what would you say to your loved ones? If you knew you're in the final week of your life, maybe you would reminisce over some fond memories that you had with one another or relive some of the adventures that you had together. And while I don't know what memories you would share or what adventures you might relive, I can have a pretty good guess and believe this to be true that if you knew you were at the end, you would be sure to share your heart. Why do I share that? Well, as we lead up to easter, over the next couple of weeks, we are going to be spending time in the Gospel of john, so the disciple of the Apostle, john, the disciple whom jesus loved the fourth Gospel, the first three Matthew Mark and luke are seen as the synoptic gospels, john's Gospel comes in a little bit different kind of fills in the gaps, so to speak. And he writes in a way that has a very specified purpose, but he doesn't leave us to wonder or guess what his purpose is. He actually says that in the Gospel of john, specifically in john 2030 and 31 he says this, he says now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples which are not written in the book. So in other words, he's saying, hey look, I could have filled up all kinds of pages with what jesus did he said, but these are written so that you may believe that jesus is the christ, the son of God and that by believing you may have life in his name and so the reason for the book, the whole reason for that fourth gospel is that people would believe that jesus was the son of God and that he is also Savior and that believing in the name of Jesus, believing in the person of Jesus is what leads you to eternal life for for forever and abundant life for right now. And so there is more dialogue and the gospel of john uh than we see in the other gospels and we see him sharing his heart and here's actually the breakdown for those that like the breakdown of books, it's it's kind of described this way that you have chapter one that's seen as the prologue and it starts off in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. And it's a reference back to genesis, one that Jesus was creator and that he is the logos or the purpose of life. And so this great picture that he came down, word became flesh full of grace and truth. And then we have two big sections here, chapters two through 12 are seen as the book of signs. And we see in here over the course of this book, we see seven miracles, seven stories, seven, incredible powerful stories about the miracles of Jesus and we start to see this dialog coming through in the Gospel of john also has seven, I am statements Like I am the good Shepherd, I am the resurrection and the life, I am the way the truth and the life and we have these great pictures of dialogue. Well then in John Chapter 13, which is where we're gonna pick things up today, things start to turn And now really the rest of the book, John 13 through 21 is seen as the book of glory and what's and then it ends with another epilogue and really a setup for the beginning of the church and the empowerment of his disciples. Now, why is this important? Well, we're gonna focus in a chapter a week, right? We can't cover everything in the chapter because that would mean you could spend years in that, but we're gonna just highlight a few key passages of each chapter each week and we're going to focus in on john chapter 13 through 17, that's known formally as the Upper Room dialogue, why are we spending time here? Well, it's fascinating that the disciple john the Apostle who wrote with the purpose Of demonstrating and showing people that Jesus was in fact savior and the son of God and that through believing in him, you can have life through that lens through that purpose, you can write about the scope of the life of Jesus and here's what's crazy, he spends 25% of the book With one night, 1 conversation think about that for a moment, that the night before he was arrested the day before he was arrested. Now it's not all literally in the upper room, there's a portion of that, but they're in the upper room to the garden and in between, he's having conversation and so a good percentage of the book. 1\/4 of the Gospel of john that could have talked about the entirety of the life of jesus is spent in one night, one conversation, why I think that this conversation, number one shares the heart of jesus, It shares the heart of Jesus and # two, understanding this conversation along with easter itself, the death on a cross burial resurrection. So when you put those two together, it completely changed the lives of the disciples. And I believe it can completely change your life and mine, because if you want to know somebody, you want to know their heart. And so let's jump into it. Yeah, if if the writer decided to spend a good percentage of the book on this conversation, let's let's dive into it and see what is the actual heart of jesus, john, chapter 13 verse one says now before the Feast of the Passover, when jesus knew that the hour had come to depart out of this world to the father, having loved his own, who were in the world, he loved them to the end during supper, when the devil had already put it into the heart of judas iscariot Simon's son to betray him, jesus knowing that the father had given him all things into his hands and that he had come from God and was going back to God pause. Gotta pause here for a moment. Why I want you to get this set up before we get to the punch line. So picture this, he's in the upper room. These 1st 3 verses tells us Really four things. First, he knew his time was up, they said the hour was here earlier in the Gospel and in the other gospels as well. There are often times they were talking to jesus and his response to his mother when he turned water into wine is in my time has not yet come or to the disciples. My time has not yet come or they went to arrest jesus earlier because he was claiming to be God and says no it's not time yet. It's not time yet. It's not time yet. It's like if you're cooking something in the oven, right, and you're in the disciples or people were like peeking in like, okay, is it? No, Okay, not time yet. Okay. And so it's like the metaphorical knife sticking in the cake. Okay, no, okay, it needs to cook a little longer. So like there's all throughout the Gospel. You see this phrase, the hour has not come. The hour has not come. Well here we here the hour is here, it's time. His number has been called. It's go time. And so first we see that he knows it's at the end, but then second we see that he's in direct opposition. We're going to see later in this passage that jesus knew the one that it was going to betray him. And so he's sitting in a room if you've ever been betrayed by someone maybe a little bit or maybe a lot of it. But imagine jesus sitting in the room with judas who had been doing life had seen the miracles, had heard the sermons and was sitting there and didn't believe and not only didn't believe was about to betray. And you see that in contrast with the love, that's the third thing we see that jesus had a genuine love for his disciples. And then lastly it says that all power and authority has been given to him. Now put yourself in the situation for a moment, you know that the end is near, you know that the person it was about to betray you is right there. You know, you have the ones you love also right there and then you have all possible authority and power at your disposal. What would you choose to do? Wouldn't you choose to make an example out of judas snap your fingers, Thanos style, like we were like no, you're gone, no. Yeah. Or would you think of some crazy experience where he would just call down angels of fire or stand up and proclaim the coming of the kingdom or or go on the upper room and declare this is mine. Everybody bow like what? Like what would you do if you knew you were at the end you had people against you but you had all power and authority to do whatever you wanted. Think about politics, what do people do in power? Think about our businesses, what do people do in power? How do relationships change when people get powerful positions? How often have we seen corruption, selfishness, greed, I mean here, we are 2000 years later and no matter what news channel you turn on, it's not a political statement here. You just see how we demonize the other side. Why? Because we don't trust power because when people get power they use it for themselves. When people get power they use it for greed and selfish gain and if anybody, if anybody had reason to do this it would be jesus like wouldn't you be sitting there knowing that judas was going to betray you and partially think to yourself seriously, seriously after everything I've done all parents in the room have said this to their kids really, you know that's mine really who's paying for it, you're you're gonna choose that, you're gonna talk back to me now, there's part of me was like how is jesus not like come on, he knows it's the end, he knows there's oppression, he has all power. So what does he do? This is what blows my mind and this is completely opposite of what we see in our world today. And I believe this is the beginning of why we see the importance of this dialogue. So keep that in mind all power, all authority oppression nearby in the room. He knows it's the end. So what's he gonna do? So jesus rose from supper, he laid aside his outer garments, taking a towel, tied it around his waist, and then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him. Now, this doesn't make a whole lot of sense in our context today, but in those days you typically didn't go to a school or a trade, you you picked a mentor or you had or if you're a mentor, you had an apprentice and you said, I want to be like that person and then you followed them and did what they did. And so the role of the pupil was to serve the master and so the serve the students, if you will, would serve the master in every which way because they wanted to become like the master. But the one thing they didn't do was the job of the lowest end of slaves. So it was seen as nice guest services and nice hospitality that when you would show up at a house or had a formal dinner, that a slave that was on property or the lowest of slave would actually wash the feet of those dining at the table because they were low tables so they would recline, so there would be feet kind of close to the table, it's kind of gross, right? So, but the feet were gross, we have a dog, love our dog, but if you ever accidentally stepped in dog poop in the backyard, not noticed and all of a sudden you're like, what is that? And you start walking around, wait, oh, oh, it's me. And you look down like, okay, so imagine, okay animals everywhere, kind of rural type community. He's going, you're walking barefoot most of the time, maybe open ended sandals and you're not wearing closed toed shoes and and so you've got dust everywhere, animal feces and and everything, mud whatever you you really pick up and it's not like they're taking showers every day. So this is build up over the time when the last time you would wash. So it's, it's kind of cringeworthy. That's the point is is that they would come in and these people who are seen as servants or like I will serve, but I'm not doing that. That's for the lowest of the low, you know, I can't be bothered doing the job of a slave when I'm with our master. And yet this is exactly what jesus does think about this for a minute, jesus creator of the world comes down to earth takes on the limitations of humanity that right, there should be enough, but he doesn't stop there, he takes on the limitations of humanity, but then does the lowest of the low job. This hit me this week in prayer and preparation for this message out of what did jesus create man? Yes, so the same god who created humanity out of dust was now washing the dust off of humanity's feet, so if you're the disciples like whoa, what's going on here, notice the basin and the towel and the water. Was there any of the other disciples could have stepped up and done that, but they were too good, they were too busy, but jesus is washing the feet of his disciples and now we pick up here, we're gonna pick it up Verse six and he came to Simon, Peter who said to him, Lord, do you wash my feet? Like he gets it, he's like, what are you doing? And Jesus answered him, what am I doing? You do not understand now, but afterwards you will understand and Peter said to him, you shall never wash my feet and jesus answered him. If I do not wash you, you have no share with me, I love Peter, I love because he is all in and all out all the time, this is the guy that that walks on water and then falls back in, this is a guy that's gonna deny jesus three times later in the in this chapter, jesus even predicts that. But then that same Peter is going to help start the church. So he is all over the map. He is that eager puppy that is very lovable, but break stuff in the house. You know what I'm talking about. So, peter here goes. And he was like, Simon Peter said, Lord, then not my feet only, but also my hands in my head. So he's like, no, no, no, don't wash my feet, peter, you need this. In that case, give me a full bath, jesus like, I'm here, I'm ready. He's like, okay, peter, calm down, calm down, peter! And he says there, he says To him in verse 10, the one who is bathed does not need to wash except for his feet. But it's completely clean and you are clean, but not every one of you. For he knew who was to betray him. And that is why he said not all of you are clean. And when he washed their feet now positive for a moment. So he knew that judas was going to betray him. And what was his response, He washed his feet the lowest of low job. That's crazy to me, they put on the outer garments, resumed his place and said to them, Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me teacher and Lord and you are right for so, so am I. If then your Lord and teacher have washed your feet. You also ought to wash one another's feet, for I have given you an example that you also should do just as I have done to you truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you, If you do them, I am not speaking of all of you, I know whom I have chosen. But the scripture will be fulfilled. And he who ate the bread has lifted his heel against me. And I'm telling you this now that before it takes place, that when it does take place that you may believe that I am he, this is all happening again. To show you that I am God. And truly, truly I say to you, whoever receives the one I send, receives me and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me. And he goes on. And and he points out, he dips the bread and hands it to judas and saying basically do what you need to do and Judith leaves the room And then we come a little bit later here in verse 31 he says, And when he had gone out, jesus said Now the son of man, that's a that's a term used to denote a savior. When the son of man glorified and God is glorified in him. If God is glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself and glorify him at once. Little Children. Yet a little while I am with you, you will seek me. And just as I said to the jews. So now I also say to you where I'm going, you cannot come, you're saying I'm about to die, I'm about to leave And knowing that he's about to leave, he's gonna share his heart. What is his heart? These next two verses have shaped the church for 2000 years. He says a new commandment I give to you that you love one another just as I have loved you. You also are to love one another by this all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another. So on the surface he gives them a physical demonstration to to really preach a spiritual reality to them. And this washing symbolizes really a cleansing that needs to happen. So it's not just forgiveness but cleansing. This means that some of us are here in the room. We we long for forgiveness. We want God to forgive us, but we forget that God doesn't just forgive. He also cleanses, which means made pure. So he cleanses the sins that have been committed against you and also the sins that you have committed. So you are made new. You are made clean that he is the living water that washes and cleanses and purifies us to be made new. And so there's this spiritual reality in this incredible powerful picture of service. And then he turns to them and says Love one Another like I just did and after he goes to the cross and actually lays his life down for them, they think back, wow that when you receive power, your obligation is service, not success. So if you're taking notes, I want you to write this down. Don't seek a title. Instead grab a towel. Don't seek a title. Instead grab a towel. I'm not saying it's, it's wrong to pursue dreams. God has given you a calling or dream or ambition. So ambition itself is not wrong. But when we make our goal that position that title instead of the blessing and the way of love and service to others. We've missed the point earlier in the gospels when they were having a dinner, the disciples having a dinner, a similar dinner with jesus instead of looking to serve their like, hey jesus, uh which one is the greatest we have been ranking things from the beginning of time. My favorite time of year, March Madness is right around the corner and you want to know where you rank or football, basketball, whatever sport. I talked about baseball, but they're not playing. Um anyway, like we, we love to rank things or we ranked movies or businesses or it doesn't matter. We love to rank things. We want to know that we are slightly better than that person. Why? Because we want the title, I'm not saying it's wrong to want to win. What I want you to understand is that winning looks very differently in the bible. Is that your call and your position is not for you. But for others now notice the different responses of Peter and judas. Judas has quietly received it. He just as he quietly received everything in jesus ministry. You don't really hear much about judas in the gospels. We hear a lot about Peter and Peter made a lot of mistakes, but he was open about it. And when, as soon as he learned something, he was like, yeah, bring it on. Okay, I need my feet, jesus, I need everything clean. Come on. Not quite Peter. Okay. Whatever it is, I'm in right. Actually, you're gonna betray me. No, I won't. Okay later. Yes, he will. Okay. But I'm back. Okay. Like he's all over the map, but there's a sincerity there. Whereas judas went to church, sang the songs, did the things but never was cleansed. Never received him and so betrayed him for a couple 100 bucks. I'd rather be like peter and make big mistakes but then receive that forgiveness and say God I'm here because we all need cleansing. But then also then he says to go and do likewise. Now I've been a part of some ceremonies where we've washed feet and it's been pretty powerful and cool, but it might be awkward at your workplace. Like if you're like at the reception when they walk in on monday and you're like, come here carl and he said like, you don't necessarily freak him out. So so take the principal there. Okay, How can you use your power and position to serve others? Not yourself. Because this theme, this word starts to run through every single thing that jesus does from that point on And even not even just every from everything moving forward. But also if you look backward, John 316, what does it say for God, so loved? So you show your love through your actions. Let me give you a couple examples, just as we continue in this dialogue, John 1415, Jesus says, if you love me, you will keep my commands. What was the commandment? He said a new commandment. I give you love one another. If you love me, you will love others. That's what he's saying. John 1421 again. Same dialogue. He says, whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me and he who loves me, will be beloved by my father and I will love him and manifest myself to him In verse 23 and 24. It says that Jesus answered him that if anyone loves me, he will keep my word and my father will love him and he we will come to him and make our home with him. Whoever does not love me does not keep my words. And the word that you hear is not mine, but the father's who sent me Very next chapter John 15 verse nine, it says, as the father has loved me. So I have loved you abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my father's commandments and abide in his love. This is my commandment that you love one another. And then in verse 17 of chapter 15 says these things, I command you. Why? So that you will love one another over and over and over and over again. It talks about how we treat people as a direct reflection of how we view God. But this is how the world will know. This is not how the world operates. Paul writes to the Galatians and he's mad at the Galatians and they're doing a bunch of stuff wrong. They keep thinking it's about works and that you have to earn your salvation through these crazy things. He's like, no, no, no. Said it's for freedom. Say christ died to set you free. And then in Galatians 5 13, it says you my brothers and sisters were called to be free, but do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh, rather serve one another humbly in love. Don't seek a title instead grab a towel right after staff meeting this week on Tuesday and a gentleman came in and needed some help and I won't go into details just for the sake of his privacy. But it's one of those things I wasn't planning on doing. Uh, it wasn't necessarily convenient, took a couple hours. Um, but ended up taking the day trying to help help a person. And I found myself like, man, my schedule, like now it's changing everything right? You ever done that? Like you do something nice, but you like complained during the process to yourself. Like here you go. And inside you're like, ah, why couldn't you need help in my free time? You know? And then all of a sudden I'm like, wait a second, I'm preaching on serving people when it's inconvenient. Okay, God, I see what you're doing there and I had to remind myself this is the point is to serve. And if God's going to bring up personal illustrations every time I preach on a topic next week, we're talking about how to deal with surprising riches, I'm ready for that. Okay. You know, I found myself driving back home just kind of laughing just like, like I'm a pastor, I'm a preacher, just preparing a message about serving one another and I'm internally grumbling when I had to do that. Like, all right, I get it, peter. I get it. We forget so quickly, but yet. How incredible is it that we have the words of jesus in his final days with all power that he said, I love you, let me show you on your way out today. You're going to receive a towel. Now the towel jesus used was probably big enough to wrap around himself. That would have been kind of obnoxious to give that out to everyone. But we're gonna give you a towel on your way out the door and and I want you to place this somewhere in your home, maybe in the car, in the dash or in the house, in the kitchen or bathroom or dress hurt anywhere, you can just roll it up or lay it out whatever you want to do. And this week, I want you when you see this, let it be a reminder not to seek a title, but to grab a towel and ask God God, how can I serve the people of my life today. And in turn serve you today. Let's pray dearly father, thank you for just giving us the example of humble love and sacrificial service that ultimately you would lay your life down and God, it's there in the upper room after this action of washing the feet. This humble service that they took communion as a picture of, of not only passover, but what you're about to do on the cross. And so God, as we go into this time of communion, I pray that we can reflect. Yeah, and God is there sin we need to confess peter didn't need to be fully cleaned, but he still needed his feet washed. Some of us. That's what we need is that we have to confess our sins and to be cleansed and not just forgiven but cleansed and made new God. It's my prayer that we can be like Peter Peter. And even in our mistakes at the end of the day, received that cleansing and forgiveness and to not be like judas and to choose selfishness and pride and power instead of rejecting jesus when he was so close. But his love, like you let us serve as you served me the world know that we are your disciples based on how we treat and love one another and your son's name. We pray Amen."