Life as we know, it is so often filled with both, both sadness and sweetness.
You know, 2021 had lots of sadness for a lot of people. And for many, even 2022
began with a difficult note and our world seems to be filled with difficulties
and distractions and division. But in the midst of much of the sadness, I think
we can actually experience sweetness if we're paying attention to it. I was
reminded this week of the sweetness in an unlikely spot. I have a, I have a
type, a personality, a very driven go go go personality. I want a lot of tasks I
want to do this. I want to get it done. I want to climb a mountain and not even
look back and go well, next one, let's go and I, and I want to do all the
things. I don't even know what the things are. But you know what I'm talking
about, like I got things and you got to do them and you got to accomplish them.
And then as soon as you finish it, then you got the next thing and the next
thing and you just go and it's like, oh, yeah, let's go and, and I'm drinking
too much coffee today. Sorry. And so that's my wiring. That's why I'm, that's
how I go. But I was reminded in a unique spot, I'll keep his name separate just
for privacy sake. But I was visiting a member of Mission Grove who's been in a
care facility for a while and he was just moved to hospice and so I went to pay
him a visit. You know, that's one of the things, right? Ok. You see the person
do the thing? Ok. And I go and I show up and they placed him outside and he's
not very audible or auditory or responsive right now. And so I sat down and we
were in a dual rocking chair and I was like, so what do, what do you do in that
moment if someone's not speaking? And so I decided to play music on my phone. So
I started playing some classic rock and some Elvis and Sinatra things I thought
I might like. And then I started playing some hymns and there and the stillness
of the moment he fell asleep and he put his head on my shoulder. And for about
an hour, we just sat and rocked and listened to music. Weather was perfect and
the cloud in the sky, it was a fountain that was both calming and me and we had
to go to the bathroom a little bit and we're sitting there and I'm like, wow, so
hurried. I rushed. Right. And I just sit in there and the song it is. Well, with
my soul comes on and, uh, and I thought he was asleep. This John was asleep and
I thought he at least not speaking. And to my surprise, like he started humming
it as well. Mm. Mhm. And I don't, I'm not really a teary person for the most
part. Um But I'm just sitting there in the rocking chair. No one around. I just
experienced a sweetness, right? Maybe some of you have experienced that. It was
a moment tucking in the child. We're having a conversation or being in nature.
That moment where everything stops and you just feel grateful that you got to
experience that it's been said that time is measured in minutes, but life is
measured in moments. And I know for me going into 2022 I want more moments like
that. I want more moments of sweetness because the world is filled with sadness.
It really is. And so as we turn, we call today vision Sunday. Now the vision for
our church really doesn't change the vision and heartbeat of our church. Of why
we exist is that we exist as mission grove church to help every man woman and
child experience Jesus. And then we like to say that we believe God is for you,
which means we are for you and together we can be for the community. Well, that
doesn't change. That's, that's our North star. That's where we're going. We like
to refocus and realign every year behind a theme. Because when you do that, when
you pick a theme, when you pick a word as an organization, as a, as a family, as
a church body, a theme really gives you two things. It gives you attention and
it gives you direction last year. About this time, I was weird enough to try to
give the author and speaker Bob Goff a call. And he was crazy enough to pick up.
And we had about a 15 minute conversation and he's a New York Times best selling
author and, and, and, and writer and uh, and he took 15 minutes to have a
conversation with a young pastor and, and he shared a crazy story. He said he
was a pilot and he said when he was flying from Phoenix back to San Diego where
he lives at one point, his instruments in his plane, his little tiny plane all
went out and then he started laughing like, I don't know if I would have laughed
in that moment. And, and I said, well, what'd you do? And he said, well, you
know, I was, it was kind of stormy, the clouds were there. And so I just took
the plane higher. I even the wings and I got above the clouds to where I could
see the lights of San Diego. And I said, I'm going that way. OK? And I feel like
that's a great picture of sometimes what we need to do when we face troubled
times, when we face uncertainty, when the instruments seem to go out, that what
we can choose to do collectively is to level the wings, take a moment to go
above it all. Spot the horizon, spot the distance and say I'm going that way and
that's what we wanna do as a church. We wanna, we wanna take our attention, we
wanna take our direction and say this is who we are, this is who we wanna
become. And this is where we're going last year. For example, our word was
empowered and we share that we are empowered to go. We are empowered to love and
we're empowered and we challenge people to fill in the blank. And we saw some
pretty incredible stories about people walking in their purpose and living out
their calling as an organization. We saw some really exciting things. Probably
the most notable one was that for us to be empowered, mean it goes beyond us.
And so we made the intentional decision and got provided to where we decided as
a church to plant our first church. And which by the way, uh grafted church
launching sometime later this year, had their first public bible study last week
and they had 38 people come out and so we can clap for that that's awesome.
That's exciting. And we're praying for that and that came out of the heartbeat
of our church, the name Mission Grove. It's about multiplication. And, and this
idea of being empower, empower believers led to that. And so you can see that as
an example. And so this year as we lean in, as we pray and, and I said, I don't
take this lightly. I spent much of this first month in prayer and fasting. And
it's not to say like, hey, I did this or that. It's I want you to know this is
personal for me and we spent time with our team and planning and praying and
processing here. And so where we believe God is leading us, where we believe God
is taking us as a church can be summed up in one word here in 2022. And it's
this more, yeah, more and it sounds vague and it sounds simplistic, but here's
where I got the, here's how I got there is that we live in an age right now
where our culture is saying more stuff, more things, more power, more
popularity, do this and you'll, you know, you'll achieve that. You know, if you,
if you have this car, this house, this position, this title enough likes enough
shares, you will be noticed, you will be loved, you will be celebrated and, and
we think we need more stuff. And at the same time, I can't remember in 1516
years of ministry life a time where there was more division or distraction and
more difficulties that people are walking through. Did anyone else feel like
when this thing started? We're like, oh, I can't wait for this whole pandemic
thing to be done. And now two years later, yes, two years. Right. So much for
the two week thing. Right. And like, is, isn't this over yet? Right. And if it's
not health related, it's, it's relationship related, it's financially related
and, and, and we're politically divided and, and it's inflation, it's, it's
social awareness, it's, it's problems, it's, it's whatever you fill in the blank
and, and there's so much uncertainty. And so in the midst of all this
uncertainty, I found myself praying for clarity and, and the only prayer I could
come up with is God. I want more, our country needs more of you. My family needs
more of you. I need more of you. And it wasn't like this bold declaration thing
of, of just like here's this we're taking here, here's our strategy to go do it.
It says God, I don't know but you do open hands. I don't even know what I'm
asking for God, but I need more of you. And as we started praying as a team, as
we started working through this, as a team and, and just personally as I started
opening through the scriptures, I actually saw this theme of more continually
come up and I want to spend the next, the rest of the morning together
discussing and talking about how this idea of more is at the very heartbeat of
who God is. I want to share with you three things and three specific prayers
that we are praying more of and more for here in 2022. The first thing that
we're praying for is that we need more God. That seems almost like a cop out,
doesn't it? Like? It seems almost like too easy? But before you go. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. John OK. It's a church. Ok. We need more God. OK. Let us remember that
sometimes what we need can be entered in the simplest form and there was so much
noise that we find ourselves searching everywhere. But uh let me give you a
couple of examples of where this idea is thread throughout scripture. Ephesians
3 2021 Paul is praying. He's in prison. He's right in the church in Ephesus and
he's praying. He says now to him, who is able to do far more abundantly than all
that we ask or think according to the power at work within us, we're gonna pause
there for a second. Now, he could have just said according to God, according to
him, that would have been enough according to Jesus, who can do some things
according to Jesus, who can preach according to Jesus, who can heal according to
Jesus, who can feed the 5000 make the lame walk according to Jesus that can die
on the cross. And the court, he could have said those things, but he said, who
is able, not just who is able, but who is able to do not just more but far more
and not just far more, far more abundantly. This idea of abundance. You can see
it also in John 10 when Jesus is speaking and he talks about being the good
shepherd and that and that here he is and he's, he's sharing his heart, sharing
his life. And it says that a thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. But I have
come and to give you life and life abundantly. This is a life of vitality, a
life of fullness I have come so that you can experience the fullness of life.
And it says that a God who can do far more abundantly than any of that than any
that we can ask or any that we can imagine or even think. And we can think about
a lot of stuff right? There are entire genres of movies and storytelling of
entire worlds that exist out of our minds. He says, no, beyond that, let me give
you exhibit a think about our universe. The universe is so big that we haven't
yet discovered all the Galaxies that exist that came into play when God spoke it
into existence. Think about this for a moment at the beginning of creation, God
created entire Galaxies that then we, then he was waiting for our technology to
catch up to where we could just see them. Then there are Galaxies beyond
anything that we're going to ever see, which means that God created entire
Galaxies that exist simply because he wants them to and because he can, because
if you think about the universe and if it's the purpose is for our glory, the
universe is way too big. But if the purpose is for the glory of God, then it's
just the right size and then it's that same power. And hey, look up to the
skies. You think you've seen the end? You think you've seen the best? You think
you've seen the greatest? I can do abundantly more than that. OK, I did all of
creation in seven days. What can I do with your life? Because notice that phrase
there, it says according to the power at work within us, hold on a second. This
is not just the power of creation, this is not just the power of salvation. This
is actually within us. It says verse 21 to him. Be the glory in the church.
Wait, where does that power live here? This is that in Christ Jesus throughout
all generations? Guess what church we're in the verse we made it. We're in the
extra credits of the movie. You ever had a friend who got to be like an extra in
a movie? Oh Yeah. I was on set. It was awesome. Did they pay you? No. How long I
was there for three weeks in an alien costume. But when you scroll down there, I
am alien 72. And they're so excited. Why? Because their name made the credits.
We made the credits. And that means that prayer, that power is still available
to us because the same God that created the universe now is saying that power is
within you. That power is specifically within the church and with us for all
generations forever and ever amen, meaning this is true or I believe this, this
simply is a prayer for more. Now, one response to praying for more could be one
of pride, right? Like if you got the power universe like OK, so get the power in
me. Yep. So, oh I didn't zap. OK, I'll work on that. OK? And we, but here's the
thing all throughout scripture. The first response that people had to the power
of God was not pride but humility. There's a story in John three, we we we know
John three for John 316, for God so loved the world that he gave his only
begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal
life. But as you continue that story in Nicodemus, it goes back to the story of
John, the Baptist, a cousin of Jesus and he is baptizing people and Jesus comes
along and he starts baptizing people and they start asking him questions and
John, the Baptist points to the savior and says there he is. And he gives this
imagery of a bridegroom and a bride. And he's saying when you go to a wedding,
it's not about the friend that introduces them. It's about the bride and the
groom. Some of, you know, Larkin who gets up here a lot of times and, and is our
service host and kind of production coordinator and, and, or you might know
Edwina who does all of our online and our print work and all this other stuff.
And so Edwina's son, um, Connor or Larkin's brother got married last night and
so they're, they're, they're out east and they had a beautiful wedding. And can
you imagine for a moment if one of their friends, like, as the girl was walking
down the aisle just to clarify, Connor did not get married to Larkin? That
sounds kind of weird. I said that Connor, the brother got married. Ok. Anyway,
so, anyway, so Connor got married and the family was all there and Larkin's
there and is there and the whole family? And can you imagine though for a moment
if the bride is walking down the aisle and the friend pops out and goes, hey, I
know them. Huh? Huh. Friend right here. Friend. Everyone would look like. What
are you doing? Yeah, we do that in church all the time. It's about Christ and
the bride of the church and, and introducing people to who God is. And then we
jump in and like, hey, look at me, but John, the Baptist doesn't do this like he
has a following. He has authority. He has a reputation and his response to the
power of God is this in John 330 he says, he must increase but I must decrease.
Another way of saying that I need more. Jesus is speaking and in Luke chapter 11
verses 9 to 13, Jesus says this. He says, and I tell you ask and it will be
given to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you. Says, for,
for everyone who asks receives and the one who seeks finds and the one who
knocks it will be opened. What father among you? If a son asks for a fish and
well, instead of a fish, give him a serpent, I mean, it's a good prank if it's
not a real serpent anyway, um He can just on and he says, or what if he asks, if
a child asks for an egg, we'll give him a scorpion. It says, if you then who are
evil? Well, that's subtle. If you who are messed up, who are broken have issues.
If you who have all kinds of shortcomings here, if you know how to give good
gifts to your Children, then how much more will the Heavenly Father give the
Holy spirit. To those who ask him and notice that last phrase, he's ready to go.
He's ready to how much more to give you that power give you that spirit. But to
who to those who ask him? John 112 talks about for those who believe our sons
and daughters of God, yes, you were made in his image. But you have to claim
that belief. Take hold of that belief. Paul first Timothy six talks about taking
hold of the eternal life to which you've been called for me. 2022. I do not want
to sit on the sidelines passive, but I wanna be active and take hold of the life
that God's called me to. And in short, I want more in case you think of
yourself, man, I'm not worthy. If God, if God knew man, I've messed up. I've
already broke all my resolutions. I've already got all kinds of hang ups. I
doubt I question I'm not great at disciplines. I, I got addictions. I'm having
issues here and no, he values you so much more than you realize. In fact, he
says this in Matthew 625 and 26 is therefore, I will tell you do not be anxious
about your life, man. That verse applies today, doesn't it says, do not be
anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink nor about your
body for what you would put on and is not life more than food and the body, more
than clothing. Look at the birds of the air. They neither sow nor reap, nor
gather into barns. And yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more
value than they? Ok. We need more of God and we have to understand that God
values you more than you think. And for those who claim him as Lord and Savior,
it then gives us this new creation, this new identity. And we find in Romans 837
to 39 it says no, that in all things, we are more than conquerors through him
who loved us for, I am sure that neither death nor life nor angels, nor rulers,
nor things present are things to come nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor
COVID, nor vaccines, nor mass, not mass inflation troubles, job loss,
relationship, Brokenness, sinful behaviors, nor anything else. And all of
creation will be able to separate us from the very love of God in Christ Jesus,
our Lord. When I say that we want more of God, what I mean is that we need it to
Him to be more present in our lives and we need to be aware of that. That means
more prayer, more opportunities to pray, more people praying often and
regularly, more scripture, more time in His word, more worship, more music, more
things online where we're sharing the hope and not just social media, but social
ministry and more connection and, and checking in with one another and more just
humbling ourselves saying we must decrease this year and God must increase. And
it starts with our acknowledgment of Him. So our first prayer is for more God.
The second prayer we have is for more love, for more love because nothing can
separate us from the love of God. Paul is a guy who is in prison and he's
writing to the church in Philippi and he writes these words as a prayer. And
Philippians 19 to 11, he says, and it is my prayer that your love may abound
more and more. He threw in an extra more. It says, and with knowledge and all
the sermons so that you may approve what is excellent and so be pure and
blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that
comes through Jesus Christ into the glory and praise of God. Ok? We have a
relational God and we need each other now more than ever. We need each other. We
need to be more intentional in our relationships. Jesus is talking to his
disciples in some of his final days. And in John 15, he has this imagery of I am
the vine and you are the branches. And he says this here in John 15 2, it says
that every branch in me that does not bear fruit. He takes away. Hm I don't like
that one. Some of us are walking through some difficulties because God's doing
some pruning right now. I don't like it. But why would God do that? Why would
God challenge us? Why would God discipline us? Why would God walk us through
some difficult times? And it says here that in every branch that does bear
fruit, he prunes that it may bear more. Those moments. The sweetness that we're
looking for can be found. If we take intentional actions of love to serve or
give to one another simple text, phone call, coffee with a friend, AAA handwrit
card, a dinner delivered. This is something that I wanna improve that
personally. That's what I wanna get better. As an organization, we've already
done like a little mini staff retreat. This month, we did a staff dinner trying
to be more intentional in reaching out to people because we need each other. And
if we're gonna focus on the sadness, we can be overwhelmed real quick. But if we
can focus on those moments of sweetness, those little intentional actions that
we can take, we're gonna experience more and more of God's love in a practical
way. And the last thing that we're praying for is for more disciples. More
disciples were called to make disciples. People who follow Jesus, people who
practice this people who go and teach others. We see this as the early church
began to grow. It says in acts 514, it says, and more than ever, believers were
added to the Lord multitudes of both men and women. Later in the book in acts
1224 it says, but the word of God increased and multiplied. One of my favorite
verses. Second Timothy 22, it says, and what you have heard from me in the
presence of many witnesses and trust to faithful men who will be able to teach
others. Also, this means that this good news of God, this good news of love is
not meant just for us. We don't just gather for who's here. We gather for the
empty chair next to you that God has placed you in your relationships, your
friendships, your workplace to bring light and hope and sweetness into those
relationships. Because we're called to go make and multiply disciples. What does
that mean for us? It means that as an organization, we're gonna be doing more
opportunities to serve more opportunities to go out outside of this ring, we're
gonna plant another church this year. We're gonna go outside just this little
bubble and be serving downtown and with different ministries. When we go and
building a house for a family in Mexico and ministering down there. And then
globally, we're still in talks and partnering with this organization called the
Timothy Initiative, which was named after that very verse. I just read to you
and they are planting churches by the 1000. And it's insane. And so it's not
just us working, asking God to bless it. But instead find out where God is
moving and join his mission and God is moving and God is planting and God is
multiplying. And so we have the privilege of partnering with churches from all
over Arizona where we're going to be over the next four years, we are going to
plant 4000 churches in some of the most unreached people, groups in all of the
world. So we're starting here, we're doing engaging and equipping opportunities
to to really understand what does it mean to be a disciple? Because when I talk
to people, the two biggest barriers, people have to making disciples is number
one, they're afraid. And number two, they don't know how. And so when I say more
disciples, what we're gonna try to do is try to alleviate that fear and as well
as equip and empower people to go and do that. So that means more classes, more
groups, ways to get connected, that means more online content, to share and to
to go through with people and more time in the world and more opportunities to
do that. Because every single person here is called to be a disciple, maker,
someone to love and invest in the next generation, someone to love and invest in
your neighbors and in the workplace. And when you go through that, you can see
and now the question then is OK John. But where do I start? And here are three
things you can do right now today, number one is that you can plant the gospel.
This is what it means to have more God. It starts with time. Maybe it's time in
his word. Maybe it's, it's listening to it as you drive, it's, it's a walk in
nature. It's listening to music, putting that worship song on repeat. It's time
in prayer, it's time alone and just that intentional connection just going empty
handed and open handed to God and saying, I need more of you. Start by planning
that if you don't like the fruit in your life, you gotta start planting better
seeds. Secondly, we can grow in community. This has more love, more love. We can
be the body. It's crazy that Jesus himself told us that the world will know that
you follow him based on how you love one another. And then we find ourselves
saying, oh, what should we do? Imagine how your world will change if you just
try to invest in one relationship a week, a card, a note, a phone call, a
meeting, just one intentional action to show love to someone. And lastly, you
can multiply through service. We have lots of ways for you to connect. We're
gonna be taking that uh mission trip to Mexico. I encourage you to sign up for
you and your family registration is now open. We're gonna have serve projects,
downtown, homeless uh hope kids o Ohana, helping foster care, local community
fairs service. Things. Yes, we're gonna do those. But even at the individual
level, you can take that step to invest in somebody else's life today. And so it
starts here, it starts now and it starts with us simply asking God, God, I want
more. In 2022 dear Emily, father. We thank you. We thank you that we can come
and we can sing, we can study your word. We thank you for the sweet moments.
It's my prayer that in 2022 we don't miss that, that we can embrace the everyday
things, the mundane things but done with intentionality that becomes special. We
don't come out with a big grandiose plan but just simply a humble cry. We need
more. If you've got, we love you. It's in your son's name. We pray. Amen.