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Your Greatest Decision : Joshua 24 (June 25, 2023, 3:14 p.m. )


Choosing God can change the direction of your life. Today, as we finish our series, Joshua, pastor Jon Kragel shares the 3 practical ways to choose God on a daily basis as we study Joshua’s final charge to the people of Israel found in Joshua chapter 24.

The Journey to Jericho : Joshua 6 (June 18, 2023, 5:40 p.m. )


Worship is giving all you have to whom or what you value most. Today, as we celebrate our first Sunday in our new location, pastor Jon Kragel shares how worship is a weapon and a walk that will help you win spiritual battles in your life. Today's message is entitled, "The Journey to Jericho," lessons from Joshua chapter 6.

Be Strong & Courageous : Joshua 1:6-11 (June 11, 2023, 7:21 p.m. )


What does it mean to be strong and courageous? Today, as we continue our series, Joshua: Choose This Day, pastor Jon Kragel shares how courage is a calling, a choice, and a command. As we prepare to transition into our new church facility, we'll be discussing how Joshua prepared the people of God for the Promised Land. (Joshua 1:6-11)

Preparation in the Desert : Joshua 1: 1-5 (June 4, 2023, 5:51 p.m. )


Past experience prepares you for present obedience. As we prepare to make the largest transition in our church's history, we're discussing the largest transition in Israel's history. In week one of our new series, pastor Jon Kragel shares the context and background to the central figure of the transition, Joshua.