So here we are first Sunday in the new building. I was excited to come to
church. And so I was driving to the space and, and it's fun to drive to a space
a little different than we were driving to the comedy club a couple years ago
or, or when I was just, although, you know COVID season, it was kind of nice to
stay in pajamas. And so, uh for that season, but I decided to put on pants today
and come to the space now here in person. And so we are excited to be here. And
so I was driving. Have you ever been in a good mood? And so you just kinda have
a little pep, not even your step but pep in your drive, you know what I'm
saying? And I was going and I'm just kind of driving and you kinda obviously
look forward but you kind of look around, right? But then you catch eye contact
with somebody and it's awkward, right? And so I'm just kinda like, and I kinda
turn and someone's just like, and I don't, I'm not, I don't know what the proper
etiquette is when you make eye contact with the car next to you. And so I was
just like, and just kept going and then I was feeling pretty good and then
somebody just passed me up because like, there is someone who had a song, I
don't know what the song was but they were going for it. It made me look like I
had no energy at all. Like the person next to me was just like, like one hand on
the wheel just like going and they were just going to town and I felt that
energy, you know, and you just, and clearly you sing that loud when you're in a
car by yourself or you're a group of teenage girls. But other than that, like in
a car, right? It's, it's weird if you're driving. And so it, it's cool when you
got that song. Do you have a song that you can't help but belt out if it comes
on the radio? Do you have that song? Right? I don't know what it is for you. And
so you go through it and you belt it out and it's great when you have that song
and it makes sense. But for everybody around you, it really doesn't make sense.
Right? You're driving and you just quietly hear, see somebody except their eyes
aren't closed because they're driving. And so it's like, like that and you're
going, and it's like cheering and it's kind of fun. Well, it makes a difference
when you can hear the music and then respond to the music. And so we wanna try
to address two questions this morning here. Our first service in the new
building is what are you listening to or more specifically? Who are you
listening to? And then how are you responding? Because when you listen to God
and then respond to God in the Bible that's known as worship. And so we're gonna
talk about worship today and we are in this series where we're looking at the
largest transition in the history of Israel in the Old Testament when Joshua led
the people into the promised land. And so we're talking about the largest
transition in Israel's history to prepare us for the largest transition in our
church's history. And so in week one of our series and go back, watch it on
youtube or download the podcast there on Apple podcasts. And in week one, it was
all about preparation and we shared that past experience, prepares you for
present obedience that Joshua was born a slave, that he was a worker, he became
moses' assistant, he was a spy. He, he spied out the land, he thought that they
could take the land, other people thought they couldn't. So now they're left
wandering the desert for 40 years because of the lack of faith of somebody else.
And so he's going through and they get right to the edge of the promised land
and then Moses dies and Joshua is now handed the keys and said, ok, now lead
this new generation over a million people who only know what being lost and
wandering is like good luck. And so he was terrified and we said that but
everything in his life up to that point had prepared him for that moment. And
then last week in week two of our series, we talked about courage that while he
was afraid, God came by and brought him courage and said, be strong and
courageous. And we shared that courage is a calling. It is a choice. And then
ultimately, it's a command. And so today, here, first Sunday new space, we're
gonna talk about worship. What does it mean to worship? But before we jump into,
we're gonna land ultimately land in Joshua chapter six. But I wanna discuss for
a few minutes, an overview, an umbrella. If you will of understanding the
concept or principle to worship, it's not merely singing, it's actually, I would
define it this way that worship is giving everything you have to whom or what
you value most that worship is giving everything you have to whom or what you
value. You have been created to worship. But you've also been created
worshiping, meaning it is natural, it is natural for somebody to sing, to repeat
to elevate to lift up, right? When the movie frozen came out, I feel like we're
still singing. Let it go. All these years later we can't do what the song says
and it just keeps getting played and, and right, and the kids, naturally you
don't have to teach them that they just repeat and sing and lift up. If you
watch a sporting event, people go and they, they wear jerseys and they paint
their faces and all of a sudden I'm just picturing next Sunday. Like, people
come in Mission Grove, face paint like church. Yeah, they're like, you don't
have to, but it's acceptable. Ok. You can, you can bring it in. We're non
denominational. So, um, come in and you come in and like, people get amped up,
right? They're high five and strangers that they have no connection with other
than they're wearing a jersey, right? And they high five and go through or if
you think about the hysteria that went down last year when it, when the release
of Taylor Swift's tour tickets came out and I think broke the internet. It
wasn't wreck it, Ralph, it wasn't Ralph that broke the internet. It was Taylor
Swift and her tour and people got go crazy. Why? Because it is in our soul and
our being to lift someone or something up that it is natural for us to lift up
politicians or celebrities, actors, actresses, someone famous that we think.
Wow. But in the sense of awe that it's even hard to explain where it's coming
from. And so the idea of giving of our resources and our attention and our time
to something is really what it means to worship. And that at its core, the most
common thing or person that we worship here in America is self that we give what
we have to ourselves. And we view the world simply through how is it going to
benefit me. But when you worship someone or something that is not God that's
called idolatry. And so even taking good things and putting them in the God spot
leads to a troublesome situation. And so when we give what we have and who we
are to the God who created us and we ascribe value, we lift it up and, and we
understand that our, that God is priceless and, and just to clarify this too, I
didn't even say this is the first service. So bonus to a point. It's not about
giving value to God. It's about recognizing his existing value. Like, have you
ever seen those old shows of antique roadshow and things where they had like
this painting that was in someone's attic and they get it appraised. And it's
like, actually this little painting is worth $25,000 and it's like, wow, that's
crazy. When did that painting become worth $25,000? Well, it was, it was still
worth that sitting in someone's attic. But what makes the show is that when
somebody recognizes the value of something that they didn't before God is still
God, whether you believe Him or not God, whether you worship Him or not, is
doing just fine. But when you recognize when you praise God that you're
recognizing His eternal value, and then it changes your perspective of Him, but
also changes your perspective of you and the world around you. And so what is
it, what is it that we do when we worship, when you worship God, you're doing
three things. You are first, you are worshiping who he is. So he is all
powerful. He's all knowing. He's the creator of the world. He's the savior.
You're acknowledging the existence of God of who he is. But then you are also
celebrating what God has done in the past. So you might go all the way back to
the Bible and you, and you see the stories of God and you worship for what He's
done or it might be what God's done in your life. So we're not sitting here in a
building. We are sitting here in my mind in a miracle to think how far we've
come from that first vision night there at my in-law's house that I didn't know
if anyone was going to come to or a Bible study in a classroom with a broken
projector stacked on textbooks or a pandemic that threatened to shut down the
country. But then for a brand new organization, are we gonna make it to then
running in a comedy club in a bar to in a school. And so we sit here and it's
like, yes, this is a church service and yes, this is a building, but this is a
miracle. This is a blessing. This is something that we can look back and say,
wow God, you have been faithful then and you are faithful now and then a third
component, you will be faithful in the future. You can worship God with what
he's going to do. And what I love about these three components or aspects of
worship is that you can, you can use these at any point in time. Meaning if you
are walking through a health scare like cancer is not something like, yeah, God,
I have cancer or a broken relationship or you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed
or you lost a job or you're experiencing Brokenness in your deepest valley. You
can worship God. There passages like Psalm 23 verse four. Though I walk through
the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Why? Because you are
with me? Because those three things are still true. God is still good. God is
still perfect and we know that He is good with what he did on the cross. And
then we know God is good because I've read the end. And at some point there will
be no more death, there will be no more cancer, there will be no more betrayal,
there will be no more sickness that God will make all things new. And so we can
worship and we can praise God and recognize his value with who he is, what he's
done and what he's going to do. And so we say, you know what, I don't see my
situation going well right now, but I'm gonna choose to walk by faith and not by
sight. And it's not just singing, it's actually how we live. Romans 12 1 says I
appeal to you, therefore, brothers by the mercies of God to present our bodies
as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. This is your spiritual act of
worship. And so it's not simply what we sing, it's how we live. There was a
woman in a Samaritan woman in John chapter four who is asking Jesus, OK, which
temple should I worship at? What, what, what is the better location? And Jesus
responds back that it's not as much about the location and it is about your
attitude and your posture because he says this in John 423 and 24 he says, but
the hour is coming and now is here that when the true worshippers will worship
the Father in spirit and in truth for the Father is seeking such people to
worship Him. God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and
in truth. And so we can do so with our attitude, with our posture, with our
heart giving what we have to whom, whom we value most. Recognizing who God is,
what he's done, what he's going to do that we lift up our hands and say God, we
love you. But today I wanna talk to you about two less talked about aspects of
worship because worship can actually help you win battles. In fact, worship is
both a weapon and a walk that's gonna help you win the spiritual battles in your
life. Worship is a weapon that you don't typically think. Like if you're gonna
get into a fight with someone, you don't pull out. Amen. Right. Hallelujah.
Praise God. Huh? Like, like you don't think of it as like a weapon and, or
something through it, but it actually is and we're gonna see it that actually
won a war and not only is it a weapon, it's actually a walk. It's a lifestyle.
It's, it's a pace that we can take up as Christians and follow Jesus on a daily
basis and not just a song or a group of songs that we sing on Sunday, but a
promise and a truth that we play in our minds and in our lives every day of the
week. And so, but we're gonna land in Joshua chapter six, but let's recap or
let's actually walk through really set up for. How do we get to Joshua chapter
six? Joshua is leading a million people. They've been wandering for 40 years.
It's a completely new generation. God says I'm gonna give you this promised land
and you're gonna take the land and so be strong and courageous. And so Joshua
gathers all the people says we're gonna take the land. And then in Joshua
chapter two, then he, he sends two spies out. And it's interesting that Joshua
sends two spies, not 12 spies because Moses sent 12, 1 of them being Joshua. So
he's got, he understands the role of a spy, but 10 of them came back and said we
can't do it guys. They were left wandering for 40 years and I think Joshua was
like, I'm not, I can't do another 40 years. And so I'm gonna send two and I'm
gonna hand pick two guys that I know are gonna come back. And so he sends his
best men. They go into this fortified walled up city known as Jericho and, and
they were afraid for their lives. And so they end up in this prostitute's house.
Now I'd be a little sketchy coming back and reporting that. Right. Well, Joshua
went back, we ended up at this house. And so for our protection, we're like, uh
ok, here I'm questioning, we won't go down too much down that storyline with
kids in the room, but you can understand like what's going on. And so here is
the spies, but actually this woman known as rehab, who's a part of the
Canaanites in the city of Jericho who's seen as evil who's been pagan who is
generationally rejected God and now living a lifestyle that's most likely
rejected by her own people. And so it's a rejected evil pagan group that someone
then is the least of out of that group. But she is there and simply does one
thing that makes the difference. She believes, she says, I believe that your God
is God. And so I'm gonna help you, takes them in, hides them, saves their lives.
He says, now I just ask because I believe your God is my God. Please save my
family. When you come into the city, we're gonna come back to rehab at the end
of the morning. So hang on to that. But that's, that's Joshua chapter two. So
they come back and say, hey, we can do it. Joshua chapter three, they say, OK,
now we got to cross this really wide river. Normally, the Jordan river is not
that wide, but it's, it's harvest time. And so it's flooding and so it's pretty
wide and we got a million people. So how do we cross a river? You can go see the
Jordan river today. It's still there and during harvest season, it still floods.
And so is there. And so similar to how Moses cross the sea and, and God split
the sea. God splits the river and stops the water upstream when the ark of the
co presence of God goes through. And so this crazy miracle, they walk across
this dry river bed. And then they get to the other side then in Joshua four, and
they say, ok, we're gonna make them a monument to remember this. And so they do
12 big stones, 12 stones that represent the 12 tribes. They make a monument next
to the river so that they can remember what God did. And then Joshua actually
makes another monument in the middle of the river that only God will see. That's
another cool by the way. And so he goes in and he says that only God will see
because the water goes back over and there's this monument that only God can
see. And so he's like, wow, we cross the river. It's a miracle. Everyone is
afraid we get to Joshua chapter five. You're like, let's go. And then God says,
oh, by the way, all the guys need to be circumcised. Hm, that's not bad already.
Ok. Um And going through, but the reason they did that is because it's a whole
new generation and at the time that was seen as the sign of the people of
Israel. And so you're saying you need to recommit the entire generation to God.
And so then not only do they get circumcised, they, they practice Passover. And
so there was, there's only the third time ever that Passover had happened. So
originally with Moses before they escaped Egypt, they did it on the one year
anniversary. They didn't do it for the entire time they were wandering and then
they did it. You know, we gotta get back to the understanding that God is
deliverer. And when they did that, the the special food known as Manna stopped
flowing and they started to eat from the land. And then Joshua encounters this
angel who is the who says basically, you're gonna take the land. I'm gonna be
with you. Some scholars actually say that this angel, the, the commander of the
Lord's army is the pre incarnate version of Jesus that Jesus comes and actually
says that Joshua I am with you. It's kind of a cool thing that even in the Old
Testament, you got Jesus there on site saying I'm with you. And so he's ready to
go. His army is a little sore, OK? And we'll leave it there and then, but
they're ready to go. And so they get to Joshua chapter six. There's preparation.
There is connection to God. There's dedication to who we are as a nation, who
God is. Ok. God give me the plan and this is where we find Joshua chapter six
verse one. Now Jericho was shut up inside and outside because the people of
Israel, if you saw a million people miraculously cross the river on dry land,
you would be terrified too. And so everything's locked up says, none went out,
none came in and the Lord said to Joshua see that I have given Jericho into your
hand with its kings and mighty men of valor. This is awesome because that verb
tense in Hebrew, it's a, it's a perfect tense. In other words, it is a future
action described as if it already happened. Isn't that cool? It's something
that's yet to happen that's described as already of having happened. I have
given Jericho to you. And so in God's timeline, it's ahead. I wonder how many of
us are hanging on to a promise that God gave you that you haven't realized yet,
but we're hanging on to. And so we're seeing the verse three. He goes in here,
it says you shall march around the city. All the men of valor going to going
around the city once and then you shall do this for six days. And so you got a
picture Joshua's taking notes. He's like, OK, cool or maybe it's like a feather.
OK? Going in. All right, we're gonna march around the city. Got it. OK. Next.
And you're gonna do this for six days. So just to clarify God, we're day one,
we're gonna like scout right? March around the city. Got it. Day two. Still
walking. OK. Got it. OK. Um How are we going to walk? Are we going to use like
battering rams, scaling ladders, archery? Like we're gonna like flaming arrows
that we're going to sharpen our swords? He goes, trumpets, you're gonna take
some trumpets and he says seven priests. Um Actually verse four here. Yeah,
seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of Ram's horn before the ark. And on the
seventh day, you shall march around the city seven times and the priest shall
blow the trumpets. Pause for a second. It's weird and it's even more weird when
you understand its original context. I mean, here you are this warrior, you just
crossed the river. You're about to take on this fortified city that terrifies
most people. And your battle plan are trumpets anything? No, let me try it
again. No. OK. Not only are they trumpets, they specify in here that it's Ram's
horn. It's also known as the Saar or soar. The reason that's important is
because it's not even the right trumpet for this situation, they would normally
blow silver trumpets that was like war trumpets. So they had certain instruments
that said we're about to take you heads up, right? Like we're coming, right?
Like it's like, yeah, like it's silver, it's metal, it's like you got the armies
lined up like you picture this movie we're gonna charge, right? Like it's gonna
be great and we do, they're called jubilee trumpets like who is terrified of
something called jubilee, right? You're gonna take the jubilee trumpets and so
it's not a war trumpet. It is a praise trumpet. It's known for festivals and
celebrations. And so it says you're gonna take that with you and seven
represents the completeness and perfection of God. And so you got seven priests
seven trumpets marching seven days and seven times on the seventh day. And so it
goes around with the ark of the covenant and the verse five, when they make the
long blast of the ram's horn, when you hear the sound of the trumpet, then all
people shall shout with a great shout. Ok. This is, hold up, God. We're walking
around, we got trumpets and now we're shouting like fall down, well, fall, fall
down like like this. Like this does not seem like a winning battle plan, does
it? We're just shouting, why? With a great shout and the wall of the city will
fall down flat and the people shall go up everyone straight before him. Why with
the ark of the covenant representing the presence of God? They're saying your
weapon for this battle is worship and your strategy is simply to walk where I
tell you to walk. Worship is not just a song we sing on a Sunday, but it is a
weapon that we can use to win the battles in our lives. So verse six, Joshua
does what he says, Joshua, the son of nun called the priests and said to them,
take the ark of the covenant and let seven priests bear seven trumpets of rams
horn before the ark of the Lord. And he said to the people go forward, march
around the city and let the armed men pass on before the ark of the Lord. What's
interesting here as he doesn't expand each day. So imagine being the military,
not having heard the voice of God receiving your orders. Ok. Trumpets. Cool. OK.
What are we doing? We're gonna walk so day one you're walking around like all
right. Oh. And he told them they would be silent, I think, partially. So they
could hear the trumpets and partially. So they wouldn't complain because you
know, you're complaining if you're just a soldier ready to fight. All right, or
am I bringing my sword? No, you don't need the sword. What are we doing? We're
walking like I almost picture like Joshua giving the string like they do
kindergarten teachers like walking down the hallway. Just kind of like, ok,
we're almost there guys like we're, we're gonna take the promised land. I'm a
soldier. This is what I signed up for it, you know, and they get home and they,
you know, the wife and kids are like, wow, warrior father, tell me of your epic
journey today. Well, son, I walked, then I walked again and I walk some more.
They look like the guy at the gym that doesn't actually do anything that just
goes from equipment to equipment. You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm
saying? Those laughing get at those that don't laugh might be that person at the
gym. You know what I'm saying? Like you walk up, grab something, you know, it
looks good. OK. Yeah. You know, I'm like, I didn't do anything like the soldiers
had to feel that way, but they follow up came verse 12. Then Joshua rose early
in the morning and the priest took up the ark of the Lord and the seven priests
bearing the seven trumpets of ram's horn before the ark of the Lord walked on
and they blew the trumpets continually and the armed men. So there was a few of
them that were armed there with around the ark were walking before them. And the
rear guard was walking after lark of the Lord while the trumpets blew
continually. And the second day, they marched around the city once and returned
the camp and they did this for six days. Sometimes I wonder what happens if they
stop day three? What happens if they stop day four? What happens if they stop
day six? Because it's not like the wall came down a little bit each day. Like we
love to see progress, don't we? Like if you, if you do something and you work
hard and you don't see progress. It's the most frustrating thing, right? It's
the most frustrating thing. Imagine being that soldier, like really we're
walking again. But if they had stopped on day five or day six, they would have
missed the miracle. We come back to that in just a second verse 15. On the
seventh day, they rose early at the dawn of the day. They marched around the
city and in the same manner seven times. And it was only on that day that they
marched around the city seven times. And at the seventh time when the priest had
blown the trumpets, Joshua said to the people, shout for the Lord has given you
the city. When he did that, the walls came crumbling down and victory was
experienced in another miracle that could not be explained other than God. See,
worship is a weapon, but worship is also a walk. And so yes, they didn't have
strategy. They didn't have their weapons. They weren't fighting, but they were
walking with something. They were actually walking with four things. And the
first three you'll recognize from the first two weeks of our series together. So
repeat here, but we're gonna add 1/4 today. First, they were walking in God's
promises. God promised them the land, promised them victory over Jericho. And
it's the same word of God that gave them Manna for 40 years. The same word of
God that delivered them from the Egyptians. It's the same word of God that just
allowed them to cross a river. And so if God told us to do something, if God
told us it was gonna happen, we can trust that it's gonna happen in church as
Christians today, we have the promises of God that if you believe in his name,
that you will be saved. If you believe in his power, it says that the Holy
spirit is gonna be in you. It says in Romans 831 that God is for you. And if God
is for you, who can be against you, it says in there, Joshua 19 that God is with
you. In Ephesians 210, it says that you are God's workmanship. In other words,
you were created on purpose with a purpose that God has given you a task. He has
given you a job. He has given you the ability to respond and to live out. And
when we do that, that's worship. He gives you the promise that says that I will
forgive you. It says in first John 19, that when we confess our sins, that He is
just and faithful to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and so church, whatever
you're walking through. I don't know why things are happening, but I can tell
you that God is for you. God is with you. God is in you. God works through you
and God loves beyond you and that you can walk in those promises. But then you
see God's power. Think about this. Not only do we have Joshua's story, we have
jesus' story who rose from death. So if Jesus defeated death, what are we afraid
of? And then He says, I'm with you. So we just showed that here that He is not
only his promises, not only his power, not only his presence, but then we're
adding today the source and that you have God's praise. That's why church we can
walk by faith, not by sight because it is a rhythm in scripture where God gives
something first and then ask for something second. And the reason for that is
because the action is not required, but rather a response to the gift of God.
See most religions operate as a requirement for the blessing of God. But grace
receiving something that you don't deserve. Even that definition there in Romans
12, by the view of God's mercies receiving the mercies of God, therefore do
this. Abraham was given a promise to Son Isaac was given to him. And then God
asked him to potentially place his son on the altar and then provided the
difference. The most famous verse in the Bible, John 316 for God so loved the
world that he gave his only son. So that whosoever believes, see it is not
requirement for but response to. And when you respond to the gift and the
promises of God that my friends is called worship. This is why we can say
worship is a weapon and a walk that will help you win the spiritual battles in
your life. I don't know what you're facing today. I don't know what walls are
keeping, keeping you up at night. It's a relational wall, it's a financial
barrier. It's an addiction that you're quietly battling that you think no one
will understand you. You start to fight negative self talk. I'm not good enough.
I'm not strong enough. I'm not smart enough. It is a betrayal and a hurt that
someone that was the closest to you hurt you deeper than you could ever have
imagined. And now you're not sure how you could trust anyone ever again. I don't
know what your circumstance is, but I can tell you that we have a God that
promises victory, that we have a God that will fight the battles for you, that
we can worship who God is, what God has done and what God is going to do. And we
know that in our deepest valleys, in our darkest moments and our questions of
doubt that God is here, that God is real, that God will provide that there is
reconciliation. That is possible that there is a new job that is possible that
there is a church building. That is possible that there is a ministry that is
getting started. Yeah, you can clap for that. That's good because God is just
getting started church. It was after the promised land that they had to fight
the battles. That church. We are gonna begin to reach and serve and share the
gospel with this community. But we've got a fight and our fight is not flesh and
bones. It is spiritual. And the only way we can do that is through worshiping
the God who loves us. And I'm gonna end with this thought. I mentioned Rahab
earlier in this, in the sermon, what is it that Ray have the prostitute from
Jericho and Joshua have in common. One is the leader of a nation, a man of God
and one was a rejected person of a rejected pagan culture. They both believed
and see that one action of belief by rehab, not only saved her family, it
changed the generational legacy. See rehab became mom to Boas. Boa became the
father of Obed, who then became the father of Jesse, who became the father of
King David. And you follow that line all the way down. And Rahab is in the
genealogy of Jesus. Joshua's faith changed the nation. Rehab's faith changed her
generational family legacy forever. And all it took was belief to respond what
God has already given. I'll give you that opportunity right now with heads bowed
and eyes closed. If you've never received this gift of eternal life, this belief
and not just religion, but rather relationship with God. I invite you to pray
along with me because one moment could change everything. Dear garden. I know
that I'm a sinner. I'm struggling, I'm hurting and I know I can't make it
through this life on my own. I've tried it. It doesn't work for God. You sent
your son Jesus to die on a cross for my sins. And when you rose again, you gave
victory, not just to the world, but in my life, I believe in you as Lord and
savior and I commit my life to you. May my life now be an act of worship in
response to what you have already given to me. Not because I deserved it, but
because you are good. Thank you for saving me. I give my life back to you in
worship, in your son's name. We pray. Amen.