class. Kurt and Jill are right there. No,
she doesn't want, she doesn't want to be number one. She wants to be the only
one, you know, in the, in the old testament. God says that you can call me
jealous because jealous means I will not tolerate a rival if I go to Lynn and I
say you're number one. But here's number two. And number three, I can guarantee
you the locks on the doors will be changed because that's not who she wants to
be. Is Jesus Christ, Lord of our lives or is he a significant influence in our
life? Because if he's a significant influence, he doesn't want to be, he doesn't
wanna be. He wants to be the Lord of our life. And we have, it says he's living
in us. The Lord is living in us. The second word I wanna focus on is the word
grateful. It says overflowing with thankfulness, overflowing with thankfulness.
Um Are you a thankful person? Are you a grateful person? Is if, if you got three
of your friends together and said, uh, hey, I was just thinking, uh I'm trying
to figure out what words kind of describe my life. How, how about thankful? And
if they fall off their chair laughing, then probably you might want to work on
that area. Uh Have you, have you ever tried to help someone? And maybe it's a, a
friend, maybe it's a brother or a sister, maybe it's a parent, a cousin, someone
at work. You really wanted to help them, but no matter what you did, it wasn't
enough. Have you ever had anyone like that or when you finally they asked for
something else? He said, I, we I can't do it. And I said, well, you've never
really helped. I don't know if you've ever had that experience, but if you have,
I could have told you up front that that person is not a grateful person, that's
not who they are. And if you would have identified that quickly, it probably
would have saved a lot of confusion in your life, but this is not about them.
It's about us. Are we thankful people? Are we grateful? Do we live our lives in
a way that just seems. Wow, you are so grateful. Um Polycarp was an early
Christian um leader and he was tied to a post one day. A wood was piled around
him and they said we're gonna set you on fire. All you have to do is deny Christ
and we'll take it all away. And he looked at them and he said, you, you do
realize you're threatening me with paradise and they set him on fire. But see
his opinion was that all that can happen. Let me see what you're saying is if
you don't deny Christ, we're gonna send you to him. I'm good with that. Are we a
person who is that grateful? And we think of Christ as being that much in
control of our life? Or, or do we have excuses for why things aren't going well?
Well, I made a bad investment. Well, my wife did this to me. Well, at work, they
did the, do we always have an excuse or do we find in life that God has made us
so thankful for all that he's given us? So the first thing we need to know is
that we have uh you are living in Christ, you, you're living in Christ. The
second thing you need to know the negative side is you are not slaves to lies
and traditions. Two again, 22 words I want us to focus on and the word is
slaves. Um You're going, I don't see the word slave. Here's what the passage
says. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive
philosophy, which depends on human tradition and on basic principles of this
world rather than on Christ. The, the, the word to take captive literally was
people Steelers. It was uh um people who would, when, when an army would go out
and conquer a group of people, some of the people they would capture and they
would bring back, they would steal them and bring them back as slaves. Um And so
they were taken captive. So maybe you have a translation that says, don't let
anyone enslave you um through hollow and deceptive philosophies that depend on
human tradition. What was happening in the Colossians church is that there was
this group of people who said you, you just have to follow these rules. We have
these simple rules, you know, they, they, they're not complicated. Do you know
when, when I was, when I was young, you've got so many more now to follow. I, I
just had a, a few. It was don't drink chew or dance or go out with girls who do
so. So it's real simple. But now there's all kinds of rules. Um And, and
following those rules, does that make your walk with Christ better. Of course
not. If, if you're just following the rules, it is not enhancing your
relationship with Christ. But if I'm living my life for Christ, if he is in me,
do I have to follow rules? Do I follow rules at home? Because Lynn has a list of
rules on the refrigerator. If so we have a really messed up marriage. But if I
go, she loves me, I love her. I want the best for her. She wants the best for
me. Why would I, why would I want to do anything that would hurt her or, or make
her unhappy? And so if there's gonna be an area of disagreement, we'll sit down
and talk about it. And, and so I, I share that with you because here was a group
of people in the church who had a whole list of rules. You need to follow these
things in each of our points. We're gonna keep coming back to, here's the list
of rules and so you can either live your life as though you love Christ or you
can live your life in guilt because you're messing up on the rules because we
all try to figure out how to get around the rules. Here's the sec second thing
that you are, you are filled with Christ for in Christ before we get to that. Do
you know what II I just wrote down that I love this song. This, this this song
when you talk about being enslaved. If you, you heard the song Brandon, if you,
you've heard the song, I think of I'm no longer a slave to fear, but I'm a child
of God. Could, could, you, could the band come out, can, can you come up here
and lead us in that? Because what I want you to understand is that we have tools
that we can use to reinforce. So what I would like you to do right now is as the
band comes, I want us to stand. We're gonna sing a song we can do it. Come on.
Very good. OK, we're standing and we are gonna sing, but I don't want you to
sing by the rules. I want you to be enthusiastic in your passion for
understanding that you are no longer a slave, but you're a child of God Brandon.
You ready? Alright. Let's fix our eyes on Jesus with I surround late frown. We
are Children. Thank you. Praise team and thanks for singing. Is it does it,
doesn't that make more sense? Doesn't it make more sense to live our lives as a
child of God? Than as a slave to fear that we're not following all the rules.
Exactly right. And you know what? There's, there's some of you here who you're
going. I just can't even fathom not doing that. I've done my whole life doing
that is, is just trying to follow the rules, trying to be good enough and, and
when a light switch clicks on and we go, no, no, no, no, I'm a child of God. It
changes everything friends. The second thing we see is that we do not only are
living in Christ, but you are filled with Christ for in Christ. All the fullness
of deity lives in bodily form. Do you know what that says? That Jesus is 40%
God. Some of you who wrote down 40% you crossed that out quick. No, 100% God. He
is the fullness of deity. He is God 100%. And guess what? He's got 100%. And you
have been given the fullness in Christ who is the head over every power and
authority? Can you, can you grasp that thought for a moment that, that the God
who created the universe fills us up. He's, he's able to, to fill us fill every
corner of our lives and, and that we go. Yes. Yes. I now get to live my life
exactly the way God wants me to just, just guided by Him. What helps us more,
um, a list of rules or a relationship with someone. Let me give you an example.
There have been those particularly a person who has suggested that my driving
is, is not the best a and so I have a choice. I can go down to the department of
Motor Vehicles and I can get that little booklet on driving and I can set it in
the seat next to me. And as I'm driving down the road every once in a while I
can flip the pages and kind of make sure that I'm driving according to the rules
or regularly. A part of, uh, Mission Grove is, uh, of a friend of mine, Corey
butler who's also, um, a Phoenix police officer and I could have him in the seat
next to me. And as I'm driving, I could be saying, hey, Corey, how am I doing?
And Corey could say, hey, Dan, you know, legally you're, you're, you're doing
fine, but you know, you're kind of crowding that line a little bit. You're not
going over it, but maybe you want to slide back more to the middle. Oh, ok.
Little ways down the road. Corey. How am I doing now? Yeah. You know, Dan,
legally, you're driving the speed limit, but you're over in the fast lane and
there's a whole lot of people who wanna zip by you. Maybe you wanna move over
into one of the other lanes, which one is gonna be more effective in helping me
be a better driver. The booklet or my relationship with Corey and him being
right there with us. The fullness of Christ is in us. The fullness of Christ has
been given to us and he guides us friends. You, you understand this, I, I share
this with the guys all the time. You know what uh I just, we go, I, I'm just not
sure what God wants me to do. 99.9% of the time. Yes, you do. Yes, you do. Does
God want me to move to Sheboygan? I don't know. I can't imagine why. But does
God want me to yell and scream at my kids? II, I sit there, I, I don't have to
go just a second. I need to pray about this. Dear God. Should I be yelling and
screaming? I'm waiting for an answer. No, I know right away. You know, as I
going down the highway and a guy cuts me off. Lord, should I get on his bumper
and just lay on my horn? Really? Yeah, you had to pray about that. I don't think
so. 99% of the time, we know what to do. God's put it in our heart and we, and
we kind of wander away. You know, Lord, should I, I go to lunch with that, that
woman at work in our hearts. We go, don't go there. It's, we're, we're already
told and you go. Yeah, but legally it's ok but we know where our heart is. We
don't know. It's probably not the best thing to do. Lord, should I be doing
this? You already know the reason you're asking is, you know, there's so many
things with my wife that I don't even have to ask. You know, a couple comes to
me and says, hey, do you and Lynn want to go to a horror movie? Yeah, pretty
much not. Well, don't you want to ask Clinton? Pretty much not? I know, I, we
have a relationship. I know what she likes and she doesn't like a, as, as we
walk with Christ and Christ fully in us. We know what Christ wants, don't, we
don't, you know, are you often confused on these moral decisions? I think not. I
think we know. And so what it tells us is that Jesus is fully God and he's given
to us. So here's another, this is who you're not. You are not judged for
religious activities. Therefore, do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or
drink or with regard to religious festivals, a new moon celebration or a Sabbath
Day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come. The reality however, is
found in Christ. Do not let anyone who lights and false humility and the worship
of angels disqualify you from the prize. Such a person goes into great detail
about what he has seen and is his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle
notions. He has lost connection with the head from whom the whole body supported
and held together by its ligaments. And s news grows as God causes it to grow.
Do, do you know the, the Jewish people had all kinds of laws? You know, it
wasn't just the 10 commandments. They divided them up. Remember the Sabbath Day
to keep it holy. Why is that important? Because God loves us and he wants us to
have rest and he wants to have us have time with him. And there is what it is.
But the Jewish people took it and they, they, they found ways to divide that up,
up into these little slices of rules. You know, one of the ways they looked at
it is they said, you know what, um, if you're not gonna work, remember the
Sabbath Day to keep it holy. So we're not gonna work on the Sabbath. And
therefore you can't walk more than a stone's throw away from your house. Ok. How
far is that? Well, what you do is you go get a pup tent. If you have to go on a
little bit of a longer trip, you go, um, get a pup tent, you take a stone, you
throw it, you walk out to the stone, set up your pup tent and I'll call that
home. Take the stone, throw it again. They literally would do that. And if you
say, well, that's bizarre way back then, let me tell you what would happen if
you went to Israel today today, today, where 97% of the people who live in
Israel are not, not religious. Ok? But if you go on a tour, you go there and you
go to a hotel, maybe it's a 10 story hotel in your room is on the eighth floor
and it's now sundown on Friday night from sundown on Friday night till sundown
on Saturday night. When you go into the hotel and you wanna go up to the eighth
floor and you get in the elevator and you push your button uh for the eighth
floor. When the elevator finally comes, you get in, you're the only one in the
elevator and it goes and it opens on the second floor. You go who pushed the
button and then it stops on the third floor and then it stops on the fourth
floor and it stops on the fifth floor. You know why they do that? They program
the elevator so that you don't have to work on the Sabbath and pushing the
button is work. And so in order for you not to do that, they program the
elevator all day to stop on every floor up and down. See those were the, the
rules and, and o obviously, they didn't have elevators in those days, but the
reality was here was a group of people that were coming into the Christian
church and, and they were saying to them, you know, it is so nice that you have
this relationship with Christ. But here are the rules. Let's give you the rules
so that you can have the right relationship. And Paul says, don't make anybody
judge you by the rules. And by the way, there's some of you here who are going.
Oh, my goodness. This is so cool. II, I no longer have to live by any rules and,
and some parents are here going. Boy. I wish I wouldn't have brought my teenager
into this one. The reality is we don't have to, we get to, I don't have to live
a certain way so that God will go. Oh, you're good enough. No, I love God and he
loves me and I want to live a way that is God honoring and God pleasing. Does
that make sense? One way is about rules and guilt in one way is about joy and
relationship. I give you a quick illustration. Has anybody ever gone out to the
airport to pick up somebody? And you sat right outside the security thing on the
chairs out there? Well, imagine sitting there and on one side of you there's a
guy with a bunch of roses, bunch of flowers and, and he is waiting for his wife
to come back from a business trip. And on the other side, you have a man who's
got a bunch of flowers and he's waiting for his wife to come back from a
business trip. And, and the guy on your left is having an affair in his soul
filled with guilt and he's so worried his wife is gonna find out. And so he's
got those flowers and when she comes off the plane and he sees her coming up, he
runs up and he gives her the flowers and he plants a big kiss on her and the
other guy just, he and his wife are having an amazing relationship. They love
each other. They want the best for each other. He sees her coming and he, he
jumps up and he runs and he gives her the flowers and he plants a big kiss on
her, but he is filled with nothing but joy. The behavior looked exactly the
same. It, it looked totally the same. They were radically different. One was
totally motivated by guilt. One was totally motivated by obligation and the
other was motivated by relationship and, and in the church at Colosse, there was
a group of people that were coming in and they were saying, yes, you have a
relationship with Christ but you need to keep the rules and, and Paul just went.
No, you're missing the whole point. And in fact, it says this, it says you are
dead with Christ. Here's who you aren't, here's who you are since you died with
Christ to the basic principles of this world. This week, I was wearing a uh a T
shirt that talked about God and um went and got my car washed up up here at
Cobblestone and, and then as I'm waiting for the car to go through the car wash,
a guy comes up to me and says, oh, so you're involved in a church and we started
talking. He says, yeah, I'm 80 years old. And he says, five years ago, he says,
I've been for 75 years. I was involved in a church with all legalism. Keep the
rules, keep the rules, keep the rules. And five years ago, my granddaughter
asked me to come to this church and, uh, see her get baptized. And he says, I
went there and, and I've never been back to my other church. He says, I, I came
to Christ and it's such a joy. I, he says, I now at 80 years old, I work in the
children's program. He just, he wanted to serve, he wanted to do it. He was, his
life was filled and not with rules. See, that's what baptism is, is. It's a
picture of dying with Christ and coming back new. And it says that we have died
with Christ. The third thing that we are not, we are not controlled by rules.
You're going, you've said that. Yeah, Paul says it over and over here in verse
20. It says why? As though you still belong to it, do you submit to its rules?
Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch. These are all destined to perish with
use because they are based on human commands and teachings. Such regulations
indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self imposed worship, their
false humility and their harsh treatment of the body. But they lack any value in
restraining sensual indulgence. The do you get the picture? One is based on a
relationship and one is based on rules. So often we try to motivate people to
live a God honoring life by telling them all the rules. When in reality, all we
need to see is that Jesus Christ loved us, gave his life for us and now we are
able to respond by loving him. Do you see the difference? And, and you may have
grown up in, in a church, you may, you may have grown up with, with parents who
beat you, beat it into you. And I don't mean physically, but just over and over
and over that you have to keep these rules and or you can, you can continue to
grow in the fact that Jesus Christ is in me and he loves me and he cares about
me and I wanna live in a way that's pleasing for him. So I don't know where you
are at. You know, like I say, sometimes the behaviors can look identical. Um but
one's motivated by guilt and one's motivated by love. Paul knew he was a sinner,
but he knew he was saved by God. He knew he was loved. So what I'm gonna ask us
to do is we're gonna, we're gonna stand and we're gonna end the service with a
prayer. But before we do, I wanna read one more section of Colossians, but I'd
like to read it while we're standing, often times they would stand for the
reading of scripture just out of respect. They, they would say I don't have to,
but I love God and they would stand and, and, and listen to Paul's words in
Colossians chapter two verses 13 to 15, when you were dead in your sins and in
the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He
forgave us all our sins. Having canceled the written code with its regulations
that was against us and it stood opposed to us. He took it away, nailing it to
the cross and having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public
spectacle of them triumphing over them by the cross. That's who we are. We are a
child of God and Christ has defeated the rules so that we could have a
relationship. Father. I thank you for these people. Uh I pray Lord that as they
walk out, they will walk out different, different changed that they will walk
out either recognizing that they are a child of yours and, and that the guilt
and shame that that would keep them from a close relationship with you is just
washed away it, it, it, it's just gone because the light switches come on and
they see that they are loved by you. I pray Lord that each person would have
that. And if there are those here who Lord so desperately want that, I, I pray
that they will not leave today without talking to someone about how they can
experience that kind of a life. I thank you Jesus for loving us, for caring
about us and for walking out with us. And I pray that this army of people will
go make a difference in their community. We pray these things in your name for
your glory, Jesus. Amen.