I want you to imagine for a moment that I hand you this puzzle and I wanna
challenge you to put the pieces together for $1 million. OK? I don't have a
million dollars, but some of you just perked up a little bit. Welcome to church.
But uh real quick actually, while I have your attention, do I got any puzzle
people in the room? Anybody that loves puzzles? OK. Any not puzzle people? OK.
I, I appreciate how quickly those hands get raised as well. And if their friend
or loved one is, is a puzzle person, they're like, like if, if you're a puzzle
person, I asked you, you looked at me if you're not a puzzle person. When you
raise your hand, you looked at the person who is one. I know that like, right.
So just imagine for a moment though, that you are a puzzle person because
there's gonna be a prize at the end. Now, I should tell you though that this
puzzle has a few additional challenges with it. First, I removed all of the edge
pieces, so I removed all the border pieces. So you have no idea when you've
actually reached the end of the puzzle. Ok. Secondly, I made a mistake when I
was cleaning up last time I accidentally put in pieces from other puzzles. And
so there's a lot of pieces in here. They all look kind of similar, but some of
them don't actually belong. So good luck sorting those ones out. And then
lastly, have you noticed there's no top to the box and that's because I lost
the, the top of the box. And so you actually have no picture to understand that
when you're actually done or what it's supposed to look like. So uh no border,
there's extra pieces and you have no idea what the puzzle is supposed to look
like. All right, who's in anybody? No, not as many. OK. Some people are up for
challenges. I like that. Why do I share that? I share that because as crazy as
that sounds to take that approach to putting a puzzle together. That is the
exact approach that our world teaches towards having a relationship. If you
think about someone who's in a dating relationship or married relationship or
looking to be dating or to be married as our world teaches, they have the same
approach, they'll tell you, hey, you don't need a border, no boundaries. You
don't need a frame, don't you? Do you? OK, don't let somebody set boundaries for
you because you decide your stand in your truth. OK. And then secondly, if
you're pursuing a relationship, you really have no idea what pieces belong and
what don't. Right. You really have no idea. And a lot of these pieces look like
they belong, but they also look so similar. So how do you know what pieces go in
the box? And which ones don't? And then lastly if you don't have a picture, if
you don't have a goal that you're aiming for, how do you know that you're even
successful? Or let's say you get, get done creating the thing, the relationship
as you see fit. You don't even know if you're successful in that. Thankfully,
the Bible gives us a better way. Thankfully, we worship and sing up to and sing
about and, and study from God's word. A God who is relational, the Trinity
itself. God, the Father Jesus, the Son and the Holy Spirit have perfect
relationship in and of Himself as God. And then we are created in his image,
which means that we are also relational, that we are created for relationships.
But the difference is, is that from a God perspective, God enters the
relationship with what he can give and most of us and our relationships with the
approach of what can we get. But I wanna take a few moments this morning and
dive in to see what is it that God's Word? The Bible actually has to say about
relationships. Because if you read the word of God and you actually apply it to
your life. The Bible actually makes you better at life and ultimately makes your
life better. And that's not to say that you're hashtag blessed all the time.
Like you're not gonna have any issues, you're not gonna have any problems, but
rather you're gonna find meaning and truth and have a field guide and a map to
work through any circumstance or situation because we approach relationships
differently, don't we? Like? You don't typically show up at the first date and
go. Here's all my baggage, right? What you typically do is you show up and you
hide it all behind you, right? You got all your doubts, all your issues, all
your past failures and mistakes and mistrust and questions and you try to hide
that and you look across the table, like look at that perfect person has no
baggage or issues whatsoever. When in reality they're doing the exact same
thing, right? And, and two people get together and they're both hiding their bad
stuff in their baggage. And I, and I don't mean that in a like mean sense. I
mean that in the fact that we all have baggage and we all have issues and then
these relationships, you try to pretend to be perfect for the other person or
you seek the perfect per person that you think is perfect and then you reach a
certain point in a relationship where you bring out that first. I don't know if
you'd like this Right. I think, well, if I just got married, that would solve
things, OK, you put two selfish, broken people together and what that's gonna do
is just reveal who you are. And what happens is that the relationship actually
becomes a reveal of your character. But the positive thing is this, if you're
taking notes, write this down, that the purpose of marriage is the picture of
the gospel. The purpose of marriage is the picture of the gospel. The world will
teach you that the purpose of marriage is just personal happiness and it's a
part of it. But what happens when you're not happy, done with that one? Let's
try something else. No, it's actually much deeper than that. It's deeper than
happiness. It's, it's, it's a sense of joy and meaning and purpose. It, it's the
laboratory where you get to actually understand what the love of God really
means. You see, it's one thing to sing about grace. It's another thing to
experience it. It's another thing to be forced to show it. It's another thing to
actually receive it. Like forgiveness is not just some theological construct,
but a deep eternal truth that if you've ever had to forgive someone, you
understand that it's more difficult than you ever realize. But if you've ever
been on the receiving end of forgiveness, it's more powerful than anything you
can imagine. And so relationships, we are created for relationships, understand
this, that marriage came into play in Genesis chapter two. But sin didn't come
into play until Genesis chapter three. That means that marriage is good and
whatever stage of life you find yourself in right now. This morning's message is
for you. In fact, I just talked to someone after the first service who said man,
I wish I knew what you shared this morning 40 years ago. And so even if you're
not in a relationship, I want you to take notes, take this in because we gotta
decide what actually goes in the box. What is the picture that belongs on the
top? What is the purpose of relationships? Anyway, the purpose of marriage is
actually the picture of the gospel. It's the living laboratory of eternal truth.
It's where you get to experience things at a deeper level and then you can live
them out. You know, I love being a pastor here at Mission Grove, but there are
other people that can be pastors, but only I can be a husband to my wife and a
father, to my Children. So I take that call very seriously. And so my
understanding of God is directly connected to my experience in relationship with
people around me. And if you're having issues in the relationships around you,
that's gonna directly impact how you view and how you understand God. So those
three issues boundaries, pieces in the box and the picture on the cover, we're
gonna take a look at those. But in reverse order and see. What is it that God
has designed relationships to be first one. What picture should be on our box?
If we have marriage or relationship, what should actually be on the cover? What
should we be aiming for? What's the target? The Apostle Paul writes this in
Ephesians chapter five. He says, therefore, a man shall leave his father and
mother and hold fast to his wife, the two shall become one flesh. He's quoting
Genesis here. He says, this mystery is profound. Amen. Guys in the room.
Marriage is, is a mystery. You know, we have no idea. Ladies, if you ask us
like, do we know what's wrong? Let me just help you out. We do not, we have no
idea what's wrong and you do much better just to tell us and then for us to try
to guess because if it's the, hey, if you knew me, we don't, we don't know you,
we won't know you. It got real quiet in here. I'm gonna step on some toes. This
is getting some, it's getting serious here. But Right. It's true. We, we
struggle, right? Me is gonna be a mystery but here's what gets crazy. Paul comes
onto the scene and he says, hey, you know this idea of marriage, let me tell you
what it actually is meant for what the purpose is. He says, I am saying that it
referring to marriage. I'm I'm saying that this relationship refers to Christ
and the church he says, however, let each one of you love his wife as himself
and let wife see that she respects her husband, how you treat your loved ones,
how you treat your spouse is a direct reflection of how you view the gospel.
That's not how the world, that's not what the world teaches about marriage. It's
transactional, maybe financial, maybe sexual, maybe physical, maybe emotional,
whatever it is. You give me this, I give you that if it doesn't work, OK, we
move on. But at the core, it represents our view of God and our understanding of
what Christ has done. What did Jesus do? Jesus sacrificed and served and loved a
few verses before this, it actually says that we submit to one another out of
reverence for Christ. In other words, healthy relationships, healthy marriages
are a race to the back of the line to try to outdo one another in honor that
Jesus. It says this in Romans 58 that while we were still sinners at the, at the
God ordained time, he died for us. Jesus entered the relationship. Jesus loved
his church by giving, by sacrificing by serving and ultimately dying on the
cross for our sins, not for his. This is the picture of a healthy marriage. This
is the picture on the box that my greatest ministry in life is gonna be how I
love and serve my wife and lead my Children. That how I love them and serve them
is a direct reflection of my understanding of God. When you get that, when you
see that picture, it changes everything. Ok. Great. Jesus is the picture that's,
that's kind of hard to live up to, you know, you're gonna have a conversation
either way you're gonna, why can't you be more like Jesus? Hey, so how do you,
how do you take two broken people? We got all our baggage, right? We're, we're
eventually gonna be vulnerable and open. Uh How, what do we do from there? How
do we go from there? In other words, what pieces actually belong in the box? How
do we know what's supposed to be in a healthy relationship in a healthy
marriage? Well, Paul gives us this advice and it's in Galatians chapter five and
he's talking about the spiritual life, but we're gonna read it through the lens
of marriage for this morning. He says, but I say, walk by the spirit and you
will not gratify the desires of the flesh. I wanna pause here on this verse for
a moment because I used to read this verse as a threat or verse that would end
in me feeling shameful because what would happen is, is I would fall in
temptation or sin or mess up. And then I read this verse and it says, but if I
walk by the spirit, you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. Well, I did
something sinful. Therefore, I'm awful after experiencing the Christian walk,
after experiencing years in relationship. What I've come to realize that this
verse is not a threat, but actually a promise, the solution, the way out of the
issue that you got yourself into. What he's saying is that if you walk by the
spirit, the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, that is available to
those who believe in him as Lord and Savior. The same power that created the
world that lives in you. If you walk by that spirit, if you are spirit led and
spirit filled, you will not gratify the desires of the flesh that you can
actually stand in the spirit that overcoming is possible that victory is here
and that you can choose better and you can choose different. You might have
messed up yesterday and the day before and the day before. But today you're
gonna stand in the spirit of God. So it's actually a way out and he goes on and
he says this, it says for the desires of the flesh are against the spirit. See,
they're not hanging out, they're not best butts, ok? They're not going out for
wings and beat ups, ok? They're not, they don't get along. It says, for the
desires of the spirit are against the flesh, for those are opposed to each other
to keep you. See, the flesh desires are keeping you from doing the things that
you wanna do. What are those things? What are the pieces that need to take out
of our box says, but if you are led by the spirit, you are not under the law.
What are those things? Now? The works of the flesh are evident, sexual
immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy,
fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies and
things like these things like these. That list is not like a very uplifting list
list. If someone took that list and we're like, hey, I read Galatians 519
through 21 and I thought of your relationship today. That's not a good thing,
right? Like no one wakes up and says, man, I really hope when I get older, I
just get in this incredible relationship where there's lots of fits of anger.
You know, I, I really, I really hope there's idolatry and adultery and, um, man,
I, I just wish I could be more bitter, you know, I wish I could be in a
relationship where I question every decision and I can't trust anybody moving
forward. You know, that's, isn't that what everybody longs for? You're all
looking at me good. None of us long for that. But then why do we so quickly put
those pieces in? Why do we invite Satan and sensuality and, and morality and
things into it? Now, some of us might be doing well in some categories, right? I
don't know of a lot of people that really struggle with sorcery. I mean, maybe
they do, right? But, but it's in the list. OK? But yeah, we welcome pride right
through the front door. Hey, come on in, come in in pride. Sit next to me, sit
right here. Tell me I'm right. I need you to help me gang up on the other
person, right? It doesn't belong in the box. It says I wanna warn you as I've
warned you before that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of
God. This is not how God designed relationships to be verse 22. But see if I
stopped right there, there'd be a really depressing marriage sermon, wouldn't
it? Here's everything bad. We all do them. Sorry. Good night, everybody, good
luck says, but the fruit of the spirit singular, this idea all the pieces in the
box when you have faith in Jesus and he gives you the box, everything for
Godliness and Godly relationships that's handed to you. Let me tell you what a
healthy relationship looks like. Let me give you a new score court card, a new
scoreboard for your relationship. It is the fruit of the spirit is love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control.
Notice it doesn't say spouse control, ok. We wish it said it, but it doesn't
says self control against such things. There is no law what he's saying here in
the context of marriage is no relationship broke up because there were two of
that man. I'm just too joyful. Gotta end it. You know, I'm too loving. I just
have this incredible sense of security and peace not gonna work, right. These
are the things that we long for, don't we? Purpose and joy and gentleness and
self control. The problem is, is that all of these are the fruit that comes out
of our life, not their life. Some of you are exhausted because you're trying to
put fruit on somebody else's tree. You're trying to staple things on you should
be this stop. You can only control yourself. Now, the benefit is is that
yourself being this, living this out being this example can actually be the
redemptive change agent in the relationship. That's why he says against such
things. There is no law, this, these are the pieces that belong in your
relationship. These are what we pursue. Are we broken? Yes. Do we mess up? Yes.
But what are you pursuing says against such things? There is no law and those
who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and
desires. If we live by the spirit, let us also keep in step with the spirit.
Now, I don't like that phrase. Keep in step with the spirit. Do you know why?
Because if you have to keep in step with the spirit, what does that mean? Means
God's moving. It means you have to move. If you got kids. You totally understand
this. Have you ever tried to walk? I don't know anywhere. Right. You're walking,
your kids are walking and what do you do? Come on, come on and it's directly
connected, reverse connected that if you have to be somewhere faster, they will
walk slower. Same thing is if the, if the event is really important to you, then
you trip, you know, you decrease the speed by three times. Right? Come on, come
on, let's go. Let's go. Come on. Come on as, as a youth leader, as a youth
intern in Ohio and Cincinnati, we took a mission trip to New York City and there
is this kid, middle school kid. I feel bad because I honestly don't remember his
name now because I just called him Potter because he looked identical to Harry
Potter. And so you have no idea who this kid's name is but you got a picture.
Ok? He looked identical to Harry Potter. Everyone called him Potter. And so
we're all walking downtown New York City. Super busy, right? There's a group of
like 30 of us and we're all walking together and Potter out of nowhere just
stops. But we, I didn't notice and we keep walking a few more blocks and we get
to our destination and all of a sudden one of the kids is like, hey, where's
Potter? Like, I don't know and, and you could see all the leaders faces. We were
like, we just lost a kid in New York City. And I'm like, I'm just the intern,
you lost the kid in New York City. And we're like, searching and we're
frantically searching and we're just like, oh, eventually, thankfully we found
him and I was like, what? Potter? What, why did you stop? You wanna know his
really deep reasoning? I don't know. I wonder how many of us give that response
to God. Right? We wanna be spirit led, spirit filled God. I'm with you. I praise
you way maker, right? We're singing, we're like, oh then Monday comes and we
just kind of stopped for a second. I'm like, huh? We don't read. We don't pray,
we don't engage. We don't look at anything. We're like God. Where'd you go? We
didn't keep in step with the spirit. We didn't follow God as he moves. You know,
uh it, it's one of those things that if you ever had a child who went a went
away, ran a ran off from you and you go and you find them. And their first
response is dad. Where'd you go? Like you ran off for me when I was right here.
I used to question why they made those kid like backpacks with the tether cord.
I don't know, you know, makes all the sense in the world to me. But sometimes I
wonder if I need that with God. And so the pieces that belong, the scoreboard,
the scorecard for a relationship is, in fact the fruit of the spirit that if you
are spirit filled and spirit led, it's gonna produce this in your life. And this
is what we're actually longing for. It's not lust, it's not pride, it's, it's
love sacrifice. Right? But here's the problem though. We live in a world that
told people that you have to have somebody to have it. All right. Like Jerry
Maguire, right? Super romantic line. You complete me. It's a great line,
horrible theology and a horrible basis for a relationship. Here's why some of
you are out here waiting to find the right person instead of becoming the right
person. What a better line would have been if Jerry Maguire to say would be
like, I'm already complete. It might not work great for the movies, but I'm
telling you what it would work great in your relationship. Why? Because your
security is found in Jesus, not your spouse, but we've grown up thinking the
wrong thing, right? Fairy tales always end and the couple lived, finished the
sentence happily after. But if you live happily ever after, that means that you
are stuck, that you need that thing, that person that raise that fill in the
blank to be happy. What if instead of living happily ever after we lived in a
way happily ever already. In other words, my security, my identity is already
found in Jesus because your purpose will come before the per person your
identity is secure in your singleness, but also in your dating, but also in your
married life. And the reason that's so important because if your security is
found in Jesus is found in God, that means that you can approach the
relationship, not with what you can get from the other person, but rather what
you can give and that changes everything. I'm already complete. Turn to your
neighbor for me and say I'm already complete. Well, don't disagree with them. So
the spouse is like, I it it ain't complete. Here's what I mean though, is that a
good person still makes a horrible God. And if you try to elevate your spouse
into the God position, you're either gonna idolize him or you're gonna demonize
him. They can't do anything wrong or they can't do anything, right? Both are
negative foundations for a healthy relationship. Instead, God completes you. God
forgives you blesses, you secures you. So then you can approach the
relationship. How can I love you? How can I serve you get two people that do
that? That is a relationship worth pursuing, right? And it starts now, that's
why it's not about finding the right person waiting for the right person. It's
about becoming secure in Jesus now. So we looked at the picture in the box, we
looked at the pieces that go in a healthy relationship. The last thing, why are
boundaries important? Why do you need the frame? Why do you need the outside.
Anyway, that same chapter of Galatians Galatians chapter five verse one says,
for freedom, Christ has set us free, stand firm therefore, and do not submit
again to the yoke of slavery. When you have the boundary of one person, there's
actually complete freedom in that. And it's not the freedom that you're thinking
of. It's the freedom to be fully known to take all your stuff. See, Jesus knew
every sin that you would ever commit and you know, his response left. Jesus
knows every bad thing that you've ever done and says that's not gonna change my
love for you. Isn't that freedom? The freedom are not to pretend the freedom not
to feel shame and guilt, the freedom to feel accepted, secured, safe, to fully
know and to be fully known. Isn't that what we're longing for? That's what God's
created in healthy relationships that comes from knowing Him for all the single
people in the room sh gone run fully after God. And at some point look up and
see who's running with. You don't sacrifice your faith for someone lesser not
worth it for those dating or married. Married Levi Lesco put it this way. He
says, even if you're married, you've been married for years, you better date
your spouse, you better date your mate. Otherwise the devil will find someone to
do it for you. You gotta keep pursuing, keep loving because if you set up the
healthy God ordained boundaries of what it means to have a meaningful loving
relationship, a loving marriage that is going to be the greatest expression you
can ever have and the greatest experience that you will have of the gospel. So
the last thing here is that where, how do we apply this, John, I already told
you at the beginning. I'm not a puzzle person, so I don't know what to do with
this. Let me just give you one truth that you can start this week. Ok. Healthy
relationships, treasure, intentional, memorable experiences, healthy
relationships, treasure, intentional, memorable experiences doesn't mean
expensive, just intentional and memorable. So help you remember, it actually
spells the word time, treasure, intentional, memorable experiences. Can you take
an intentional moment with your spouse or child or friend? Maybe it's reading a
story at bedtime. It was having a conversation in the car ride, maybe it's
having a family meal with no phones. What can you do to show intentional
memorable experiences and share those together? Because love could also be
spelled time. Can you spend time with that spouse and enter that time? Not with
trying to get something from them? But instead I already have what I need from
God. So I'm gonna enter with, what can I give if you change that mindset
mindset, it'll change everything and transform your empowered relationship.
Let's pray dear heavenly Father Goddess. The band comes up here and we get ready
to sing to you. I wanna lift up the relationships in the room. For God those who
are single, I pray that they can find their security, their identity and you,
for those that are dating God, I pray that they can pursue the healthy pieces of
a healthy relationship. And God, for those who are married, I pray that we can
continue to sacrifice and to serve and to put the needs of one another ahead of
our own. Now, the purpose of marriage is a picture of the Gospel. It's my prayer
that we can show the world what healthy, thriving marriage relationship can look
like, but how we love you and how we love each other. Thank you for taking our
Brokenness for giving us. So God as two broken people come together, I pray that
we can be honest and open and then we can use you as the model for how to love
one another. We love you. God, thank you for loving us. It's in your sins. Let
me pray.