My church family, both here in the room and those watching with us online. You
know, this morning's message is entitled God's Crazy Love for us. And we're
gonna talk about God's Love today. But before we do that, can we just admit that
we are obsessed with love itself, aren't we as a culture? We love love. We write
about it. We, we, we tell stories and movies about it and, and we write songs
about it. So what I'd like for you to do right now there, uh If somebody close
to you, if when you hear the word love song, what comes mind, I'm gonna share
with you. Uh These are ranked some of the top love songs of all time. I'm not
even gonna share the ranking because everyone kind of ranked them differently.
But a lot of these songs are on everyone's list. And so I'm gonna share these
with you. So I'm gonna see if you can guess what songs I'm gonna share. So go
ahead there when you hear the word love song. What comes to mind if any song
comes to mind, go ahead and share with the person next to you or comment that
you're watching online. So go ahead and share that. So these are some of the
songs here that were ranked or seen as some of the top love songs of all time
and, and in no particular order, let me share some of these here with you. One
of them is from The Beatles. All you need is Love. They actually had like 15
songs so some other hits that involve Love. So Beatles fans out there, they
wrote a lot about Love. We have Elvis can't help falling in love. And so that
was a classic one there that came through uh Lionel Richie, Endless Love. And so
if you want uh Pastor Clark will sing for you that song after service. So,
right. You, you're OK with that. Ok. OK. And then we have, we have Celine Dion.
My heart will go on. I feel like that only made it because the movie Titanic,
right? Is that fair? Uh I'm the type of person that if I'm on a boat with a
ledge, I won't encourage my wife Samantha to go up there. I will go up there and
just pull my arms out and go hold me like this and then she smacks me and says
I'm stupid and, but hey, we've been married for 16 years. So honesty works
people and, and so uh my heart will go on Celine down. But the number one song
in most people's list, can you guess it. Whitney Houston. I will always love you
to which now I will sing for you. Hit it guy. No, just kidding. I won't, I
won't, I won't do that. This would not be a good time for anyone. Uh, so love
songs are so popular that when we write about, we talk about it, we sing about
it and, and the question then is what is love more than just a feeling you can
feel love. But what does it mean to actually love someone? Because if it's, if
love is just simply an emotion, well, emotions come and go and if you can fall
into love, you can fall out of love. And, and we tend to just use the word love
for a lot of different things like on one hand, you're standing up on your
wedding day and you're saying I love you, but then you guys are gonna go out to
lunch after service and might turn to the other 10 I love tacos. And my hope is
that your love for tacos is not at the same level as your love for your spouse.
Ok. But we use this word across the spectrum of emotions. And so what does it
mean at its deepest level to love? And what does it mean specifically to be
loved by God? Well, as we take a deeper dive into the love of God, what I want
you to understand is more than an emotion, more than simply a feeling, love at
its core is a choice and is an action. And if you're taking notes, I want you to
write this down that simply put love moves, love moves, love does not stand
still. Love, takes a deliberate intentional action towards someone else. Our
friends at Phoenix Bible church with Pastor Tim Birdwell there. They actually uh
rallied around this, this vision and mission so much. This actually became their
vision. This is their vision for their church. So shout out to Phoenix Bible
church as we're borrowing your vision for our sermon today. But they, they put
that right out on the website. And so love moves because when you experience
even just the tiniest glimpse of God's love in your life, it transforms your
life forever. Well, how does it do that? How does God's love change our lives
forever? What does God do to show his love? And how does it impact then how we
love God and how we love each other? So consider this part one of a three part
sermon series, but we're gonna break it into three Sundays. And so make sure you
come back next week and the week after as we continue this because these are
gonna build upon each other. And so today, we wanna start off at the core of
what love is and what love does and who love is starting with God. And so we
wanna share three actions of God's crazy love for us three things that
demonstrate the movement of God's love in our lives that if we embrace it even
just a little bit, it changes everything. The first action of love is that love
moves, first love moves, first love doesn't wait to react or respond. Love takes
the initial step. And this is so crucial because these are not just my words,
these come directly from scripture, the Apostle Paul who had a radical
experience with God's love himself. He was actually persecuting Christians
experience the forgiveness and love of God becomes the mouthpiece for the early
church and is as planting churches, raising up leaders gets thrown in jail. He's
now writing to different churches and the letters that he wrote, some of them,
he wasn't in prison, but most of them, he was uh the letters he writes to these
churches are are makes up a good percentage of the New Testament. And so we have
this letter that he wrote to the church in Rome, one of the deepest theological
books in the Bible. And it was seen in here that in Romans five, starting in
verse five, it says, and hope does not put us to shame because God's love has
been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us
for a while. We were still weak at the right time. I wanna pause there at the
right time. Christ died for the ungodly that word time in some places in
scripture is seen as Chrono, which means chronology, calendar timing. Now, we
think of it as a clock or, you know, where you're not on time for a situation.
Ok. Or, or if you had a family, I've talked to some family members who uh and
friends who set their clocks 10 minutes in advance to do that or they set their
alarm 10 minutes advance. So then they can snooze right to get in on time to be
somewhere on time. Or if someone says to be early is to be on time, no, to be
early is to be early. But hey, that's another discussion for another time. Um
But you understand this idea of time is chronology. Kronos. That's not the word
used here. This word for time is Kairos and this has a deeper richer meaning
because what this means is the divine appointment of God. So this could be a
moment, right? If you've ever experienced a time when it was just the right
moment, right? Maybe a near miss or you bump into the person that ends up being
your spouse or, or a new friendship or you a new connection that leads to a job
like wow, that was the perfect time. That's a season of, of events. It could be
a sea uh or a moment in time. It could also be a season when you're in the
season of singleness when you're in a season of dating or a season of marriage
or a season of parenting. That grouping, that type, that season is appointed by
God is described as Kairos. So you have Chronos, you have Kairos. So here in
this moment says, wow, we were still weak at the right time, Christ died for the
ungodly. This means that it wasn't just simply because it was needed. It was
because it's how God ordained it to be verse seven for one will scarcely die for
a righteous person though perhaps for a good one, he would even dare to die. But
God shows his love doesn't speak it. He shows his love for us. And that while we
were still sinners, Christ died for us. Every other religion in the world is
some form of works based religion where God creates the world in some form. And
then now sets these rules out in place. It sets these rules in place and then
says, ok, if you meet all these qualifications, maybe just maybe, then you will
be loved and you will be accepted. But where Christianity differs from other
religions is that while we were sinners, while we were all messed up, while we
were all dirty, while we were just rejecting God running away from God before we
even knew God existed in that moment in that season. God looked down and says, I
love you so much that I'm gonna give my son. God knows all the craziness in
life. He knows what you've done. He knows all the sins you're going to commit.
You know, if you, if, if you're going on your first date, you usually want to
put your f your best foot forward, right? You wanna, you know, dress up look
nice. Uh, almost in my head. Sometimes I, my thoughts because I get a little out
there start rumbling together. Um, you, you know, I, uh, I almost was combining
smell nice, look pretty and so it just almost said and you smell pretty and uh
and go through I remember like when even in that moment when I was trying to
talk to Samantha on our first date, like I was stumbling over words and, and
things didn't make sense and and right when, when you have that and you feel
nervous, you get the little butterflies and you're just kinda like, 00, you look
so cute. Oh, you're so nice. Um You don't typically bring all your baggage to
the first date, right? Like can you imagine showing up? Ok, you're grabbing
dinner at flower child because you want to pretend to be healthy when really
you're craving in and out but like it's first date, right? Like you're gonna be
healthy like you don't bring your luggage with you. Like usually that's like
date three or four, right? Or later like, oh by the way, here's everything I've
ever done and struggled with, right? God knows all your baggage and he knows all
of your future baggage. He knows a baggage that you don't even know yet. And you
know what he sees when he looks down at you is love. That's crazy. But that's
God. He made the first move. We see the same writer Paul writes to the church in
Ephesus, in Ephesus or Ephesians chapter two verse four and five. But God being
rich in mercy, mercy is to not receive something that you deserve like in form
of punishment, being rich in mercy. Because of the great love, not even just
love, but because of the great love with which He loved us. Even when we were
dead in our trespasses, he made us alive together with Christ by grace, you have
been saved. So on one hand and mercy is not receiving something that you should
in the negative form, but grace is receiving something that you don't deserve.
It's God's unmerited favor. And so there is nothing that you could do to deserve
the gift God is giving you. And when you see this gift, when you see it, we
understand that it wasn't because we dressed up. It wasn't because we stopped
cursing or we gave up this sin or this habit. It wasn't because we just simply
showed up and we checked all the boxes and said, dear heavenly Father, please
love me. No, he saw all of your baggage. He saw all of your doubts. He saw all
of your messiness, all of your questions and he still made the first move. Love
moves first. Secondly, we see that love moves through sacrificial giving in my
years as a pastor, what I've seen to be true and it's not origin thought, it's
not original to me, but it was told to me and I've seen this play out now for
the past 1516 years in ministry and, and you see this that you can give without
loving, but you cannot love without giving. I'm not trying to be like master
Yoda or anything and like and switch it up. But it really, it really does make a
huge difference. You can give without loving but you cannot love without giving.
How do I know that to be true? Well, if you've ever had a job that you don't
love or been told to do something that you didn't want to do or you showed up in
a public setting and you put on a little mask, right? And you're like, oh, hey,
how are you? How you know I'm fine, how are you? Great. Like the person that you
despise and we shouldn't say we despise someone because I'm a pastor and this is
a church. But let's be real, right? You show up in a group setting and there's
someone you just can't stand and on the outside, you're like, hey, so great this
see you, but on the inside you're like, all right, let's go, right. And you got
that mental fight stance going on. Right. And you're like, if something comes
up, I'm gonna load up and be ready with everything you've done wrong in the last
three months. So I'm ready to fight. I will greet you and be sweet. But I over
here I'm ready to go. Anyone ever do that? I, I'm scared, um, for my little six
year old daughter because I think she's, we've already hit the sassiness of a
teenager. She already gives me the teenage girl. Look, you know what I'm talking
about? She's like just like I'm like, oh my goodness, like I lead an
organization and now I feel insecure because my little six year old just put
doubt into my heart. Like wait, maybe I'm not good enough. Maybe I, you know,
please like right? Like we go through and like you, we experience these
insecurities, we experience these things, but we always try to put up. Well,
I'll just be diligent. I'll just do this, I'll give, yep. Here you go. Right.
You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving, to love someone
to move to, to, to make an action at its core is sacrificial to sacrifice, to
move first, to give first because of your heart. For someone else. This idea of
forgiving first, the idea of being vulnerable first. The idea of serving first.
This is what it means to love. And we see this in scripture, John the gospel of
John John 316, the most famous verse in the Bible. But also we're gonna read
verse 17. That's just as powerful says for God so loved the world. I am so
grateful for the word. So in that sentence, God didn't just kind of love the
world. God didn't just think about loving the world. God so loved the world that
the word so implies action behind it. God so loved the world. He was moved by
that he moved that he gave, what did he give? Have you if you've ever received a
gift card or a printed certificate? It'll tell you the value of the gift card.
Have you ever been given a gift card? And you're not quite sure of the value on
it and then you're not quite sure how much to spend at the restaurant or maybe
you've already used the gift card and mistakenly put it back in your wallet and
then you go to Starbucks and you make this large order thinking you have a
loaded gift card and then you go to pay and it's not there. And then now you're
like, oh no, I wouldn't have ordered that if I knew I didn't have the gift. Ok.
Now I'm just speaking of personal stories of experience, but like I went to pay
with a gift card and then there was nothing there. It was like your balance is
zero. I was like, oh, this card is worthless. Here's the thing, the gift,
there's the thought that counts. Yes. OK. But there's also the value of the gift
itself that speaks to it. So God so loved the world that he gave. OK. What's
loaded on that spiritual gift card? The greatest possible gift ever that he
didn't say I will send you thoughts and prayers. He gave his only son. He didn't
just give you like here's a coupon, here's this. No, he gave his son. He gave
the only person that could make payment for the eternal separation from God with
an eternal sacrifice. God gave Jesus. He showed his love through sacrificial
giving that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life
for God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world. But in order
that the world might be saved through him, God did not come down to simply tell
you what is wrong. God came down to bring what is right and to make what is
right. There's a story that went viral this week of an employee who went above
and beyond. Can you just take a guess at what organization? An employee went
above and beyond? And now the world's talking about it. Chick Fil A right? Like
Chick Fil A has like the best workers and the best pr people. But there's a
story about a chick Fil, a worker in Florida who was working the driver when
someone tried to carjack this mom's car with a, with a kid and the employ, the
worker set down a thing and dove and tackled the guy and they subdued the guy
and the headline, um, the headline read Chick Fil A moves from serving people to
saving people. Now, if that was mcdonald's, it would, it's like mcdonald's
employee hijacks car and takes off. No, I'm just kidding. You laugh because that
could happen. Right. Jesus goes even beyond serving and then, and then actually
goes as far as saving. There's a writer, the one who writes the gospel of John
also writes a letter towards the end of his life. And first John and this guy
was known as a Son of Thunder. Sounds like a wrestling name, right? And now he's
writing this like love letter. That feels weird, right? Wouldn't it be weird if,
if Macho man, Randy Savage came out with a love song? Oh yeah, like like he came
like macho man's book of love poems. Like that would feel weird, right? But this
is what happened. So the Son of Thunder becomes the apostle of love. And he
writes this in first John four. He says, beloved, let us love one another for
love is from God. And whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone
who did not does not love does not know God because God is love. It's not just
something that he does, it's, it's who he is. He says in this, the love of God
was made manifest. So it shows made manifest among us that God sent His only son
into the world so that we might live through Him in this love. Not that we have
loved God, but that He loved us and sent His son to be the propitiation. That's
a fancy word for payment for our sins, beloved. If God so loved us, we also
ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God. If we love one another, and
God abides in us and His love is perfected in us, we're gonna continue with this
passage in future weeks. But for right now, I want you to notice here that God
is love and that His love is manifested or showed when he went to the cross. And
so his love moved first, his love moved through sacrificial giving. And then
third, if you're taking notes, love moves us towards a place of security, if
you've been in a good place in a dating relationship or a married relationship
or even a friendship, my guess is that that relationship is based on trust and
honesty and open communication. It's this idea of being fully known and then
fully knowing somebody. It's a fact that somebody knows all your stuff and is
happy to see you. There's the authenticity there, there's the realness, there's
the vulnerability their security. Romans chapter eight in verse 31 it says if
God is for us, who can be against us, but then he asked this question in verse
35 he says, who shall separate us from the love of Christ. And over these next
four verses, you're gonna see him named 17 different items that could separate
people because being a Christian back then was not cool. It's not seen as sexy,
it was not seen as like you don't make this move to be accepted by a larger
group. In fact, you could be killed, you can be imprisoned. They were, they
viewed Christians as a threat because here is this group of believers who are
not taking things by force, but rather giving to one another where they're
offering purpose and eternal life to both genders, to all ethnicities, to
everyone, no matter your economic or social status, masters and slaves, Jews and
gentiles, men and women were all gathering together and worshiping the same God.
This is not safe. And so while their life seemed not to be secure, what Paul is
writing is saying, hey, they're gonna try to take everything from you, but they
can says what shall separate us from the love of Christ. It's our tribulation.
So dis uh or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword.
Someone probably experienced all these things, right? You're not writing them
unless someone, you heard some story of it happening, right? Every time you
enter a store and there is like a silly rule posted on the board like don't do
this. You know somebody did that, that required a rule in response. Well, in
this case, the only reason Paul would mention these things is because there are
people having to walk through them, but he doesn't stop there. He says as it is
written, he says, for you, for your sake, we are being killed all day long. We
were regarded as sheep to be slaughtered. People don't sing that verse like
that's not a top Christian pop song. We are all cheap to be slaughtered. Is it
your turn to die? Like that is not a great verse by itself. I am so thankful for
the very next word here in verse 37. No, no, that's not us. He says no, in all
things, we are more than conquerors. We're not just conquerors, we are more than
conquerors through him who loved us. Pausing there for a moment. That word
conqueror comes from a couple different root words. That one of those root words
is the same word that Jesus uses in John 1633 when he says, fear, not take heart
for. I have overcome the world. That same writer John and first John 55 talks
about he who overcomes or who is it that overcomes the world. But the one who
believes in Jesus. And so what he's saying here is you're not just a conqueror.
That would be pretty cool though, right? You go from slave to conqueror. I would
take that. But he said no, you are more than a conqueror. Why? Because of the
love of Jesus, it says in verse 38 for I am sure that neither death nor life.
Ok. Death. I understand how that could separate. How does life separate? Well,
have you had any relationships separate? Because your life just went in
different paths? Have you ever felt like life has just beaten you up? If you, if
you feel like going into Monday right now, going into the fourth quarter, you
feel like life is up right now. You feel like you're just being rushed and
attacked on all sides. You say, no, no, not only can death attack, but life can
attack too. And neither of which can separate you from God's love says, nor
angels nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor
height, nor depth, nor anything else and all creation. So it's like in case I
missed anything in the previous 16 statements, anything else, by the way,
nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God in our, in Christ,
Jesus, our Lord. What this means is that in Christ's love, we find our identity
and we find our victory. So much of life is spent trying to find a place to
belong and trying to win in some area of life, both of which are secured in the
love of Christ. God knows what you looked at on the computer last night. God
knows how you treated people at your job, how you spoke to or neglected a family
member or a friendship. God knows the attitude and the mindset behind God knows
the rejection of himself from you. God knows all these things and you know what
He does. He says I love you. I love you. You wanna know how crazy it is. God's
love that when Jesus died on the cross, he took on the very wrath of God. He had
to because without it, there would be no justice. And see, it's the justice of
God that actually bases our forgiveness because you can't judge like a criminal,
can't just go around to other criminal and say you're free, you're free. They
have no authority to do so. So in order for God to be good and to be just, there
had to be payment for the sin that was made. But that payment came through
Jesus. That means the very wrath of God was poured on his son. Here's what blows
my mind that even the wrath of God cannot separate you from his love because he,
when he looks down, he doesn't look down simply on your sin. He looks down on
the sacrifice of his son. And that not only covers our sin that conquers death,
that's why we can be more than a conqueror. And that if God's own wrath can't
separate you from your love, do you really think that your mistake or your issue
or your struggle is gonna make God not love you anymore. We live in a world that
says you're not enough, you're not enough. You need to feel bad, you need to
feel guilty, pursue all these pleasures. But as soon as you fall, we're gonna
turn on you, you're gonna get canceled, you're gonna be isolated, you're gonna
be separated. You're not good enough. You'll never be good enough. And God
breaks through all of that and says, I want you if you're reading the book,
Francis Chen writes this, you're gonna discuss this more in your growth groups
this week. But he says the good news, the best news in the world, in fact is
that you can have God himself. The best part of Christianity is not simply to be
nicer. It's not simply to act slightly differently. The best part of
Christianity itself is Jesus and the love of God Paul when he's writing to the
church in Ephesians and it's not gonna be on your screen, but he's writing, he
could be in his end of days and he's praying and he's pleading with the church.
And in Ephesians chapter three, he pleads with them with all strength and with
all power that you might know, even just a glimpse of the height, the width, the
breadth, the depth of the love of Jesus. Even just a glimpse of the love of
Jesus in your life can transform everything because you no longer have to live
trying to get something from the world that's really an empty gift card that has
nothing on the balance, that really nothing that this world can take from you.
There is nothing that this world can throw at you. A sickness, an illness, a job
loss, a betrayal, a hurt, a sinful habit or addiction. Nothing in this world,
death or life, past or present or even future. Nothing in this world can
separate you from God's love. And so what that collectively means is that we can
just go, I'm not huffed because that security, that freedom comes from knowing
God and knowing that God loves you, then you can approach other relationships,
making the first move, sacrificially giving and having that security of knowing
that true love comes from Him. Will you receive it today? Dear God? We just come
before you in a culture that writes about love sings about love, talks about it.
May we just understand that true love comes from you? And it's crazy. It's crazy
that you would come from heaven to earth while we were still sinners, while we
were messed up and far from you. And you would die on a cross for our sins and
rise again and conquer death. So that then we can become more than conquerors
through your love so that we can go into this week. And while there's
uncertainty in health and in our job and in our futures, what we know to be
true. What we know to be certain is that you love us and that changes
everything. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for giving us security and
identity and victory. Thank you for moving first and showing your love, their
sacrificial giving. Maybe we follow your model and what you've done and approach
our relationships in the same way that we can love others the way that you have
loved us. Because even when we fall short, your love is greater still. Thank you
God. Thank you. May we take this gratitude into our weeks and the security of
your love into our hearts and live differently because of it? I thank you God
and your sons and we pray amen. Will you stand and sing with me?