This morning's second. Ok. Yeah, we're good. We're good. All right. If you saw me searching for something, I think you've all had that experience because this morning's message is entitled. Did you forget? How often have we gone to the store or gone to the workplace or just left the house on a trip? And you're like, wait a second, wait a second, I'm missing something. Maybe you've been sent to the store, hypothetical situation by your spouse to pick up one thing and as a diligent loving spouse that you are, you pick up so many things you might have just forgot the one thing that you were supposed to go to the store for. But again, that's hypothetical. Uh, that's not ok. It's very realistic. And I've done that many times. Uh, have you ever forgotten something out of the house? Have you ever forgotten? Or maybe you've, you've given your kids a task. Don't forget. Blank. Right. And you go and you go somewhere and there was like, are you kidding me? Right. We've had these moments even make songs about that. I think about the eighties song. Right. Don't you forget about me? Don't, don't OK. Some of you are ready to sing. I know my father in law was because that's his go to karaoke, karaoke song. Just a fun fact. Everyone needs not part of the sermon, but everyone needs a go to karaoke song. Ok? You just gotta be ready for me. I want it that way. Backstreet boys. I'm ready to go at the drop of a hat. After church service. You wanna go? I'm ready to jump up and sing. OK. So here's the thing I was thinking about that song when it's my father in law's favorite two. Don't you forget about me? And you know what? I forgot, I forgot who it's by. Can you know, can you name the artist? Simple minds, simple minds. I did. The one thing they asked me not to do, I forgot who they were. They were like, don't you forget about? I totally forgot about them. My bad, my bad. I forgot about them. Well, what have you forgotten in your life? What is it in your life that you meant to bring with you and take with you and you get to where you're supposed to go and just forget. So we're going to talk about that day and we're going to talk about how that's such a human thing to do that in reality. When we forget, we tend to forget the good stuff. But that negative comment. Oh, negative negativity and negative comments have a long shelf life. Don't they? Compliments? Good. Things often have the shelf life of like a fresh piece of fruit. I think about being in Hawaii and, and getting this fresh pineapple from the island and taking a bite. Oh, it's so good. But fresh fruit has an expiration date on it. Right. Versus you take a negative comment or a thought something someone said to you, it's got a shelf life of like a mcdonald's fry. Right. If you take a mcdonald's fry, you set it on the counter, you come back a year later, it's going to look exactly the same, right? So why is it that we forget the good things in life and we hang on to negativity. We hang on to anxiety. You never have to tell yourself when you wake up in the morning. Oh, now, don't forget to worry about that today. Don't forget to feel stressed out and overwhelmed like that just comes naturally, right? Don't forget the one negative comment you heard 10 years ago that's still ringing in your ears. But we do that. So why? Well, today we're gonna talk about what happens when we forget and how can we respond? And I'm really excited to share this passage. And the reason is is that today might be one of the greatest passages centered around the humanity of the disciples. We think of the disciples as these great men of God. And they are you think of it on a pedestal or on a Mount Rushmore of like, wow, these are saints and this is incredible. But there are moments in scripture that remind us that they are just as human as you and me. And I love that. I get a little too excited for that because I think, oh man, they're so incredible and I'm not. But today we're gonna read a passage whether or not and that's OK. You see if you're taking notes, I want you to write this down that forgetting the goodness of God thankfully doesn't stop the goodness of God. Forgetting the goodness of God doesn't stop the goodness of God. We're gonna be walking through Mark chapter eight. Today we're going through our series as we discussed, the most, talked about figure in history. Jesus through our study of the least talked about gospel account in scripture, the Gospel of Mark. And so far we've seen miracle after miracle after miracle. And today we're gonna see an intimate interaction Jesus has with his disciples or somehow they forgot. Like if you think it's bad to forget the sermon or the message or what God told you in a devotional later in the week, imagine being with Jesus and forgetting in front of Jesus. See, here's what happened. Let me set the stage for it. So Jesus feeds the 5000, which we talked about how that's really even more like 18 to 20,000 people. And then he walks in the water and he's doing all these miracles. If you're newer, a church, you might not have known that Jesus then feeds 4000. So he does another miracle like he could have lived off that one hit wonder. That's a pretty cool miracle to multiply bread and fish and feed all those multitudes of people. But he does it again this time, he feeds 4000 and he uses the seven loaves of the bread of the disciples and a few fish and then gives them seven baskets of leftovers. Now, some have said that the baskets represent the completeness of God as the number seven represents, that others have written that potentially the baskets were larger. And so it takes two people to lift them. So if you picture 12 disciples and seven baskets, it would require 14 people to lift those. And so it's like you got baskets for all the disciples and more. And I don't know that the size, I don't know the size of the baskets. I don't know if it had that symbolic meaning. But what I do know is that there are seven baskets of leftovers and that Jesus fed all these people again and had enough for his servants again. And so they go, they get in the boat and they go to another spot, the Pharisees challenge Jesus and they say, give us a sign. He's like, really, really you wanna sign after all of this, it's like you're not gonna get it. You're a crooked generation. You're not gonna get it. He tells his disciples, come on, let's get in the boat. Let's go. And he gets in the boat. Now again, remember he's healed people. Blind people can see lame people can walk, walks on water, feeds the 5000 then feeds the 4000. They got baskets of leftovers. I don't know if it was hours or days or what, but you're within this week time frame, right? You're within this little period. And she says, come on, let's go. Let's get back in the boat. And then I'm telling you, if you get this verse for 14, it's gonna give you a little bit of a smirk. Or you're gonna feel so connected because man, the, the disciples mess up here. You ready for it here. Let's read this verse verse 14. And now they had forgotten to bring bread and they only had one loaf with them in the boat. They forgot the bread. Jesus miraculously provides for thousands upon thousands upon thousands and gives enough baskets of leftovers for the disciples to do it. He's all right. Let's get on the boat and they left it on the shore. You got one job, right? And they left it and now they're stressed. I, they don't say who left it. My guess, Peter just throwing that out there, but they can't get past it. They're like, oh no. Did you leave it? No, you, you're supposed to grab it what are you doing? You were supposed to grab it right now, Jesus having just challenged the Pharisees is gonna begin to try to teach them something. Notice here the next verse verse 15 and he cautioned them saying, watch out beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and 11 of Herod. So le often times represented sin. And so when it goes into the dough and, and expands and goes within that. And that's why oftentimes Jewish culture had unleavened bread for things like communion and passover and things like that. And so he's trying to teach them, watch out for the Pharisees don't be like this and then the disciples just can't get it like their, their mind is elsewhere, right? If you've been in a classroom and your mind is just gone or you're giving orders to a kid just gone, right? They can't move on. And so they're sitting there in the boat with the guy who's done miracle after miracle after miracle, Jesus is turning, having his intimate Bible study. Can you imagine going to Bible study with Jesus like a 12 in a boat? Just you and Jesus Savior of the world, right? And they're worried about snacks. The teacher, the greatest teacher of all time is happy to own moment. Verse 16 and they began discussing with one another. The fact that they have no bread, Jesus in the Greek goes seriously OK. It doesn't say this, but it says verse 17, Jesus aware of this said to them. Why are you discussing the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive or understand? Are your hearts hardened? Have your eyes? Do, do you not see having ears? Do you not hear? Do you not remember when I broke the five loaves for the 5000? How many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up? I just picture them responding with their head down 12 and the seven loaves for the 4000? How many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up? And they said to him seven and he said to them, do you not yet understand? So here's the thing is those, those stories, those miracles were actually much more than just physical provision. So in the other gospel accounts, we hear the words that he said and the sermons he preached, Mark's Gospel tends to show you the actions of the story and then moves on. But the other accounts telling the same story we have Jesus then preaching a message. And in John chapter six verse 33 it says for the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world? And they said to them, sir, give us this bread always. So they still don't get it. They're like there's bread that will save your soul like well, I want that give me the premium bread. You know, I didn't know there's different levels of bread here, right? I mean, there's like red Lobster biscuits, right? There's like Long Horn, like there's Olive Garden breadsticks with Alfredo just saying, get the boat. It's bottomless. And then you go through, not that I love bread or obsessed with it but you go through it's like, wait a second, there's better bread. What come on, Jesus, what do you guys like? No, you're missing it. Verse 35 Jesus said to them. I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me shall not hunger and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. He says, do you not get it? I'm healing. All these people lame, walk blind, see feeding thousands to make the claim to you that I am the bread. How can you be in the boat and say you have no bread, you have meat. I am the bread. I provided all those things. I brought it all. You can't even bring it on the boat and you forget. Do you not get it? I've done all these miracles in a physical reality to show you in a spiritual reality that I can save your soul. I am the bread that your soul needs. I am the one that you need. Why are you forgetting? Here's the reality. Forgetting the goodness of God thankfully doesn't stop the goodness of God, but it does impair our experience of His goodness. God is good whether you want to trust Him or not, but it does impact your walk. Imagine going to a theme park, you enter the gates, you have to use the restroom real quick. If you've already used the restroom at a theme park right inside the gate, it's disgusting. All those thousands of people, right? You walk in, it smells, it doesn't matter how nice Disneyland Six Flags, wherever you wanna go, it stank right now. What would happen if you never left there? You just stayed in the restroom. One that would be weird. But two imagine going home like, hey, how was your day? How was the theme park? It kind of smells. It's kind of dark, it's kind of gross. The park was there. All those things were there, all the rides, all the awesomeness and adventure and everything there. But you missed it a more real example. Now let me preface this one Coronavirus pandemic. Very serious clarifying that. Ok, on the other side though, let me just say if you've ever been on a cruise post Coronavirus cruise. Awesome. Here's why I got on the boat and they only had the boat at 25% capacity. So we had the entire boat to ourselves. How it felt like we had multiple workers per person, the workers out know, outnumbered the passengers. You got to eat what you want, gil worth you want. It was awesome. I was loving my life until I made a little big mistake and I asked for some cough medicine and they they threw me on lockdown. They were like code red, code red, like, like all this stuff like, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, you just said ask it. You were so friendly. They just asked and the lady was like, can you go to your room right now? We're sending people all this stuff like it was intense and going like, whoa, ok, I guess I'll go and then no joke. The lady goes, security stand down like I was being treated like a combative passenger. They were ready to lock me up and go in and so they had me in, in lockdown until I got clear of all the tests and everything. And so I eventually cleared all the tests and went down and I'm glad they took things serious and, and I was cleared out and I got to enjoy the rest of the trip. Now, what if my entire boat experience was that lockdown experience? Right. No windows. It isolated. Don't get to enjoy the food. Don't get to enjoy the sights. Don't, don't get to enjoy the sounds technically on the boat, but I'm not experiencing the things that everyone else is experiencing. There are some people that claim Jesus as Lord and Savior, they claim him. They, they think back to a belief they had when they were younger or whatnot, but they forget what they have access to. They have the maker of all things, the one who provides of all bread and then He himself is our bread and yet we're hungry. We are surrounded by spiritual blessing and food and access. And yet we find ourselves starving because we forget to eat. We forget to look around. We forget the goodness of the God who has provided for us time and time again. You know, I was reminded of this because I'm not really an anxious person. Loud, obnoxious, sarcastic. Yes, anxious, not typically. But lately I've just been feeling the last two weeks here just a little bit of the weight of everything of life, family church plan like you to start feeling pressures. And I and I wasn't identifying what was going on. It wasn't like I don't, I didn't have this big acting out experience, but I started eating a little more, start scrolling a little more. Mine are racing a little more. I started doing things that are normally relaxing to me but then not settling down. Have you had that? And finally this, this week I realized I was experiencing some anxiety and as I'm thinking and as I'm preparing, it's almost like this thought like John, when is God not provided for you? I started listening through all the different phases of this church plan and in my life and in my family, my kids lives and growing up and I'm like, oh yeah, God, you are good and it's the same God. Now I forget, I mean, how crazy is the disciples in a bible? Study with Jesus in his boat right after the feeding of the thousands for getting the bread. He says, why are you focused on no bread? I am the bread, I'm with you. And I had that moment. See chapter eight and Mark is really a hinge chapter. The way the gospel is written. Chapters one through eight really is the identity of Jesus. We call that the crown. He's the king of kings. He has the power to heal. He spoke in storms, wind and waves obeyed him. He touched and the deaf could hear, the mute could speak. He did miracles in crowds. He did miracles, one on one. He did it in boats, he did it on the shore, he did it in city marketplaces, he did it in the countryside. Miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle to show who he was. But when the disciples start to miss it, it changes tone here at the end of chapter eight. And it moves from the identity of Jesus to the mission of Jesus of why he came, which is for the cross. And so here's the reality. Not only do we forget the goodness of God, we forget his sacrifice. And so if you're taking notes, you can write this down that, that the road to redemption is paved with sacrifice. The reason the tone of Jesus gets a little more serious here after the reality of this bread situation, he says, I don't want you to miss this because you need to know why I came, why I can do these things, why I do these things and even the greater thing that is to come, I do not want you, you've missed the bread, but I don't want you to miss life and I don't want you to miss this here. And so same chapter verse 27 here. And he, he reads, he says, and Jesus went on with his disciples to the villages of Cesarea, Philippi. And on the way, he asked his disciples who do people say that I am? And they told him John, the Baptist and others say, Elijah and others say one of the prophets and he asked them, but who do you say that I am? And Peter answered him, you are the Christ. The word Christ is a title meaning Messiah. So it's not the name, it's not like Jesus Christ. And then you got James Christ, right? The brother. It's, it's, it's Jesus the Messiah. And that's important to know because he says he strictly charged him not to tell anyone why because it wasn't his time yet. But then the very next verse verse 31 it says, and he began to teach them that the son of man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and to be killed. Then after three days would rise again. He's saying guys, it's about to get real. It's about to get serious. He says, you need to take up your cross and follow me. In chapter nine, they have this incredible experience, the trans called the transfiguration. Then he predicts his death again. In Mark chapter nine, verse 31 it says for he was teaching his disciples saying to them, the son of man is going to be delivered into the hands of men and they will kill him. And when he is killed, after three days, he will rise the second prediction. And in chapter 10, he says it again in verse 33 and 34 he says, saying, see that we are going up to Jerusalem and the son of man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the scribes and they will condemn him to death and deliver him over to the gentiles and they will mock him and spit on him and flog him and kill him. And after three days, he will rise so three times to his disciples. After this whole bread incident, he predicts his death. And there's four common things that he says all three times. He says he's going to die. He says, it's going to be intentional. He said it's not gonna be suicide, it's gonna be murder, he's gonna be killed. But then he says, he will rise again and again, the disciples aren't ready to hear it. They miss the bread again. But when he does rise again, they think back on this. And I said, wait a second, he told us this. He told us this, that this was going to come. And the reason that we can remember the goodness of God is because of the sacrifice of God is how far will he go? How much does something cost if you have something valuable in your house, maybe it's a piece of technology. Maybe it's a piece of art or a lamp or a vase or a musical instrument or maybe you have a nice car or something and, and you got your kids and they start playing around with it. You whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second. Careful. That's valuable. Hey, see, value is often time described on are based upon what someone will pay for it. And so when you think, how valuable are you to God? Well, what, how far is God willing to go? And how much did it cost him to save you? It cost him everything. It cost him his son. The reason you can say I'm provider, I am good. I am loving this because I will give it all for you. And so if you're struggling, I don't, I don't know what your battle is. I don't, I don't know what you're walking into on Monday. I don't know if it's a sinful addiction. I don't know if it's anxiety. I don't know if it's overwhelmed. Maybe it's a stressful situation. Maybe it's a relationship. Maybe it's, it's a ripple effect of something that was said or done to you years ago. All I know is that if you're walking through life with something, it's because you're human. I didn't actually say this first service. So a little bonus thing for you guys here. But it pops in before. Think about something for a moment. Ok? We don't actually need God because we're sinners. Oh, wait a second, John, we do. Yes, we do. But sin actually came into play in Genesis three. And you know what Jesus did with Adam and Eve in the garden in Genesis, one and two, you walked with them. That means that you don't need God because you're a sinner. You need God because you're human. That the deepest craving of your soul can only be met by God and then sin has separated. You has made you forget, has pulled you away and it's so easy to focus on the problem in front of you. This message is like receiving bread right now and anything good is from God. Anything weird is from me, my apologies, but whatever you're taking out, ok. How easy is it to forget? You might forget on the car right home, right? You might forget on Monday. You might forget. I don't know but we forget because that's human. The most common command found in scripture. Number one is the fear not, but number two is to remember why because God is good and that goodness cost Him everything. And so as you walk into this week, I invite you to do three things. Number one, remember the goodness of God, think back to a time where God spoke to you and God provided for you a time where God comforted, you gave you courage, gave you peace, answered your prayer. Maybe it was through someone else. Maybe it was in a time of devotion. Maybe it was on a walk. Maybe it was that moment that that light bulb moment. I don't know. But think back to when you experienced that and if you're sitting here like John, it's been a long time since I've experienced thick goodness. The good news is we have his word and we have story upon story upon story of where God provided miracles for people in need. And it's not based on gender, it's not based on race, it's not based on how much religious activity you take part in. It's based on His grace, his mercy, his goodness, his love and why? Because He gave everything for you. If you can walk through life tomorrow with a with a stance of gratitude for all that God has done and who God is, that'll help you understand that whatever storm you're facing, you got Jesus in your boat, whatever your soul is craving, he provides the sustenance and you have the bread of life available to you. So number one, you gotta remember His goodness. But number two, you gotta remember his sacrifice. He loved you so much that he gave up everything. Second Corinthians five. He who knew no sin became sin so that we could become righteous. And then he turned around to those disciples says, look, I'm giving you everything because I'm asking for everything, take up your cross and follow me. It's not easy but it's worth it. You're not perfect but I am, you're thirsty. I give you living water, you're hungry. I give you the bread of life, you're dead and your sin. But I am the resurrection and the life. I am the way I am the truth. I am what you need. And I know you've forgotten, but I didn't. God has not forgotten. And so if you remember His goodness, you remember the sacrifice that leads you to the last thing that you can do, which is that to then trust and obey as you head into this week. I want to give you a collective sigh, a breath to trust that God is in control. And if God has asked you to do something that you can walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you've been called. And you can take that step of obedience. You can walk by faith, not by sight because you know that God is good and you know that God has sacrificed and that is enough, whatever you're walking through, whatever you're wrestling with this week. Remember His God, remember that He is God. I remember that He gave it all for you and for me, let's pray. Do you have any father? Gotta think about the disciples and how stressed they were, Jesus fed the thousands and they couldn't even bring it on the boat. But what he was really saying to them is that they do not have to fear. They do not have to worry because he was the bread and he would predict his death, burial and resurrection to show to them that he is savior. He is God and he is enough. So may we remember in all the ways he provided in the past? May we remember your sacrifice 2000 years ago that you rose again and that if you defeated death itself, whatever, I'm stressed about, whatever I'm worried about I can give to you, I can trust you with. And God may I walk and what you have called me to do and who you've called me to be. And we walk with trust and obedience today. Thank you for being good. We love you and your sins and we pray amen.