Well, good morning friends and thank you for spending your holiday weekend with
us here at Mission Grove. Yes, I am John's dad in case you don't know me, I'm
Jim Craig. And it's just a privilege that John would ask me to help uh this
Sunday, John and Sam and the kiddos are on a well earned vacation and they're
having a great time. They, I talked to him yesterday and he wanted to make sure
I sent along uh that he's praying for us and his blessings are with us this
morning and he wanted me to say thank you. And uh I said I certainly would do
that. Um I too am very thankful for many, many, many of you that have helped us
get into this facility. Isn't this just fantastic to be here in this place? I
just, I don't know. I just a prayer of thanks keeps going up and yet I still
worry about tomorrow. It's the strangest thing. It's like Lord, yesterday was
awesome. Thank you so much. You're so powerful and gracious. And, but what are
we going to do about this coming up? This is a real problem, Lord. What are we
going to do? I don't know if you struggle with war. I come from a family of
warriors. Uh I'd like to say I come from a family of warriors, but really it was
a family of warriors. Uh My grandfather, a big strong German worker wanted to
instill in my dad the fear of God and he ended up putting the fear of everything
basically into my dad while he was trying to do that. So I battle with this as
much as, as anybody. Um parents tend to worry about their kids a lot. I don't
know if you've ever worried about your child. But here's a letter from a camper.
His parents sent him away to summer camp. See if you would enjoy getting this as
a mom or dad. He said, dear mom and dad, Scout master, John said we should write
to our parents in case you saw the flood on TV and got worried, we're ok. Most
of our tents got washed away with all the sleeping bags in them. But that's ok
because we spent most of the night looking for Chad who got lost up in the
mountains. Tell his parents he's ok. But he can't write a letter for a while
since he now has two broken arms. Scout master John said it was lucky we had all
that lightning going on around us. So we may never have found him in the ravine
that he fell in. Scout Master John said he was pretty mad at Chad and he didn't
tell him he was going for a hike. And Chad said I did tell him but it was during
the kitchen fire in the mess hall that Scout Master John seemed a little
distracted at the time. Don't worry, mom, the fire is out and Scout Master John
says he has special soap. We can all use to get the soot and smell out of our
hair and clothes. We asked him if we should still eat the meat that got
blackened in the fire and he said that's probably ok. So we scraped it off and
ate it. I hope it's not a problem since all the port of Johns were also washed
away in the flood lol. Ok. The flood wiped out the main roads. It looks like
they're going to have to send helicopters to lift us out at the end of the week.
That sounds pretty cool. Right. I've never been airlifted into a helicopter
before. I hope it gets here soon because the rain has unleashed a massive amount
of mosquitoes and they don't seem to be too happy to be here either. Sure wish
we had our tents back, sleeping on the wet ground. Isn't that much fun at all.
Scoutmaster John told us not to worry. He's been through all this before,
although never quite this bad. Oh, got to go. Now someone just spotted a big
black bear heading towards our camp love. So, I don't know. Would that scare you
at all? Probably not. Ok. Well, listen, medical science has also done a study on
worry and it's, uh, it's kind of scary. They found that worry has no physical
mental, emotional benefit. Like fear and pain sometimes is a benefit. It seems
bad, but it's actually a good thing because it leads to other things. But worry,
they couldn't find one good thing. And here's the scary part. They list worry as
the leading pathway to mental illness and depression. A little a little scary.
The leading pathway to mental illness and depression. Where where is a thief?
Worry robs you of peace and joy. Corey 10 boom said it. Well, she said this. She
said worry does not empty. Tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its
strength. It's really good. The English word uh for worry comes from the root
word to strangle. Worry really ends up strangling. You can even paralyze a
person from taking action. You can get so scared and so worried that you you are
not able to physically react anymore. Jesus was well aware of this. He said it
in his conversations many times. He would lead his conversations with the words
do not be afraid or fear, not. In fact, it's recorded in the New Testament over
100 times. This phrase do not fear, do not be afraid. Uh The Greek word for
worry comes from the word meaning pulled apart. And isn't that just how worry
works? Hope pulls us in one direction and worry tends to pull us in the opposite
direction. It's, it's like getting on a train. A train is, is it only goes in
one direction and either your, your train is going to go down the tracks of
worry or if you get that train turned around, it can actually head down the
tracks of faith and trust and that's what we're going to try and help you do
this morning. Um We're going to look at Paul's answer to worry. If you brought a
Bible today, you can follow along in Philippians chapter four. Paul actually
gives us kind of a roadmap kind of a guide to overcoming worry in our lives.
Here's the interesting thing about Paul. If anybody had an opportunity to worry,
it was Paul. He wrote this letter in jail in Rome waiting charges that he wasn't
going to win. He was either going to be imprisoned for a long time or there were
actually leaders that wanted to put him to death. And yet he writes to his
readers in the church at Philippi. He says, do not be anxious for anything. Paul
is saying, look, I'm not worried about it and neither should you worry affects
us mentally. Worry affects us emotionally and as we mentioned, it can even
affect us physically. Uh The first leg of the tripod in overcoming worry is in
praying overcoming worry involves praying the right way. Let's look at verse
six, be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving. Let your requests be made known to God. There's a right way to
pray and there's a wrong way to pray. And I know you think wait, there's a wrong
way to pray. Well, maybe not wrong in the technical sense but ineffective. It
doesn't land, the prayer doesn't get answered because uh we have prayers going
up from desperate people who have never had a true connection with Jesus or with
God. And then they get in a desperate situation and they just start launching
prayers and I have this theory. But it's just, it's just me. I know I'm a little
crazy about it, but it's just me. I think God looks at the phone from those
unconnected people and it says on his phone, it says spam risk and God's like,
I'm just gonna let it go to voicemail, right? Ok. So that's probably not
scripturally true, but that's just the way I think about it anyway. So is he
picking up the phone when you, when you call, if you have accepted Jesus as your
savior, then the answer is absolutely yes. Now can an unsafe person connect with
God in prayer? Yes. But the Bible says, it has to be a penitent heart. You know
what a penitent heart is? It's a heart that is asking for repentance and
forgiveness. And asking for, for Jesus to come in and, and, and redeem them and
yes, those prayers will be answered by God. They are not ignored. So Paul lays
out the model for us to follow. He calls it prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving. He gives us a triangle of how to pray rifle praying in three
steps. If you would, prayer means worship, fly, bringing your request before
God. The key word here is worshipful. We tend to sometimes rush to God with our
needs list. God, I need this God, I need this go God, I need this right away.
God, I need this right away. And really, Paul is saying, take a moment and
worship God, take a moment and worship God. What does that really mean? It, it
understands the relationship, it understands the privilege that we have to even
approach God, isn't it? This is just, this is just mind blowing. When you think
about access and you think about politicians and famous people and athletes and
musicians. If we had access to these people, our friends would be so impressed.
Oh yeah, I got Michael Jordan on speed dial. We text all the time. Really? Oh
yeah, Taylor Swift and I are like, we're like best friends. You want tickets, I
get you tickets. Wow, folks, we have access to something far more important and
far more powerful than that. Think about this when you accept Jesus as your Lord
and Savior, you are granted access to the most powerful being in the universe.
Sometimes we forget that sometimes we forget we have 24 7 access to God, the
creator of all things. Wow. No wonder Paul says we need to come to him with
privileged reverence. That's a religious term. I know. But it really means
having the honor and the awe to come before God. That's the first thing we need
to do. I mean, come on Marvel studios. Let's make a movie about God as a
superhero. Am I right? The most powerful thing in the universe approaching God
and reverence in prayer. And then we bring our supplications to him. That's the
second point of the triangle. Supplication means uh honest, earnest sharing of
our needs. Now, can we share worldly things with God? Can we share temporal
worldly needs? Lord, I'm I'm desperate. I need some money. Lord, I'm hurting. I
need some help. Lord, I, I have a broken relationship. I need it restored. The
answer is yes, yes, absolutely. Yes. God does not mind bringing your petitions
to him that will solve your short term needs. But understand that God's overall
goal is to not only give you the, the short term goals to get you through that
time, but really, he wants to give you eternal things that will last a lifetime.
He wants to give you things like peace and joy and spiritual growth and love.
Can he answer your, your prayers with things Yes, but here's Joyce Meyer has a
great quote. She says this. She said, you know, God can give us joy without
things but things without joy or without. God will never give us joy. I'll say
it again. God can give us joy without things but things without God will never
give us joy. One of the strongest lessons I ever learned in prayer came from one
of my Mount Rushmore heroes, CS Lewis, Those of you that know me, know, I'm a
big fan of CS Lewis. Now, CS Lewis very quickly, never fell in love. As a, as a
teenager, never dated, didn't have any relationships with, with girls, didn't
think it was important, didn't want to do it. Just thought hes on his path to be
a religious scholar. I don't have time for that. And he thought he would just
live his life out as a single person. And then she came along and he fell madly
in love and in his forties, they fell in love, they got married. Life was good.
It was wonderful. You can read it in some of his writings at the time, how
joyful it was in the way he would write his letters and his, his thesis and
things. And then she got stricken with cancer is a really heartbreaking story.
And it was not looking good. And on his way to teach his classes at Oxford, he
would, he would go to the chapel every morning and he would just pray and pray
and pray. And one day, one of his colleagues, a cynical atheist scholar who
worked with him at the, on the faculty said, Dr Lewis, I feel so bad about
what's happening to your wife. But Dr Lewis, do you really think by praying, you
can change God's mind? And CS Lewis looked up with tears in his eyes and he
said, this said, I don't pray to change God. I pray to God because it changes
me. Isn't that awesome? Isn't that a great way to look at prayer? I don't pray
to change God. I pray to God because it changes me. And then look at the
promises that come from rightful praying in verse seven and the peace of God
which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in
Christ Jesus, the peace of God, which no human can fully understand. You know,
you have people that actually have been to heaven and they wrote books and they
made a movie and they come back and the one thing they all have in common was
they could not believe how peaceful it was to be in that presence in heaven. I'm
not going to comment on the validity of this or that the other thing, but the
peace thing I understand, we get away from this lost and fallen world, we get
away from the stress and the worry of this world and we live in peace with God,
which no human can really understand will guard the two areas that really hold
the worry in your life, your heart and your mind, your heart is your feelings
and your mind is your thinking, which brings us to the second leg of the tripod.
Overcoming. Worry involves thinking the right way, wrongful thinking leads us
down the wrong path. Worry really when you think about it is meditating on the
wrong things. Worry is really meditating on the negatives on what can go wrong,
right? And Paul says that we need to meditate on the positives and more
important, we need to meditate on the right spiritual positives. We need to
discipline our minds by spending time in God's word. We need to let the good
thoughts land and the bad thoughts just fly away. I get this from Max Cato who
is a really clever writer and he's got a beautiful analogy. He Max Cato says
this. He says you are the air traffic controller of your own mind and you get to
decide which planes land and which planes just have to fly away. And when the
plane of worry comes and says hello. Is this a plane flight? Is this a plane of
worry? Can we land in your mind? No, you're the air traffic controller just fly
away. You don't get to land in my mind and when something good and righteous and
spiritual comes along, you're like, yes, you can land in my mind. You see, isn't
that great meditating on scripture? Verses is a great way to hold off the
airplanes of worry and let the airplanes of faith and trust land in your mind.
Proverbs chapter four says it this way in verses 20 to 22 it says my Children
attend to my words says the Lord consent and submit, consent, accept, submit,
believe to my sayings. Let them not depart from your sight. Keep them in the
center of your heart. Now watch this. This is really key for. They are life,
they are life to those who find them healing and health to all their flesh. Let
me ask you this question. Do you get healing and health from worry there
worrying about something, make you feel better physically. Oh I feel so much
better now that I worried about that all day. No. Does worrying about something
add to your physical health. No, Paul says or Proverb says life comes in healing
and health when you meditate on the word of God folks, if you don't remember
anything else today and you walk out what is oh, it was nice. The music was
good. OK, great. Remember this, OK. I want you to remember one thing today. It's
this. There is power in the word of God. It's OK. If you say amen here, amen.
There is power in the word of God. There is power in the word of God. There is
power in the word of God. Come on. Amen. Thank you. Appreciate that. There is
power in scripture verses and speaking them out loud is one of the best ways to
fend off the demons that try to rob you of your joy. Putting the scripture
verses on your lips and speaking them out loud is a great way to fend off the
planes of worry. You know, when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, when the
devil came to him in the wilderness, Jesus didn't try to argue with him on the
devil's level. I mean, Jesus didn't be like uh excuse me, Satan, I don't think
you realize who my father is. Oh, yeah. Do you understand that my father is?
Yeah, I could call on my father right now. I'm sure Jesus talked like this. Ok?
I could call my father right now and he would send legions of angels to squish
you like a bug smash you into 1000 pieces. No, Jesus didn't do that. He didn't
argue with saying, you know what he did quoted scripture, quoted scripture.
Defend off Satan folks. How can we do any better than that? Right? How can we do
any better than defend off evil with quoting scripture? And then let's look at
verse eight. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable,
whatever is, right? Whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good
repute, good repute is a good report. Ok? If there is any excellence in anything
worthy of praise. Let your mind dwell on these things. Let your mind meditate on
these things. Here's the answer. Here's how we get it right. Here's how we
control our mind. Here's how we, we, we shape our thinking. Here's how we get on
the train tracks down the right way of faith and trust as we meditate on
scripture, Paul, Paul understood the chaos of this world. It's so important to
control what you think and how you think whatever is true. Don't believe Satan's
lies, whatever is true. Don't believe the world's lies. Can I just, can, I just
take a quick side trip? Just a quick side trip. Can I just, I just got to get
this out? I'm so sorry. Don't, don't believe the cable news network programs
that you watch. All right. I got it out. Don't turn to the cable news networks
for your truth. You understand the cable news networks are out for one thing,
money and they will do what they need to do to get the ratings, to get the
advertising, to get the money in their pockets. That's their priority. Is it
truth? No. And watching the cable news networks, does it really give you
confidence or does it make you worry even more? Let's be honest. Right. I mean,
if you want to add to your worry, if you want to pour fuel on the fire of worry.
Yeah. Go ahead and just, just, you know, obsess on these cable news networks,
folks don't get your truth there. Ok. I'm done. I'm done off the soap box. I'm
off. Ok. What is true is God's promises. God's promises are true. Hey, let's
cling to those, right? Whatever is honorable, right? And pure. Are there
dishonorable things in the world? Yes. Are there unjust things in the world?
Yes. Are there unfair things in the world every day? Paul says, don't obsess
over them. Don't meditate on them. Don't dwell on them. Don't focus your
attention on them and allow them to control your thinking. Focus on the
honorable, the good, the pure, whatever is lovely and of good report. I see the
words good report. I'm reminded of being back in school and I was working
towards a degree. You know, we need to be students that major in noble thinking,
noble thoughts. You won't find that on Twitter. Set your mind on things above
the Bible says be a peacemaker, not a peace destroyer. Jesus said, blessed are
the peacemakers in Matthew five, not the chaos makers, whatever possesses virtue
and praise. You know, we all have built in radar that tells us when something
doesn't look right. Smell right. Seem right. We got fish this week on the email.
Some of you are there some fishing. It was, it was supposed to be Norton
Lifelock, which we we we are part of and they were like you owe us money for the
annual, your upcoming annual bill pay this and if you don't agree with it, call
this number and, and blah, blah, blah. And I thought it doesn't look quite
right. It doesn't feel quite right because that's not how I pay my bill for
Norton Lifelock. And then I read in the paragraph, this was almost hilarious. It
said thank you for your love and support of Norton Lifelock. Norton doesn't talk
to me that way. It's never thanked me for my love. I've never thanked you. Thank
you for your loving. Not, no, I knew something was up. So I called the number I
knew was legit and sure enough, they tracked it down. It was just a scam. It was
just somebody fishing. They wanted me to call the customer support number and
then they were going to try to get my credit card information and blah, blah,
blah. Anyway, we all have that built in radar. Something doesn't feel quite
right. And Paul says, look, when, when you get those senses that, that pop up,
let's deal with them. Let's kick them out folks. I'm gonna tell you every phase
of your life, there's going to be evil knocking at the door. You, you will not
have a time when, when you're not tempted and, and there's, there's, there's
worry, anxiety or evil that's knocking on your door because we live in a lost
and fallen world. It's all around us. But here's the thing. You get the choice
whether to invite the evil in you get the choice whether you want to give war a
seat at the table where you eat. And when I mean eat here, I mean, spiritually
eat, you spiritually eat, you get your fuel, your knowledge, your wisdom, your
strength, your spiritual fuel. And when you, when you invite worry to have a
seat at your table, now you've tainted your spiritual food, right? Tolerating
unclean things in your mind will eventually become the actions that you take,
which is why Paul includes the third leg of the tripod. Overcoming worry
involves living the right way. Overcoming. Worry involves living the right way.
Sin results in chaos and worry, obedience results in peace and trust. Satan is
the author of chaos. God is the author of peace. If it's peaceful, it's from
God. If it's chaos, it's from the devil. We start to recognize these living out.
Your faith is crucial to fending off worry. John always said it this way when
he, when he preaches, he said buying paint at Home Depot isn't enough. Just
hearing God's word isn't enough. What do you have to do with paint? You have to
take it home when you have to apply it, take God's word home and apply it, live
out your faith and then your faith will grow. Look at verse nine, Paul says the
things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these
things and the and the God of peace shall be with you. We'll come back to that
last part. Parents, this is going to get a little uncomfortable. Are you ready?
Here we go. Parents answer this truthfully. Are you comfortable saying these
words to your kids? Kids? The things you have learned and received and heard and
seen in your mom and me practice these things. Oh, a little scary. Right. Uh,
Children, the things you have learned and received and heard and seen in your
parents practice these things. Wow, that puts a huge responsibility. Yeah, it
does. It's one of the greatest things you can do as parents has set the example.
Your kids are going to learn more from how you live your life than by what you
say to them as parents. You know that, right? So how you live your life is
important, not just saying uh say as I say, but do as I do not just talking the
talk, walking the walk that all that, that great youth counseling stuff. Are you
setting the right example? Wow. Notice how Paul balances the four activities
here, learned and received, seen and heard, heard and seen. It's one thing to
learn the truth. You can acknowledge the truth. Yeah, it's true. It's another
thing to apply it. It's another thing to take it in inwardly in your heart and
make it a part of your life. That is what Paul did. He didn't just preach the
word of God. He lived the word of God. So his listeners could see the truth in
his life. They could see the truth, not by just what he said to them, but by how
he lived his life. Ah, church. Are we that Christian, are we that church? Are we
the people that the community sees in us, truth has taken such a beating in our
world today. Oh, my goodness. I don't want to worry. You. Sorry, I almost didn't
put that line in, but it's going to get worse. Truth is it's, it's really
getting harder and harder to, to show people. This is true. This is not, we got
the Facebook thing and the Twitter thing and the artificial intelligence thing
and the, the deep fake thing and, oh my goodness. Yeah, there's some good that
can come from that. There's a whole lot of not good that can come from that. And
if we as Bible believing Christians are having a hard time recognizing what is
true and what is not think about the unsafe, think about the person who doesn't
have a connection with Jesus trying to figure out what is real and what's not
real, trying to figure out what is truth and what's not truth. You see folks we,
we desperately need today. Men of God and women of God who not only speak the
truth in love but live the truth in love. Can I get an amen with love? Like
Jesus did like Jesus would if he were walking the earth today, we need to, we
need to learn the word of God. We need to receive the word of God. We need to
hear it and we need to do it. We need to apply it. James 122 says be doers of
the word, not hearers only. I'm beating the drum here. I know. But are you
seeing how important it is to put the word of God in your mind in your heart and
on your lips speaking the word of God out loud. That's your best defense against
worry and anxiety, memorizing scripture verses. And when those planes of worry
come in, you just fend them off with scripture verses like Jesus did. And it's
like, it's like, it's like it's like worry is a balloon. And when you say a
scripture verse another warrior balloon, another scripture is another warrior
balloon. Another scripture verse you get it. This is how it works. And then we
get that, that great promise in the last part of verse nine. Let's throw that
back up there again. Verse nine. Look at the last part of that verse. Sorry,
Dustin Z. Here we go. Thanks. And the God of peace shall be with you. Wow. Think
about it. The peace of God coming from the God of peace will be yours. Wow,
peace, not chaos, peace, not worry, peace, not anxiety, peace, not sadness,
peace. Who the peace of God coming from the God of peace will be yours. Having
the peace of God is a great test whether you're in the will of God, I'm gonna
say it again, but then we're gonna move on because I don't, that's a whole
another sermon. There's a whole another sermon in that one. Having the peace of
God is one test of whether you're not, you're in the will of God just chew on
that one for a while when you're driving home today. Um I'm a big fan of Warren
whereby those you know me, you know, I, I love him. Um He was the pastor at
Moody Church when I was a professor at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.
Home of the Bears. I had to throw that in because my son's here. Alright. So we
used to meet sometimes for breakfast because we'd get there early because the
traffic was horrendous. They tell me it's not gotten better. It's actually
gotten worse, which is hard to believe. But we used to leave like at six in the
morning so we could beat the traffic and we'd get there for breakfast before our
classes start at eight o'clock. Sometimes Warren whis me would come and join us
at breakfast. Wow. Wow. I got to eat breakfast with Warren wears be he was such
a gentle, kind, humble, brilliant. It was like you remember, uh you guys are too
young for this. You remember the old Ef Hutton commercials from years and years
ago when Ef Hutton talks, people. Listen. Anybody remember that? Am I alone
here? All right. Thank you. Couple. Thank you. You've just now identified
yourself as old. Ok, thank you. That's all right. When Warren wears be talked,
wow. It was like, it was like God was talking to us pretty cool and yet he was
loving. It was never judgmental. It was just always wise. It was just this
wisdom coming from him. He gave me an expression. I never forgot. He said to me
one time, he said, are you doing God's will? God's way. Wow, think about that.
Am I doing God's will? God's way that stuck with me. I never forgot that. He
gave me another one. I used it with Carter, my grandson just last week, just a
week ago, we were coming home from golf and, and Carter. I don't know if you
know my little 10 year old grandson, he is a philosopher and John will tell you
this and grandma will tell you this and he just like grandma, if you had a
choice between and then he would just go off, right? And he just say something
crazy wild. So he's got this little thing. We're talking ethics here and he
doesn't know it, but we're in what's called situational, situational ethics. And
I said, Carter, let me just teach you something as a grandfather. I want you to
remember this. I'll probably tell you 100 times. But try to remember it the
first time here it is ready. There's no right way to do the wrong thing that's
from Warren Wisby. There's no right way to do the wrong thing. There's your
answer. There's your measuring stick, you know, excuse me? Allergies. I have
termites in my home. You have termites in your home. I do. Yes, we all have
termites in our home. We live in Arizona. Everybody's got termites. They told me
this when I moved here. So what do you do? You call the exterminator? They get
rid of the termites and what else they put down this special compound? I don't
want to know what it is, but they put it around my house and it's supposed to
help keep the termites out. Right? Think of worry as termites. Do you want them
around? No, you don't. Do you want to make it hard for him to come back? Yes,
you do. And Paul is saying, look, build your spiritual home around these three
things. Pray the right way. Think the right way, live the right way as the
worship team comes back up. I just want to finish with this this morning. Pardon
me? Pardon? My allergies? Um, my nephew Derek is a career officer in the Air
force and he served several tours in Iraq. I remember speaking to him when he
first came home from Iraq the first time and I said, I said, were you scared?
Were you nervous? And he's like, no, not really because I lived in the green
zone. I said what he goes. Yeah. I don't know if you knew this, but they built
a, what's called a green zone in Baghdad. And it was acreage, I mean, acres of
stuff, but it was heavily secured. And once you got past the gate and you got
into the compound, you felt very safe. And he said to me, something very
interesting. This is why I want to bring it into today's message. He said, we
knew the enemy was watching us all the time. We knew that we could look across
the street and there they are watching us, we could look on top of the buildings
and there they are watching us. We always knew the enemy was watching us, but
they could never enter the compound. Wouldn't it be great if you set up your
spiritual compound? Because worry is always gonna be there in this lost and
fallen life we have, but it can't enter the compound. It's always gonna be
across the street watching you. The devil is always going to be looking for an
opportunity to get one in there. Wouldn't it be great if you took Paul's advice
here in Philippians and you set up your life in such a way that you pray the
right way. You think the right way you live the right way and you have this
great defense against worry and anxiety. Let's pray together Heavenly Father. We
thank you. We come to you with this attitude of gratitude. We are so thankful
for all you've done, for giving us your son Jesus Christ. Lord, if there's
anyone here this morning that is yet to accept Jesus as their savior, may the
Holy Spirit move in their lives and may today be the day where they make the
most important decision of their life. Say yes, Lord, I want that, I want that
access to the creator of the universe. I want to be adopted into God's family. I
want to live in eternity with God in heaven forever. And Lord, may we build our
spiritual compound? May we build the hedge of protection around our family by
living the right way, praying the right way, thinking the right way, keeping the
anxiety and the worry from having a part of robbing us from the peace and joy.
And may the peace of God coming from the God of peace lead us Lord as we
continue to serve you in whatever we do, may we continue to do God's will, God's
way for it's in jesus' name. We ask this, amen.