Experience a language barrier, maybe through traveling, you're in another
country and you're trying to communicate with someone, but you just can't quite
get your point across. Uh Hopefully you're not like me where instinctually I
will just speak louder and more slowly as if that's gonna help. Have you ever
been in a situation? And like, they don't understand you and say, OK, where is
the bathroom? Like is it like, OK, that doesn't help. Like when you don't speak
the language of the native country, it's difficult to communicate. You know, I
think about when I think about language barriers, I think about uh some
courageous people that I've known in my life as a legacy leader. Really? For me,
a guy by the name of Don Callan who was at uh where I went to college at
Cedarville University. Go yellow jackets and OK. Yeah. And like uh two of us in
there and that would be my family. So that's great but small, awesome school in
Ohio. And Don Callan is just like a legend there. In fact, the gymnasium is
named after him. He's been there like a bazillion years and he actually started
the missions program at the university. And so back in the sixties and seventies
before they had like great ways of communication, he would literally just fly
into countries and then walk the city, praying, listening for English. He would
go through, he found himself in some precarious situations. And he said, well, I
asked him why, how could you do that? He's like, I just trust to God. And uh and
so he would walk through these cities and he would listen for words that he
would understand and then he would connect with that person, uh hopefully leave
that person to Christ and then he would connect with others and then someone who
could then speak both languages and, and partnering together, then they would
plant churches and start ministries and then send teams over from the
university. So pretty incredible to do that. But it starts with being able to
understand one another and to be able to speak the language. Now, if you've
never experienced the language barrier, maybe from uh just from one country to
the next, uh maybe just experience the language barrier uh between husband and
wife, right? Like men and women. So for example, uh when uh guys in the room, we
all know this to be true that if the significant other in your life, and you
ask, how are you doing? And they say I'm fine, does not mean the same thing as
when we think it means fight. And so like there is context underneath, even when
we understand the words or for example, if you have teenagers, there are slang
terms that you just don't know what they're saying or when you try to
incorporate their vernacular into your vernacular, they just cringe a little
bit. Right. Um, but it's been true across every generation. I was curious. So I
looked it up and actually just a quick snapshot just running through of what was
the most popular slang term at any given year. And so just kind of jumping
around decades. Um, this is according to the research here, what was the most
popular slang term, um, by decade or not just for the decade, but in a, it just
any given year. And, uh, and now some of those words are just in regular use,
but just so we walked through it. So, um, 1931 the top slang word was snazzy,
which is good. Uh, 1941 if you want to be cool. Um, and someone was attractive,
we call them a dream boat. Um, 1951. If you were not cool, you were called
square or nerd. Uh, in 1961 it was the term bratty came in use. Uh, that someone
is being bratty. 1971 people were called deadheads. Ok. Um, in there, in 1981
you were told to take a chill pill to calm down for whatever reason. The, the
most used slang term in 1991 was tidy whities. So Teddy Whitey's was in there
around 2000, 2001. It was whatsapp and, uh, surprised that one hasn't hung in
there. Um, in 2011, uh, you had my boo or my bay, which bay stands for before
anyone else in case you want to know where that came from. Um, and then in 21
it's about, you know, something is cap or no cap, right? And then uh you can go
in today if someone's got Ris or going through everything. And if you just use
these terms, if you wanna see your teenager cringe, just try to use some of
these terminologies and they will immediately stop using those terms or through,
I can't use it now. Um So here's the thing, there are language barriers from one
country to the next. There are language barriers between people, there are
language barriers between generation, but I also believe there are spiritual
language barriers. What I mean by that is that I think in a world that is
craving for people to speak Jesus, I think we end up speaking religion, right?
We end up speaking in a way and living in a way that does not showcase the grace
and the power of love that should be coming from Jesus. So if you're taking
notes, I want you to write this down is that our main idea for today is that,
that the life of Jesus serves as the language of God that the life of Jesus is
like the language of God. So here in America, we speak English in Germany, they
speak German in Brazil, they speak Portuguese just testing you there. Um Or in
Christianity, Christians are called to speak Christ. In other words, to live as
Jesus lived to speak, as Jesus speak and to love as Jesus love. But where does
that come from? Well, we want to take a deep dive into a new series today called
Jesus Is Greater. Uh I agree with my friend Nolan. He's pretty sure before he's
starting a church on the West Valley, we gave him some of our portable church
gear, which is exciting. Uh They're launching here, September 10th. But uh he's
starting this, this really awesome church there called the Garden Church. And
they say that they want their church and I agree our church to be the same is
that a church should be a place for both the skeptics and the saints as well as
the skeptical saints. So if you are checking out Christianity, if you're curious
about what Christians believe, this is a great Sunday to be here because we
wanna share who is Jesus and why do we believe what we believe? And so I wanna
give you permission to disagree with me here, but I wanna invite you to consider
it to look at the word of God as what does the word of God say, and what does
the Holy Spirit say to you through the word of God? And so today we're gonna
jump into a study of the book of Hebrews, uh a little bit of background in this
book of Hebrews. It's the 19th book in the New Testament out of 27 books there.
It was written in the sixties of AD uh probably before 70 AD. And the reason for
that is that the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 ad. And there was no
mention of that in this letter. And so it was probably written before then.
What's interesting about this book is that there really is no known author,
someone clearly wrote it, but we don't have the specific author. Some people
think it's Paul because he wrote much of The New Testament and there's a lot of
similar themes in there. However, there are some differences. It's written in a
different form of Greek. It's like a higher level Greek that was written into
it. Also, there's not the same components that his other letters have. It has uh
normally his letters have a signature involved a direct address to his audience
in a, a greeting and salutation. And so there's some components that are in his
other letters that aren't necessarily in Hebrew. So that makes some people think
that it was somebody maybe connected to the mystery because it says in there
that they knew the apostles that they knew Timothy so, maybe it was a guy named
Barnabas, maybe it was a guy named Apollos. Maybe it was Paul. We don't know,
but the message we do know. And so we don't know which specific context of
Christians that it's written to. But we do know that this letter was written
primarily to Jewish Christians who had a large history with the Old Testament
and the Old Testament, we actually quoted, it was interesting here um by the
Septuagint version or the Greek translation of the Hebrew text. And so when you
think through this, that he's writing to Jewish Christians who are experiencing
some persecution, who might be questioning their belief in Jesus and considering
going back to other pagan ways or old religious ways. And so the theme of the
book is actually the name of this series, which is simply Jesus is greater. And
so I invite you to examine the scripture with me. We're gonna jump into it
together and see what does it look like as we study? Now? One more thing before
we jump into this study is that in the Old Testament, there are three primary
offices that are highlighted repeatedly throughout the Old Testament. The first
one was seen as a prophet. So if you think about guys like Elijah people who did
miracles and actually wrote some of the letters, so there are major and minor
prophets, but really what a prophet did was that it revealed the truth of God So
it declared what God was going to do, affirmed what God has already done or gave
a warning to people if you don't follow God's word, this is what's gonna happen.
And so you had a prophet role and you had to bat 1000 for that. Like in order to
be a prophet, you had to predict things accurately 100% of the time. So you
can't be like, uh you know, I'm a 5050 prophet, like you had to actually predict
things correctly the whole time. And then you had another role called a priest.
So priests, Mack then represented on behalf of the people. And so they would
offer an animal sacrifice uh as atonement or payment for the sins because the
sin separates people from God. And so there need to be a payment for that. And
then there are regular sacrifices and then there is one time a year where the
high priest will go into the holy of Holies and will go in and give off
atonement on behalf of the nation. Now, if that priest wasn't right with God in
that moment, God would strike him dead. So they would actually had a habit of
tying a rope to the high priest when they would walk in because if someone gets
struck down in that moment who's gonna go in after him, right? Cause you can't
do. It's a little, it's, it's crazy but they'd have a rope tied in And so if
something happened, they could, they could take care of it. It's kind of a crazy
thing, but it's what would happen. And so there is a role of a priest that had a
very important place on behalf of believers that would continually mediate on
behalf of the people that's gonna come into play in just a moment. And then you
had another role of king, this is someone who ruled and who reigned. And so you
think of King David, you think of King Solomon and others. And so what the
writer does through Hebrews and what he's going to do all throughout Hebrews is
that he's gonna proclaim and make the argument that Jesus is the fulfillment of
all those roles from the Old Testament in the greatest way in the New Testament.
This means that Jesus is the prophet or the ultimate reveal of God that he ca he
comes and he proclaims the gospel, the good news and that he is the ultimate
truth teller. But then secondly, he's also the great high priest because he
offers a sacrifice once and for all. And so we're not continually practicing
sacrifices now, but rather remembering what Jesus did as sacrifice then. And so
he is the ultimate prophet or reveal of God. He is the ultimate priest or
redeemer. And then the last thing is is that he is uh the uh Jesus is the
ultimate king or the ruler. And so he reveals the truth of God. He's the
redeemer, the gospel of God and then he's the ruler over the kingdom of God. And
all this portrayed is gonna be seen multi multiplied throughout this message
found in Hebrews. But let's go ahead and jump into these first couple of verses
here. Hebrews chapter one, verses one in the first part of verse two long ago in
a galaxy, far, far away. Ok. You know, you were thinking that if you're a Star
Wars fan, I know I was and I was talking with the tech team in between services.
I wish we could have like done the scrolling tech. You know, they've been great
like Hebrews open your Bibles and it's just scrolling up. They have been great
and then that and I wanna be a Jedi. Um but they said they couldn't trust me
with the Lightsaber. So here we are. And uh no. So it says long ago in many
times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these
last days, he's spoken to us by his son. Now, this is really interesting because
he's acknowledging the old Testament way of doing things and he's not
questioning does God speak, but really how God has spoken. And so he's
acknowledging two phases here, there's what God has done and then what God did
through Jesus and how we live in light of that. And so some examples of how God
spoke through various ways. In Genesis chapter one, God spoke creation into
existence. Let there be light. In Genesis 28 God spoke to Jacob through a dream.
In Exodus chapter three, God spoke to Moses through a burning bush. In Exodus 31
God spoke to Moses through the 10 commandments being etched on stone tablets. Um
And then actually Peter in his letter to the church there in second Peter
chapter one verse 21 he actually makes reference to the Old Testament prophets
that they were carried along by the Holy Spirit, given the divine word of God
that was written. And so while there is not, um there are not perfect people and
that they're all broken people, there is the perfect inerrant word of God, which
ironically, I could never spell the word inerrancy correctly in seminary. I
don't think I ever and to this day, I don't know how to spell it. So someone
asked me, how do you spell inerrancy? It's like, I don't know, and I feel like
that's on purpose. So, um and so while people are broken, God is not, and so God
spoke through all these different ways, through dreams, through visions. And
then even in numbers one time in numbers 22 God spoke through Balaam's donkey.
And so he spoke through all these different ways. But it says in here that in
these last days, God spoke to us in so in other words, uh here in America,
people speak English in Christianity. Christians speak Christ that Jesus
actually is the language of God. Now, Jesus is also referred to in the gospel of
John John, 11 it says in the beginning was the word and the word was with God
and the word was God. And so we have this picture of who Jesus is and how God
spoke through Jesus. That the life of Jesus really is the language of God. This
is what I want you to think about today. That as we are speaking, that
everyone's speaking, the question is what are we actually saying with our lives?
And so if we take a look at this here, we then move to the idea of, well, then
who is Jesus? Who is this character Jesus? And why as Christians do we believe
in Him? If Jesus is considered the language of God, if we're supposed to model
our lives after God, then would it be worth our time to examine His
qualifications? Right. If for those sports nerds who haven't done it yet or
about to, we go through the NFL Fantasy draft, which if you're not a part of NFL
fantasy drafts, you, we look ridiculous, but if you're a part of it, you love
it, right? And you start researching all the stats and qualifications of, well,
should I take this person? Should I take this person? What these next couple
verses do is that it gives the stats or the resume of Jesus according to
scripture here, according to the Bible, as we know it is. Why is Jesus worthy to
be worshiped? Why is Jesus worthy to be praised? Um It's one of the strongest
passages we have in scripture that the gospel accounts are awesome too. I also
recommend Colossians 115 to 20. But through these next couple verses here in
three verses, you're gonna see seven qualifications of Jesus that describes who
Jesus is, what Jesus has done and why we sing worship and praise to him. So
let's go ahead and read this passage together. But in these last days, he has
spoken to us by his son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom he
also created the world that he is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact
imprint of his nature. And he upholds the universe by the power of by the word
of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand
of the majesty on high, having become as much superior to the angels as the name
he has inherited is much more excellence than theirs. Now, let's walk back
through this passage and describe what are the seven qualifications of Jesus.
There's much more than that, but this is a great starting place if you're
considering Christianity and you're considering who Jesus is here according to
scripture as we believe it. Number one, we believe that Jesus here is the heir
of all things. In other words, when you have an inheritance, that's something to
receive at the end. And so God is ultimately going to be king and ruling and
reigning over that. So the first born of creation, as it says in Colossians, one
is not so much of position, but rather of rank that when we get to the end of
the line, Jesus finishes first and he's reigning and ruling over them. So it's
at the very end. But the next thing is is that, that he says in here that he
also created the world. So he's at the very beginning. So he's the alpha and the
omega in in Genesis, one in the Hebrew scriptures. It says in there that in
Genesis 127 God said, let us make man in our image referring to the pronoun
there as plural connecting Jesus in the Trinity there with God. And so God is at
the end, God is in the beginning. He's the creator of all things. Next. It says
he is the radiance of the glory of God. When something radiates it, it emits out
AAA way to picture this is if you think about the sun in our galaxy and it's,
it's not even like a, a superstar, it's not an all star, right? It is a middle
league minimum star in the payment of of galaxy stars, right? Like in here like
it's, it's the veteran's minimum here. If you're talking about sports and
Galaxies put together some of you that resonates with some of you miss it.
That's OK. It's just a normal star but it's so hot. This atomic like nuclear
burning thing. Now, that's 93 million miles away, radiates out and focuses all
of its energy right here in Arizona in the month of July and August, right. What
is that really? Come on? Like, I mean, here we are like on this ball, this earth
spinning 1000 kilometers a second that is then also rotating here around the
sun. And then uh then yet we're getting attacked with lasers basically from the
sun. And we feel the heat now that heat comes directly from the sun and is an
extension of it in the same way, Jesus is that extension or the radiation there
or the the light beams if you will of God. And so when you see Jesus, you have
seen God and you have that picture of who God is and what God has done. And so
it's interesting enough too that we question whether or not God is in control.
We're like God, are you there? Do you hear me? Do you see what's going on in my
life? But we cannot even walk outside without having to lather our bodies in
sunscreen, right? But if we were far farther away from the sun, we would freeze.
If we were any closer, we would burn. And yet here we are in this place ex
experiencing the radiance of the glory of God. Why is the glory of God
important? Well, the word glory is the word doxa, which means heavy or heavy
weight or heavy opinion. Think about if you throw a giant boulder into a pond,
it would have ripple effects because it has weight. Or if you have a scale, if
you have, if you ever are on the playground as a kid back when they had
seahorses and things and seesaws, right? You always had the bigger kid that
would hop on and then it didn't matter what you would do. Um because then the
other kids would get on and they can't budget uh Mark who's a big guy like
myself, he knows right? And what would we do? We wait till the person's on and
then we jump off real quick and they'd like smack to the ground and we'd laugh
and feel bad. But that's what it is because we're big. And so here's what
happens when you put the weight of God on one side. There's nothing that could
even that out on the other side because he has ultimate worth value and weight.
So to glorify God is to give weight or to give opinion or to make obvious or
famous, the name of God. It says in Romans 323 that for all have sinned and fall
short, not of the love of God. It says that we have fall short of the glory of
God because His perfection, his holiness that, that has separated us that even
on our best day, we're not budging that seesaw. We're not evening things out
with the power, the weight of God where Jesus is the radiation or that the light
beams, if you will of the glory of God, it's that visible expression of light
and warmth felt from God himself. So then we have that picture there. The next
thing is, it says that he is not only expression of God's glory, he's the
imprint of God's nature. Think about those spy movies where someone needs the
eye thing that to scan into the door or, or you have the thumbprint to like
unlock something that here Jesus Ha has that shared DNA of God. And so we see
the imprint of His nature, but then we go in further and it says that He is the
sustainer of all things that God upholds the universe by the power of His word.
And so Jesus created all things. He will reign over all things, but he's also
sustaining everything now. And so it's the beginning, the middle and the end.
And so it's not just one of us, but he is the greatest of all of us that he in
fact is the son of God according here to the word of God. And so then it says in
there that not only is He sustaining all things, it says the purification of
sins. This is the Easter story that Jesus came down, died on the cross as
payment for our sins and then rose again on the third day. And so that
purification of sins is really payment four to which then he sits at the right
hand of God, not because he's tired, but because it's finished. And so that,
that position there is one of authority. And so here in just three verses, we
see that God is, is creator, he's sustainer, he is the ruler over all things
that he is the radiance of his glory, the imprint of his nature that he died for
your sins and for mine and now sits at the right hand interceding for you and
me, this is why Jesus is worthy to be praised. Now, in this particular letter,
in this context, they're referring to the ministry of angels. And so he, he
talks in there. So because of all these things, Jesus is greater than the
angels. And so what, what are angels? We don't have time to do a deep dive in
it. But just a quick summary of it. If you think of Michael and Gabriel and
others throughout scripture here in the Bible, you see five roles of angels.
They are seen as messengers, they deliver the word of God, they're seen as
ministers, they are seen as warriors, they help in battles, they are seen as
managers, managing situations and then they're seen as worshippers as that
angels are told in heaven that there are 10,000 times 10,000 created there with
wings and, and eyes and all the craziness there that equates to, that's 100
million angels in heaven created for the purpose of worshiping holy, holy, holy
is the Lord God Almighty. And so angels have all these roles, but what he does
is through verses five through 14. And we don't have time to go through all of
that today. But he shares that Jesus is greater than those angels. And it says
in that, um, and he quotes the Old Testament, let me just count it real quick.
1234, seven times. So he's not just, he's not just making it up off of his head,
but whether he quotes the Old Testament seven different times in there. And he
actually is saying even in the Old Testament in the Psalms, they refer to angels
as ministers of God. But that Jesus is actually even greater than those angels.
So he quotes things like Psalm 27 2nd Samuel 714. Psalm 97 7. Psalm 1044. Psalm
45 6 and seven. Psalm 102 25 to 27 and Psalm 110. And so why does he do all
this? Well, if you picture being adrift in the ocean in stormy choppy waters,
what the writer here is trying to say that in the choppy spiritual waters of
this world Jesus is the only float worth clinging to that in, in a world where
it's, it's man's attempt to get to God. What Christianity says is that God came
down to man, created the world sustains the world rules the world. And he used
this power not to overshadow, but to serve and to give and to sacrifice. And
then he tells us to go and do likewise. I think for far too long churches,
churches have really spoke the language of judgment. We spoke the language of
that. We're better than that. We think we do a few rules a little bit better
than others. And that gives us the right to point the finger, right? Maybe you
grew up in a place where a teacher or a parent said, well, when you point your
finger, you got three fingers pointed back at you, right to which then I
responded, ah, and I would just point people like that and it's like, got you. I
was like, no, you look ridiculous. Um But come on, as Christians, we've got to
stop doing this, pointing out what's wrong doing all these things. I'm not
saying that we stopped declaring truth, but we have to start speaking the
language of Jesus. Jesus was all knowing all present, all powerful. And how did
Jesus choose to use his power to serve to love? You know what's crazy to me is
that Jesus knew that Judas was gonna betray him and yet he washed his feet
anyway. Right? We live in a world that teaches you that when in trouble, you
need to grab a weapon. But Jesus and his last night on earth grabbed a towel and
he washed the feet of the disciples and it took communion together, said love
one another. As I have loved you. It's a different language. But here's the
thing we've all been created in the image of God, which means that when you
speak the language of Jesus, you speak the language of someone's soul. You when
you meet a need, when you connect at an emotional level, when you experience
that who God is and what God has done, it changes you. That's why we can say the
life of Jesus is the language of God. Because when you love others, the way that
Jesus loved us, it makes an impact. And I get that people disagree with
Christians and other things. But let God be God and let us be those who love,
declare His truth, but then live it and love and serve everybody, right? We
don't determine who's in God does. Our job is to love and to share and to serve.
And so let me ask you two questions in light of Jesus being the language of God.
Number one, you have to ask yourself, am I listening to God? Am I listening? Am
I attuned to what God is saying to me? Whether through the word of God through
the nature around me through the people in my life. Am I listening to what God
is saying? Because the question is not, does God speak? The question is, am I
listening? Am I paying attention to my responding to what God has said? Because
the beautiful thing about scripture is that we don't think salvation is
something to be achieved but rather received. And that Jesus, all those
qualifications, all those things were done So that when he died on the cross of
rose again, he conquered death, he conquered Brokenness. He offers purpose and
forgiveness and joy and freedom and peace. And so when you receive that, it
changes you. And so one, are you listening to God? Because the world says
something different, right? The world's gonna preach pride and materials and
stuff, get what you can, what you can love is love, do what you want however you
want whenever you want. And God says, no, die to self. That's not about the
temporary. It's about the eternal, it's not about pride, it's about humility.
It's not about darkness, it's about light because when you're listening to God,
then you can then ask a second question and it does my life speak to others.
Every life speaks. You're saying something, your calendar, your pocketbook, your
attitude, your social posts are saying something. So are you speaking the
language of the soul? Are you speaking to the needs of the people around you
with what Jesus gave you because then we can be a church, it is light, we can be
a church that looks to give, not to get, we could be a church that can sacrifice
and serve because Jesus gave us the model. And when you do that, you're speaking
life, you're speaking love and you're speaking the language of God. When you be
Jesus to the people around you. If we do that church, the world is gonna change
and your world is gonna change. If we listen to God and we speak that language
of how we live and how we love one another as He did, will you pray with me dear
only Father God, we praise you God. No one is seeing God, but we have the
ministry of your son Jesus. The most talked about figure in all of history that
yes, you've spoken through various ways. But the greatest picture of who you are
is given through your son Jesus. And so we put our faith and trust in you. We
believe in you. We are listening Jesus and then we wanna go and speak that
language to love and to serve others the way that you have loved and served us.
Let us be light in a world of darkness. Let us share a different language. They
can connect with the needs of our soul. We love you God and your sons and we
pray amen. I wanna invite you if, if what I said to you. It sparked some
interest or you had questions or you wanna learn more about faith or
Christianity in general. I'd love for you to let me know. I wanna get connected
with other people that, that believe this. I want to go through this. I want you
to let me know and I'll be on the lobby too. Happy to pray with you, talk with
you. But let's have a dialogue. Let's have a conversation, right? And let's go
and be Jesus to the world that desperately needs him today. All right. Will you
stand to sing with me?