So why is it that we gather here together weekly as the church? Why is it that
we meet here to talk about the things of God to pray with one another. You know,
if you step back for just a moment and think about church as a whole, there's
some weird stuff that happens at church, right? Like if you've never experienced
Christianity, you don't know anything about religion in general and you come to
church for the first time. I get that there's some weird components, right?
People are standing up, they're sitting down, eyes are open, eyes are closed,
hands are raised, we're singing words like about a king of some kind and
majesty, what's going on here? Like coming to my heart like what's going on?
Like there's some components about church that can just feel a little weird. And
if you come out of a more traditional background, there's maybe even more
standing and kneeling or speaking in maybe languages that we don't understand or
rituals behind that and that you're going to some non denominational church like
that sounds weird and cult like and maybe rebellious. I don't know, I just wanna
acknowledge this a little bit of weirdness that can feel for church gatherings,
right? And so if we step back from that though, then ask ourselves, why is it
that we do this in the first place? Why do we do that? Well, we do that because
God has called us too and that there's value in being here together. You could
go back and ask that question even further. Why does anybody do anything? Why do
we eat? Well, some people eat to live, other people maybe live to eat. I don't
know, I might fall into that second category. But what I do know to be true is
that what people don't do is that they don't go to a restaurant and have a bad
burrito or a bad experience or bad service and say, you know what? That's it.
I'm never eating again. I had a bad experience. So I'm never eating anywhere.
All food is bad and all food is will hurt your body. And so I'm never eating, it
doesn't work out that way, right? You need to eat. We can discuss diets and, and
practices and whatnot, but you need to eat because you need nutrients and you
need sustenance, sustenance for your life. What I believe church to be is that
church is essential and provides the spiritual nutrients for your life that you
need. Church. Also, church needs you. You see when you believe in a God who made
you and you have faith in the God who saves you. Faith ultimately makes your
life better and then makes you better at life. Now, notice I said, better, not
easier, right? In fact, our writer today is writing from a very difficult
position. He's writing from prison, the Apostle Paul, writing to a church in
Colossi. So it doesn't make your life easier, but it does make your life better
because you go back to what's important. In fact, the reason we gather as a
church I believe is that we gather as a church to treasure Christ together to
treasure Christ together. Now I just said church can feel weird. And now I use
this phrase treasure Christ together. That sounds very churchy. Ok. But that
phrase is chosen on purpose and it comes out of our text in Colossians chapter
one chapters one and two today. But here's what I would say to you is that
everyone treasures something. And so what we're choosing to do is to treasure
God as creator and as savior. And we choose to believe in him to provide meaning
and purpose in our life because I don't believe you need just simply more
information in this life. But what you need is transformation because the same
people that say church feels weird, have no problem going to concerts, have no
problem going to sporting events. There's no problem going to movies or shopping
or going out somewhere and everyone has something that you're doing, everyone
treasures something. And so what we encourage people to do is that when you
gather weekly as a church, you're gathering the treasure that God who made you
and the God who loves you. And it provides meaning and purpose in your life is
that you need the church, the church needs us. Now, let me just pause here and
say this for those who are watching along online, I want you to know that I
absolutely love that we live in a day and age where you get to engage online or
maybe you're listening later to this through podcasts. I love that we have
technology that and for those that were like, wow, we need to meet in person.
Yes, I agree with you. But let's also be grateful for things like Amazon Prime
and Google, right? You use the technology of your day to further the Kingdom
ministry and message. That's exactly what Paul did. Actually, he was in prison.
He didn't have the ability to meet in person. And so what did he do? He wrote a
letter and that's what we're reading today. And so what we're gonna do as a
church is that we're gonna use every technology possible to praise the name of
Jesus and connect. But I want you to know something online. This digital
experience is exactly a tool and that if this is your only expression of
religion, I need you to find community. I want you to be a part of our
community, you know, fill out that digital form in the link in the description,
let us know, let us connect, right? It's a part of a greater family, a greater
body of Christ and so connect with us and get people in your life that you can
be connected to. Because the truth is is that while we use technology and
digital ministry to further and deepen our love for God, we need each other and
that we need people in our lives. I heard someone say, well, John, I love um I
love Jesus. I just don't love the church. OK? That could be a fair assessment.
Uh But the church is who Jesus died for and the church is who Jesus calls his
bride. You know, I could say I, I'm legally married, but I don't have to go on
date nights or be home or talk to my spouse. And I guess technically that is
true. But if I want a healthy relationship to be at home, to be in conversation,
to be in community and have connection. And so that's what we want here as a
church. Yes, I want you to believe in Jesus, but I want you to have this
fullness of life. And the only way we believe we can have fullness of life is
with each other that you have something special to offer and that other people
have something special to offer. And that when we gather together, we can
collectively treasure Jesus and it changes things. It's very valuable. So we're
gonna pick up our study. We're in the, the letter of Colossians. This guy named
Paul, he was persecuting Christians about 2000 years ago. Has an encounter with
Jesus gets saved. Believes that Jesus was the son of God, that he died on the
cross as payment for our sins rises again on the third day. That's why we
celebrate Easter. And with this message comes hope and forgiveness and a and a
relationship with God. And so Paul starts planting these churches, starts
preaching the gospel, preaching this idea of Jesus being the Son of God gets put
in prison for preaching that message. And now is writing letters to churches,
some that he's visited. In this case, he hasn't visited Colosse, but he had
heard of their faith through a mutual kind of connection that this guy named
Pas. And so he's writing the encouragement to this church who is then trying to
wrestle with faith in Jesus. So people were saying, well, I like Jesus and I
like this. They're trying to add to the gospel or say I like Jesus, but I don't
like this teaching. So they're trying to subtract from the gospel. And so Paul
comes in to provide some clarity and some encouragement. And so in week one of
our series, we talked about the value of praying for one another. And then in
week two, we talked about who is Jesus that from creation to redemption. Jesus
actually holds all things together. And then today he goes into kind of his
resume, what is he going through? And he, and he gives the purpose of the church
and, and why he's writing to them. And so we're not gonna read through all the
verses, but verse from Colossians chapter one, verse 21 up to 27 really talks
about three components. It talks about how in our past we were an alienated from
God that there's a perfect holy God that we just sang about and that we mess
things up and we rejected God. So our sin separates us. But that then Jesus then
reconciles all things to himself. So there's past alienation or separation,
there's present reconciliation. That's when Jesus died on the cross restored
that relationship. And then he actually makes references where we're gonna jump
into the passage about future glorification that one day God will not only be
glorified, which is to be celebrated, to be made known to be made obvious to be
lifted up. But also we're gonna share in that glorification. So we're gonna get
to spend eternity with God. So no more cancer, no more sickness, no more
betrayal. And that we get to reign with God. Now reigning with God seems weird
in our democracy setting. But then when you right into a context that
understands the Roman rule, he's saying you're, there's gonna come a day we're
not oppressed by some foreign government. But that the God who made you and save
you, you're actually gonna be in relationship with him and that you're gonna
really have this perfect picture and relationship and connection. So complete
trust, forgiveness, love, joy, purpose is gonna be incredible. And so he's
offering hope to people who are experiencing hardship and that same hope is
available to you and to me. And so we picked this up here in Colossians. Chapter
one, verse 27 Paul is writing to them. God chose to make known how great among
the gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery. I wanna pause here
because this is a great phrase, the riches of the glory of this mystery, which
is Christ in you, the hope of glory. It's an incredible picture that there is
this in this power that's available to you and he calls it a mystery. And he's
kind of using some terminology that these guys syncretism and gnostics try to
use. But what he's saying here is that people were seeking after God and even in
religious and Jewish circles, there was the spirit of God, for example, on
Moses, he went up to the Mount Mount Sinai had he had another experience where
burning bush on Mount Sinai. Though he had the 10 commandments, he interacted
with God. You have this incredible picture here where when he comes down, his
face is literally glowing. So we had the spirit of God on Moses. And a number of
characters in the Old Testament where as hu human humanity repeatedly fails.
God. God keeps being faithful and this little remnant stays put and, and faith
goes up and then we fall and then we get up and then we fall and we just, we
just keep messing things up. And so then Jesus comes onto the scene and then he
is actually with the disciples. They're interacting with the Son of God. He
lives a perfect life, dies on the cross and rises again. And what's crazy is, is
that right before he dies? He says to disciples, hey, I'm about to leave. But
it's actually to your advantage because I'm gonna send you a helper, an
advocate, the Holy Spirit that with Him, you're, you're gonna be convicted of
sin with him. You're gonna be empowered with Him. You're gonna be able to do
greater things than me. This comes from John 14. And so the progression of the
Bible is there's the spirit of God on people like Moses, then there's Jesus, the
Son of God with his disciples. But then the church then receives the Holy Spirit
in them. So the spirit of God on Moses, Jesus Christ with his disciples, but
then the Holy Spirit dwells in you. And so this is the hope of glory. This is
the seal that comes that the very power that defeated death itself now becomes
available to every single believer. This is why it's a mystery revealed that in
you Christ, in you, the hope of glory there is power in the Holy Spirit. He
continues on verse 28 says Him, we proclaim warning everyone and teaching
everyone. So there's defense warning and then offense teaching, right? Both
sides of it. Everyone with all wisdom that we may present everyone mature in
Christ. I love this picture of growth and maturity because you are saved and
empowered by God. God created you. God saves you. Now, God empowers you, but you
are in fact empowered to mature and to grow. Right? When a little baby learns to
talk, it's the cutest thing, isn't it? And we talk to babies in funny ways,
don't we? Oh, aren't you doing a little good? Oh, aren't you so cute today? Da
da da da. Right. That's cute for a baby. But if you stayed that way now, well,
didn't you come to church today, didn't you? You came to church. Yes, you did.
Yes, you did come to church today, right? Like I, I would, I would love for
someone to compliment me and the fact that I was able to use the restroom on my
own, put on my own shoes and walk out the door. That'd be great, right? As
Christians, we're called to mature and to grow and to get stronger, right? So we
have to stay as infants, but we do so, not with our own power. God made you. God
saves you. God empowers you and he's the one that gives you the strength. Paul
writes this. He's in a difficult situation. Verse 29 for this. I toil
struggling. Look, if Paul's struggling, come on, we're gonna struggle. Ok? It's
difficult. He says, but notice struggling with all of his energy that he
powerfully works within me. So what is that energy? Well, he tells us God's
secret sauce is the Holy Spirit. It's the Holy Spirit. God made you. God saves
you and then leaves you alone to struggle the rest of your life. No. Same way
you receive. Christ is how we're called to live. God made you. God saves you.
Now, God empowers you. That's the secret sauce people. And I love me some food
and I think Chick Fil A sauce is a reminder of what's in a preview of what's to
come in heaven. Amen. I cannot wait to eat me a chicken sandwich on a Sunday in
heaven. Come on. All right. It's gonna be good, right? And if you don't love
Chick Fil A sauce, there are other churches in the area that we can encourage
you to. No. Just kidding. Just kidding here. But we all got something right? If
you don't love that sauce, pick another sauce of choice of some kind. Ok. And
it's something about when you get that favorite sauce, right? That comes in and
you're like, oh, so good. Ok. Holy spirit is the, is the secret sauce. And it
makes sense when we put into the context of the gospel, God made you. God saves
you. God empowers you. But we have to remind each other that it's God's strength
that empowers us now. Yes, it's a struggle and it's a battle, but God's gonna
give you the strength to get through and to overcome. Right? Just as you're not
gonna eat that sandwich without the sauce. Today, we need to stop trying to live
the Christian life without the power of the Holy Spirit in your life, you're not
gonna be able to do it. He continues on now the way books are put together in
the Bible, we add the chapters and the verses later so that we have reference.
But when he's writing this letter, it's a, it's a continuous thought. So he
continues on now into uh chapter two, verse one. He says for, I want you to know
how great a struggle I have for you. And for those at Leo Dela. So that's the
neighboring town Tolo and for all who have not seen me face to face, it says
that their hearts may be encouraged, be knit together in love to reach all the
riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery,
which is Christ in whom all the treasures, there's that word, the treasures of
wisdom and knowledge. I say this in order that no 1 may delude you of pla with
plausible arguments. He says for though I'm absent in body yet, I'm with you in
spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and the firmness of your faith in
Christ. So he just flat out tells you this is why I'm writing you. Now in the
Bible, there are stories that are seen as descriptive, right? Here's something
that happened, right? Jesus walked on water or fed the 5000 or you know, Daniel
in the lion's den. Um This is what happened. This is a account of what happened.
So there's descriptive passages, then there's prescriptive passages that are
more like medicine. We're supposed to take that. What was applicable to them is
also applicable to us today. And I believe this passage is really a prescriptive
passage that the same reason Paul wrote to the church in Colosse is the same
reason we gather regularly as a church today. And he tells us he says, look, I'm
in prison, I'm struggling. Here's why I'm writing to you and he shares four
reasons for his writing that I think we can understand as four results of
gathering together as a church body. Here are four reasons why we gather as a
church. There are more than four overall, but here are four directly from this
passage that should really motivate us to consider a commitment to a local
church body, something worth our time and worth our effort. The first result of
a church gathering is encouragement. Paul says I write so that your hearts may
be encouraged. I love that word encouragement because it's a picture of
encourage. It's literally taking courage and placing it in a person because all
of us could use a little more courage. Here's what I know to be true. Fear is
free. Stress is free. You don't have to pay for stress and bad news and anxiety.
You don't have to be searching to feel anxious and stressed out. You just simply
open your your device, your phone and then or turn on the news or just walk
outside, right? And we can feel completely surrounded. It is crazy. Look and I'm
guilty just as the next person. So I'm with you in this, right? But have you
ever been there? I I'm just being transparent here. Have you ever been like man,
I'm really stressed out and overwhelmed and I can't sleep. Let me open a device
that has access to every possible information ever created in the world and see
if that calms my mind down. Anyone with me on that stress is free, like anxiety
and fear. You can get that like no one's like, you know what? I feel too
peaceful today. I wish I could find something to be worried about. You know, I'm
feeling too confident today. No, everybody loves encouragement. And this idea to
be brave. If a little kid draws a picture and comes and says, look, mom, dad,
look what I drew and you respond back with. Wow, that's amazing. What do they
do? Shoulders back, head up, little pep in their step. Has anything really
changed as adults? No, if you get an email back at work says, man, I love your
presentation today. Oh, head up shoulders back, right? I like your glasses. I
like this. It's just a little compliment or something you're like, oh OK. Uh I
did kind of nail that presentation. You know why? Because we all need
encouragement. So as a church, we gather so that we can literally place courage
in each other and it's not just compliments. So that when you're walking through
something difficult, you got somebody to rally behind you. Like come on, let's
go. You got this. I know it seems dark but I'm right here with you, right? If
you're walking through a crowded space with kiddos and they get scared. Well,
sometimes you have that one kid that takes off, we'll call that kid the
protocol. But for the most part kids, right? When they walk in the room, what do
they do? They squeeze your hand. And what they're doing is saying I have no idea
what's out there, but I'm with you. One of the reasons we gather as a church is
that we can look each other in the eyes, whether in the zoom or in connection,
digital or not. Like when you have a phone conversation or an in person
conversation with somebody, say, hey, I'm with you. I know it seems dark but
I've been there. I know this is difficult but I'm here and we can remind each
other that while our situation seems crazy, we have a God who made you, who
saves you and empowers you to overcome. God is not surprised by your situation.
Here's another thing I know to be true too. Well, let me say in the form of a
question is God ever late? Is God ever late? I didn't say, does God ever feel
late? Because that is 100%? Yes, but is God himself ever late? No. So that means
that if you're with God, guess what? You're not late either. You might be
thinking, oh, I miss my window for a relationship. I miss my window for that
job. I miss my purpose in this whatever. But when you gather as a church, you
can encourage one another and realize, no, we have a God who made you who saved
you and empowers you. You've got this and we take a little bit of courage and
put it in each other's lives. So what happens when we gather together? Second
result of a church gathering is, is unity. We become unified together. The early
church was so interesting because you had masters and slaves. You had men,
women, you had those in different political sectors, different professions, you
had the educated and the fishermen, your tax collectors, your doctors you had a
variety that came together and what unified them was the need for Jesus. And I
love that description. It says knit together in love. There's some people at the
church that are great at sewing and uh crocheting and, and those things are too.
I think my friend Cheryl here who sometimes have given us little cute little
things for our kiddos and I can't crochet anything. Cheryl. I ain't got nothing
like I, I would like, if I was gonna make you a gift, I would just pull out a
string and be like, here you go one string. It can be a, uh, a bracelet. Right?
As silly as that sounds. There are people that are trying to live their life
like a string. They're trying to make something out of their life, like, look at
this. Here it is. But what God wants to do is to knit us together into a
majestic, beautiful tapestry that's referred to as the bride of Christ, as the
body of Christ. And if you've ever done sewing or quilting or, or things that,
you know, sometimes the under underside gets a little bumpy. Right? And if you,
if you're focused on the underside of something being sewn together, like it can
look right and be like, ah, and let's be real. Some of y'all are bumpy. Ok? And
if you're disagreeing with me and they're like, I don't know of anybody who's
bumpy, you might be the bumpy person. I'm just saying. But I tell you what,
that's better then that's better than just trying to go through life and
individual string, not connected to anything, not making anything and not being
able to withstand the storms and the stormy seas of his life. But when we come
together, God knits us together and we might be a little bumpy here. You know,
if you ever anybody do the whole church steeple, open the door. Where are all
the people? Right? Yeah, that's, that's life of four iphones. That's how we
entertained ourselves. Oh, look at that. Ok. I'm glad we're not going backwards.
But, but when we understand that we are woven together, knit together and love,
there's gonna come a day and maybe it's in glory where we can step back and see
the masterpiece in the tapestry of God that you don't know how God's gonna use
you to impact the life of somebody else or vice versa. So why do we gather as a
church? One, we gather for encouragement and reminder of who God is and what
God's done two because we can be knit together in love and be unified. It's
interesting to me also, when God prayed for his church right before he left,
what's the one thing he prayed for? Unity? That's what he prayed for. And I
don't know what this year brings, but I can tell you it's chaos. If anyone
thinks that November is gonna be just a piece of cake like they're crazy. All I
can say is let's just thank God, we're not into political commercial season yet,
right? And so in a chaotic world, politically, financially, relationally, we can
gather as a church, be encouraged, be unified. And third, we can grow, we can
grow. It says that you can grow in the riches, the fullness of the understanding
of God, the treasures of the wisdom found in Him. That's why we treasure Christ
together. I love me some sports. But I'm gonna be honest, since I've been
married, I've also grown to love me some HGTV. You know how long you've been in
a relationship with? The number of HGTV shows you reference that through
personal favorite property brothers just saying some good dudes. OK, like their
design eye just saying, can't do anything. Nothing is transferred by the way.
Watching AC TV is not the same thing as remodeling your house, but an entire
network dedicated to home garden like remodel representing in the church. We
have what I would call H STV. That's Holy Spirit. But here's the catch you are
the remodel. But I think it's beautiful though. You know why? Because remodels
are messy and if you understand you're in the remodel process, you realize, oh,
the mess is expected. I have and look some of y'all still got some spiritual
popcorn ceiling going on, right? You can knock down some walls, right? So new
floors need to get put in, like, let's open up, get some light in this room, you
know what I'm saying? But you're a remodeling process. But there's some other
shows too we started watching recently like Celebrity Iou it's kind of fun,
right? An actor or an athlete or somebody says, hey, I wanna get back to this
person. It means a lot to me and they start remodeling this house and like, hey,
here you go. Do you understand how crazy it is that the one remodeling your
house, the one remodeling your life is the very God who created the universe.
And let me tell you something, he owes you nothing. And yet because of who He is
and because of how much He loves you, he comes in and says, I made you, I saved
you. I'm empowering you. We've got some work to do. But let me tell you if you
trust me, when all is said and done, it's gonna be beautiful. The reveal is
gonna be incredible. And so when we gather as a church, it's part of the remodel
process, you know, sharpening each other, encouraging one another, reminding
each other of the power of the God in each other's lives to treasure Christ
together, to be reminded of how small this world is and how big our God truly
is, changes everything. And the fourth reason we gather as a church is for
protection, Paul says, I write so that you won't be persuaded by plausible
arguments now, just being fully transparent with you. I used to kind of brush
past this verse. I can tell you in the last five years, I've stopped doing that
because if you look at our culture, are we getting more like Jesus, more like
darkness, 100% more like darkness? And I don't say that to scare you, but to
say, look, we need to know why we believe what we believe. Satan doesn't create.
Satan counterfeits. He runs the same play. He's been running since the garden.
He's gonna come in. He's gonna try to break up an important relationship. He
didn't get you to doubt your own identity and question things and come back and
then and say, nope, see, look at this, doesn't this look good? One of the values
of the church is that we can gather centered on God and be reminded of what is
truth. And so that's why we gather to treasure Christ together. God made you.
God saves you. God empowers you stop trying to live life like that individual
string just dangling in the wind, but instead be woven together to be
encouraged, unified, to grow for protection that we can grow stronger together.
But here's the thing. How do we respond to life's challenges because life is
tough, right? Well, let me ask you two questions. Let me think about this.
Number one. Do you have a fixed or a growth mindset? This comes from some
researchers and authors, Chip and Dan Heath talk about there's a difference when
how you approach problems because here's the thing, you can take church out of
the mix. But I can tell you you're still gonna have problems, you're still gonna
have anxiety, stress, worry, it's not gonna solve anything. And then where do
you turn? So let me ask you, do you have a fixed mindset or growth mindset?
Fixed mindset is like that idea that well, it's never gonna change. It's always
going to be this way. Growth mindset is saying, well, what's different here? So
let me run through a couple of examples. A fixed mindset says, oh, I failed a
growth mindset says, what can I learn? A fixed mindset says, here are the
obstacles in my way. A growth mindset says, here are my opportunities. A fixed
mindset says, focuses on the pain of the situation. A growth mindset focuses on
the purpose of the situation. A fixed mindset focuses on the earthly things.
This is all we've got. It will always be this way. But a growth mindset says,
I'm gonna focus on the heavenly things, see if it's up to you. There is a
ceiling on everything in your life. But if it's up to God, there is no ceiling
and there is limitless potential for what God can do in your relationship, in
your life, in your work and your family and your friends. I'm telling you what
that's such a freeing mindset when you switch it. Another question I wanna ask,
do you make decisions based on consequence or, or on identity? This comes from a
guy named James March. Most people make decisions based on this consequence,
right? Like fear or desire. I want this thing. I don't want that. You just make
choices and it's very immediate in the moment, but a stronger way to make
decisions is recognizing your identity, right? In the secular world. We do this,
don't we? Anybody who buys apple has an identity issue? Right? I'm I'm in that,
right? Why do we buy Apple? Because it's cool, right? We're with it and because
we're better than other people, right? That's why that's what we sell ourselves,
right? Do you know what I'm saying though? Like when you buy, you buy certain
products, you buy things because of your identity like you, I I identify with
it, right? Like if you ever met somebody who does crossfit that doesn't tell you
they do crossfit. Crossfit. I have and I'll bash on them. But let's be real.
Those are like you, you work out a lot and are super healthy and my argument is
getting less and less as we go. But why do people share that? Why? Because it's
an identity thing, it's not just what I do, but who I am, right? How do you make
decisions? Because how I see scripture is God made you. God saves you. God
empowers you and then we walk out in fear, we walk out worried or you say no, I
am a chosen child of God. Yes, I fell down. But that's not who I am. I'm a
saint. I am God's chosen vessel who wants me to have that healthy marriage with
my health and marriage and my relationships and with my kids and my workplace
work best when I live out who God's called me to be. And as a church, we can
remind each other of that. See Christ can save you, but he also can strengthen
you. If you're a believer, if you call yourself a Christian, do you understand
that you need Jesus? Just as much today as the day you prayed to receive him?
It's all about Jesus. He doesn't go, I made you. I saved you now. Good luck. No,
Paul continues writing. He says, therefore, verse six. Therefore, as you receive
Christ, Jesus the Lord, so walk in him. Other translations say so live that way.
So it's an identity piece. Well, how do you live? How do you walk? He gives his
picture of four things rooted and built up in him and established in faith just
as you were taught, abounding in Thanksgiving. Got San here that he's calling us
to grow in every area and in every direction. He wants this to present us as
mature, right? Think about those imagery and those words rooted that down. How
are your spiritual roots? Why do you need roots? Because if you get in a drought
or you get in a storm, you're not gonna make it unless you got roots. I can tell
you the droughts and storms in life are coming. So can you get those roots down
together? But not only can you get roots downward? You're called to be built up.
Are you getting stronger in your faith? Because as we grow, we want, we're gonna
be able to handle more and do more because that's who God has called us to be.
But not only are we called to grow down to grow up? We're also called to grow
in. This is grit and resilience established in faith, secure in who you are
secure in who God is. This resilience that comes in Christ alone. And then the
last thing here is that we grow out. I love that description abounding in
thanksgiving in other places, abounding is used to describe like rivers and
water and overflow. And isn't it interesting that gratitude in my experience is
contagious, the more you become grateful for things, the more you express grace
towards others. And as a church, shouldn't we be growing in our gratitude and
abounding overflowing to the world around you? So let me ask you what, what is
the area in your life that you need strength in right now? Is it the roots? Do
you need to get deeper? Is it going up? Do you need to be built up getting
stronger. Is it being established in your faith? The resilience that comes from
lived out experiences of God's faithfulness even in your trials, or maybe it's,
we need to grow and be strengthened outward, that we need to be abounding in
thanksgiving where our life is light and grace overflowing into our
relationships, our parenting, our friendships, our workplace and we can have
that. Why? Because we've gathered together to treasure Christ together. Will you
pray with me dear heavenly Father? Just thank you. Thank you that we can gather
to encourage one another. God that we can be unified, being knit together in
love, that we can grow and knowledge of you and who you are and what you've done
to treasure you that we can protect one another through the power of your spirit
and your word. Oh God, we are a remodel in process. But you've sent the Holy
Spirit to be in our lives to strengthen us so that we can grow down, grow up,
grow in, grow out and be stronger today, God, if it was tough and a struggle for
Paul, I promise everyone in this room are listening to the sound of my voice
that it's gonna be tough for them too. But we are not left alone. You are with
us and you are great and you are here to let us encourage each other today to go
into this week, emboldened in our faith for you. We love you God and your sense
and we pray amen.