In this series on the book of Psalms, Pastor Jon Kragel and others explore the raw, honest emotions that come with life’s highs and lows—offering wisdom for navigating everything from joy and gratitude to fear, heartbreak, and discouragement. Through these talks, you’ll discover how to find courage in dark seasons, build rock-solid faith in uncertain times, and experience God’s presence in both the chaos and calm. Whether you’re feeling broken, searching for purpose, or simply needing a fresh perspective, this series will help you connect deeply with God’s heart and find hope through every chapter of your life.
When All Is Said and Done : Psalm 150 (July 28, 2024, 2:25 p.m. )
Prayer is the path to praise. Today, as we wrap up our series through Psalms, pastor Jon Kragel preaches through Psalm 150 and the meaning of "hallelujah." For those who believe in Christ, all prayer eventually ends in praise. The conclusion of the Psalms should give us encouragement for every season of our life, knowing that when all is said and done, we will be standing before God shouting, "Praise the Lord."
Dealing with Discouragement : Psalm 42, 43 (July 21, 2024, 3:45 p.m. )
If you've ever felt like your tears have been your only companion, or found yourself asking, "Where is my God?", you're not alone. Today, we'll explore the journey of a discouraged worship leader who faced a crisis of confidence and faith. Together, we'll uncover powerful lessons on dealing with discouragement, debunk common myths, and learn that it's okay to voice our pain to God.
A Song to Sing : Psalm 62 (July 14, 2024, 3:36 p.m. )
We live in a world that teaches you to rely upon everything and everyone but the God who made you. But what if we truly believed that God was our rock and foundation not only for our faith, but also for our daily lives? Today, pastor Dan King will be preaching from Psalm 62, teaching us how to have spiritual reliance that only comes from God.
The Attributes of God : Psalm 139:1-16 (July 7, 2024, 3:29 p.m. )
Psalm 139:1-16 not only speaks to the value of life, but also speaks to the value and attributes of the One who gives us life – God. Today, we continue our series through Psalms, as Jim Kragel teaches through 4 powerful and valuable attributes of God that will help you understand life as we know it.
Rock-Solid Faith : Psalm 110, 118 (June 30, 2024, 4:46 p.m. )
Signs have significance when they point to something (or someone) greater than themselves. Although written 1,000 years prior, did you know that Psalms 110 and 118 point directly to Jesus? Jesus truly is our authority, our salvation, and our foundation. Today, as we continue our series, Summer in the Psalms, pastor Jon Kragel teaches through the most quoted and referenced Psalms in the New Testament. In our uncertain and unstable world, we can have certainty and security in Jesus.
What to Do When You Feel Broken : Psalm 51 (June 23, 2024, 1:57 p.m. )
What do you do when you feel broken? How do you handle sin, sorrow, sadness, and suffering? Today, pastor Jon Kragel teaches through a tool that has helped believers process difficult times for thousands of years, the practice of lament. Lament is a prayer in pain that leads to trust, and today, we'll discuss David's prayer of lament found in Psalm 51.
Courage in a Cave : Psalm 34 (June 16, 2024, 3:27 p.m. )
God's goodness is greater than your crisis. Join us as we unpack Psalm 34, one of the greatest praise psalms in the Bible that was written in one of the most unlikely places. Today, as we continue our series through the Psalms, pastor Jon Kragel shares how worship is possible in every situation and how worship truly is a response to God's goodness. Did you know that Psalm 34 is connected to Jesus, Paul, and Peter? Join us today to learn how.
The Blessed Life : Psalm 1 (June 9, 2024, 4 p.m. )
Are you searching for a life that is truly blessed and deeply rooted in something eternal? Join us as we explore "The Blessed Life" through Psalm 1 with pastor Jon Kragel. Discover how immersing yourself in God's Word can provide fruit in due season, stability in all seasons, and prosperity over the long haul of life. Join as we discuss the key that unlocks the blessed life.
Lyrics for Life : Psalm (June 2, 2024, 3:15 p.m. )
Whether you're looking for comfort, guidance, or a way to enrich your spiritual journey, the Psalms provide profound insights. Today, pastor Jon Kragel will share an introduction to the greatest music album of all time, sharing how the Psalms helps us experience God in everyday life. Join us to see how these sacred songs can transform your daily life and bring you closer to glorifying and enjoying God forever.#SummerPsalms