during his sophomore year in high school, Dick Fosbury struggled to find his place in the Medford high school track team. You see, he wanted to compete in high jump, but he struggled to clear The 5ft 5ft clearance height, that was the entry point for most high school meets there in the 1960s, and he couldn't quite get a hang of the predominant methods used for high jump during those days, where typically the runner would run at the bar, would jump forward over the bar, fling one leg up, then the other leg kind of like a straddle or a scissors motion and then land on the other side. Now Dick Fosbury was a creative guy and he noticed that the rules In track and field stipulated that you only have to jump off of one ft but it did not dictate what angle or what direction you went over the bar. So he started to experiment with a completely different way of hijab. When everybody was going forward, Dick Fosbury experimented jumping backwards so he would run up to the bar backwards and jump back arches back and go that way and it looked ridiculous. In fact, the Medford tribune had a photo of Dick Fosbury completing high jump in that way, and the caption read Fosbury flops over bar and they described him as a fish flopping on a boat. Another local newspaper described him as the world's laziest high jumper and as crazy as that looked again, everybody's running one way and foss berries doing it. The opposite, as crazy as that was, I started to work between a sophomore and senior year. Fosbury started to perfect this new technique and by his senior year, he cleared six ft 5.5 inches, setting a brand new school record in high jump. He would go on to compete at Oregon state University And they're in 1968. Dick Fosbury won the national title And high jump, clearing over seven ft 2 that summer was the summer olympics. So he represented the United States there in Mexico City and in 1968 that summer, Dick Fosbury doing a new strategy, a new way of doing high jump, won the Olympic gold medal. Not so funny anymore, is it? Actually, since that gold medal performance, The foz berry flop has become the predominant way of doing high jump and for the last 50 years has pretty much been the only way that everyone across the world competes in that event. See if Fosbury flop represents what's called a paradigm shift, you can define a paradigm shift as an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking or doing something is replaced by a new and different way. What I want to talk to you this morning about is a paradigm shift that's much more important in the event of high jump And this paradigm shift took place 2000 years ago and completely changed religion and relationships as we know it. We're wrapping up a series today that's entitled Empower University, where we've been talking about each and every week how we, as christians, as believers can live with the power of the holy spirit inside of us, how can we be spirit filled and spirit led? And we've talked to things like parenting and relationships and work and finances, and today, I want to talk to you for a few minutes about what does it mean to live out a life of empowered service, And we're gonna take a look at two passages found in Mark Chapter nine, and then in Mark Chapter 10, and we're going to see this incredible paradigm shift, but let me give you the structure ahead of time, we're gonna actually, in each passage, we're gonna see three things, we're gonna see, first the power of jesus, it's gonna be awesome. Second, we're going to see the problem with the disciples, they're gonna struggle and then third, we're gonna see the paradigm shift and the fact that the disciples struggle, it's actually an encouraging thing to me, because of the disciples who saw a miracle and miracles and miracle and sermon and prayer day in day out, and they still didn't get it, that actually gives me hope, because there are times, I don't know about you where I don't get it thankfully, jesus still works through us, so watch this is gonna be incredible, you're gonna see the power of jesus, then you're gonna see the problem with the disciples and then you're gonna see this paradigm shift and you're gonna see it twice, and in 15 years of being a pastor, I've never seen this connection before, because normally you zone in on preaching on one passage, but today we're going to actually look at the context a little bit before it and see the setup before the paradigm shift, So in Mark Chapter nine, we don't have time to go through all of the verses, but in the first few sections, there's this incredible story about the transfiguration of Jesus, Jesus takes some of his disciples to the top of this mountain, they have this transcendent spiritual experience that really you see like glowing, you see representations of like prophets of the old testament, I almost picture like if you remember if you're a fan of Star Wars, like when the old jedis like show up and they're like here like, wow, this is incredible, except this really happened. So you hear the voice of God talking about jesus, his son, the disciples are like man, this is amazing, we should never leave. And so they see the glory and the light and the power of jesus, they come down the mountain, then jesus actually cast out a demon and the boys get out of there and so you see this incredible picture and we pick it up in verse 30 and so then they went down from there and passed through galilee and he did not want anyone to know for he was teaching his disciples saying to them, The Son of Man, not the Son of Man, you're gonna see this title a couple of times, it's in reference to a title that was given in the old testament that represents the coming messiah or savior. And so when you see son of man, think jesus and think savior and so Jesus is claiming to be this messiah savior, he says the Son of man is going to be delivered into the hands of men and they will kill him and when he is killed after three days he will rise, but they did not understand the saying and they were afraid to ask him and so again, just to set the stage amount of transfiguration, the very glory of God shining down, Jesus casts out a demon and then he tells the disciples, the son of man, me that jesus, I am going to be killed for you but fear not for I will rise again on the third day, jesus is predicting his death, burial and resurrection and this is crazy. And so how did the disciples respond? Did they break out into a prayer service? Did they break out into worship all night long? No, they didn't understand, I just, I just picture like have you ever been in class and a professor or teacher says something and then turns to the class and says all right everybody get it and you have this like blank look Yeah, yeah, of course I got it. Yeah, I totally know what you're talking about. They didn't get it because notice what's this in the next verse and they came to Copernicus and when he was in the house he asked them, hey, what were you discussing on the way? But they kept silent for on the way. They had argued with one another about who was the greatest transfiguration casting out a demon, I'm gonna die for you disciples, I'm better than you are right, you ever been on a road trip and your kids fight behind you and they don't even know why they're fighting. I'm the best like we love to like rank everything, we love to just like no, I want this, it's mine, mine, mine all of this, I want this plate, this cup, this seat, that's what the disciples were doing. Like they just saw the power of God and they're like, I'm better than you, right, nina, I want to see that in like a courtroom setting. You know, someone makes a legal argument and instead of like rebuttal, the lawyer just stands up and goes this is this is this is how far we've come as a human race and uh because we still do this, don't we? And so they're arguing about who is the greatest and then jesus sits him down called the 12 and he has a parent talk. Listen, listen you guys are not getting that. He says if anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all and then he took a child, I assume you might be thinking, whoa, where'd the child come from? Exactly. The disciples didn't even notice they were so worried about their ranking, they didn't notice a child in need right next to them and Jesus takes the child, put them in the midst of them, taking him in his arms, I love Jesus loves kids, I love that, I love that people back then and people in power and politics and religion and education, he said, man, we have our title, we have our authorities, we enslaved people, give me money, give me service given and jesus says no, no, no, you come here, come here right here and to the disciples, he says whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, whoever receives me receives not me, but him who sent see the shift the power and the glory of God and the disciples go, hey, hey, who's the best though, come on, come on, who's the best and the best. Right, right? Like if you had to pick one, jesus like he'd pick me right, I'd be first and jesus says while you guys were arguing, you didn't even notice this kid, indeed you want to be first be last, you want to be the best, serve and meet needs and love those that the world doesn't because when you love one child, one person Meet one need, you're not doing it for them, you're doing it for God. So you would think in that moment after all the sermons, all the miracles, the fact that Jesus had this incredible teaching point. I mean you almost see like the commercials like of the puppies, you know with the song like Alanis morissette or that you know in the arms of the angel like there's this little child like right there, like you want to talk about the emotions that these disciples have to have, Oh man, we blew that one, okay, jesus, we get it, we get it, we are with you from now on until the very next chapter Because they make the exact same mistake again, watch this. So Jesus is teaching and then he goes on verse 32 and the very next chapter Then they were on the road going up to Jerusalem and Jesus was walking ahead of them and they were amazed and those who followed were afraid and taking the 12 again, he began to tell them what was to happen to him, saying that we are going to Jerusalem and the son of man will be delivered over to the chief priests and scribes and they will condemn him to death and deliver him over to the gentiles and they will mock him and spit on him and flog him and kill him and after three days he will rise Nice. So jesus just predicted his own suffering, he is about to walk into a blender of suffering, Every possible kind of suffering jesus is about to experience and he knows it's coming and he walks into that anyway and he's gonna tell his disciples I am doing this for you and it's gonna hurt. So how did the disciples respond this time they break out into worship, They sing songs of gratefulness and no jesus, we're gonna pray for you, Let's find out verse 35 and James and john the Sons of Deputy, another passage, they have the nickname the Sons of Thunder. So you know they're not gonna be up to any good. They came up to him and said, hey teacher, we want you to do for us, whatever we ask of you and he said then what do you want me to do for you? And they said to him, grant us to sit one at your right hand and one at your left and glory. And jesus said, you do not know what you're asking here, Jesus is pouring out his heart saying I'm about to be killed for you and James and john their response shotgun, I call shotgun in heaven. Debs, jeez, can I sit there, can I sit there, can sit next to you, is this how heaven works, can I just call it, where the previous chapter there like the kids arguing in the back this chapter there like shotgun shotgun in heaven, my seat. Wait what? So you don't know what you're asking? He says the cup that I'm about to drink? That what I'm about to go through, you, you can't handle that. We fast forward a couple verses of verse 41. So is this and when he heard it, they the disciples heard this, they began to be indignant at James and john I love this. They're not mad at James and john for disrespecting jesus, they're mad because they called it first. Think about that. It's like, oh man, I should have done that. They don't deserve that. That should be my seat. And jesus is like guys, you don't get it. He called them and said to them, you know that those who are considered rulers of the gentiles lorded over them and that they're great ones exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you that whoever would be great among you must be your servant And whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. If you're gonna mark any verses down from today. Mark this down Mark chapter 10 verse 45. For even the Son of me, there's that title begin. Even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many jesus says it's not about having the title and having the power because I have that you want a title? How about the fact that I created the world? How about the fact that I'm allowing you to exist right now? How about the fact that in a few short days I am going to go to the cross to die for your sins. Yet Jesus offers this incredible paradigm shift where the world says, me, me, me and Jesus says I didn't come to be served, I came to serve. He says, you've got it all backwards, you're trying to jump the wrong way. You want to be first, it would be last. You wanna be the top. You've got to surf if you're taking notes, I want you to write this down because here's what everything comes, Everything comes together. Don't seek status, seek service. Don't seek status, seek service. The disciples were so worried about their ranking, about who was the best and who would get the best seat. We love our rankings, don't we? Sports college football. Oh, the rankings in movies and tv shows and fashion in cars and buildings. We want the best people argue over and over and over again. If you love basketball like I do, you, you you have an opinion when it comes to the debate of who is the best basketball player of all time, Michael Jordan or Lebron James, I don't know why that's a debate because it is clearly Michael Jordan's right clearly. And if you believe Lebron James is the best basketball player of all time. There are a lot of good churches here in the valley and I just want to kurt no, I'm just kidding, just kidding. Come on six and oh okay, alright, alright, we we do this right, just pick your subject and you argue and we debate, we want, we want the ranking, we want the title and Jesus actually comes in and says guys, you've got it all wrong, you're looking at this thing backwards. Don't seek status, seek service because when you love and serve and give to that one person, you're not doing it for them, you're doing it for me. And it makes all the difference in the world, Jesus says in Matthew six seek first the kingdom of God. When you seek God, you follow him and obey him and do what jesus did. It says in first, john 26 to walk as jesus walked or to live as jesus lived, Jesus had all the power, all the authority, all the titles, but he didn't use his power to push people down. Instead, he created a platform to lift people up. You want a healthy marriage. It should be a race to the back of the line. You want to make a difference in your workplace, you should look for opportunities to serve and make your company, your division, your ministry, your relationships better because humble servants don't come in for what they can get, but instead what they can give and this shift changes everything. So how do we know where we are? Well in cars, you have lights on the dash that tell you when certain things come up, I was grateful this week when the little ding and the light popped up and told me, hey, I'm almost on empty. That light told me about where I really was and then I did something about it. Well, I want to give you an assessment. I'm not gonna say attitude adjustment because you can decide if you need to make that adjustment or your spouse. I'm not gonna get in the middle of that one, but I want to give you three questions to give yourself a self assessment to check in and see, okay, where is my attitude? Where is my heart when it comes to serving others first, ask yourself, am I acting selfish or selfless? The root of every sin is based in selfishness and pride. I want what I want when I want how I want it my way and I don't care about others have to be right. I have to feel right. It feels great. God wants me happy. Of course I want this. You are you being selfless? No, you go first, you can have that. I want to help you. 2nd question, are you feeling comfortable or courageous? Now, comfort is a little bit different. Like comfort is the idea that when you're struggling when you're hurting your suffering? God? Actually the holy Spirit is also called the comforter. And so he brings you comfort in the midst of affliction, But sometimes I think when we are too comfortable, God brings in affliction to get us out of our comfort zone, right? Nothing great ever done was done. So at a state of being too comfortable. No championship in sports happened because man, we were just so comfortable out there. That's great. No Commander in the military. How did you win that battle? You know, we were just so comfortable. It's great. It took courage, Joshua in the Old Testament, Joshua 19, he was about to enter the promised land and and God actually gives him this piece. This promises do not be afraid. Instead be strong and comfortable? No, he said, be strong and courageous. The greatest things in life happen on the other side of courage. And the third question is, are you a consumer or a contributor? Gimme Gimme Gimme gimme, what's in it for me? Come on, Gimme Gimme gimme! He said, you know what, I'll help you with that, imagine for a moment that you are a boss, some of which I am a boss. Okay, this message is for you and uh, you know, imagine that you have to people that come in to interview for a position at your company. The first person comes in and he says, how would you describe yourself? Well, I'm selfish, I'm comfortable and I'm a consumer, what do you got for me, You feel ready to hire that person in florida. I once probably one of the most humorous interviews I had for an internship was a guy came in and it was something off. He kept asking me about different stuff that he wanted and I said, okay, you know, I don't know if it's working out great, but I'll give you another chance and I just come in thursday at two and we'll finish the interview and I'll let you know. He said, that's great. Um One more thing he told me, he goes, can you call me thursday morning to remind me of my interview? And I was like, you want me to call you to remind you because you're gonna forget to come in so that maybe you could work for me. He's like, yeah, he's like, yeah, you got it, buddy, you got it. He walked out the door and I was like, there's his resume and I didn't call and he didn't show believe or not, and he didn't get the job. Now, imagine the other side though. Imagine if somebody comes in and they immediately start showing an attitude of selflessness, how can I help they have an attitude of courage? You know what that problem is tough, but we can do it, we can take that health amen. And then they have a contributing spirit. It's not gimme gimme gimme, it's like, I can help with that. I can help with that. They go above and beyond. You want that person working in your company, don't you? You want to be that person, you can't let me share with you three practical ways to start doing that this week. This comes from a pastor named Dave Ferguson. He's got a great book called Bless. It's about how to evangelize in the 21st century. It's an awesome book, highly recommended, but he shares this when it comes to serving well, it requires three things number one serve with proximity or serve in proximity. In other words look nearby, I love mission trips. I've traveled to different countries in different parts of the world and I love that. But sometimes I think we get caught up in the big move that were unwilling to go across the street or have the conversation at work. You know, most of the miracles that jesus did was as he went somewhere, did you notice that he didn't say, hey let's go to this town so I can do these miracles. He was walking and there someone comes up to him and then a miracle happens. Some of the greatest experiences in your life will take place when you are obedient on the move. So serve with proximity, look who's nearby number to serve personally, just meet a need. You know, you might not be able to completely pay for someone's college, but you can bring a meal, you can send a text, you can work in the yard, can put the dishes away kids, you wanna blow your parents minds just load or unload the dishwasher and make your beds without your parents asking husbands. You want to blow your mind do the same thing and then try not to take credit for it. Does anyone else struggle like with that? Like I do like my wife will work on something and do all these things and then I'll do one thing, hang one picture put away one dish was like, hey look what I did, aren't you so blessed to have me? We do that, we love taking credit right? Just meet a need to see it and meet it. And then 3rd serve powerfully. What if we made the super natural? Here's what I mean. We walked through life, the mundane, the routine, the rhythms, the schedules. Okay. And then I read the bible and I see these miracles and these crazy stories, but I've come to believe and to pray and to think the God back then is just as much alive now. And the fact is that the holy spirit, the same one that rose, jesus from the dead now lives and all those who believe in him. You have the same power that conquered death, created the world and provided salvation living in you. That means that forgiveness is possible. That means that trust and love and joy and purpose is possible. That means that you can walk in not for what you can get, but what you can give and you can make your department, your division, your community, your school, your team, your family better with the presence of God, that in a world that is filled with darkness, in a world where everyone's after greed and possessions take, take, take, take and you come in with the posture of humility and obedience and service and love. It is life changing and life giving and it is a complete paradigm shift for religion and relationships. Amen. So as the band comes up, I want to just end this morning's message with this verse from Ephesians chapter two verse 10 for we are God's workmanship created in christ jesus for good works, which God has prepared beforehand that we should walk in them church, we are plan A and there is no plan B and we have the opportunity to love to serve and to give life to people the way that jesus has promised and given life to us the whole world is going this way. And jesus came onto the scene and said, no, thank you, you have it all wrong. I didn't come to be served, but to serve, I want you to do the same and I'm gonna give you my spirit, I'm gonna give you the ability to do that church what what our community look like. If we loved God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. And then we turned around and we fiercely and relentlessly loved people. The way that jesus loved us, I believe church, that we are right edge of community five. It starts with prayer, it starts with praise, It starts with us and it starts with us going out on monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and every day that ends in y and loving people, the way that jesus loved us. If you do that, you'll have a life of empowered service and a life that's going to bring glory to him in a life that can change this. Can you joined? Dear God, just thank you, thank you for your son. Thank you for giving us the picture of service of sacrifice and God I pray that we can honor you not just with our words, but with our lives help us not to seek status, it's not wrong to go after our dreams, but God you have placed us in positions of responsibility to serve not to be served. Help us to walk into the workplace tomorrow and into our relationships and community and friendships, looking to love those around us, Thank you for loving us, jesus help us to love this world as you have loved us, your son's name, we pray