There's a gentleman named Stuart Strachan who tells the story that when he took
a trip to the Grand Cayman Islands, which I got to go one time, uh, with life,
it was awesome. Got to swim with the stingrays, which is pretty cool. Um, well,
this guy Stewart, he went and he scuba dived but not only did he scuba dive, but
he scuba dived at night. And so they were giving him a flashlight and he was
thinking to himself, well, I'll be able to see under the water. I don't really
need a flashlight. Um, but he took it anyway and he went under the water and he
was amazed at how dark the ocean was at night that how very little the moonlight
actually goes through. And so he's now under the water and when you're, when
you're scuba diving, you, you, you reach that point of buoyancy where you're not
moving up, down left or right. He's in the middle of all the coral and he lost
the group that he was scuba diving with. And he said he started to panic because
he became very disoriented. He didn't know what way was up. What way was down
and he couldn't see in front of him to the side or behind him. Now, eventually
he would discover his group and they would make it back to shore and all was ok.
But when he had a conversation with his scuba instructor, he shared this
interesting insight. He said that no matter how disoriented you feel, you can
always tell which way is up by feeling the bubbles. And so when you breathe out
and through the mask, it produces some bubbles, but the bubbles will always
float up. And so when you feel disoriented, you, you're surrounded by darkness,
you don't know which way is up, you can feel the bubbles and become realigned
and know where you are. And I thought that was interesting because that's what
happens to us when we study theology, theo theology is really the study of God.
And that today's message is gonna be quote unquote a deep one if you will and
taking a look at a deep topic where in Hebrews chapter one, we looked at what
was called the Divinity of Jesus that Jesus was the son of God. Well, today, our
message is entitled, was Jesus human. And so we're looking at the humanity of
God. And the reason it's important for us to study theology and deep topics and
big life questions is that when you study the Word of God, when you study who
God is, it allows you to feel the bubbles it allows you to realign your life to
know which way is up. And when you learn more about God, you actually better
understand life and more specifically you understand your life and your role in
that. So last week, we looked at Hebrews chapter one Hebrews like the 19th book
in the New Testament. We don't quite know the author, but we do know that it was
written to a group of Jewish Christians written in like the sixties ad. And in
Hebrews chapter one, Jesus is described as the Son of God. And it's all about
Jesus being God. And we said that the life of Jesus is the language of God. The
life of Jesus is the language of God. And the reason that's important because in
these past days or in the Old Testament, Jesus spoke through prophets in various
ways, but in these last days, God has spoken to us by his son. So here in
America, we speak English in Germany, they speak German God. And in
Christianity, we speak Christ. So the question is number one, are you listening
to God with what He's saying? And then number two, with how you live, how do you
or what are you saying? How are you speaking to the people around you? Well,
before we jump into Hebrews chapter two, which really talks about the humanity
of Jesus. There is this transition passage that gives a warning, there's about
six or so warnings in the book of Hebrews, but there's this one found in Hebrews
chapter two. And so we pick it up here in He Hebrews chapter two verse one. So
therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard. Lest we drift
away from it. That word drift is really from a Greek word that is used to
describe a boat drifting away from its anchor or moorings or, or the shore. And
when something drifts away, it's typically done. So really in a subtle way, it's
done so in a silent way. And it's done so slowly, right? Like no one panics when
there's drifting. It's like, oh no, we're drifting. It's, it's usually what
happens is that you don't realize that you're drifting. It is a slow movement
away to where you eventually look up. You're like, wait a second. How did I get
here? Right. If you spend any time in the ocean with Children or boogie boarding
or just playing in the ocean, I'm sure everyone has had that experience where
you look up and you think, oh no, somebody stole all our beach gear and you look
up like where is it? And then you realize, oh, actually it's like half a mile
down that way. And so you didn't realize, but your body was drifting in the
ocean. It was slow, it was silent. It was subtle. What the writer is saying here
is that we much, we must pay attention and I like that phrase, pay attention
because it shows that number one, your attention is valuable. And then number
two, your attention will cost you something that you have to pay attention to
the word of God. Lest we drift from it. Verse two, it says for since the message
declared by the angels proved to be reliable and every transgression or
disobedience received a just retribution. What he's saying there is hey, in the
Old Testament, when God spoke through angels and prophets, there were
consequences for your choices. So he says, if there are consequences for not
believing the prophet now, verse three, how shall we escape if we neglect such a
great salvation, how much more so will there be consequences if we ignore the
message of Jesus himself? It says that it was declared at first by the Lord and
then it was attested to us by those who heard and while God also bore witness by
signs and wonders and various miracles and by the gifts of the Holy Spirit
distributed according to his will, what he's saying here, it's this idea that we
have to pay attention and, and that the word of God almost serves like an
emissions test does for your car. If you've had to take your car in for an
emissions test, you go in and it measures the pollutants coming out of the car.
When you read the word of God, it's, it's testing your heart and it, and you are
testing what's coming out of it. And it uses two words there, it uses
transgressions and disobedience. And so just like an emissions test here,
transgressions is considered a sin of co mission. In other words, when you do
something that you're not supposed to do, right, that's called a transgression,
then you have the other side, a sin of omission, which is called disobedience.
That's when you don't do what you're supposed to do, right? We've seen these and
we've done these and we've experienced these that we do things we're not
supposed to do and then we don't do the things that we're supposed to do. And
the writer is saying that in all situations that we have to pay attention to the
gospel. And so the warning is this, if you're taking notes that lifting your
focus keeps you from drifting in faith, lifting in focus keeps you from drifting
in faith that when you study who God is, that's similar to feeling the bubbles
in the mask and it reorients your life and you pay attention and you, and you
lock in to who you are and it keeps you from drifting. So lifting your focus
will keep you from drifting in faith. And so what, what are we actually paying
attention to? We're paying attention to the story of Jesus. And it shares in
these verses four things it says, first of all, the gospel, the story of Jesus
was declared by God there again, we see that Jesus is the language of God. So
when Jesus came down, it was God speaking to us saying, hey, pay attention, this
is it. And then it was dispersed by the apostles. And so the early disciples
spread the message of the good news. They were preaching around. That's why we
have the New Testament and they started churches and then even wrote letters to
the churches. And so we have the word of God because of the dispersion of the
apostles. But then third, we see that the gospel was then demonstrated through
miracles that as Jesus performed miracles and then the disciples before
miracles, they showed you that Jesus had the power to forgive sins. So for
example, if a lame person can walk, Jesus can forgive your sentence. If a blind
person can see Jesus can make you spiritually see if a dead man can rise again,
then we who are spiritually dead can rise again. And so the gospel is actually
demonstrated through the power of miracles. And then lastly, it was displayed in
the church through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. So the church launches and then
Christians are given gifts of the spirit. And when we operate within our gift
set, when we operate, and we build each other up and we encourage one another
towards good works. You can see the Gospel on display. And so all these things,
the writer is saying, hey, pay attention to this, don't miss this lest you drift
away. And so what is this deep truth that we're gonna try to break down? What's
this? Jesus was both fully God and fully man? Jesus was fully God and fully man.
Now, it almost seems blasphemous to say that Jesus was a man. Uh But I think we
miss this oftentimes in church because it is crucial to understanding the
gospel. So we're gonna break this idea down. Why is it important to believe that
Jesus was fully human? How did it come to be? And then how does it apply to us?
So hang with me for a few minutes while we break this down from a theological
30,000 ft view. And because at the end, we're gonna land the plane and I'm gonna
show you why this is important and how it directly applies to our Monday morning
lifestyle, right? Like how does it apply to us this week? See Jesus being fully
God and fully man. It's called the hypostatic union or in Philippians chapter
two, there's this concept in, in churchy world, the seminary world known as
kenosis and where the emptying of Jesus out that he took on the form of man. So
if you picture God, Jesus being fully God, when he came to earth, the Christmas
story, OK. He took on the limitations of a human body. And so he didn't give up
his deity. He didn't stop being God, but he willingly obeyed God. The father
came down and took on the limitations of a man. So let me just run through some
of the examples of where Jesus was human. And these I have scripture references
to back this up. If you want to see them, I'll happily share those with you
after service. But for time's sake, let me just run through this list. Uh Jesus
was born uh he partic of flesh and blood. He was circumcised. He increased as a
child in wisdom in his stature. He wept, he hungered, he thirsted, he slept, he
became tired. He was a man of sorrows. He was beaten. He en endured
difficulties. He was scorched. He, he was nailed to a cross. He died, he was
physically pierced in his side. He was buried, he resurrected. He shared in our
humanity made in our likeness in every way that's coming from our Hebrews two
passage that we're gonna talk through today. And then he was made in human
likeness that one comes from Philippians 27. And so this idea of the humanity of
Jesus is actually really important. Back then. There were people in that uh
ancient near east who were called gnostics. And so they were proponent or
opponents to Christianity and they believed in the reality of Jesus, but they
just denied his authority. And so oftentimes leaders were writing in response to
these gnostics saying that Jesus was a spirit that he was God, but he really
didn't physically die. But we want to show you why it's important that Jesus was
God. Think about Jesus, OK? As a shoe. That's a weird analogy. But just go with
me. One shoelace is that Jesus was fully God. The other shoelace is Jesus was
fully man. And that the knot in the middle is the, is the Holy Spirit kind of
tying these two concepts together that both can be true. And so we want to break
this down because, and the reason this is important and if you have notes, you
can write this down is that Jesus being fully human, gives us hope for tomorrow
and then help for today. It gives us hope for tomorrow and help for today. And
so the humanity piece is actually very important and one not talked about often
in church world because it feels blasphemous. But, but it's actually not, it
actually ties us more directly closely to the being part of who Jesus is. And,
and we're gonna see how Jesus gives us hope. And then Jesus also gives us help.
Now we don't have time to break down the entire chapter of Hebrews chapter two.
But let me just give you a little bit of structure. So he gives us the warning
and then he goes through four principles here. The first one here in verses 5 to
9 is that Jesus restores Dominion. In other words, Jesus is gonna reign over all
things that while currently we live in a broken messed up world. At some point,
Jesus will reign over all things and we will get to reign a rule with him. And
that in a sense, humanity has Dominion over the earth as we know it. And so that
comes from Jesus then, and he actually quote Psalm eight to describe that. And
then the next passage, verses 10 to 13 talks about how Jesus shares in glory.
And in verse 10, it says for all things ex exist by and for Jesus. So he created
all things, he sustains all things, he has authority over all things. And so
this incredible power. And then he moves into how then Jesus chooses to use that
power because in verses 14 to 16, it says that Jesus and his humanity actually
disarm Satan. So he defeats Satan. So in a UFC cage match Jesus for Satan. Jesus
knocks him out and defeats death as we know it. And the last thing then is that
while he was on this earth, that Jesus actually overcame difficulties. And so I
wanna focus in on those last two in the passage and throughout it, he's quoting
old Testament stuff. He quotes Psalm eight, he quotes Psalm 22 he quotes um
Isaiah chapter eight. And so he's connecting all these ideas together. But let's
just jump into verse 14 and you can kind of see why the humanity of Jesus is
important for you and me since therefore, the Children share in flesh and blood.
He himself. Jesus likewise partook of the same things that through death, he
might destroy the one who has the power of death that is the devil and deliver
all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery. For surely
it is not angels that he helps, but he helps the offspring of Abraham. In other
words, you are more valuable than angels. That's pretty cool. Right? Like if you
had the title of angel, you'd be feeling pretty good. But Jesus didn't die for
the angels. He actually died for you. And for me, he cares more about you than
even heavenly beings. That's pretty awesome, right? And he continues verse 17.
Therefore, he had to be made like his brothers in every respect so that he might
become a merciful and faithful high priest. We're gonna explain that role in a
second in the service of God to make the propitiation or the payment for the
sins of the people for because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able
to help those who are being tempted. He's saying in here that Jesus at his core,
he gets us, he under stance, he knows he lived, he conquered and then he invites
us to do the same. And there's this role of a high priest in the Old Testament.
And the role of a high priest was this that he was a representative from the
people that was responsible for restoring the relationship between man and God.
So there was a tribe called the Levites, someone who was like the best person
out of the Levites. If you will, was then drafted or selected to say, OK, you
are gonna represent us. So think hunger games, but like spiritual morality and
like it was an honor to be selected kind of thing. And so this person then would
speak to God on behalf of the people and then would speak to the people on
behalf of God. And because we are messed up and we are broken, they would
continually offer animal sacrifices as a payment for or atonement for the sins.
And so God would then give them forgiveness and they would go on, they'd mess up
again and then have another sacrifice, another confession, another thing moving
forward and this process kept going over and over. And then there is a great
high priest or a big high p uh high priest where this person once a year would
go into the holy of Holies, represent all the people and basically beg for God's
forgiveness. So this is an important role, right? You're, you're representing
your community to God and then you're also representing God to your community
with the goal of restoration. The problem is everyone's messed up including the
priest. And so it didn't actually fulfill an eternal need. So Jesus comes down
and actually is considered the great high priest. This is why we don't
necessarily in, in church world, you still see the role of priests in certain
denominations, right? There's ones of high view, high respect. And so I
understand that's where it came from. But in Christianity at large, you don't
see this as much because Jesus himself was the once and for all that, he didn't
offer a sacrifice. But actually he was the sacrifice. And it's important that
Jesus was fully God and fully human because that means that he could be a
representative of us, right? It was a word it was taken from among us. And then
it was important that he was fully God because then he could redeem us that it
was per he was perfect. He lived roughly 33 years on this earth did not sin,
experience suffering, experience temptation, and he experienced all these things
and yet lived a perfect life. And so here we have a high priest that gets us.
You know, there was a song that went viral recently about a good old country boy
who sang a song uh displaying his displeasure about politicians. And I'm not
gonna make reference because we can get into a political talk and and I don't
even wanna talk about either side of the aisle. The reason that song itself went
viral is because there is a large group of everyday people that feel like
government leaders don't understand, right? It same thing happens if you, if
you've ever interacted or seen a clip of a super rich person try to go through
everyday life stuff and they don't know how to use something or get groceries or
pump gas. And you're like, oh man, they don't even know. Ok, how much more so do
people view God as separated from man? Right. We view God. Well, he doesn't
understand. Of course, God could be perfect because he was God. Right. We asked
the question, well, what would Jesus do? Well, that's not fair. Jesus was God,
but we have to remember that actually he lived out of his humanity, right? He
had the divinity uh credit card, bank card that was fully loaded, but he never
swiped it. He never dipped into his deity to live out his humanity that he he
experienced the two main realities of what it means to be human. Here's the two
main realities and they're kind of depressing, but we can connect. Number one is
suffering to be human, is to suffer. Now that seems super encouraging. Have a
great day. Ok? Um But I wanna be real with you, right? That's why the Prosperity
Gospel doesn't work because when someone tries to tell you believe in Jesus and
everything is gonna get better. It doesn't happen that way. Sometimes when you
believe in Jesus, your life actually gets harder because we live in a broken
world. Thanks a lot, Adam and Eve. Ok? But because we live in a broken world, we
experience suffering there is not a single person in this room whose life could
not dramatically be turned upside down in a single phone call. Right? It's a car
accident, there's cancer, there's job loss, there's betrayal. So many things can
happen and our life at its core is fragile. And we have to note that, but you
don't have to believe in Jesus to suffer actually, is that every single person
is gonna go through a difficulty of some kind. But it says in Hebrews two, that
the suffering of Jesus actually made his ministry perfect, which means it
doesn't mean that it wasn't perfect before, but rather means that it was made
complete that Jesus suffered too. And I don't know about you. But there's
something comforting knowing that someone went through what I went through. You
know, the best person to support someone who's grieving the loss of a loved one,
someone who lost a loved one, the best person to bring comfort who's battling an
illness is someone who's gone through that illness, right? There's a
relatability that comes when you have somebody who went through what you went
through. And we have a savior who didn't just sit up in a cloud and stay back,
but actually came down, lived among us and he suffered. And then number two, he
experienced temptation to be human, is to be tempted. It just is we want what we
want and we drift by default that we don't pursue health unless we intentionally
choose. So, and we have a God who loves you so much that he came down, willingly
took on the form of a human being and all its limitations. I mean, isn't it
crazy to think that Jesus who created the world spoken into existence at some
point woke up with a backache because he slept on a rock, right? It seems almost
blasphemous to say that Jesus used the restroom or that he ate or that he walked
or that he got tired. I think that's why people connect so much with that TV
series. Now that the chosen because you get to think and visualize what it could
be like to have interacted with God that he laughed, he cried, he ate, he spoke,
he was betrayed, he was hurt, he died, but he rose again, meaning he defeated
death itself. And it says in there that we have a high priest, someone then who
has mercy and faithfulness. What do those mean? Number one, the mercy of Jesus
means that he has compassion towards you. He sees what you're walking through.
He sees your difficulty in your situation and he says, I get it right when a
small child falls and hurts themselves. If a parent is like uh fall again, like
it wouldn't be very sweet, right? And if you just ignored it at times, it
wouldn't be very sweet. We don't want, we don't have a God who ignores hurt, who
ignores pain. In fact, we have a God who endured more pain than you could ever
know. And so when you hurt, he hurts, when you are sad, he is sad. The reason we
long for empathy and sympathy from a relationship is because we have an
empathetic and a sympathetic God that doesn't make him weak, that makes him
authentic, right? And so God's mercy shows us compassion. But second, he's
faithful, meaning he's consistent that he shows up every single time. Some of
you in this room or watching online might struggle with relationships because at
some point in your life, somebody that you cared about didn't show up when you
needed them. Maybe you were the one that didn't show up when you were needed.
Aren't you glad that we have a God that shows up every single time that even
when we have been faithless, Jesus remains faithful. And that when we battle
addiction, when we battle anxiety, when we battle the struggles of life, we have
a God who looks down and sees their son, their daughter as a loved one says I
get it. I love you. And I'm here so often in religion, we sit back and we judge
wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. In some cases, it's truthful right, call it what it
is. But let's start with col what it is in our own lives first and saying that
no one deserves the grace of God. That's why it's called grace. But we have a
God who understands so that when we pray He's connected to us, and that's
because of his humanity. The fact that Jesus is with God means that He can
redeem us. But the fact that Jesus was human, it gives us hope for tomorrow and
help for today. Hope for tomorrow and hope for today. Hope for tomorrow means
that Jesus is our messiah that his check cleared that when he died on the cross,
that that payment was paid in full, right? He can save us. He was perfect. But
we also have help for today because Jesus is also our model. He shows us the
blueprint. He says I am the way the truth and the life. So he's our messiah.
Yes, our hope for tomorrow. Yes. But he's our help for today saying you can
overcome anything that you're facing right now on your own. No, but with Jesus
living the way Jesus did. Yes, because he did not dip into his duty to live out
his humanity. In other words, he faced every suffering that we could face. He
faced all the temptations that we could face and yet he held true and was holy
and perfect, which means that you can hold true and you can overcome any
suffering or temptation that you are battling right now. He is the way the truth
and the life and he is our model that we can base our life off of. We look at
this Bible. And like, well, of course, Jesus did that. He was God. Of course,
Jesus could do that. That's cool. I would do that too. Right. It was not good.
If I had the power of Jesus, I'd be dipping into that deity all day. Right. Like
I'm hungry. Boom, food. Someone says something mean to me, you're gone. Right.
Like there'd be so much power, it would be amazing. And it's good that I'm not.
But Jesus used that power to serve others and to sacrifice and provide the way
for us. So he gave us a better way. He gave us a way to lead our families. He
gave us a way to act in marriage. He gave us a way to parent. He gave us a way
to treat one another to speak the language to the world that desperately needs
it. And what was available, Jesus to Jesus is also available to you and me. What
was available to him? Number one is the Holy Spirit. If you want an interesting
study, read the gospels and look for the word spirit, especially the gospel of
Luke because over and over again, you're gonna see that Jesus himself lived in
the power of the Holy Spirit. Three examples. Luke chapter three verse 21 at the
baptism of Jesus right before he's baptized. It says the spirit of God came
down. He comes out of the water. Luke chapter four verse one, and it's the
spirit of God that leads him into the wilderness where he's tempted. And then a
couple of verses later, Luke 414. It's the spirit of God that leads him to begin
his preaching ministry. So you have the shoelace of Jesus as God, the shoelace
of Jesus as man. And it's the Holy Spirit. That's the knot in the middle. What
this means is that you have, if you're a Christian, you have the spirit of the
living God, you have the spirit that conquered death itself inside of you.
That's why Paul can make bold proclamations like second Timothy 17, that he says
that for God did not give you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and self
control. In other words, you have eternal power burning inside of you that when
you recognize that, that there is no difficulty that you cannot overcome on your
own. Absolutely not with God. All things are possible. And not only did he have
the Holy Spirit, Jesus routinely prayed. And if Jesus prayed to understand the
will of his father, doesn't it make sense that we would pray as well? And his
prayer life must have been so dynamic because when the disciples could have
asked Jesus one question, they didn't go, hey, Jesus teach us how to do
miracles. No, Jesus teach us how to preach like you preached. No, Jesus teach us
how to wash feet. No. Is that Jesus teach us to pray. So they understood that
prayer unlocked everything else. Another thing Jesus had available to him was
scripture. Now then it was the old testament, but routinely he was quoting
things so that when Satan tempted him, use the word of God as a weapon, how much
more should, should we do that? Knowing that we've got the full picture. He had
the Holy Spirit, he had prayer, he had scripture. And the last thing is he had a
relationship, he had friends and family, a community life is too tough if you're
going to go through this alone. But if Jesus was victorious, we can be
victorious. The same things that were available to Jesus are available to you
today, which means you can be victorious today. That yes, you might be suffering
and yes, you will be tempted. But you have a God who knows you, who has
compassion, who consistently shows up even when you don't and then gives us
forgiveness and eternal life, giving us hope for tomorrow. And then he gives us
the model, the blueprint to be help for today that he gives you the strength to
fight and then the tools to fight it with. I'm about to pray and we're gonna
take communion. But understand when they took communion, they physically did
that around a table together. That was a symbol for what then Jesus would then
physically die. The weight of eternity on his shoulders, experienced on the
cross for you and for me and then rose again on the third day, giving us eternal
life. And then he says, go and live as I did, go and love as I did, I give you
the blueprint. So church be encouraged that Jesus is God. But also remember that
Jesus was man and he gives us the way to live as he lived. Will you pray with me
dear heavenly father as we get ready to take communion together? I pray that we
can remember all that you've done for us. We love you and we reflect on the
sacrifice you gave for us. And it's in sense that we pray.